Julie Swetnick Makes Allegations Against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh

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Third woman accuses Kavanaugh of misconduct, alleges he helped spike drinks at high-school parties and engaged in inappropriate contact with women

Source: Education Headlines (educationheadlines.net)


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so she WATCHED HIM SPIKE THESE DRINKS... but then STUCK AROUND ANYWAY or am i reading this wrong?

I am confused 🤷‍♀️ let’s annualize this.. Women mixing with men at party’s drinking and dressing inappropriate are crying victim 30 years later at party’s they participated in and claim that men are what?Please explain?In Jewish law women are taught to dress and act modestly🤕

The guy has a serious drinking problem at the very least

There were times when young girls video tape themselves to videos like girls gone wild and now ther r lawyers doctors mothers and PTA presidents. Now we have men and women stating stuff that happened 36 yrs ago. Something is wrong with the process.

This is a women who went to parties 10 times where gang rapes were occurring and then became a victim herself. Hmm. Someone needs to take a closer look at her and her finances to see if she has recently became debt free. Just saying

Ah I guess as you get older you gain a sense of morale responsibility really should have spoken up in the 80s or afraid you’d be cut from the partying group

When did our judicial system rely on quantity versus quality of an accusation? This isn't the Salem witch trials, where you only had to be in the bad graces of the town to be burned at the stake. So far there isn't a single corroborator, no evidence, nothing - except accusations

Could you please report a little background on accuser? Like about restraining orders for threatening ex boyfriend and family? Or the fact she is apparently only human being in the world who attended 10 separate gang rape parties and never reported any of it to anyone!

Inappropriate contact is a pretty gentle way of saying gang rape. Can you imagine a black man of being accused of inappropriate contact? No you can't.

LOL....Who's next? Or whatever. ..


And she was in college going to multiple parties with minors even though she knew the girls were being drugged and raped. Justice should be served for slander and allegations.

And you want the FBI to investigate again. Really

So..he was involved in multiple drug induced rape ring yet no credible evidence. Investigated by the FBI several times. Held highest clearance in the country. Yet 4 days before nomination to SC all these witnesses remember. I call smear campaign

I don't know what to make of the gold lining under her eyes. A little too much preparation to conceal what rot?

“Misconduct” ... “inappropriate contact” ... not really the terms you’re looking for here.

Did I have sex with you too?

In high school? You have either an amazing memory or you’re a damn liar.

This must be costing some anti Trump billionaire a fortune! All the future legal fees (After perjury charges), lost wages, travel expenses...WOW!

Thank you for coming forward. You are extremely courageous. Millions believe you

Money makes memories come back.

Nobody gives a crap about high school....

So she went to 10 high school “rape parties” as a college student where she was also raped and did nothing for 36 years? Ah’ ok....

It seems all 3 accuses suddenly remembered at the same time almost after 36 years 😀 Dems think people are also stupid like them & can't see through their web of lies 😝

We have to hear the full story. She is saying there were about 10 House Parties. Was she aware of these things going on from the beginning or did she only become aware at party number 10? That's what I'm assuming because otherwise why would you continue to go to these parties?

Does anyone die if this Supreme Court nominee confirmation is delayed? Where is the fair/due process? Buck up GOP. You can do better!

Ironic that Cosby, the beloved TV father-figure, is now going to jail while Kavanaugh will become a Supreme Court judge after a day of phoney hearing without proper investigation. Is a Supreme Court judge above the law and cannot be charged? What if he is really guilty?

Any form of force to obtain sex or any other behaviour is bullying and must be seen contritely as so. The use of force is what we must educate the next generation of politicians about. The use of force is a punishable offence by law. What is bullying. The use of force is.

We’re supposed to ‘respect’ the fact that Trump won the electoral college vote and became President and respect him as such but we won’t receive the same respect for any of the people WE elected to represent US in DC. Explain to me how that works?

Third? Isn't that stretching it a bit? So what is "misconduct" and since when did "spiking a drink" become a crime?

I do not believe them. Anyone can make any allegation of anything. If he isn’t nominated, I hope he will sue for slander!

Queue your sister network, FoxNews viciously attacking her and defending Kavanaugh. I’m sure Murdoch already has WSJ writing a smear opinion piece.

And what she said she "witnessed" she never reported to school or police, or even tried to interfere when she WITNESSED boys drugging drinks to rape women ? JudgeJeanine seanhannity IngrahamAngle IngrahamAngle MichaelAvenatti

Alleges he spiked drinks so that women could be gang raped! Stop softballing this horrific crime.


How much did the creepy porn lawyer pay her? Is this the same woman he offered 75k and promised she’d be a National hero if she lied? Nothing from Avanati’s mouth is true.

Bye bye Brett. It’s time to choose based on righteousness, not 4 an agenda which clearly Trump selected him t/b his puppet & try to reverse Roe vs. Wade. That kind of trickery is unbecoming of a president. Start acting like a president who does right thing for all people. potus


Doesn't surprise me. If he did it to one woman and got by with it you know there are others.

😂 they decided to win by number of liars. Could i ever imagine this mess in the US...

It's unbelievable that these women would come out just for party reasons to slander a good man it's disgraceful they will do anything in life if they do that

. Did she say she was a witness or the Engineer? If anything we need laws that protect accusers and accused.


That story is ridiculous. She supposedly knew of it happening but went to other parties w/ same people, then witnessed it happening & didn't stop it or report; but then went to ANOTHER party w/ same people? Circus DumbestStoryEver ConfirmKavanaugh LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

StopKavanaugh : Many reasons to consider GOP organized crime. Investigate, prosecute, Boycott and VOTE to expel Trump / GOP mafia crooks. EXPEL criminal coverup participants, sexism, misogyny, bigotry, racism, climate deniers, polluter mafia, corporate criminals, kleptocrats

Liar Liar Liar

Time for DNC operative 3 to step up and take one for the blue team

Lol.. USA.. High school.

gee, could this be related to the cosby story

Oh brother. If you’re a former American frat boy just chuck your political ambitions. And heaven forbid that you ever work for the same company with former classmates.

This story is awesome I think I read it in penthouse forum one timeThx avenatti for bringing a ridiculous claim and bringing down all woman who may have credible claims maybe this woman will be sitting in jail like Nikki yovino who falsely accused men of rape.Where's Al sharpton

Drugging women and gang raping them is ‘inappropriate’? Who reads the ?

Mounting. Won't get to 19 victims, probably.

The desperation has set the Dems out of control... determined to destroy Judge Kavanaugh


Kavanaugh Looks like Caligula compared to Clinton and the magical disappearing cigar. The wilfully ignorant Trump fools will never admit this even though they know Kavanaugh is a piece of shit. They'll pay for this by losing the Senate in November.

What about investigating Schumer’s having sexual relations with teenage boys at 72nd Street station in 1986?

For the Democrats are working hard to try to get Kevin all out but it's not going to work with these Liars

Sad really. The Trump and all of Trump’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The old white GOP men have one thing in common. They all agree sexual misconduct is okay. Do they have syphilis ? They are falling and they know it. The walls come crumbling down.

It's called rape WSJ.

So are you guys still sticking with that victim blaming op ed from yesterday or no?

She is so foolish. Doesn't she understand the repercussions of these lies? Her home, family and life will fall apart. Total destruction.

Kavanaugh should go to jail...not to the SC.

Ladies Night Specials: Kavanaugh Punch + Cosbypolitans GOP

This guys goose is so cooked but he doesn’t seem to realize it yet. They always say they “aren’t going anywhere” right before they are forced by public pressure to go

If Kavanaw (deliberately misspelled) if a friend of and rabidly supported by DJ Tramp and ASSociates, he is completely untrustworthy and has quite possibly done far worse things than are coming to light now.

If our standards are that drunk high school boys never make advances, there wont be any men in power.

Did he ever rape someone that wasn’t a raging liberal?

Must be a 750,000 dollar statement!

Calling gang rape 'misconduct' is a new low for your biased reporting.

Do you think if they hold the vote Friday, he will be confirmed. If not then I say go ahead and vote.

Say Rape, sexual assault...SAY IT!!


Absolutely revolting that the GOP, in particular realDonaldTrump senatemajldr & ChuckGrassley, are pushing through this perverted reprobate, Brett Kavanaugh! He deserves to be in prison--NOT sitting on the SCOTUS! This cannot be allowed to stand! NO! ENOUGH! SenFeinstein

These allegations are not just “misconduct”, it is the most vile, lewd, abhorrent behavior possible. Rapes, gang rapes, groping, fondling, spiking drinks with pills or liquor is not mere misconduct it is pre-planned, disgusting & ILLEGAL. Please report it as such.

She did not allege "inappropriate contact." She alleged "gang rape." Does the WSJ style guide refer to stabbing allegations as "inappropriate cutlery use"? FFS.

Why wouldn’t she come forth years ago. Ever think that at the time this woman maybe wanted to have gang sex w a bunch of guys and now regrets it?

Rich white men don't commit rape, they "engage in inappropriate contact with women."

What she is saying is horrifying!! Republicans, Grassley, stop this charade and stop this nominee from going forward!! This will stain our country and the highest court of the Land! This man is not worth going through all this pain and embarrassment!!

Whole lot of suspicious things in all this timing ways dems held on to it till last minute now more of it all spaced out. But none ever reported to law enforcement sounds like bs to me

Inappropriate contact?! Did you not read it all the way through? She accused him of gang rape!

"Inappropriate contact…" Ok…

just think the damage these neo-liberal bitches are doing to women who are the real victims of crime. The neo-liberal fascists will stop at nothing until they get their way aided and abetted by MSM.

Julie Swetnick doesn't identify: 1) anyone else at these parties 2) the victims who were "gang raped" 3) the "gang rapists" It's like they don't want this to be corroborated. Kavanaugh Swetnick ConJob

OMG how elementary are women presenting themselves, this is childish.

She doesn’t accuse him of anything. She never witnessed him do anything lmao. Everything she says is based off what she “heard” This is your bombshell? Someone that doesn’t even accuse him of anything?

It is time to move on from BK. It’s time to figure out how to empower victims to come forward timely and not wait years to report. Our culture has a huge problem and we need to start fixing it while we tweet about it. It starts in homes with conversations. What else can we do?

GANG RAPE is not “inappropriate behavior”!

Enough just vote. Her lawyer is a psychopath.

Do u need a judge like him sitting in highest court of the land?

And so he will go home while Cosby goes to jail.....and those women KNEW why they were meeting wth Cosby...those young girls didn't make appointments with Kavanaugh!

For those who view Kavanaugh as a choir boy & those who view him as a frat boy, guess what This is not a huge gap - there is no gap. He was BOTH concurrently. Please just take a look at what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Catholic Church.🤔Not the least bit surprising.

Perfect timing from MichaelAvenatti the creepy porn lawyer. Can’t wait until someone starts looking into his past.

She might be correct-because she could be collaborator


Oh my God he spiked drinks at a party , describe inappropriate it was ok for Dean wormers daughter. Did it have a little wang in it , and the hits just keep on coming

Consider the source and his chronic quest for publicity. Credibility’s of this latest claim highly suspect.

3rd woman.... What a joke Avenatti & these accusers are! All liers!!! Just like CNN.

Oh come on. You have got to be kidding. confirmkavanaugh

He warned the GOP not to sleep on him!

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And this was merely the beginning of his career.

So did we all, hell yea love the 80's

That's it? What a complete and utter joke. Avenatti needs to be disbarred.

Shit gets worse and worse every day

Nobody (other than Dem SoyCucks and Crazy Feminists) believe this scumbag Avenatti. His clients may pay a heavy price when this is all over and Kavanaugh is confirmed. ConfirmKavanaughNow

Amazing how all these stories are decades old. Too old to obtain objective evidence but enough to tarnish a reputation. I am done. As a woman this whole thing disgusts me.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaahahjahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha is hilarious - Congrats on your hard work Dems hahahahhahahahababbahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaah

Inappropriate contact was euphemism for GANG RAPE

It seems Avenatti is serious abt running for POTUS in 2020 with this & other recent PR stunts, but USA is tired of this kind of opportunists men who wants to con citizens into voting for them, so they can get a free Ego-Trip 👿😠👎

I’ll give this the 24 hr rule. Gang rape? There best be a police report on this. I grew up in same era.

Didn’t he already have his 15 minutes? Time to VOTE!!!

"Inapproropriate contact" is brushing your hand against a woman's breast when she doesn't want you to. Getting girls drunk and taking part in gang rapes is, well, rape. I know you're in the GOP's pocket, but surely there's some journalistic integrity left in there somewhere.

You forgot “gang rape” in your article description. Don’t sugarcoat this.

The minute the human storm drain, .MichaelAvenatti got involved, it proves that all of these “accusations” are lies. His “gang rape” allegation is designed to shock and outrage. That’s it... StripMallLawyer Basta

Uncle Sam needs to include "how to ask for it" in the school curriculum.

(singing) "For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out..."

But look at him. He looks so innocent and kind. He goes to church. He’s successful and has a loving family. So there’s no way he could have done all that stuff.


We must educate our children, friends, & community. We must put this toxic behavior in our past and move forward. If you see this Behavior you must report it immediately because waiting only makes things worse. Do the right thing. julieswetnick

Don't believe the hype...follow the Soros moneytrail

a_fly_guy Gang rape = misconduct? Do you have a daughter or wife? What is wrong w u

"Targeting"? As in wanting to talk to, dance with, kiss, hold hands, touch, grope, screw. So in other words, Kavanaugh was a teenage male heterosexual. Get a rope.

Wsj...please dont ruin your reputation jumping into dirty politics..falling off the cliff like new york times and cnn...save your jobs,careers and industry by staying professional...at most...make an editorial after the coming events....stay neutral....avenatti is a joke

Just wondering.... isn’t Bill Clinton the poster boy for sexual misconduct. That was ok though, it’s just sex.

williamlegate “Inappropriate contact” = Gang Rape.

I have talked to 11 pornstars who will testify Michael A. likes a goldenShower. Hope he decides to run for office.

This woman came to him; she is more credible than any misogynistic creep on this thread! I'm so happy to see women coming to be heard and speaking the truth, this was too important to let go!

Press attention for Avanetti seems to be an addiction. He needs to find help.

Evidence anyone? ...

But it wasn’t on his calendar.

But he's a virgin and a choir boy

LOL, what a joke! creepypornlawyer

With Justice Kavanaugh it’s all about preventing any conservative nominee, period - the perpetrators actually care nothing about sexual abuse - in fact it makes a mockery of its seriousness

Avenatti your 15 minutes of fame has expired.

Oh please, fantasy is evident not believeable

Lol this is absolutely comical

So Julie Swetnick was the high school version of Stormy Daniels? She was a free pornstar? I find these revelations to be less than credible but since she went to so many of the these parties ALONE she is not a victim.

Haha men who act holly Christians are the worst of all

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