Jeff Bezos Donates $100 Million to Help Nation's Food Banks

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Jeff Bezos is making a huge donation to help families in need of food during the coronavirus pandemic.

and his company have been doing a lot to combat the problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic, but now the Amazon honcho's using his immense wealth to battle one problem specifically -- hunger.

Jeff says food insecurity is a problem in the U.S. even during ordinary times, but"COVID-19 is amplifying that stress significantly."


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....all along and would be happy and living well off a paltry 100 mill or so, then he could donate another 10 mill and that WOULD be huge, and worth some positive press.

Or pay your taxes

Well done 🙌

A drop in the bucket...

Does anyone know what this man could do with the amount of money he has? Anyone?

Two weeks worth of blow and hooker change for the lad.

That's amazing

That's a chicken change to Jeff. Anyway he has done his part, what about the other billionaires

JeffBezos still a crook. He will get a write off for this

For God sakes People need car payment and rent mi er food is abundant at this time

How about his workers? 🤷🏿‍♂️

'huge donation' haha not compared to his net

redmarvelgirl21 Paid off his taxes, you silly people!

Proud to be an Amazonian!!!

He needs to be offering sick pay across the board and getting PPE to all supply chain workers


before y’all start talking sh*t..did you donate ANYTHING?

That's crazy and awesome.

I see why the migos only donated 1000 because y’all never grateful

Doesnt make up for his lack of federal tax payments. So all of us pay fed tax and our gov uses that tax money to save these businesses, while jeff bezos pays 0 fed tax, and just wrote off another 100M donation in time for tax season.

Yep, this is one cheap SOB.

FOX5Atlanta We should take his wealth

We will take it! That will feed a lot of people.

Finally this man steps up to do what he ought to have done a month ago. Zero praise 4 JeffBezos

How about he stops forcing his workers to work in unsafe conditions where they can catch and spread the virus!

This is like most of us blue collar Americans donating $10 bucks. Come on Jeff, nobody except Congress & The Senate representatives makes more money than you. Pony up there money bags.

Y’all want him to donate more?

It’s about damn time. Maybe he could take care of his workers and provide better training for his drivers.

needs to donate wayyy more than that.

prophecypro Guilt money...


Um actually that’s only .00000000002 percent of his wealth so don’t mean anything


If you say that’s not enough you don’t deserve the 100 million.

Greeny93_ people are at it again, as if $100 million isn’t a shit ton of money 🤣

can’t pay his employees tho lol

sheesh yall are economically misinformed. “eat the rich” will never work out because yall cant see that him having this amount of money to even donate is an issue. yall don’t understand how much 1 billion dollars is. he does need to donate more, and so do all the rest of them.

Absolute legend

There would still be some people that’ll actually complain about this smh.

Not impressed. He could have been doing shit like this before the pandemic. Also these celebs gotta stop giving money to organizations. That's like giving your buddy 100 million because it never fully goes where it's intended

All that's missing from the photo is his arm raised up to his face with his pinky extended out from a clenched fist to his lip.

Maybe he should donate 77 quazilions and his left eye

JRBlizzy2DaDome wowwwwwwwwww

THANKS Jeff for stepping up to the plate and helping peoples in the world AMEN

God bless this man! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

The world is filled with so many ungrateful pricks🤞🏽

Top! What a man 😯🤗


Thank you Jeff🙏

People talking about that’s only like $10 to him but they won’t donate $1 and that’s only like a dollar to them 🤦🏾‍♂️


bryan_mbabazi 😮😮😲😲😲

Well done sir


Bruh Jeff really be Time Traveling to get that much money, I only just got the Able Sisters and he's already got the food bank? Smh dirty cheater


'that's like me donating 10 dollars' NO IT'S LITERALLY NOT. SHUT UP!

Maybe when you lot donate $100m you can talk about it not being enough 🤗

Now this is amazing!

This is like me donating a 100 million


People saying $100m is change to him. So the man should donate half of this networth before y'all appreciate him. How much did you donate?

Oh god theyre coming


That’s the least he can do since he didn’t pay taxes lol jk jk he’s done a good deed GoPrime SpeedyDelivery HePaidHisTaxes TheNiggaShowedUsHisI9Form LolJkNoHeDidnt


The only reason i clicked on this tweet is to see % twitter get roasted lol

People who donated $0 are gonna be pissed at this one

in honor of this great american hero JeffBezos I made composition beat soundtrack Jeff Bezos Cock Produced by Mariano Zerga

To everyone complaining about him donating 100mil is like us donating £10, how many of you have even donated £10? I'll wait 💅

SenSanders is this enough

But can’t pay employees paid time off to stay home and be safe but instead expect you to go into work at the Amazon Warehouse where people were just infected with the Coronavirus and continue to work this man only cares about a dollar not his employees

People outchae think He actually has 120 billion in his account, that's not what net worth means dumb arses

Some shitty pr to cover up the fact he's not providing sick pay or ppe to his workers and is being sued for firing a worker who organised

All the social justice warriors crunching down the numbers in disgust

Fake woke Twitter gon have a field day with this one

“ That’s like 10 dollars he should’ve done more “ says the person who doesn’t have 10M to donate lol 😂. Everyone has all the suggestions, advice , criticism and Financial Planning on others cash . Meanwhile their one of the people that seriously need that stimulus package lol 😂

he could just pay taxes and nobody would complain

Let me contribute my $1. How about a couple billion JeffBezos and spread it around!

“eAt tHe RiCh”

The only wealthy person I've heard of donating a significant amount.

That's nice JeffBezos. However, this is not helping your employees who are complaining about working conditions as they don't feel safe or valued.

Pay your taxes first

OnLy A 100 mIlLiOn🤬🤬🤬

LaDaniellaRose Bezos is next 🤦🏻‍♂️👁🩸

its not about the ratio you guys do realize he doesnt have to donate shit right

Here come the “don’t defend them cause they don’t even know who you are” twitter

TravisMuse09 gyasiKM

The ex wife should donate something too. Now is the time to help, not to be conveniently in hiding. Doctors,nurses and a lot of under privileged people around the world could do with some of her cash right now.

there’s no way someone finds anything wrong with this he’s literally giving 100 fucking million dollars away god damn

“tHaTs LiKe DoNaTInG...” y’all never happy with nothing

man donated like a percent of him

OmG ThAt Is LiKe $5 FoR HiM

proof that bullying works

Why are you people complaining- it’s $100m they didn’t have - man people will criticize anything

Incoming 'he didn't donate enough' comments

He should pay his front line workers more for the risk they put themselves into.

People who say shit and feel entitled to the money deserve the virus, biggest donation in the world

BrO tHaTs OnLy 50 $ For hIM

everyone in the comments simping for Jeff Bezos I promise Jeffrey Bezos is not gonna fuck u he’s not gonna listen to ur business pitch nor is does he respect ur “grind”

that’s nice and all but why did you guys use the most fucked up picture of him

“HE OnLY DOnaTEd $100 MILL,tHaTS LiKE $10 DoLlArs tO hIm”


Weren’t these two telling me What not the Wear a few years ago?

people that complain will never see 6 figures in their bank account lol

So he should 🤔🤔🙏


just going to leave this here

I just don't believe it, he's way too stingy and greedy. He asked for DONATIONS for his employees I mean come onnn

don’t let this distract you from how Bezos treats the Amazon workers billionairedefenceteam

Now he can help feed the two million ppl he put out of work by monopolizing the retail market. He makes 180,000.00 a minute, literally. Fugly rich.

Okay if hes willing to donate 100mil, what's his deal regarding increasing taxes on the rich?

percent twitter coming at this man


Cool, now give your warehouse employees paid sick leave and pay federal taxes.

God bless you

People be saying “tHat’S LiKe mE DonAtINg $10” no it’s not because it’s 100 millions dollars you can’t do shit with $10 dollars 😂


smh this like me donating 100 billion dollars 😒...

To the people complaining why billionaires are giving away a small portion of their money: Stop complaining, atleast they’re donating unlike you people

How can you all be so ungrateful for this kind of generosity. Bezo's gives to charities all the time. He gives b/c he's helping the country. What are you all doing?

Nigerians 🇳🇬 are yet to see this

does he have lip filler in this pic ?

This would be it if he paid taxes too

'lol that’s like me donating $10. The country that has helped you become this successful and you’re only giving $100m. Smh'

Wow that's a lot

Oh nvm...... Im late

Waiting for the “ThAt’s LiKe Me DoNaTiNg a CoFfe” comments”

Nobody here donate even 10$ so shut op for ever

It just fell out of his pocket and was like “oh yeah, that’s for the food banks”

JeffBezos FINALLY! Don’t worry you’ll get a huge deduction out of your donation so it’s like you didn’t even give out a penny.


finding my calculator as we speak


“Look T_Rhodes24, he bought a mansion in LAfor $165 million, Forbes said THATS the equivalent of buying a house for $125. So without using a calculator , I JUST know that donating $100 million is less than him donating $100 from his worth. How disgusting”

Well finally, amazon been boomin

But let me guess it just magically does nothing correct?

Jus came to see the ppl complaining about how much money someone else is donating 👀

Great, now pay your fair share in taxes

Broke Niggas be like “but that’s 3 dollars too him, he should donate more”

People are really under here saying 100M is like 10 dollars. We have got to get off this quarantine, u idiots have lost your minds.

Cmon jeffy boy I know you got a lot more now spit it out

But won't pay his staff. How brutal

Nigerian govt come and beg this one too for give away

M currently in lockdown please donate your ears😂😂😂😂😂

all the bezos dickriders in this thread

Can I have $20😭😭

Did he just drop a dime? I think he just dropped a dime...

JeffBezos Instead stock up Amazon w/paper products! Especially since we’re supposed to be SaferAtHome

This would be like me donating a billion 💍

OnLY 1o0 MilLION?!?!?!?!!!?!!!!111?11!?11?1

Wonder if that’s enough

Props to him, 👏👏👏👏

I hate him to no end, but that's a lot of money and very generous. Whatever I'll park the hate and applaud

Jeff Bezos every time he donates money that he’s gonna get back 🤣🤟🏾

Can i cop a lil 20k

Y'all better be happy that he even donated something

We still hate u tho

That’s great. But why am I paying for prime and can’t get my stuff for weeks

How about another 100 mil for a cure and few mil for supplies and homeless shelter? That nothing to you.

This is dope fr. So many ppl will be fed bcuz of this

and people still mad😂😂😂😂 can’t please these folks

Even if he donated $500 million people would STILL complain

Y’all probably lying

Lemme hold sum before them hoes get it

Okay he did something

What about his workers

Why don’t you ask his ex-wife to donate money? Just be happy with what he donated.

“lol that’s like me donating $10!”

People complaining about a donation... yet they haven’t donated either

Does he have a glass eye?

He too Oprah!


is what i thinks gonna happen gonna happen?

That is a lot of money, but he of all people can and should be doing more. Not just for the health of this nation but also his own employees.

He saw all the other celebs and famous people donating and said watch this :

JordanFariaLima Brother ... simply the best!!!

He know mfs about to run out of time.....but he is worth $100 billion that's at least he could do.

And he will get a tax break. Nevertheless, many thanks to him.

People who aren't mad he didn't donate more are dick riders. This guy could singlehandedly cure corona virus and world hunger and half billions left but you still have dunbasses like 'y h3 n3ed 2 d0nat3 h3 3arned It' he didn't earn shit, he exploited the system and his workers.

LMT978 That's equal to you or me donating $300. That's how grossly rich this guy is!!!

Can’t wait to hear how that’s .12 percent of his net worth

He made that back today 😭

“HeS woRtH BiLLiOnS, hE SHOulD hAVE doNaTeD mORe!!!!”

Oh fuck they’re coming

Nice guy

hbdchick People don't need food banks, they need to keep their damn jobs!

Okay this is wild 👏 well done Jeff

Only God knows his heart

Well done. First good thing I can actually say about this man. Well done

Fuck him, give me sick days and time in a half!

Y’all really hyping this up when last year alone he dodged $900 million in taxes I’m 💀

How convenient. only took so many celebrities to call him out to do something. I'm guessing he writes that off as a donation and gets it deducted from his taxes? Besides, the food banks are all closed where I'm at.. I'd have to drive 2 hrs to get a bag of rice and canned beans

We need to start donating to the nation's toilet paper bank. We need T.P. for my bung hole.

I don't care how much of his key worth this is(wealth is fake anyway), just remember philanthropy is an illusion.

why ain he help his employees?!

Math Twitter coming in fast


Jeff Bezzos is worth 120.4 billion dollars. $100 million is 0.038% of his net worth. That’s equivalent to a nurse making 60k donating $228 lmfao. Fuck oligarchs. EatTheRich

iTs lIke 20 dOlLarS tO hIM. Stfu, let me see you do it. 👀😂

Alright now pay your taxes

Start with your own employees.

Amazon is using obvious troll bot accounts to protect their scumbag oligarch from getting dunked on online. Pathetic.

Thank you!

Good for him that Money is going to save a lot of people during this pandemic.

Why do we have food banks

Just pay off everyone’s mortgage. It would be much easier

Someone's gonna be upset cus its only 0.000000000001% of his fortune


Bring on the “that’s not enough” losers!

Eat the rich twitter pulling up thinking net worth is all in physical cash lmao

Good for him. Donating $100 million is not equivalent to me donating $10. That’s a lot of money. How many other billionaires are donating $100 million?

Pocket change

“Well actually this is like $23 to him. Eat the ricch 😡😡😡”

I love all the stupid idiots that are ripping this man for donating $100 million

Can’t wait to see all the fruitcakes complain about this

this is pocket change for him. pathetic

Dr Evil felt the heat and threw a couple quarters of his into the mix lol

What a joke oh my gosh that’s like a freddo to him omg omg omg so disrespectful wtf wow

Queue “aKKTuaLLy tHiS iS oNlY .00000000000000000126% oF HiS nEt WoRtH” tweets

Here they come 🔥

Broke weirdos on twitter incoming

BaconWRLD Omg that’s like me donating 2.3489349 dollars. I hate America.


Here comes the people that say this is like a dollar to him but don’t donate a dollar themselves.

That's like me also donating money lol

el jefe doin what el jefe does where’s your donation WarrenBuffett ? 😘😘😘groupchatpod1 dramadrama deemurthy Anand_Murthy


He can do that cause he is way richer than realDonaldTrump

that’s it?

NO DONATION IS TOO BIG AND NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL. If everyone donated this percentage of their total wealth we would have trillions of dollars lol


Only 100 million are you serious. 😐.

Let me know when he gives paid sick leave and a living wage to all his employees lol

here they come

Wow !! Thank you 🙏🏽 So kind and very helpful!!!!

Take care of ya workers

G shit

True American. But Trumps AS lickers will classify him as a Hollywood Elite

All tax refund! Rich people only spend if they make more!

ugh only $100mil😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

Good now that's stepping up.

🙏🙏🙏Thats Luv

how generous to donate a portion of what he made from insider trading & dumping stocks

God Bless You this is the time to be generous

He’s starting to implement temperature checks & masks but, I agree. A man who’s worth so much money, should be putting health & safety of his employees and his customers, above the almighty dollar!

So he's donating $100 mil to the same food banks that his own employees have to use⁉️‼️⁉️‼️ Jeff baby, when will you donate directly to your employees❓

How about you donate that money to all your warehouse workers and delivery drivers

Ya the $$ he pulled out of the stock market

Wouldn’t it be good if he helped his own employees, too? We can dream still, I guess

Where the .001% people at smh

That is like me donating 50 cents

Cheese!!! Cheese!!!!!

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