Judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition in email flap

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United States Headlines News

A federal judge has ordered Hillary Clinton to sit for a sworn deposition for the first time in connection with her use of a private email account during her State Department tenure

A federal judge has ordered former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to sit for a sworn deposition for the first time in connection with her use of a private email account during her State Department tenure.Monday in connection with a five-and-a-half-year-old Freedom of Information Act lawsuit the conservative group Judicial Watch filed seeking emails related to the deadly 2012 attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya.

However, Lamberth said in his ruling Monday that the FBI probe and representations by the State Department have not adequately put to rest questions about the episode and Clinton's deposition is needed to address those concerns. "Even years after the FBI investigation, the slow trickle of new emails has yet to be explained," Lamberth wrote. He blasted Clinton's prior answers given in response to another judge's order as "incomplete, unhelpful, or cursory, at best."


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FIRST time?! Give me a break. We’ve been around this horse so many times, it’s head looks like it’s ass.

Let’s see if she has to use a “walker - Zimmer frame” to get into this inquiry?

Seriously? Haven't we heard nothing found here enough?

‘Shrillary’ Will wear them down w her rolling commentary on trumpeter and Russians shafting her. Take a cushion you’ll be sitting for a long time

GREAT news HillaryClinton ! TickTock

Well darn she’s not going to win the election now. Oh wait....

The judge is a long time legal spareing partner of Clinton’s staff; a State Department critic; has been critical of other gov’t agencies; anti stem cell research; Texan.

This has to be abusive and/or illegal to keep hounding someone like this!?!

awsomeblox I am not a dictator Trump fan but I say - Lock Her Up! And stop putting her in the headlines. I'm tired of seeing her face!

Yet another distraction from trumpslies butheremails

realDonaldTrump defied legal subpoenas. Why should she obey any court order?


Ok let's be honest this is suspiciously before the election, they have had 4 years.


You have got to be kidding! This woman has been harassed ENOUGH!

Yes, exactly what I've been waiting for

This gone be trump and his kids in 5 years. They been using What’s App.


gees..let go

. Obviously Billy Barr has a revenge hit list .

. Ok so I'm assuming the ENTIRE trump administration will also be there to answer for their use? TrumpNotFitForOffice .

Won’t happen, judge will ‘commit suicide’ in the near future. Wait for it.


This man's got balls. Trump should nominate him to the Supreme Court!

Just play by the republicans rules and ignore it.

JFC, she has got to be the most subpoenaed person in America at this point.

She better appeal, stall whatever the F she has to do. Don’t SHOW UP. This is insane, compulsive, mad vindictiveness.

Idiots don’t realize she’s not running.

Not gonna happen

What utter BS Trump is president and he uses an unsecured cell phone and so does his daughter and son-in-law and they use apps that can be erased and Trump has had some of his phone calls put in secure archives data bases because of his sheer incompetence and corruption

Please!!! She doesn't have time for stupidities.

More codswallop.



I did not have sex....with those 33000 emails!


Poor Hill. No legacy or moral conscience. Be quiet now old lady

Inb4 federal judge goes missing

Can’t wait to see the results of this!

WTF... can’t the judge just review the many hours of Congressional hearings? Plus, this would definitely open the path to all of Trump’s people who did the same. 🤦‍♀️

Why ?

🙄 You’ve got IvankaTrump and her hubby using WhatsApp, but Hillary’s emails again.

Awesome! She can tell us “What Happened”.

This is not an official Trump administration lawsuit, but one brought by ultraconservative Judicial Watch group, stemming from their 'witchhunt' FOIA litigation. Should be similar FOIA requests made for Trump WH officials!


It’s been too long coming but thank goodness! JW needs to make sure she answers the questions & not plead the fifth which she is an e pert at. This corrupt woman needs to answer to the American people.

Vengeance is His, He is using the people (judges) Amen 🙏

Why was Trump not asked questions about lying about his relationships and payoffs? Bill Clinton was crucified for lying about a woman. Now they are still going after Hillary Clinton. Tabloid fodder. ridiculous

HillaryClinton please just say you don’t recall to every question and maybe BarackObama will state executive privilege. Play their game.

Oh ffs

As most folks witnessed, HillaryClinton very..... capable of speaking for 11 hrs. NOTING TO SEE HEAR & SHE'S BEEN CLEARED. MOVE ON & CHECK OUT HER NEW PODCAST. 😁

Ridiculous. Does Judicial Watch plan to go after Ivanka and Jared for their use of private emails?

Well then, WHY can't judge make pres.hump show his tax forms Come on get the he'll off her back.she did not become president.

Hillary derangement syndrome. On Steroids.

She should just ignore that - everybody else on the GOP side has. 🤷‍♀️

It's about damned time. Now once they indict her and convict her …...SENTENCE her to the jail time they do any one else...…….Flynn ring a bell? Stop giving them a get out of jail free card!

How is this still a thing?

I say after Trump and GOP are in jail

Are you allowed to say Go f… yourself under oath? Asking for a fried, too.

Now do Ivanka for her use of a private email account.

The current Administration has proven that there are no consequences to ignoring subpoenas and court orders so she should just thumb her nose at the whole cabal/KLAN Fu:k um

hdbiker52fl Hey snowflakes, it's a question of using personal email for classified information. None of the people you whiners are talking about has ever destroyed evidence by taking a hammer to their cell phones or bleached their severs hard drive. Wake up. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW !

More distraction by the Trump administration. Could someone remind him that HillaryClinton isn't running.

Ivanka and Jared next please...ButHerEmails TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison TrumpCrimeSyndicate

hdbiker52fl I wonder if there's any chance she ends up in Epstein's cell where he didn't commit suicide ?

Hopefully she will decline and claim executive privilege.

Hillary should refuse.

I thought the DOJ dropped the case? So any judge can attack a private citizen?

Ignore them and tell them you will not give in to this hoax or wich hunt!

About Time Americans are sick of all the Dems getting away with everything and anything they want!!

At this point Hillary should be able to charge them all with stalking and harassment. LeaveHillaryAlone

Can we have that phone call conversation now between Trump and the Ukraine? Who cares about freaking emails?

And the trump advisors will be next?

So should Democrat’s get used to this once Trump’s lawyer’s and his judge Kavanaugh get up to speed?

francesme HRC won’t get off by saying “I can’t remember “ evidence suggests otherwise!

Maybe this is the final “promise”, the last deal to seal, to feed his ravenous zombie base before November.

Can she just ignore this. Is that process not the norm now?

Does Ivanka get held accountable for the very same private email use? Or Trump for all the public info he hides on that super classifiserver?

With all that's going on right now they're worrying about this dead-horse non-issue?

You’re kidding?!?!?


Don’t comply

What bullshit. She testified for 11 hours about her emails. Now another distraction while Rome burns.

When are they going to give up on always trying to get at Hillary Clinton,expecially with what is going on in the Whitehouse right now with Trump completely turning the rule of law upside down!


So are they going to make Ivan’s sit also.

There’ll be a long queue waiting for their turn headed by Potus and Kushner

Just refuse........cite trumps administration as a source. Claim executive privilege.

Why should she?. No one in Trump world does.

About time

Nearly the entire Trump admin, including Trump, is using private email and devices. Hillary isn’t even in power anymore. More wasted tax dollars.

I believe this is a distraction from super Tuesday and to put our minds somewhere else than being united!

Not just a private email account. it was a complete total email system, including other users. From a security perspective, Comey testified she would have likely been more secure using gmail.

Seriously? Now that the Republicans have let him know he can do anything he wants he is doing just that. Using the power of his office to punish he political enemies. Well SenSusanCollins does that sound like he “learned his lesson”? Way to do your job.

Will Ivanka be deposed and sitting next to her for using the exact same thing?

HillaryClinton DO NOT APPEAR! Look at how many GOP who ignored Congressional subpoenas from the HouseJudiciary on direct orders from the WH. Ignore the damn deposition hearing. 👇

So who listens to subpoenas anymore?

'OJ Simpson Was Also Arrested For 'Domestic Violence Flap'.'

Let her write in her deposition the way trump did how many times is she going to answer the same darn question! Tell the Judge to refer to her past depositions on the subject!

Hillary's reply. At this time What does it matter.

SMDH and Supreme Court won't hear Obama care case until after the election. The insanity continues and the cult cheers them on. You can't fix stupid.

And trump 🤷🏾‍♀️

Is this some sort of parody account?

It’s about time some action is taken against Hillary

Oh please what a waste of time and money

Didn't Bob Woodward, in his book 'Bush at war's ' state that both Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld both used private servers?

This judge goes right after the election.

This will be the first step to this country healing. When true justice is served, we can start to move forward. Until then no Democratic nominee can fix what has been broken.

Do like the Republicans who never showed up and tell them to kiss her ass!

I hope she refuses.

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Has anyone told them that she's not running for president in 2020?


God. Just leave her alone already.

Do Americans still sit for depositions? Because I know we’re now allowed to ignore subpoenas. Just asking.


More Trump

Finally. Ah, you mean with a cloth? hillaryforum HillaryReport

The judiciary doesn’t want to be involved in the oversight of the President but it wants to harass Hillary for the President while he and his family had committed worse security violations.

HouseJudiciary why aren’t Jared and Ivanka being investigated for their ongoing private emails and back channel communications?


They never throught she would lose.

This is BS.

It's Habbening!

Do we gotta go through this again! Lord have mercy!

It’s about damn time. She wouldn’t be deposed if the DOJ wasn’t looking into possible crimes.

On no

When are they going to stop harassing this woman

Clinton Derangement Syndrome

Here is another HOAX by man baby

Dear God stop this crap. She has testified enough...:(

Just plain harassment by the partisan ducks at Judicial Watch.

Yes finally !!! She belongs behind bars !!!

I’m no Hillary fan, but maybe she should just skip it like all those Republican turds did for the impeachment stuff .

About freaking time!

Wow. Just wow. You know who is throwing out chum for his groupies to salivate & fight over, to keep them in tow for his election, while he continues his vindictive vendetta on his own impeachment. No depth to the insanity.

Hmmm...how about trump’s use of his cell phone?

Fat chance. Btwn ivanka+Jared’s comm habits, new precedents set by the GOP+realDonaldTrump w regard to ppl not having to abide by laws for deposition+the fact that trump still whines abt the length of the invstgtn into him, they’ve backed themselves into a hypocritical corner.

Oath means nothing to people, they will lie no matter if they are or not. Talk about silly traditions.

JaggerMickOZ How long will this Judge last?

The democrat supporters don’t realise Hillary smashed her devices and had 30 thousand emails destroyed with bleach bit. She deserves to be questioned. That is illegal in any country.

Lock her up!!! Obama, Biden and the rest of those crooks.

TimJDillon this will make a great first podcast episode

This should be interesting.

They won’t stop until they lock her up, lock her up was trending 4 years ago.

She should tell the judge to GTH.

One of Trump's judges? Hasn't he heard? Subpoenas are worthless now. Compliments of the GOP.


Lock her up! Tic-Toc Hilldogs time is coming

I suppose hillary clinton will shuffle around now using a Zimmer frame seeking pity.

Hillary Clinton has not held public office in 7 years. When she left office: Gangham Style was climbing the charts & world met Grumpy Cat. Planking & the Harlem Shake were popular and Rob Ford had just admitted to smoking crack. Also, this happened:

Something smells bad. Trump appointee?

We have so many more problems with Trump! What a total waste of time!

Mike Bloomberg has “Sex-Withs” 1). White Women 2). Black Women 3). Mexican Women 4). Mexican “Girls-&-Boys” “God-Bless”!the-Women. ! “God-Bless” the Girls-&-Boys” They are 40-41-years-Old-now ! 3-3-20

Now do the entire fucking trump family.

If she was sitting in a prison cell like she should be, this kind of nonsense wouldn’t happen.

HillaryClinton should then demand Ivanka Jarad and Daddy Trump do the same!

Falling down

Ugh-oh, someone’s not going to kill themselves! ClintonBodyCount ClintonCrimeFamily Prison4Hillary EmailScandals

It's about damn time!

This should be good! I'm thinking the IT guy flips to stay out of jail and Hillary will have a story:) LMAO

She should just refuse to show up. That’s what all of the trump administration people did during the Impeachment hearings.

All while several WH staffers are now using unsecured lines, including Ivanka and Jared.


That judge just hit arkancepsteined Hire a body guard

Ignore it just like this admin. does.

Thus the judges that he appointed.

It's starting... Again!

oh cool some actually good news for once

THIS ? HouseJudiciary SCOTUSblog SpeakerPelosi SenKamalaHarris RepAdamSchiff RepJerryNadler SenSchumer ewarren SenateDems HouseDemocrats RepJeffries RepValDemings RepMaxineWaters RepZoeLofgren repjohnlewis RepHankJohnson RepSeanMaloney Maddow

Ridiculous Republicans!

Do you what Republicans do, ignore ♥️

Another rediculous DISTRACTION


Republicans have already investigated this and Benghazi and have fully exonerated her in both cases. This is desperate!

She’ll weasel her way out of this. Watch.

sleep tight in hell

and when is Ivanka going to be deposed for her use of private emails while in the White House?

Watch as they find a whole lot of nothing. Just like the last time

You cannot get blood from a turnip how ironic Hillary has been cleared by everyone including Jesus Christ himself and now they bring thisBS up again oh I get it what do they think she might be chosen for VP if Biden winenough is enough leave her alone😡

Were they afraid she'd jump in the race again?

Hope they bring in Donna Brazil too!


Best advice from Reagan’s ghost “I don’t recall”.

Waste of taxpayers money and resources.


hforseen 'I don't recall' - Hillary on many occasions during the upcoming deposition. If it indeed happens. ForTheRuleOfLaw ToddHagopian merissahamilton alllibertynews gjorgenson1

And my first thought is I hope this judge has 24-hour security and doesn’t have a penchant for long walks in deserted areas.

She was left out and it's now time for a full through investigation?

Hope they are bringing in Ivanka next since she did the same thing

Lock her up!!!


The fact this women isn't in prison for breaking clear as day laws is actually crazy

LisaHauser8 She should tell him to go pound sand like republicans do .

But trump didn't have to? Hillary already has done this.

I sure hope they include Jared and Ivanka on this issue. Otherwise it’s just more of trump’s cronyism. These people make me sick.

How many times does the same thing need to be investigated? I guess as many times as it takes to try and convict her. Just a waste of money by the GOP!


Since laws don’t matter anymore she should just say “I’m not going to” piss off. There is no consequences anymore for that.

You can run but you can’t hide witch

Maybe this judge should have heard the Don McGhan case & his refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas

JFC? Again

So I assume, since it now seems de rigueur in Washington, that she just says no?

LSTrip44 I hope she ignores it. Let them take it to court. Hypocrites all of them.


This judge is wasting taxpayer dollars. Hillary has been cleared how many times?

Hillary needs to sue for harassment. Over 10 years this shit has been ongoing. The justice department just shut it down

Jesus how long can this crap go on?

Is Trump ordering Judges around now?


A federal judge put in by George Conway and his federalist?

She’ll do the typical DNC defense.... I don’t recall

this is bull sit

Rini3b1 Better late than never. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

kjking53 Will she be before or after Jared and Ivanka?

Why? Trump and most of his administration use private email servers and nobody says a word

Finally! But I am not holding my breath it will go anywhere. She is still too connected.

See you After many days.

Sadly it will go nowhere

I'd rather see Slick Hilly sit in jail than for a deposition but then she's not Slick Hilly for nothing

I'm sure trump had nothing to do about this 🙄

Shouldn’t there be some sort of statute of limitations on stupidity? Whatever Judicial Watch is just get over it?

this is happening in tRump time, attack HRC, keep dragging her out for the base. Why now? You know why.

Then let's call in IvankaTrump too.

COME ON NOW ..Enough is freaking ENOUGH of this BS. 😤 Leave Hillary alone ..

Just say no. If it’s good enough for trump, it’s good enough for you.

Really? Kangaroo court


Reversal on appeal coming soon

For the first time?!!!?

Just ignore the judges orders like Trump does!

Persecution still. Make it stop!


I'd like to know about Ukraine

Uh oh

Going to summon: Colin Powell Condeleeza Rice Ivanka Trump Jared Kushner too

What happens if she doesn’t show up? No one subpoenaed by the House from the Trump admin showed up. That’s her precedent. LockTrumpUp DisbarBarr DumpTheGOP

Isn’t the entire Trump administration doing this Hillary Clinton has been exonerated of EVERYTHING, let her be! I know men hate women who are smarter, more than they will ever be, but this is fucking insane!!

She should just say “I don’t recall” for five hours straight like the GOP do.

Trump for Tax Evasion

You’ve got to Be Kidding AMERICA JUSTICE Department? GOP YOU ARE A FAILURE AS A PARTY, The Party is OVER!

She should do what the GD Republicons have done and ignore it. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Republicons don’t get to force the rule of law when they themselves are lawless.

She should claim executive privilege and not show up.

Who is the judge

Is she running?


She needs to appeal.


Not until all government leaders answer for doing the same thing. There are managers who know better and should have had the balls to advise their leaders of this illegal practice.

So long coming. Thanks, Judge

Republicans are evidently TERRIFIED of Hillary Clinton. RNC - 😠😡🇺🇸😖😤👹💰🔫

How about if Ivanka goes first.

One trumps judges no doubt.

Will Cheryl Mills be there with her....again?😡😡😡😡

He dead

Jailbird Rock! HillaryClinton

This is insane

What a joke. This Administration and DOJ are insane.

This is actually illegal as she was already tried in The Senate and was cleared. This is gross mis justice

Well let's see Ivanka and the rest of the trump administration brought in and questioned also because they are still using private email to do government business. Bet you this is a trumper judge.

mosyednyc IF this is true, Hillary needs to send the judge a note saying: kiss my grits. Been there done that.

Wasn’t Ivanka using a private email account too? Where’s her order for a deposition?

How about Trump's and his low life family who occupy the Whitehouse?

Frivolous lawsuits wasting the courts time

She told us Chump is a puppet. And trumpies are deplorable. This is spiteful retaliation.

Wondering if the same court will demand Ttjmpbto fo the same over his use of non government email and phones

Is this one of Trump or McConnell's judges? It could be a conflict of interest.

Trump needs talking points to distract from his 1. dropping the ball on pandemic preparedness and 2. The Stock market

SheldonLynette Good lord.

Let’s roll out an investigation on Barbie Ivanka’s Patents

JHC. Enough. She is a private citizen now. How about we go after trump for his cell phone usage and other inappropriate and/or illegal bullshit.

And how about a Jared and Ivanka? This is an outrageous abuse.

Excellent! CrookedHillary

She should tell him to go fvkk himself.

Fuxking Ivanka better be next

We have a hard core criminal in the WH and yet we're still harping on Hillary's emails after she's been cleared several times.

According to Trump administration subpoenas are meaningless.

About damn time

KimKimbowman Hillary should ignore like the trump admin has done when they were subpoenaed. Damn leave the lady alone!!! 😡

LockHerUp CrookedHillary

This is absolute bullshit.

And Ivanka, and Jared, right?

Utter bollocks. Trump and Barr have to go

Took a while to get this out. Makes one wonder if there is some pressure coming from 1600.

Oh? Why should she? Trump asskissers don’t have to.

morgfair Interesting contrast with the McGahn decision the other day.

JudicialWatch is a right-wing septic system. Part of the TrumpCrimeSyndicate. Tom Fitton must be orgasmic about now.

FFS. Let’s be sure to depose IvankaTrump and jaredkushner for their private email servers as well.

Memes that didn’t age well

Sooook what about all the Trump surrogates that used private email servers etc. Have the rushed appointments weaponized the Federal Courts ? MaddowBlog maddow AC360 ChrisCuomo tribelaw gtconway3d

Just tell them to shove it

I wish I could believe this but I'm sorry, I will believe it when it happens, I have no faith in our new Two Tier Justice System that has allowed Liberal MSM & DeMONcRATic Party Assholes to break all kinds of Laws and go unpunished over the last 11 years!🤔💬🇺🇸

RaymondArroyo She will just tell the judge what diffrents does it make.

Now do Jared and Ivanka.

FFS 😑 Barr is a disgraceful trump sycophant

Good gaw - what a waste of more taxpayer money. Sure hope she does not comply.

Email 'flap'. Lol, you mean when she criminally obstructed justice by deleting 33,000 emails, and was grossly negligent in the handling of classified material.

Jesus H. Christ. Way to lead GOP.

Doesn’t Trumps Judge have anything better to do, like make Mitch McConnell start doing his job for America and not just for himself and his Furor Trump

vincent_berms Thank you TomFitton and JudicialWatch

Follow the money....to the judge who made this ruling.

Please! It has already been proven That the left has license to lie under oath with no repercussions 😡😡😡- What's the next attempt to appease We The People! 😡😡😡

He’s a dead man.

Wasting taxpayers money, on this dead issue.

Very happy to hear this, I hope she loses sleep over it.

Hillary should just pull a Trump WH stunt and refuse to show up


Who is the judge, what connection to Trump? What is the intent?

Won't matter. She'll just gag up a dozen variations of 'I can't remember.'

How bout Ivankas server 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Need more reason to vote BLUE? GOPLIES

Oh. And IvankaTrump and Jared? Let’s go. Game fucking on

What private email? What are you talking about. There is no server, or emails. Those hard drives were from a home theater pc. So she downloaded some movies, get over it.


Barr is such a lap dog.

The so should the current WhiteHouse administration... if you start something, it will only backfire on you eventually realDonaldTrump

In light of the same behavior in the current administration this action should fail before it gets started.

For the FIRST time? JFC, how many times must we go through this? Time for NepotismBarbie and PlasticJared to sit a spell, under oath.

Republicans taught us that subpoenas don’t matter. She should stay home.

This is ridiculous.

Total BS. So now we know that Ivanka and Jared can be deposed now too. Their times coming!


Don't show up. Subpoenas are optional in the Trump era.

Get the fuck out of here.

Statute of limitations.

Get her ass.

She should just not show up. That's how it works now, ignoring lawful orders.

This is f'n ridiculous!

here is the witch hunt


Trump right now.

America wake up. She should be hung for treason ...

These people are sick. Q.

This is BS!!!

I hope it’s done right this time

About damn time!

And she’ll ace it again.

His name was Seth Rich.

oakridge755 It’s never gonna end - well maybe by thanksgiving 2020. Deflect and distract! Who the hell cares?

tbell1968 Jared & ivanka?

Can that federal judge order the entire Trmp admin who are to this day using their personal emails to do government business? How about all of them - including the president - constantly on their personal, unprotected cell phones? Focusing on Clinton seems ridiculous. 🙄

I presume the Trump kids are next?

It’s about time.

Hillary will go for her 4th time after Trump goes once. Without lying. 😉

email flap? It's treason as she knowingly left it unsecured. She knowingly destroyed evidence.

The Do-Nothing Cuntservative judge has nothing better to do. So It’s ok for Don McGahn not needing to testify in front of congress so it MUST BE OK for HillaryClinton to do the same🤷🏽‍♂️ AN EYE FOR EYE is the way I see it!

SpeakerPelosi How bout the Kushner’s?

She should just say “nah... I’m good.”

This is to distract from this:


Did it work? Did I just get onto Twitter in 2016? If so, please spread the word as far and wide as you can! The only way to stop Donald Trump is to


So when will Ivanka andJared be deposed?

Pretty sure everyone was okay with Rudy running around conducting foreign policy, but okay...

Another nothing burger

And her response should be 🖕

What remedy is Lamberth seeking with this lawsuit?

I hope they will also depose Jared and Ivanka because they also use a private email server.

No doubt the judge is a GOP making a distraction for Trump and his inept party.

Just say ' No ' and quote ' DonMcGahan ' decision !

Like beating a Dead Sea lion on the beach.

And what judge might this be?

I bet she'll default to her tried and true...'It's a vast right wing conspiracy'

Jesus. Just bullshit.

Hard3sty Judge Lamberth is a little late to the party.

This is very suspiciously timely. One thing I know she’s strong enough to take on.

It's the Year of the Banana Republic

However she should simply ignore it. After all, subpoenas no longer have the power or respect they once commanded. Well done, TomFitton - you and your gang of crooks just owned yourselves. See how it works now? 😂😂😂😂😂



A Trump appointed federal judge? This is complete bull sh*t.

Nice. Finally she has to tell the truth.

What about the trump kids? Here we go again 🙄

Amazing. Trump will do anything to divert the attention away from his crimes.


For what purpose Trump stole/won the election. Ridiculous Trump at his finest idiocy.

Are you effing kidding me. Didn’t she already go through all this shit?

Personally Id tell them to go fk themselves. Trump does it. His people do it Tell them to go fk themselves. Im not sitting for you SOBs no more.

Now let’s do Ivanka and Jared

Just remember there are others in the current administration using private email. You will reap what you sow.

So next Ivanka?

interesting this is coming as the market is struggling, COVID-19 is expanding and Joe Biden is breaking out.

What judge in his right mind.... oh wait.

The corrupt Trump machine is trying to revive its 2016 rally points. Desperate.

After she's been cleared of all wrongdoing by the FBI? Enough already.

The purge continues.

Bunch of shit

Ridiculous. And it sounds like they are going on a fishing expedition. This judge just hates the Clintons.

Are they also bringing in Colin Powell, Jared, Ivanka, and even Trump for using an unsecured cellphone? Fair is fair... Or are we not even bothering?

When does the harrassment stop?

Joe Biden (if he's the nominee) will be hounded by Burisma and Hunter Biden worse than Hillary Clinton. Vote Bernie.

Will they ever leave this woman alone?

This is the real sickness in this country. The people in power on the GOPTrump side are dirty and they have no bottom line. They must be stopped.


Of course, this is after she already testified for hours before Congress under oath...

She should just not show up, just like Bolton, Pompeo, Giuliani, Mulvaney, Esper, etc. etc. The Secretary of State is a cabinet member - executive privilege - just like Pompeo.

Our tax dollars at work besting the deadest horse.

They are still screwing with Hillary Clinton about her emails during Benghazi.. No kidding! While everyone else gets away with it after Hillary is proven innocent of both.. How messed up is that!

Does she have to show up?

How about a similar disposition for IvankaTrump she used her private e mail too. TrumpCrimeFamilyForPrison TrumpCrimeSyndicate TrumpCrimeFamily TrumpNotFitForOffice TrumpDerangementSyndrome

For fkc's sake.

Next Ivanka and Jared?

Ok, but time for others in and around gov to be deposed also concerning there use of emails and unsecure phones including trump

Pound sand


...only problem is she has had a lot of time to come up with more excuses, remember: WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!

Can we force judges like this to resign? We don’t need anyone with a personal vendetta giving judgment and enforcing the law on anyone

I hope she declines to appear

Blasphemy! Let’s see what the current Adminstration and family has in their emails. Hogwash!

Good grief - how many tomesare we going to go over this? It’s ancient history at this point. Enough with trying to deflect attention. Can we focus on the virus?

🙄🙄🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️that is old news!!, why instead don’t you get Trumps deposition first n instead!he has done more bad then Hillary!come on!she perhaps forgot all of that already! remember she had a mild stroke a few years back..., don’t waste taxpayers money for senseless things!!👏👏

Tell them to eat poop and die!!! Dirty DONNIE can do it, everyone can!!!!😂😂😂😂

Let's use our money and power to stop this Coronavirus, instead of beating a dead horse.

Prediction: Nothing will come of this charade but it’ll make for a Trump, Fox, Nunes, Jordan, Graham, Kennedy talking point for the next two weeks.A complete shiny object distraction. They will try to tie Hillary into the Biden camp is some form or fashion. It’s not surprising!

can't wait for him to order Ivanka to do the same

don't hide put a red sickle on on ur post. Trumps didn't have top secret emails zebedee

In other news.....

She could just not show up, like all the administration did when subpoenaed.

Bout time

She should just say bugger off like trump has to every court.

Fucking crazy!!! Give it a rest GOP

Ivanka & Jared will be next.

So we pivot back to her emails and Burisma. 🙄

Dont play their game Hillary

Praise to you our Heavenly Father.

Do like Trump and appeal it.

Hahahahaha HillaryClinton

buttery males

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