Justice Department says it mistakenly emailed link to white nationalist website

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Justice Dept. says an email sent to immigration court employees this week should not have included a link to a white nationalist website.

The blog post “directly attacks sitting immigration judges with racial and ethnically tinged slurs,” the immigration judges' union complained in a letter to DOJ that was obtained by Buzzfeed. “Publication and dissemination of a white supremacist, anti-Semitic website throughout the EOIR is antithetical to the goals and ideals of the Department of Justice,” the letter said.

NBC News has not independently obtained the letter or the email, but the Justice Department's Executive Office of Immigration Review acknowledged there had been a mistake. “The daily EOIR morning news briefings are compiled by a contractor and the blog post should not have been included," EOIR assistant press secretary Kathryn Mattingly said in a statement to NBC."The Department of Justice condemns Anti-Semitism in the strongest terms.”widely viewed as anti-Semitic when he told reporters that Jews who vote for Democrats are"very disloyal to Jewish people and very disloyal to Israel.


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Mistakenly. Yeah right. Barry should be in prison.

“Mistakenly”? Mistakenly? Mistakenly? Ya gotta be kidding! This is the DOJ under Barr? Mueller Report spin, Epstein suicide, now this? Good grief! Americans cannot allow this trump/Barr amateur hour to continue!

You think?

Old news

'Attorney General Barr did not condone sharing a white supremacy link. The AG has made it clear that it's at least TWO white supremacist links at a time or why even bother?'

Demonic democrats trying to steer the pot. Using the fake news nbc. Go figure. SEMPER FIDELIS


Did trump mistakenly watch Real Time with Bill Maher again this past Friday

Find out who did this as part of the deep state and terminate their employment.


There is a difference when someone speak out against Israel and when someone says to kill or harm jewish people. For the slower crowd the latter is anti-semitism. Speaking against a corrupt govt is not.

Do anyone real believe anything Bill Barr says?



“Mistakenly” or accidentally?!

“Ooops. We meant to include the secret handshake too.”

Why did they even have the link in the first place? Good to know what the employees do on their coffee break

Duh, it was a mistake get over it and report on unbiased pertinent matters

The mistake they are embarrassed about is that Barr’s and Trump’s DoJ got caught.

It’s hard not to be suspicious of this administration. I mean, just how could something like that even by accident. And with the recent racial shootings in El Paso? I just don’t accept their excuse.

It was not a mistake. They purposely left it in. Then the apology after the backlash.

TheJusticeDept has no credibility under Barr and is an enemy of the American people. SundayMorning SundayThoughts VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

Opps. That was only supposed to be sent to trump and miller.

The swamp has not gone away but taken over by a different kind of croc: albino crocs that seek to preserve their own population.

We see the machinations of the Department of Justice and look back at the charges Minister Farrakhan made of the Department, and find they are valid.

Just amazed at the amount of human garbage that now has sway within our government. Shows how low the GOP will go.

I've never accidentally done that in my email, I'd say there is close to a zero percent chance that was a mistake.

Ya think?

Someone should lose his/her job on the spot for this.

The fact that they have to come out and say this is horrifying

Justice is as compromised as the presidency.

Since it did, though, it shows once again who these people Trump has really are

Sorry, not credible. Calling bs. Justice comprised as badly as the presidency.

Ya think

Oops! Freudian sip!

Barr is a lying SOB that email was sent out on purpose who are they trying to kid

No report on this Guy ? via MailOnline

This is another instance Barr stands behind trump and his racist immigration movement by faking that this was a mistake to send this nationalist website to immigration court employees because I think he did.

😏 right...

Antifa working overtime

Innocent mistake, happens to everyone 🙄

Just trying to normalize white supremacy. Oops!

True thinking what behind the scenes being said, not intended for public eyes to see. or be read. Being caught in a lie is embarrassing to some, others just s bump in the road that can be easily explained away. Topping on the cake, one lie after another, just another normal day

WTF, another Trump croney out of control sending offensive emails.

When you give an unfit person the position of Attorney General bad things start to happen, and happen with more frequency. Since Putin is the real President, please SendBillBarrToSiberia

What part of a contractor sent it out do you not understand? I bet the contractor is no longer used as this was obviously meant to make certain people look bad. Everyone is a racist these days aren’t they?


Who sent it out? * (SES) was formed in 1979 by JimmyCarter then in Jan1980 he installed SES in the CIA * Since 1979 yearly avg was 1,100 * BarackObama hired (7,000 permanent career) Senior Executive Service (SES) employees of 8,156 in 75 agencies just before leaving office

They never change their stripes. Was there a link to order their white hoods as well? AnyoneButTrump2020

............ how

Oh, the extremist Justice department is showing their roots.

A ‘mistake’, eh?

It was very “swagger” of you🙄

White Nationslist are in the White House, most cabinet temps, and trumps advisors. This was no accident mailing to government employees, they spreading the word they are In charge.

Hahaha caught red handed. Johnny Johnny yes papa....,no papa....

How ignorant is this guy to not have something read predistribution this guy has got no business running that big an organization

Mistake my foot 😏

Buuuut...it did.

You could say that, yes, it should not ..

DOJ STATEMENT: we are sorry that we included the presidents website in the email sent out.

No kidding, but the question is why did it contain the link.

Furryducky Oof.

Masters of the obvious! Daaaa!!

Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds? Renault: I am shocked- shocked- to find that gambling is going on in here! Croupier: [hands Renault money] Your winnings, sir. Renault: [to croupier] Oh, thank you very much. [announcing to the room] Everybody out at once!

Yah think? The question is, why did it?

Why did they have the link in the first place? You buying their story ?

OK, but no one is going address the fact that they had the link handy, right? :)

No shit. They’re supposed to keep it hidden


Ya think?

The just Judgement lays in the hands of God. To seek the just Judgement is the work of human Judicacry. Humans error as long as they kill.

Lol yeah okay. Me: hey dad I sent you a link to an article about the origins of brisket; dad: hey you sent me a link to the kkk website. They got a sale.

Bill Barr keeping too many browser windows open and forgetting what's copied to his clipboard.

‘should not’ ? 😂do u really believe a gov. Dept. made up of thousands of people would really make such a ‘mistake’ ? 😂


Thought that was what the boss wanted though.

The level of stupidity is staggering.


That was for internal use only?

It's a whoopsie we've all made. No biggie, bro.


This is news.🙄

That's hilarious. Can they just call themselves what they are already....

Right...and I've got a unicorn in my closet.

Milking that cow that doesn’t exist. Devisive is you


No joke

Ya think?

Why not? It came from Trump administration

Hahahaha holy shit! 🙈

Sure it was a mistake

You think?

Sneaky asses...they do it until they’re caught and then lie their way out of it!! Just disgusting...Shameful!

Barr: It was no accident that your email included a link to a white supremacy website. Aren’t you in charge? You either have no idea what’s happening at Justice, or you OK’d the email. You should resign. Actually, you should be removed.

It’s only a “mistake “ after you get caught. It’s probably a site that trump visits often.

'should not have included a link to a white nationalist website' ya think? Though on the other end of the scale, it's sort of a refreshing honesty...

Dangchick1 barr is a whitesupremacist

Dangchick1 Lee Harvey Oswald says that Texas Governor John Connolly was not intended to receive a bullet

4seasonspix Correct, they sent it to the wrong mailing list. It was supposed to go to trump voters.


Dangchick1 But it did...


That was Barr's stamp of authority informing everyone who is in charge now.

Are you surprised He is just as bad as Trump is. This should cost the AG his job or if he had any self-respect he would resign!

To late! Cows are out of the barn!

Thanks for clarifying.

Sounds like when Trump was trying to correct the (I don’t see why it wouldn’t be Russia)

Not a mistake ... it’s what the little toadie Barr does as trump’s lap dog. 😡

No shit

But it did !

🙄🙄🙄🙄 Really? What else can the Captains Obvious at the DOJ throw at us?

Is that Barr’s personal website?!

I doubt it was a mistake

I am really to the point where I am starting to believe that I will die in an internment camp. I am a USA born US Army Veteran. But, I feel like my opposition to McConnell/Trump and the FasGOPCists may cost me my life. I’m not giving in to these criminals!

Nah, they probably meant to send it

There was no mistake, this is the new DOJ under the leadership of BarrTheShyster with approval of NoShowRomney, you know the fella who ran for President as a friend to the Latino community.

AG William Barr is protecting Trump & it’s very clear that Barr was hired for that reason they are all Putin’s Puppets & will do anything for 💰💰💰💰and Power they like the GOP Members Have Sold Their souls to the Devil 👿

Ya think?

Well it appears that attorney GenerL and trump DOJ are white Nationalist

Not a ‘mistake’, someone included it deliberately.

Mistakenly? Right, just like the nazis accidentally built death camps.

That was supposed to be an internal White House email, sorry ‘bout that

YA THINK!?!?!?

yeah it shouldn’t but it did

Come on.... seriously 🤔🤭🤫😶

Yeah ok..

I keep telling yall why barr protects the grand wizard.

No shit.

So how the fuck did it happen

Wonder why NBC doesn't run a picture of Adam Schiff, always got to be a Republican. SMFH LandSlide2020


This was intentional we all know that.

Well it is understandable since his ass stays on their websites when he is not being Trumps protector

I checked out the so called 'White Supremacist' site. It didn't look like any sort of neonazi site. It didn't see anything that referenced racist ideas. It's seemed common sense.


Yeah right. And they mistakenly took the cameras out of Epstein's cell. I wonder if Barr remembers all the lies he's told since the Iran-Contra affair.

Oh you think?


Justice Department lies.

Aw fer...! Can we just reboot this damned government? Seriously. I would not be surprised if after the G7 next week it will be the G6.

Trump's justice department are showing their true colors, White Nationalist.

Look at Barr's face. Reeks of honesty

Ya... right

What’s the opposite of a deep state? superficial state? If so, this is it.

TrumpisPedofile Was any part of the message appropriate to send?

Not a mistake!!!

Mistakenly? Yea right!

How the hell do you *mistakenly* attach a link to a white nationalist website in an email?

This just keeps getting darker! Our American is being destroyed


A mistake😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Mistakenly- is that another word for ooops!,we got caught!

You don't say. Doesn't the predictive text work based on frequently used words?

Who sent it?

There is going to have to be an entirely separate history book for this period of time. There’s just no way a chapter or two would be able to cover all the details. And you really need to know all the little things to understand what we are going thru right now.

And thats was a WhiteNationalist “miracle”? What’s happening in USA? Barr must resign! He’s complicit with TheChosenOne ! CRAZY

And who exactly was this link supposed to go to then? And who was looking at a white supremacy site on gov computers that we pay for? The whole “DOJ” accidentally sent it out? All at the same time? Or is the one person who had easy access to this link going to be called out ?

So....what if... This was a machiavellian ploy to delegitimize the DOJ, so when they come for the crooks.....just a thought in this f'd up administration

Ihearbyorder AG Barr to Resign

Ooops I always make that mistake

Proof that clipboard management is not a skill they teach at DOJ. 'I see you're writing an email. Would you like some help?' swamp

No shit

Obviously it should not have happened. But it did. What are the consequences Why or how sis this happen

Gee, ya think?

It’s a white nationalist regime, so.... loweringtheBarr RacistInChief IllegitimatePresident

Yes, it exposed what we already were aware of. There are White Nationalists in the DOJ. The same ones who falsely accused good and honorable servants of wrongdoing they were actually perpetuating themselves. Classic fascist behaviour. BarrResign


not a mistake. professional don't make that kind of mistake.

We now have a white nationalist government. ImpeachTrump

PurpleEggsNHam Better to ask forgiveness than ask permission.

WTF: Barr herds the DOJ, trump herds Barr... well I don’t know 🤔


So “oops” is the official response?

So it was included because.....? Barrresign

IsraeliPM thoughts sweetie? Is anyone going to get banned from entering Israeli for this? Or are you going to show your hypocrisy?

buffypolitics Oopsie...

DaftErroneous The DOJ says they condemn Anti-Semitism in the strongest possible terms... Oh really? If you believe that lying fiend running the DOJ, then I have a bridge AND prime swampland available for sale. 🤦‍♀️

Seriously ~ this kind of mistake is unconscionable. Hell who proofed the email before it was sent out. Sounds like someone higher in rank should be preached or fired! Like BARR

Mistakes? They are trained not to make mistakes.

That is no accident. BillBarr is trash

Evil irony personified.

Yeah right

No it should not have, but it did. Oops. WhiteSupremacists

kikibobbi I thought you had to actually place a link in an email unless it was part of your signature? Auto links - hmmm?

The United states government is run by neo nazis headed by Donald Trump

Corrupt, unpatriotic, un-American 🤦‍♀️😑

Keystone Kops !?!? What utter BS

poohsbrana Why would they have such a website link so conveniently on hand when sending out emails to employees?

And why did it just happen to? Really.... Racism is no accident for this administration. Hate has no place here. We'll see you out.

No mistake

Mistake? Yeah right.😑

Mistake? Or got caught!

This was no mistake.

barryonash Also admitted it shouldn't have assisted Epstein's suicide

Sounds like somseone inside the administration is trying to make them look bad

Oh really..........😳

The DOJ has been taken over by white supremacists. The AG is covering up crimes by the president, the NRA, & obstructing justice.

Ya think?!

GOPCrimeFamily GOPRacists

Yeah right....When pigs fly..mistake my foot..

This was not a mistake. This is what we’ve become under Donnie Underpants realDonaldTrump

It was a feature not a bug.

It's like sending a link to 'and being like, ohhh how'd that get in there? That wasn't supposed to happen.... This administration, i tell ya.... sheeeesh

why isn’t something being done about this quack

You believe that

Dishonest AG & screwing every agency with blessings from WH.

Sure it didn’t, Bill, sure it didn’t. 😉

Who does these SNAFU's? It starts with poor oversight from the top!

Well, isn't that nice?

Pick out anything but the issue at hand, I don't care if included a recipe for chicken soup IllegalImmigrants are breaking our immigration laws and should be detained and deported. MakeAmericaGreatAgain


Get out of our government

Lock him up!

Oh really!?!? How in the hell have we allowed this and why have we continued to allow this. At best they are inept and at worst, they’re monsters.

Our government has been hijacked and our DOJ is abetting the theft. Barr must pay dearly for this treason.


Ya think! What the heck is going on over there?

🤦‍♂️That’s all I can say

I didn’t mean to not pull out and now we have donny.

I accidentally sent you racist propaganda. Oh, no.

AG Barr doing realDonaldTrump bidding. Does he know about IRS whistleblower reporting Trump interference in tax audits for the White House? Does Fred Flintstone with glasses AG Barr have any comment about that? TrumpCoverUp TrumpCorrupt IllegitimateAG FlintstoneBarr

Weird how that happened

Remember when this used to happen during the Obama administration?

Obviously it’s standard procedure and someone forgot to remove the link.

Ya think

WTF is happening?!


Really because it seem a Nazi newsletter would be something this regime likes

Haha big mistake

By accident, or by design?

This is nuts

realDonaldTrump and GOP are anti semitics!

DOJPH how sloppy are you? You apology is also lame?

Despicable no good pieces of shit! That’s crap! They knew exactly what they were doing.

Holy WTF


This is a old white man running scared. Let them, then let them rally. Then arrest everyone there. Problem sorted. They’re that stupid you can gaurantee they think we’d be joking. Lock them all up. 😎🇬🇧👳🏾‍♀️

How do you accidentally send a link to a white nationalist website? First, don’t you have to have access to one?

AnitaWarren2 No kidding

What? How does this happen?

So why was the link there to start with?

We all know trump is a white nationalists. He has said so himself. So this wasnt a mistake. The mistake was that it was made public.

How do you accidentally link to such a site?

r0g3rd4y Ya think

So they demand loyalty from Jewish people on TV, and work behind the scene to spread nazi ideology. Jewish Americans aren't stupid, you know.

No shit

What they should have said... 'Holy crap, how the hell did that sit get there!' But they didn't. 'Cause, they knew.

It is becoming very dangerous for Jews, Hispanics & anyone else who does not fit the white christian profile. Its upsetting to see this happening in USA

Duh. And yet it did.


Yes they accidentally on purpose sent this email.

wow... time to clean up the justice department and fire Barr!

Sure...right...look at realDonaldTrump who is the WhiteSupremacistInChief.

Where is the outrage. Where is the investigation into who attached the link. VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

really? you think?

Yeah, accidentally. NFW

What? Email to immigration court employees. What other links are routinely included? Weird.

RosemarieBrown3 I am terrified.

A mistake that must not, cannot happen at that place! It’s like Hupo Boss sending a porn website link... Does anybody have any control over America? Who do you trust upholding the Constitution if not the Justice Dept.? Crazy. Crazy. Crazy.

'mistakenly,' FOH

It's out in the open now. It can't be withdrawn. This administration is completely unfit and needs to be wiped out of every corner of power. Every appointment, every selection, every supporter. Gone.

White supremacy seems to be the foundation of this administration, also the glue that binds them all together.

Bill Barr - go away!

The Justice Department that supports a White Supremacist and allows Children to be kept in CONCENTRATION CAMPS? Right. Tell me another LIE. They ARE The Nationalists!

Seems more House Cleaning is needed .

No shit it shouldn’t have...

The first bit of honesty from Barr’s Justice Department. They are advancing a White Nationalist agenda and there is no point pretending it is antything else.

Stephen Miller did that shit on purpose.



Uh, ya think?

'Mistakenly'. 😉😉

You think?

No shit, Sherlock. DOJ, maybe next time read your emails before you hit 'send'.

🤣🤣🤣 ya think!

Just a mistake is that what you’re saying Barr I believe you like trump isn’t a racist right

What else is new?

Oh, duh!

A ice move Barr just a mistake right

Mistake? 'my eye' french expression for I do not believe it

Let’s see the link?

Ya think?

From the highest office of Justice!

These are not mistakes at all. This guy has to go. BarrTraitor


Somehow I think it was intentional?

Are you kidding me!!


No surprise there!!

Lies it was deliberate intimidation by a nazi administration

That was no accident.

this is nazi germany all over again!

For your enjoyment

A 'mistake' the Justice Department 'says'-- WITH the untrustworthy Billy Boy Barr in charge, baaing like the GOP sheep?! Ha! Oh... Please! As if the fuckin Titanic sinking to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was 'fake news'?! GTFOHWTBS!!!

At the very least The DOJ is following in the incompetent footsteps of the Executive branch. Pathetic GOP


MeAndMyFerrets Bunch of liars


Trump hates American Jews, and I beleive this is an early step to them targeting us. How could this have ever happened? Why isn’t this contractor fired already DOJPH?

Bullshit...caught red handed

Sure 😉😉

What a dispicable male. Barr and his brother Donnie need to go!

'mistakenly' ? Come on!

The new world

And head should roll, starting from the TOP like Barr who made some idiot think it’s ok

I mean.. Wtf?

Reason he is called General Cover-up

Really, that what pathological Liars say when they get caught!!!

Mistake ? Sure it was Racist T-rump .


What would Freud say?


Is that clarification or confirmation that it is illegal to belong to a White Nationalist Movement


Why even worry about it Barr supports Their actions Deeds so why should we worry about it is boss probably is sitting The White House and just loving all of the white supremacists

Makes sense... white nationalists run the DOJ now. Probably always been there... 🤔🤔🤔... like law enforcement, the court system, the medical field, etc etc... infiltration yearsinthemaking

Bill Barr, here as part of the toy story 3 cast

It’s what Barr believes. Barr is a white nationalist.

HoustonsNewNews Hey gop Here’s something else you can pretend the Trump Administration didn’t just do while you pretend to give a crap about antisemitism. ReaganBattalion marcorubio tedcruz senatemajldr GOPLeader RandPaul SenatorCollins MittRomney SenMcSallyAZ

Who was this pro Israel President ?

And here we are SenatorCollins , this is YOU!

NOT TheOnion

Mission accomplished; once again Trump and his admin sent the message they wanted sent to white nationalists. Then take it back & claim it was an 'accident.' Wink, wink, nod, nod.

He’s right! It should not have. But IT DID. On his watch. It’s one eff-up after another with these people. Or it’s intentional. Then they get called out, and back peddle. They are horrible people.

How does one mistakenly include a link, much less one to a white nationalist site?

no of course not. let's find an intern to fire. pffft.

Ya think?

Yea, probably not. Also: totally a coincidence Miller—who worked for Sessions—is a big supporter of Brimelow, founder of VDare.

Like it was a fopaw......😤

White supremacist. Not ntnlst.

This really can't get any worse. They don't care that everyone sees what's going on.

No shit


So who were they supposed to send the link to

This guy. Makes Dick Chaney look solid.

No shit?

Always confusing those CC lists you “justice department” boys. Keep that good stuff internal.

Uh huh



Freudian slip is what we call it.

'The Nazi propaganda was meant for internal use only. We apologize.'

When they show you who they are, believe them.

After the fact, once it’s already out there. Barr is a total fraud. HE should be impeached. Nothing happens he doesn’t know about. And trump complains about a deep state. It’s as is he is always projecting.

john01932 But it did. Any other corporate entity would be sued mightily for this 'transgression'.

kikibobbi Ya THINK?

Doubt it was a mistake. Just the kind of thing Barr would insist on.

Excuse me? What?


The only mistake was that it became public knowledge. Everything else was by design.

Mistake? Sure....

ememwilson123 Ya think?

Ya think? WTAF?

Ya think?

Oops is that like a Freudian slip kind of thing🤔

“Accidentally” - hahahahahahahahaha 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤥🤥🤥🤥

_michaelbrooks Ya think?!

But, you know, that's just how the Trump administration rolls. Right, Bill? TrumpIsAWhiteSupremacist

Oh sure.🤷🏽‍♀️


How do we stop this? Really? Congress is not doing anything so what can a typical American do to change this government now? This cannot be allowed to persist. Period.

Uhhh...this does not just happen.

Aw, they got caught being white nationalists.

Bill Barr is a fucking embarassment.

PeggyMaslowski No billy, you shouldn't have done that.

Stephie1945 No shit it shouldn't have been sent. 🤔

“Mistakenly” racist


Typical RacistInChief tactic. Say, tweet or email a WhiteSupremacist message then say it was a mistake.

Barr needs to RESIGN. If True is now promoting Racism. I don't hold it pass him. Barr needs to resign anyways.

This not the America taught to us in school! This is not my America. I'm ashamed of our govt! The one's who claimed our govt was oppressive ARE THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE DESTROYED OUR GOVT. We need leaders for the people, not power hungry bigoted bastards

Rowdypeacock This is absolute insanity.

Like the rest of the Trump admin. A bunch of clowns

Sounds like the DOJ is still infested with left-wing swampy creatures. All it takes is one lefty zealot to make something like this happen.

it seems the agenda of this administration is to disseminate right wing ideologies, by any means necessary. How can the DOJ with so many smart professionals, say it mistakenly include a link to a white nationalist website in its document? It does not add up.

Just when you think they can’t f—ed up anymore!

Barrs a white supremacist, should resign or be fired

Sometimes I accidently misspell, transpose letters or use the wrong domain level (.com instead of .org) when I send links but I have a hunch they sent the right link to the wrong people. Probably thought they were using their white nationalist list instead of the general list.

Doh! Sometimes their white hoods fall off by accident

Why would we believe anything that the Justice Department has to say about condemning hatred given the fact that it’s the governing philosophy of the Trump administration?🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

HeyNikki1 Ya think?

But it did, didn't it? And Lying Trump is not a racist. Right.

Also, “No shit.”

Which means whoever sent it was surfing his fave white nationalist site at work. Hell, maybe it's an official job resource there at the DOJ now.

Oh of course!! I hate it when that just happens out of the blue and it’s the white nationalist website. Happens to me all the time! You, too?

“Mistakenly”. Riiiiiiiight.

You don’t say

It should not have, but it did! 🤷🏽‍♀️

But it did.

Bull shit that was done on purpose

Accidental WhiteSupremacy

Ya think?

pixburghgrrl Ya think...

Translation: That link wasn't for the whole group, just senior management

racheline_m Was the spokesman who sent that out named Captain Obvious? The question is why it was sent, not whether it should have been.

So the software automatically deleted it?

The Anti-Semitic Game played by Israel

This is sad.

michikokakutani Incredible, on at least two levels.

DOJ AG needs to go. Too much happening on his watch

Is this what “winning” is like?


D’ya think?

I’m not even going to read the whole article. We just need to take power away from these pricks.

Yeah ok

DOOH!!! busted.

Everything is a stunt.

Is anyone really surprised? I mean, c'mon, the president thinks he's Jesus for fucks sake

Yeah, the only mistake was typing the link in. It didn't just appear? morons

I'm sorry but, it was an honest mistake, just doesn't cut it. Somethings not rotten in Denmark. It's rotten in Washington DC.

You are traitors, DOJ has turned on our country. This is Trump's America he has got to be put out of office.

Funny that it wasn’t a site of anything decent...

I figured it was their new letter head

_michaelbrooks But it did.

Accidentally my ass

Here’s the link to the vdare post


How does anyone mistakenly do that? Think about that?



_michaelbrooks How is going to a website, highlighting the link, copying the link, going to your email, clicking compose, selecting the immigration court employees contacts, filling out the subject line, composing the email, pasting the link, clicking send.....a mistake?

DOJ only sorry it got caught sending ink to a white nationalist website. After all, according to Donald Trump, white nationalists are fine people, and keep in mind that unlike say—many judges, most women, Muslims, Hispanics, educated people, even Jews—they are loyal to HIM. QED

This whole administration is a car accident and the world is burning every drop of leaking gasoline.

Than why was it? Where did it come from? Who did it? I'm starting to think TheRickWilson is gonna need to write another book EverythingBarrTouchesDies

jesskutil This is surely not an accident


Ya think....


Duh. So who didn’t do their job?

I'm thinking you shouldn't be looking up white supremacist websites on your work computer. Then you don't need to worry about copy/paste errors when you send work emails.

So why did it

Someone pressed ctrl-v thinking they were posting to their favorite Facebook group.


We are run by horrors

whoops I accidentally included the 14 words as my email signature


Mistakenly... right...

The point:.....The Dept of Justice has a link to a white Nationalist website & sents them emails!!!?!!!?

How does one accidentally send a white nationalist blog from their DOJ email account? Wrong bookmark?

Mickeygw1 (Nudge nudge, wink wink)


michikokakutani Is this a Freudian or David Dukian slip

The memo was written by Justice Department spokesman and former Stormfront contributor....

Why? This is what has become of the Barr Department of InJustice.

Whoopsee Sorry bout that folks! Bill Barr, the wizard of oz That email was a veiled threat. Against the law to do that sort of thing is it not

michikokakutani Slippery slope between anti immigration/white nationalism and on to white supremacy.

Why was someone on the site to begin with? So, their computers are not safe. They can be hacked. What a scary thought.

Doing a lil oopsie by purchasing Mein Kampf for all of my loved ones for christmas


Oh, wow ...

Freudian slip....



Ah. But it did.

Well, no kidding. I think they meant they didn't mean to get caught.

And Obama sent billions in the dead of night to Iran...

zelietown Sure. We all believe this.


Hahahaha accidentally?

Why was it?

Jeez, ya think, Bill? The entire Trump administration is taking the whole 'White House' moniker too literally.

dancindoti Of course. We understand completely. We're all sitting around wondering out loud, 'Gee, now, how the heck would THAT have happened? It's not as though anyone in this administration has ties to white nationalists or anything.'

ChrisMegerian Well they were meant for someone thou.

hierroyluz Did the DOJ issue a sternly worded press release condemning the conduct and pledging to hold those responsible to account? (Kidding, of course not.)

ChrisMegerian Ya think?

ChrisMegerian oh shucks TheBestPeople

randypcox Gee.....you just 'happened' to do that?

dancindoti No shit? ImpeachBarr

Great leadership under Barr.

WTF?!?! How about whoever had that crap on their computer gets fired? OUR tax dollars are clearly getting used for bullcrap propaganda.



we know! now tell us why you even had it.

Oops the truth always leaks out. We know you.

Well that is interesting!

mjohnso27 Notice there's no mention of ...i dunno... firing the supposed contractor who sent the email that they had absolutely nothing to do with and definitely don't approve of.

Can’t unring a bell

No, It did NOT. the DOJPH done that with intent. that was all part of the realDonaldTrump team

disturbing games of this administration!!!

It wasn’t a mistake

Let’s all call BS


anblanx Really

How did this happen RacistGOP

Internal use only?


Every time I think they can’t set the Barr any lower.

Only the best people 👍

Nope, intentional. Shady criminals, the lot of them. TrumpIsARacist TrumpIsAWhiteNationalist VoteThemAllOut resist realDonaldTrump

How in heaven’s eff does this happen?

r8dr4lfe75 But it did!


Make no mistake, this wasn’t a mistake

Dear Attorney General William Barr: Why are TheJusticeDept personnel spending their time on white supremacy websites - and why are they doing so at work while on JusticeDept computers?

Barr is a POS

r8dr4lfe75 That was no mistake. Really.


Right - plz

Ya think?

Those people are sick..

Never mind spelling it out for you, let me draw you a picture!

Oops! Total mistake. Happens to everyone.

I've had a number of jobs over my lifetime, a lot of correspondence, and emails. Never, ever had any of them at any time, in any capacity ever accidentally included links to white nationalist websites, or materials. That's not an accident.



Of course they did. It’s a trump administration. Nothing but conspiracy theories and white nationalists.

Mistakenly Really?

Let’s mistakenly vote the grand wizard out so this won’t happen again

If you believe this was an honest mistake by Trump's and Barr's DOJ please send $1 via PayPol to youvegot2beffingkiddingme. com

That happens to me all the time...

Ya think! Sadly, I'm not buying that it was an accident.

There are no mistakes at that level. They knew what they were conveying. Why are there any links? Hmmmm?

That was no mistake!Amerikka.


this is NBC's way of avoiding the Democrats and how much they hate Jews

You can't make this stuff up!

Mistakenly ?

Now we have proof of who these people are and what they believe in and support.


CLRo777 You know, if I did this, even by mistake, I'd be worried about getting fired. What would possess them to send a link like that to begin with

The DOJ promoting white nationalist website? No wonder why white nationalist feels so emboldened. Cover from the White-nationalist-in-Chief & his sycophants. Sick! splcenter ACLU UN TheBlackCaucus shaunking HispanicCaucus blackvoices

This shit is getting ridiculous. Trump needs to go!

scuds57 This is a CORRUPT AG

Because, you know, who doesn’t include a link to a white nationalist website in an email every now and then? Resist We made a deck of playing cards. Trump is the Ace of ♠️ KnowYourDeplorables

CatLoverCares From Bill Barr email account? 😏

Turn colors showing

What? Someone still has a job?

Yeah, ooops. It was supposed to include the secret handshake too.


Try reading the story folks. Not the intentional devisive header. Of which liberals couldn’t resist. We see you fake news.

So then.....why did it?

Get Barr the F out!

DOJ has been compromised.

Oh really?

Riiiiiiiiigggghhhtttt.......SURE they do.....

But it did - why did it? AGWilliamBarr

Assume that pushing the 'send' button was a mistake, but what about the decision to look at the site on a government computer and think it was okay to embed it in a draft of an email before hitting send?

You mean the 'DEPARTMENTOF JOKES', Get it 'RIGHT' for Once


Lol the fuck is going lately

How does that even happen?

MxTolvo 'DOJ apologizes for getting caught being blatantly white supremacist'

there is no bottom for this pernicious administration, just horror after horror, scandal after scandal and the American people paying the price.

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