James Comey subpoenaed, willing to ‘answer all questions’ if hearing is open, public

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Former FBI Dir. James Comey tweeted Thanksgiving morning that House Republicans have subpoenaed him to testify before Congress: 'I’m still happy to sit in the light and answer all questions... Let’s have a hearing and invite everyone to see.'


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Comey Although youare one of the reasons for Clinton not being elected President, that’s behind us...I support you for doing what’s ringt now.

You do not set the rules Comey. Congress does.


I agree

You don’t get to name the conditions smart aleck.

Yes let the world hear in public , you should! We should all stand up and stop this Trump train from totally wrecking this country!

Just put an investigation on him, we’ll know everything!

I still blame Comey for Hillary's loss.

Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha.

He’s a disgrace and should be held accountable. Comey really wants pay per view. 💵💵💵

Comey wants a public hearing so he can claim confidentiality and not answer any questions in public-oldest trick-LockHimUp LockHerUp !!!

Once again the Republicans are living in the past and just grasping at straws. Just remember how the Republicans handled the WMB's and Iraq, they knew they were not there. The big question is where did all their nuke scientists go?

Decoded: Media not happy with government oversight under this congress but thrilled with the idea of oversight from the next congress.

I would like to see Coney and Clinton behind bars and put on public display for complete transparency and viewing.


45, on the other hand says one week he'd be happy to testify, the next he won't. Between the two men, who is more believable?


Use the light to stay in the dark. What a guy.

This is a God damn joke.

The United States of America's Trump-Russia Treason Investigation: Remember, Remember the 8th of November the Treason of Donald J. Trump. I can think of no reason why Trump's Treason should ever be forgot. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥2016 : Donald J. Trump's Treason🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Have one in public, then a second in private Limited to the questions he could not answer in public.

Yes, let’s hear the TRUTH

Comey wants to be in the light After all the time he spent in the shadows plotting & planning.... this SwampCreature will look totally out of place being 'Exposed' to daylight!! DrainTheSwamp

He can do it their way...this ain't Burger King Comey

Why private?!?! SenateDems SenateGOP We the People ask these be public hearings live on cspan & NPR.

Jim's 'higher loyalty' seems to start with saving his own skin.

JamesComeyFBI Did you interview Hillary in public?


Obviously he knows what questions are coming up and most if not all will be classified. When Reps asked for declassifying documents related to FISA scandal Dems went on full breaking news propaganda that GOP is putting national security at risk. You got subpoena and you'll comply

Open hearing would be great as long as Comey pledges to answer all questions and to never claim the 5th

It shouldn't be closed door because they will lie

He wants a public session so he can cop out and refuse to answer questions because “classified”. He knows he can’t use that excuse in a closed door session.

Just wants to use the That’s Classified Card as his answer in public. He’s scared to testify under oath behind closed doors. 😡🇺🇸

I didn't know they could stack $hit that high!

Haha because he’s a camera loving egomaniac. And naturally, if you air it on TV he only gets softballs lobbed at him. Way too easy for him to not answer questions bc they are “confidential”

He should ask for written questions in advance so he could craft answers like realDonaldTrump

Transparency is good. Hence, why Republicans oppose it.

You may not like him, but Comey's right. Democracy dies in the dark. And for those who say, 'It's a subpoena, that's important,' remember that when it comes for the prez...

Let the former FBI director speak publicly to us all!

Oh boy can't wait to see the COVOY of Charges coming for you from America. It's the DUCK SMOKEYBEARS LOL breaker, breaker one niner Captains log. Big mouth soap on a Rope and flip flops. Comey Gate here comes the American people...

Republicans are corrupt to the core.

We all don’t need to see. Just the committee. We’re happy to read your answers. Curious where you fit in the corruption of the DNC, FBI, DOJ, FISA apps. Answer truthfully or go to jail. Never mind. You’re going there anyway!!! ComeyCorruption

Comey You are no hero

MORE: In a statement, Comey's attorney says the subpoena was received yesterday for a 'closed door interview' in December. 'Mr. Comey embraces and welcomes a hearing open to the public, but the subpoena issued yesterday represents an abuse of process.'

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