Joe Biden Wiped Out Big Time on the Air Force One Stairs

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United States Headlines News

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Tricky footing puts the press on a tricky footing.

, which may have been deserved given the ridiculous claims about his purportedly intimidating virility and manhood that were made by many of his supporters, and also given how willing he was to mock other people for things related to their bodies that they had no control over. But it also probably involved some mean-spirited schadenfraude about a widely disliked figure experiencing the reality of age-related physical decline.

• The president fell down a bunch. That is, at the least, something that the public probably would like to know about, even if only to be able to discuss the video of his experience, which, assuming his sprightly finishing move at the top of the stairs means he was not seriously injured, admittedly has a certain comic timing to it.Support our independent journalism

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Hmm, I guess he’s human after all🤔

“Tricky footing” But he trips over his words too.

If he had of been going down instead of up / on a ramp instead of stairs / and drinking a cup of water with two hands like a four year old, then it would be newsworthy. Hey Zeus, the previous VP did almost exactly the same thing.

Always better to trip when going up stairs than when coming down.

I think the mask wearing hinders sight and perception, well it does me, and his damaged ankle all played a part. Least he never got Covid or had knowingly infected anyone

Gotta say, I am really loving the kinds of Presidential scandals we're getting these days. It's SO restful compared to the last 4 years.

Haven’t you got anything more important to report? Seriously. Rethink.

When he was walking to the plane, it looked to me as if he was still favoring the foot he injured playing with the dog. That kind of injury heals unevenly—you think you’re back to normal, then you overdo it and you have a setback.

It was Karma that’s all!

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