Japan to Release Low-Radiation Fukushima Water Into Ocean

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United States Headlines News

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Japan said it would ensure safety in releasing water with low levels of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant but fishing groups fear the impact on seafood sales

TOKYO—Japan said Tuesday that it would release water with low levels of radiation from the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the sea despite opposition from a local fishing industry struggling to recover from the impact of 2011 meltdowns.

The plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co. , is running out of storage space for more than a million cubic tons of the water, which contains a radioactive isotope of hydrogen called tritium. Government officials said the level of radiation was a tiny fraction of what people are exposed to in everyday life and that Japan’s move followed standard practice among other global nuclear operators.

Dealing with the water “is an issue we cannot avoid in proceeding with the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi,” said Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga in announcing the move. He called the water release a practical solution and said the government would “ensure safety far in excess of standards.” Representatives of the fishing industry said they feared reputational damage for Fukushima seafood. The decision “tramples on the feelings of people in the fishing industry around the nation,” said Hiroshi Kishi, head of the national fisheries cooperative group. The government said Tokyo Electric Power would pay compensation if bad publicity from the water release hurt seafood sales.


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So in the future, it’s best to build indoor breeding, healthy and safe

The fish is already like this near fukushima, if JAPAN dumping 1 million cubic meter nuclear waste water into Pacific, it will be too horrible and late. We need to stop it.

The levels of radiation having been released by China and Korea is far higher than that of Japan. There is no point in the fear.

Eat fish and glow in the dark?

The point is who trust who

The United States and Japan are both shameless countries

Stop trying to whitewash the Japanese!They say other countries are also releasing nuclear waste into the sea.But other countries are discharging cooling water, Japan is going to be discharging contaminated water from the nuclear core leak!

Who believe that please drink the water

who support dump to ocean , drink it

I think I’m nuke infected. Meow!

If their radioactive waste water is so “clean”, why dont they drink it or cook with it themselves, but want to dump it to the ocean, which affects every single species on this planet. And US is backing this. Disgraceful!

The FDA is moving faster than I thought.

fishers no need to fear, just get another job, cuz noone wanna buy nuclear polluted fish

More good news please(((

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