Justice Clarence Thomas breaks three-year silence in Mississippi case about racial bias in jury selection

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The 70-year-old conservative justice, a 28-year veteran of the high court, almost always sits silent while his eight colleagues pepper lawyers with questions.

Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/03/20/justice-clarence-thomas-speaks-race-bias-jury-selection-supreme-court/3222942002/.

Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/03/20/justice-clarence-thomas-speaks-race-bias-jury-selection-supreme-court/3222942002/


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But why? Why doesn’t he speak? Is he being paid to be quiet, is my first thought? 3 years! This is strange behavior

Typical that when Thomas finally speaks up after three years with nothing to say it's to take up for a White racist prosecutor who tried an African-American man 6 times for the same murder but never once allowed an African-American to sit on any of the defendent's juries.

Clarence Thomas is the epitome of self hate. Full stop.

Should have remained silent. Asking to imply and insert that the other side did the same. When the pool they struck from was probably all one race because the state had filthy hands in making it so. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Hello Uncle Thomas. Glad to see you're back at it.

I’d trade a Thomas retirement for Breyer & Ginsberg stepping down. I doubt would ever promote that theory. MAGA Trump2020

Have we 👂 heard JusticeGinsburg’s voice from the bench since her return from her cancer surgery? We’ve not even seen a recent, verifiable video or photo of her since the illness....

Advocate: '...to let a state execute a four-year-old..' Thomas:. Zzzzzzzzzz.. Advocate: '..cutting open immigrants to steal their organs..' Thomas: Zzzzzzzzzz.. Advocate: 'If this case were about pornography..' Thomas:. Zzz.. wait... wait, what's this now?

He's completely useless. A horrible replacement for the Honorable Thurgood Marshall.

The racism from Democrats and jealous black liberals are showing on here. I don't like Clarence Thomas, but show some respect that he is a Supreme Court justice.


Is that normal not to ask any questions? Apparently for him, but I mean normally? It seems to me that I’d prefer someone who asks some clarifying questions.

Good he spoke up this time but he needs to retire. Get all those old people out of there!!

This is why we need term limits in all branches and sectors of the Government. He's a waste of my tax money.

We need more supreme court justices and enough is enough with putting a rapist in a supreme court

But why tho?


Term limits would be cool

What kind of justice can sit on cases and not have a question for 3 years... what's wrong with that picture?

Of course he is silent. He is apparently hoping that people will forget Anita Hill.

Cue the racist liberal comments. The same racist liberals who have been screaming and crying about JudgeJeanine all week. WayneDupreeShow

Two ears, one mouth. God bless Justice Thomas. AMERICAN Treasure. USA

Did he finally wake up?

The token finally opens his mouth to serve it's despicable purpose.

You mean Thomas doesn’t see issues of race as a precursor to disproportionate jury selection in Capitol murder cases? GTFOOH You mean he see’s their makeup as “a jury of the defendants peers?” GoFigure 2 of the conservative SCOTUS survived sexual abuse scandals! He’s 1.

ClarenceThomas is a male bed wench.

The problem is not that Justice Thomas is incurious (although he IS, becuz his close pal Rush Limbaugh has taught him all he needs to know). Rather, Clarence has difficulty forming a question. He always gets tripped up by should/shall would/will. That's VERY frustrating!

And what was Ginsburg doing during this?

Thanks 41 for Clarence! What a legacy he will leave!

Yes but did Ginsburg ask any questions?

This country is so fucked up. Term limits, everywhere. How can 80 year old people relate to the modern world? I mean, they can, but do you think these untouchable fucks do? No way.

How TF you sitting on the Supreme Court & not asked a question for 3yrs? What kind of BS is this

CT, here is a beautiful man with a brilliant mind who happens tb black, you would think the dems left libs would embrace him but not, why you asked, simply because he is a 'conservative', they are a total FRAUD, sorry papitos amigos snowflakes copitos de nieve, but is true...

Isn't oral arguments the time allotted for the LAWYERS to make their case? I think it is great he doesn't interrupt or interject, the lawyers are limited to a certain amount of time & that is it.

Justice Thomas..

SCOTUS Clarence Thomas cares so little, invests so little, ask, “What’s the LEAST I have to do here?”... just sit! Today, he spoke a couple of words on a slam-dunk, unforgivable miscarriage of justice, the ruin of a life...case. CLARENCE FINALLY SPOKE! Still can’t drink Coke.

'Walmart employee finally does his job and cleans bathroom, first time in 3 years.' It's about time, but it's not newsworthy.

Winter is coming

The best Justice on the bench.

When your token ‘don’t use past racism to justify bad behavior’ guy is smelling ‘let’s use fear of reverse-racism to get away with opportunistic bigotry’ you know we all done fucked up. FailMammon to us all. 😔

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