Kamala Harris says she supports adding third gender option to federal IDs

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Sen. Kamala Harris said that she supports placing a third gender option on federal identification cards and documents, bolstering her record on LGBT issues

Sen. Kamala Harris said Tuesday that she supports placing a third gender option on federal identification cards and documents, bolstering her record on LGBTQ issues.

Harris was asked about adding a third gender option during an event at Keene State College in New Hampshire. “Sure,” she replied.Harris — a product of the San Francisco Bay Area with a long record on LGBTQ rights, including refusing to defend a ban on same-sex marriage as attorney general of California — used the question to denounce what she described as rising hate in America.

At the town hall, she criticized the Trump administration’s efforts to ban transgender troops from the military, saying she approaches the issue from a human and civil rights perspective. “These are people who have decided they are willing to sacrifice and serve for the sake of our democracy and freedom, and you’re going to kick them out of the military?” she said.

Harris is not the first 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to be asked about adding a nonbinary gender marker to federal IDs and documents. In February, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said she supported moving toward a practice nationwide that’s already in place in states such as New Jersey and Oregon.


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Pandering to the audience.

why would this be an issue..it biology gang...read the books.

Of course, she has hahaha. What a joke!

Anything for a vote they will answer yes to all kinds of dumb ideas

Sure for now. Not sure tomorrow.KamalaHarris DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica

Now all she has to do is invent a third gender.

And ask 'what age do you best accociate yourself with?'

top-down solution that only gives the state greater power to hurt people on the margins... why do we have gender on IDs in the first place?

How about a 4th

Pathetic human being . Good God .

Climate Change = It's Science. Genders = Science is wrong. So are you with science or against it? Can't be both.

What would the third gender ID be?

Super thoughtful and strategic by the sounds of it.



Sure! If you want to be a dog or a rock is your freedom to do it! But don't try to use your blue pencil to erase my thoughts!

These stupid Democrats will say anything if they think it will get them a vote..

In the English, the non-gender or neutral gender definitive pronoun is 'it.'

I was for Harris. After her “I think we need to have that discussion” answer (more than once) at the town hall and now this....not anymore. That being said, if she is the nominee, she has my vote.

Third gender: Dumbcrat

Candidates will promise everything to win.

You could say anything to these presidential candidates and they will agree with the risk of someone being mad.

Kamala Harris what would that gender be? X. Y. Z. or something else?

What’s wrong with this picture people are they saying sure to everything and hoping to get votes no matter what or are they not able to make a decision to not offend anyone! How can you lead the world.

Bigot. There are WAY more than that

M- Male F- Female N- Not Sure

A step back question: why in Hell is gender on federal ID's?

Why not all 83 genders?

Kamala just made herself the sworn enemy of LGBTQ communities everywhere. Everyone knows there are no less than 35 genders. Saying you want only 3 options on federal IDs is backwards and ignorant.

Thats why, what should be a robust candidacy is labouring. She cannot go forward. Because she don't stand for anything. All of last year I thought that I was going to support her. But you cannot win the Presidency running the way she is. To win the you must have convictions.

Sure, as soon as medical science identifies one.

Pandered. Because she is so far behind in the polls she is keeping her opinions open. Plus, the DNC haven’t yet thrown Biden and Sander’s under the bus. She will surface as they all get closer to the 2020 elections.

Continued lunacy ! The leftist socialist candidates must try to out stupid each other.

'Sure' as in 'of course', or 'sure' as in 'yeah, right'

Adding a 3rd when there are only 2 genders? 2 genders, look it up, it’s been scientifically proven.

'Sure' that was very Presidential - maybe we should discuss it?

Senator Kamala has my vote for President Kamala in 2020 !

Does she say no to anything?

Ever notice she just latches on to everyone else’s ideas? And then finds out they suck and retreats. Can’t get a straight answer from her.

Has she ever said “No” to any liberal idea?

We already have a 3rdGender ? Men, Women and Stupid People ...

What federal ID’s? What’s she talking about?

It's called pandering and that's what all the Democrats are doing today. They have no platform, and they have to way to counter all the President's successes. The party is fast becoming a joke.

Where's the harm?

“Men” “Women” “Other”?

Your insane

I’m not ok with a third gender, come on, that’s bullshit. We are each one of two whether you accept that fact or not.

5th too for people who think they are a goat

The general election ads are being made as we speak. The Dems are completely insane.

It could be 'Stupid'

Who votes for these idiots. Oh yeah.! The weak-minded snowflakes

I am so confused

But there is only two ?

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