Joe & Jill Biden’s Daughter Ashley Confirms This Long-Rumored Detail About Trump Transition

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made an appearance on the Today show on Tuesday , one day before the inauguration, and cIt is tradition for the outgoing First Lady to do a walk through of the White House residence and have tea with the new, incoming First Lady as they transition to new presidencies.


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JustJared Good For Melania. TRUMP 2024

JustJared Democrats bitch more than a 13 year old girl with p m s

JustJared 🤣she is a zombie only does what she is told to do. Get a brain lady glad you’re “be gone “

JustJared Who cares Melanie is a class act and I’m sure wants nothing to do with the incoming trash

JustJared Haha! They are both pissed! Trump because he lost and she has to follow what he says! Just like he probably told her to make sure she holds his hand! Melanie this is America you can be yourself! Don’t let that loser control you!

JustJared It’s better for Dr. Biden, Melanie was never a First Lady. Jill ask Michelle Obama she’ll give you the tour.

JustJared If the America people can't see that that man and his whole family was toxic for the American people I don't know what else it will take . Trump's is a business man and should have never been the President and he know that and the Republican party know that.

JustJared Okay who cares. Politicians don't give a fuck about us why should we give a fuck about them

JustJared She has no class?!? She's just following by example.

JustJared Well how the hell are they supposed to do the traditional protocol during covid? If she did reach out to do it, she’d get shit for it.

JustJared Who cares

JustJared Big ass deal!!! Get over it. Has to be more important things to gossip about

JustJared is she finally leaving him ?

JustJared They're both sore Losers!!

JustJared Unfortunately, despite all the money this one spends on clothing - Melania should spend some of that money on learning manners.

JustJared She probably figured the nutjob would forget everything she showed him in 2 mins anyway. Why waste her time. Let all his whackadoodles show him over and over again.

JustJared Would you expect any less from the worst President and First Lady ever?

JustJared TMZ made it no secret that they hated Trump and couldn't wait until he was gone! Yet, they keep re-posting the same 'Trump' related stories. Y'all are obsessed with hating him...even after he (and Melania) are gone!

JustJared Um, I don't know. Would u meet w a woman who's husband put your husband falsely under surveillance. Just saying. That was unprecedented so tradition was already broken.

JustJared Who cares


JustJared After the way they have been treated, I wouldn't do it either. That would be hypocritical

JustJared She should’ve brought her diary with her if she wanted to confirm something

JustJared Who cares.....they even complained about DonaldTrump not mentioning Biden in his farewell speech...come onnnn. But they say he left a note...LOL I would have wrote 'Fuck you and the horse you rode in on...P.S.:'I took a dump in your closet...' LMAO

JustJared Which goes to show... having money doesn’t equate to having class. Regardless of the circumstances... this was a moment to show what you’re made of!! You can take the girl out of the Slovenian trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl.

JustJared The Trumps have no class and no respect for tradition. But you can't expect much from a first lady that was completely useless. Unlike previous first ladies, she didn't do anything. She said she was going to do things, but it was all talk.


JustJared I wouldn’t want to do a walk with them either,the tradition can start over clean!

JustJared Covid protocol. Lol

JustJared Daughter is lying

JustJared Maybe she didn't want to be forced to call a teacher 'doctor'

JustJared Hateful B*tch!

JustJared Trump is so controlling he probably forbid her to do it

JustJared Sad

JustJared ᗰESSᗩGE ᗰE Iᖴ YOᑌ ᑎEEᗪ 🔥 ᑕᗩᖇTOOᑎ Oᖴ YOᑌᖇSEᒪᖴ 🔥🔥 ᒪOGO ᖴOᖇ YOᑌᖇ ᗷᖇᗩᑎᗪ ᗩᑎᗪ ᒪᗩᗷEᒪ 🔥🔥 ᑕOᐯEᖇ ᗩᖇT ᖴOᖇ SOᑎG 🔥🔥🔥ᗩᑎIᗰᗩTEᗪ ᗰᑌSIC ᐯIᗪEO ... ᖴᒪYEᖇS ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰOᖇE ᗩᖇTᗯOᖇKS 🔥🔥. 📩ᗪᗰ, ᒪETS ᗯOᖇK.

JustJared Just stop man, y’all have nothing else to talk about ..🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮

JustJared Melania has a 8.5” hog

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