Jon Ossoff Demands Proper Apology for Sen. Perdue's Anti-Semitic Ad

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UPDATE: Jon Ossoff Demands Proper Apology for Sen. Perdue's Foolish, Anti-Semitic Ad

-- Jon Ossoff came on ''TMZ Live'' Wednesday to further address Senator Perdue's anti-Semitic ad -- and he makes it clear ... he wants the guy and his people to own up to it.

As for Sen. Perdue's claim that he nor his campaign were aware of the alteration -- since they apparently used a third-party vendor to whip it up -- Ossoff says there's no excuse for not knowing about it, which he doesn't even believe is the case here with Perdue. Finally, Jon talks about where he thinks this bigotry is emanating from within the GOP -- and it all starts at the top, meaning President Trump. Watch ... he's compelling here in his critique, and he probably ain't too far off in the analysis either.has pulled an ad that made his Jewish, Democratic opponent's nose look bigger -- claiming it was a flub and not an anti-Semitic trope.


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OMG stop playing the victim! That's so unattractive for a senator! It looks more like a sloppy Photoshop job - someone incorrectly cropped the bottom of the face which made the nose stick out SLIGHTLY more than usual. That's it. Stop making it something its not 4 attention!

Print both pictures and lay one over the other. The heads are the same size and so are the nose. You can literally see the part of the face that was cropped. lookingforsomethingtobeoffendedby

Saying that is an anti-Semitic campaign poster is absurd. It’s clearly a lousy Photoshop job trying to crop out the background. His nose isn’t enlarged. It looks larger because his right cheek by his mouth and part of his upper lip is erased.

HarveyLevinTMZ You act like you didn't know Jews owned Hollywood but, when someone calls it out they are an anti-semitic. It's the truth, remember the truth? Why wouldn't they try to buy Georgia.

McClain_on_NFL Oh where is the media yall new fav word is back in the headlines guess the narrative is changed cause he a republican

Is OJ going to demand an apology from Time for when they intentionally made him look darker on their magazine cover during his trial?

Anti semitism will always be accepted/ remain not cancelled. Look at these replies

Republicans will always be republicans

This guy can not be serious. As a Jew I have to say: 🙄

Like Pinocchio?

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