Judge: US must free migrant children from family detention

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A federal judge has ordered the release of children held with their parents in U.S. immigration jails, and has denounced the Trump administration’s prolonged detention of families during the coronavirus pandemic.

Gee oversees a long-running court settlement governing the U.S. government’s treatment of immigrant children known as the Flores agreement. Her order does not directly apply to the parents detained with their children.when ICE officials unexpectedly asked them who could take their children if the adults remained detained, according to lawyers for the families. The agency said then it was conducting a “routine parole review consistent with the law” and Gee’s previous orders.

— including a child who turned 2 this week — were placed in isolation after two private contractors and an ICE official tested positive for the virus.Amy Maldonado, an attorney who works with detained families, said Gee “clearly recognized that the government is not willing to protect the health and safety of the children, which is their obligation.”


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When Germany did the same thing to Jews during the Holocaust, we helped liberate them. NOW - Trump has human beings in squalor concentration-camp filthy conditions in America. Where is our humanity? Who will care enough to bombard the gates and set those human beings free?

With no guardian? Moot?

I hope it is appealed.Send them back where they came from.

Is FoxNewsSunday foxnewsalert foxnewsradio foxnewsnight foxnewsdesk foxnews FoxNewsMMR FoxNewsPhotos going to be silent too? Doesn't FoxNews always proclaim their patriotism? What is more patriotic than standing up against TraitorTrump TraitorInChief ?

Tell the judge to pound sand! Executive Order!

What about the parents? Where are the kids gonna go?

I would like all illegals held at the border to be deported. We are in a health crisis and I don’t think we should have to worry about them at this time.

And where do they go? To the camps for the children WITHOUT their parents?

We can free them back into the country they came from. Legal is legal, right is right, wrong is wrong. Abide by the laws of the US and they would not be in the situation to begin with. It's really simple. It's a slap in the face to LEGAL immigrants who are here.

As a Christian I'm against that

Thank goodness someone finally made sense of a awful process

Freedom___1776 Taking bets. How many childish tweets will the President post due to this decision?


Then send them back to their home country.

Good. It’s time law officials stand up to this evil man and stop bowing to his every whim. I don’t understand why people are sick of this sicko and his shenanigans. He’s sent straight from hell. Send him back.



The children alone?

I thought the idiots were AGAINST family separation. Does this not call FOR family separation?

release them to where ? To this judge’s home city ? If not, why is he making decisions for others who never volunteered to take these illegals in?

Wait... separating family's at the border... is good now?

These federal judges are getting out of hand.

I remember when Obama/Biden did this while libs brunched

I wonder how many are still alive

all of the childern in cages started with Obama but ppl soon for get that every president has said same things Trump did about illegals but because Trump said it is wrong so Trump should have said lets keep em and the dems would say how it wrong to send them back home...smh


Just the children? Where will they go. I agree they should be released but with their parents...🤔

Just a liberal judge!

CatholicNewsSvc Catholic news service retreated this !?AP will not bring the truth of how many millions of babies of all cultures were saved by Trump defunding racist violent Planned Parenthood.!where is this justice & mercyCNScatholics r not a tool of Marxist mobs

maggieNYT FLOTUS BeBest


CatholicNewsSvc Great but these kids should be restored to their families and not sent out to the “religious” sponsors

Agreed. Send them back home.

They shouldn’t come here in the first place.

Yes finally!!!!!!!

maggieNYT But they are not friends of the president—Roger Stone is.

I do not know who is right in making self interest decisions, ZANU PF or the decisions aimed at cutting freedom for people or Government. This is further proof that rights aren't protected in decisions that distort government efforts - its not measured against individuals.

Release them into Mexico if we can't hold them here then.



Thank God

Why are we putting these families in jails? Some of these kids have been locked up for 6+ months. As young as 2 years old. Shameful.

About time too

America is the world's most ruthless regime...

Sounds so simple. It ain't!

2 yrs too late

Headline is misleading. The condition applies only to children that are detained with their parent. This is also only at a few detention centers. This does nothing for children that are separated from their parents. Those kids are being raped and trafficked 🤬🙏🏿

KOMODeskFolk The continued failure of the FloresConsentDecree to actually allow our Immigration laws to be enforced. EnforceActualWrittenLaws


The parents illegally cross the border with children and it’s trumps fault? How about when they were detained during the Democratic god Obama was president? Forgot about that?

Probably Released right into the hands of child trafficking liberal social workers.

Wow only took FOREVER. If our systems have to delay justice to deliver justice at all then they aren’t THAT just. “Justice delayed is justice denied”

What about the children that being held without their parents? This is a tragedy.


Where are the kids going to go? Are they going to deport them without their parents?

DCampbell8899 That didn't take long. Justice moves way too slowly.

Bunker boy rage tweets in 3....2...

Takes time to establish family. Many lie and use this as a human smuggling tool.

It's about damn time.

A long-awaited, well-deserved, way overdue victory. Thank God for his Mercies.

This should have happened way before the pandemic hit.

Pretty sure they are safer there than anywhere else.

the children released, but not their parents? or the entire families?

js07073 FINALLY! Now find out how much it cost and who exactly profitted from this travesty?

Release them in Mexico......😐

MFisher1274 Good but I Hope they're still alive.



What if they are actually not their parents?


So after all this, just going to release children who may be carriers of the virus into the public? These camels hairs are getting heavy.

So to everyone out there if you rob a bank with your kids you will be let out of jail

They have no clue where most of the parents are. Didn't they report that they lost 1,000 kids not long ago? How do you lose kids? They are not white so....

Release them to Mexico!!!!

Send them home

Send them home.

TrumpIsLosing more and more everyday. Courts are finally opening their eyes! Unfortunately they cannot stop the spread of TrumpVirus

maggieNYT These poor babies need their parents with them!! This is more trauma for everyone!!!

maggieNYT Q) Is this how Trump plans to increase his Hispanic base? By locking Hispanic children in dungeons, and then throwing away the key?

FowlerSarah Let the federal judge go and enforce his order.

RosieM1919 That’s great news! But don’t forget trumps pattern of appealing everything to SCOTUS. He’ll do it.

Deport them immediately

Suck it MAGA douchebags

AwardsDaily They released convicted felons before children! Honestly the lack of information disturbs me. Now come the stories of what has been happening behind the walls. What will the spin be?

So the judge is ordering the families to be split up.

Send them home

maggieNYT Finally. Thank you.

Just imagine if realDonaldTrump didn’t secure our borders and let 100,000 people a month come across the border each month. This pandemic proves protecting your borders are important.

Send them back to where they came from.

I agree, we should definitely release them back to their country of origin.

why were they there in the first place? They’re children.

send the kids back to mexico in compliace with the remain in mexico policy

Saddest part is that they knowingly come in droves to these filthy american cages. Their own socialist countries cant even give them basic needs/safety from cartels, so its a lesser of two evils.

About damn time.

Release children & place them with pedophiles. Hell no!

About time. This was one of many atrocities committed by Donald Trump and his disgusting administration.

Don't release to Betsy Devos' 'adoption centers'!


maggieNYT Great, but let’s see if it happens

Why did it take this long?




Only good news we've had today.

Why not release their parents too

They were safer there

So, the judge has ordered the government to separate children from their parents? I thought that was a bad thing


Geneva Convention, do your thing.

maggieNYT they can go back to their country


USArmy USNavy USNationalGuard usairforce USMC USCG Russia reportedly paid Taliban-linked militants bounty money to kill American troops realDonaldTrump knew in March. He said NOTHING! JoeBiden SpeakerPelosi

maggieNYT 👏👏👏👏👏❤️

Judicial Branch doing its job

Where was that judge when Obama had the idea to put children in cages!!! Was Obama accountable for it? The double standard is unbelievable!!!!


maggieNYT Good. An absolute travesty that should land folks in jail. Pathetic weasels.

took fuckin long enough to finally get children out of concentration camps.

There is no way this administration handles this correctly and I fear these children will end up in the wrong hands.

The DEVIL you say!!?

Long overdue. If people like Manafort & Cohen can get released from prison, why the heck are kids being kept in cages?!!!

again? Trump just ignores these things..

Republicans will one day be called to account for their unconscionable cruelty -- tearing children from their mothers' arms... To be a Republican in the age of Trump is to be a monster.

We should do the same thing to the Europeans who migrated here and their relatives.

I hope this actually happens!!! This has been a crime against humanity!!


Just put god damn masks on all of them, we good? Send them HOME

They are nothing short of concentration camps.

Hoo boy Trump isnt gonna like this Do we expect late night tweets or will they be tomorrow?

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