Joe Biden to become the 46th president of the United States, CNN projects

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

BREAKING: JOE BIDEN WINS Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States, CNN projects, after a victory in Pennsylvania puts the Scranton-born Democrat over 270 CNNElection

Biden, who turns 78 at the end of this month, will become the oldest president when he is inaugurated in January in the midst of the worst public health crisis in 100 years, the deepest economic slump since the 1930s and a national reckoning on racism and police brutality that is still unresolved. His election will end Trump's tumultuous hold on Washington and condemn the Republican, who has had a lifelong obsession with winning, to the ranks of chief executives who lost after a single term.

The Trump campaign also said it would demand a recount in Wisconsin, where Biden led Trump by some 20,000 votes, even though historically a margin of that magnitude is unlikely to be reversed. A career-long quest realizedThe victory of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., who forged a 50-year career as senator and vice president from his Delaware homestead, is a full circle moment that comes more than 30 years after his first presidential campaign. His running mate, California Sen.


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_rachelgilmore It should read 'CNN Protection to make Joe Biden win'.

Jordynackerman1 Yeah a segregationist and a war criminal is president. Get clue! He told his donors “fundamentally nothing will change.”

We have 45, Grover went for a separate term.

GeraldSare I sat in my dining room and watched Wolf Blitzer walk towards the camera that Saturday afternoon and make that announcement and broke down and cried! Then to see people dancing in the streets all across America meant 81 million of us felt the same way, THE NIGHTMARE was over!

sleepy joe one... so sad. PLS donald save us 🤞

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To a 4 year disaster. Harris ( when she becomes potus) will finish ruining the usa ...picking up from where nobama left


CordMeier1 CNN projects ... that's all folks

Yeah,he's welcome, equal right.

LisaKSalerno Noo ... Fake


CNNPRUK Not fucking yet he hasn’t.

Fake !

I'm not sure if you're joking or not.

Congs Mr President Joe

jennagiesta FAKE NEWS! No certification YET!!!!

how are you sure

.JoeBiden will be a president for all Americans—not just the ones who voted for him.

Dear President Elect Biden, I believe your administration would benefit by asking Former Governor Ohio to be apart of your Administration!

No he didn't. Count the legal votes

Funny that you mentioned Scranton, because not a single soul in Scranton like sleepy Joe!

Yay! Yes! Wooooooooo!🎈🎈🎉💃💃💃💃

The media doesn’t call the election

gannenon aa


Congratulations president Joe Biden


cecejikeho pipawulo



The Democrats have divided this country two sides Democrat and Republican so Trump and Biden instead of standing together we stand divided collapsing our democracy making our country weak just to make somebody win why can't they just win the normal way why can't our vote be real!

Even if he has 260, he is a career politician, corrupt to the bone. Not my President, ever.

Biden will never win unless he cheated, manipulated, corrupted the votes of The American people. Fight this corruption.God will fight for our battles. Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God who will give an account to each and every one who are involved.


Stolen election from the beginning. Dams put in place on verified signature and no postmark and of course those Gremlins sending in the balance


TurnbullMalcolm CNN dont get to call elections and neither to our unwanted e PM's

Yes my president 💙💙💙💙💙

Awesome job!💙💙💙💙

LMAO... You people act like he's going to sit down in the oval office the first day and the country is going to fucking automatically be covid free and hand in hand singing fucking kumbaya well let's see what y'all are singing when the gas prices go back up joe gotta go

He's not the president



Congratulations Mr President!

Glory be to God

🥂🍾 MIGHTY Joe won!!!!🎉


Hey Americans guess what? The election was so close either could win. But a close race like this means we will be divided for a long time.

😲😲😲 Looky Here ⬇️⬇️⬇️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

MAndreePoulin Heureuse Bravo

By definition, FakeNews.

Congratulations to the new president of the United state of America!!!!

With Biden, America can truly take her place of reverence again. The greatness of America requires a more responsible and dependable leadership.

You have no authority to say that. Get real!!CNN sucks

MEDIA DOES NOT DECIDE WHO WINS. There are many MANY weird stories and CNN should keep their gaping mouth shut. No candidate has won if votes are still being counted... REPEAT: NOT ALL VOTES HAVE COUNTED... and recounts and AUDITS are just starting. This claim hurts the country.

My money... welcome to come back!

Fake news

CNN = Chinese National Network

XCosmicPrincess CNN the fake news network lol

Crooked Biden and his son. Why aren’t they being investigated?

Congratulations to the man of people with over 74k votes.

I never thought in my life time I would see such disrespect for our 'commander and chief' like Trump. That is a huge indicator of how this man tried to ruin what America stands for. I am grateful I did not serve during his time because I would have walked away. We need to heal.

How the hell is this not marked as misinformation?!?


Fake news

FU CNN your the real enemy

Yea right.

Once CNN was a place to turn for news, what's left is fake news. Best thing realDonaldTrump did to show the true face of the media. FakeNews


Until your impeached

When is everyone going to stop crying about 'being done wrong'. My best friend is black and he is telling y'all to stfu... You all voted Biden and destroyed our Country. Way to go. Everyone should have to take a test before voting, proving comprehension.



Love you Mr.President 46

Too early to say. CNN corrupted as well.

The media doesn’t get to choose the winner - not ever. Get over yourself, CNN


Congratulations 👏🏼 🎉 President elect Joe Biden ♥️♥️👏🏼👏🏼

So what, let's see him rid the US of the virus like he said he could

The only reason JoeBiden and KamalaHarris won is the hatred for Trump. Even the AOC let it be known that the Democrats lacked efficiency in the election.


CNN like most broadcast outlets lost its ranking as a News Network long ago, Now just partisan, biased, propaganda.

Congrats to America for their new president!!! Finally !

Finally we can heal as a nation.

I am for Trump!!! He still my president!!!

Biden is in office.. once again the election has been obscured. Trump must accept that fact. His only choice now is to concede and realize the biggest liars won!


And we should just agree.

4 yrs ago when I heard he won, I was scared, for the first time as an American, no I am beyond happy, we got rid of a Hitler want to be spewing out his hate speeches at his rallies, and his tweets, and on a lighter side Mrs Trump is packed and has her divorce lawyer standing by

tengkuafzan1 Bi den

Listening to the cries and whimpers of mouth-breathing maga snowflakes was a great way to fall asleep.


Please it’s to scary to look at his face ,

I hope sleepy Joe can stay awake for 4 years!

Many many congratulations to you Mr president of USA 🇺🇸

Fact-check: FALSE. Media predicts the winner but the winner is not yet certified. False claims by MSM have happened in the past, see BUSH v GORE

Congratulations on the success of President Biden and Mrs. Harris to the people of America-friendly country. I hope that the new leadership of the US government has ended the season of ransom with terrorism and terrorists called (Taliban) al-Qaeda supporters in Afghanistan.


realDonaldTrump got the full 2020 experience. He got covid, lost his job and is being evicted from his home.

Nothing is won until after December 14. Shit like this has happened before.


45 or Never

The China has won too. USA for SALE. RIP.

Sorry I can not trust US press agencies any more

Yeni başkan Joe BidenTüm ABD halkına hayırlı olsun demokrasi kazandı

I like your choice if word, 'will be', he is not yet. For the table will turn in the favor of President Trump!

Congrats... hope fully you are the one that your country need..🎉🎉

What can a single man do with so much hatred for him for loving his country....Having to take on media houses and hawks hovering over the economy of a country.... It is a pity.

Congratulations MR PRESIDENT

The mainstream Media got their victory..will see whether they will pass scathing remarks on their candidate.... before now I thought Africa has something to learn from America.

Finally a leader for the American people! ProudToBeAnAmerican

The boling is over

Let the Freak Show Begin 💅😳


Well America bend over and grab your ankles for another 4 years.

Not Yet. Fake News!!!

The world is in danger not only America which had doing well economically.May God have.China is celebrating the Trump's failure

Congratulations 👏

Congratulations! MR. JOE BIDEN & MRS. KAMLA HARIS For your landslide victory

My family, friends and I are are incredible happy about that news. Joe Biden deserved it. We like him because of his humanity, empathy, intelligence and good behaviour. He's got charisma. We wish him a successful term of office and to stay in good health.

I'm sheikh Hamdan the CrownN prince of Dubai, chairman of Dubai executive council Deputy Ruler of Dubai and UAE Minister of Finance.. but preferred to be called fazza. Fazza means courageous. I'm 37 years old and 5.6 ft tall. I'm a Muslim by religion.

Chalbaaz Chinese&JihadiTerrorists NAPAK&Urban Naxal-Jihadi Terrorists gangs&Pseudo Sickularism families Cancer Political parties gangs MustHappyAbout Biden-Harris win inUSelection.B'coz US DemocraticParties are lobbies with Urban Naxal-Jihadi-Pseudo SickularismGangs. Let's See!


You havent won yet!

LenaSpringer 🤮

No he will be the fake president just like fake news CNN is

Love you Joe, your a real President!!!!!

Nobody should be okay with the press doing this! They are reporting info based on votes they are reporting from their views. If Biden wins that’s fine but we need to tell the press to stfu and stop trying to dictate our elections

Now let’s send Trump and Barr to prison... crimes against humanity!!

Not so fast with your Fake News... It ain't over yet.

What do you think? How great is Freedom and Democracy?

We are witnessing crime in progress

Dementia Joe will be replaced by Kamala in a few months, this country is screwed.

Oh no here comes inflation and mindblowing trade deficits


It is well balanced between Republicans and democrats, with a more appealing leader.


he is a cheat CNN I guess you are happy lying media

congratulation to jeobidenUSA presiden of USA

You don't decide election outcomes, you are only to report the results.

Why are you not following up on the fraud and cheating that the Democratic did with mail in ballots? Stop picking sides and do your job and support the news in an unbiased why. Sorry if asking to do your job the right way offends you..



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No he won't. He's going to prison along with half the Democratic party.


I don't live in your hugely divided country thankfully. Is there nobody younger and wiser in the whole of the USA that can run your country. That old man is too old and will soon be senile. What's wrong with y, all

God help the American

The best news for America and the world

Lie motherfuckers lie

He’s as fake as his face‼️

It’s your choice. Everybody has a choice. FYI, Alaska is part of the 50 States.

I like.

He won nothing! He was a pawn who will become the laughing stock of America!

Was just getting done with a flag retiring ceremony when it was called. What a sign of a new start.

What a crock of shit . We all know this was not a fair election . I will never vote again because it doesn’t matter . They will rig ever election from now on.

Not so Fast Frado !!!

Congratulations Joe Biden !!

Biden will Make America Great again

You are not qualified to select the nominee.

Bring me a higher love 💙JoeBiden


Let dooms-day begin. Our country is going to get worse. Sad day to be an American.

Shame News

What's bigger than the epidemic is actually the position of president of the United States. It's ridiculous


Clown show


Not for long!!

Congratulations to the 46th President and Vice President a well deserved victory yah



Stop projecting!! So sad.

Glad to hear! Joe, please raise taxes only on those who voted for you! I know your going to get in a war soon, let all illegals in, send our jobs to China, fight with NK and Russia. Who wants to bet?


Hell no he did not win!!! He should be in prison along with his damn crack-head son!!!

That’s wonderful lovely It’s wonderful to be Democrat

Democrats cheated.


chiquitopapiii Are you offering potatoes or tomatoes?

sangarciacorre Y ustedes cómplices de un fraude histórico, del cual jamás podrán salir.

carmen__henson Garbage

Welcome to SOCIALISM

Make America great

CNN, you have lost your integrity. You are a shame to the entire world. The side you take in the broadcast of this election is fraudulent and bias. It's shame on you to do this as we expect the best from you but you take to the side of Biden and even making jest of Trump.

CNN you misspelled Steals.


It's not over until the Supreme Court says it's over. Buckle up Buttercups. Trump will be your President.

No he won’t. Elections rigged , an ballots are fraud

MAGAs —————— 😭😭😭

Why don't they fact-check this and take this false statement off of social media

Fake news

Gfy CNN. Hack journalism at its finest.

Thank god!!

You like it or not he has won I love your motivation

My hearty congratulations to New PRESIDENT of USA


Classy__MattV We are all doomed and the American dream is lost forever. Welcome communism where the government takes your money and runs your life.


Finally, unbelievable feelings!! You did it! Congratulations to new soon President of the United States Joe Biden!!!

Biden was a Republican couple years ago...

Hamer Scorecard

Congra mr president

Congratulations! Joe Biden......GOD Bless United State of America

Congratulations Joe and Kamala WorldIsBrighter

Sir Joe Biden, President USA will take care of world peace and business

Thai is a big ducking deal!

I give Biden half a year before he's assassinated.... notmypedophile


There we go, the crybabies are throwing tantrums!. Your one term yoyo president has been booted out, get over it.

Congratulations Joe Biden

I will not acknowledge him as president nor will I comply with anything he says. He's a cheater,a liar,and corrupt. MAGA!

Imma be honest- you could’ve chosen a better photo or at least not over-corrected for clarity 😅

I can breathe again🥰

adia66 Yes we can get out this fucking man 👍 congratulations America 👋👋


Congratulation to the right face of usa.

Victory with controversy would lead to constitutional crisis on legitimacy.


Now we make America great again

Finaly a winner bidenharis2020 Congrats to the Hole World👏

Acosta Peter_Fitz

quintabrunson CHINA WON?!

You still call yourself a media? What a shame.

Sorry but the MSM does not determine election outcomes. Until the election is certified and all legal challenges settled, there is no president elect at this point. So no, China Joe and Kamala the Ho have not won. Nice try though!


THIS IS UNFAIR. Trump wins this by a lot. Biden is not worthy Trump2020

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