It's an outrage Mike DeWine won't debate first woman nominated for Ohio governor| Opinion

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He's debated so many others, but now that a woman is running for Ohio governor, debate appears to be off Mike DeWine's table, Emily Quick Schriver i

Debate is an Ohio tradition that DeWine embraced until now.gets closer, the likelihood of a debate dwindles.

This is unfair to all Ohioans, and especially unfair to Ohio’s women.In the past 40 years, all but one set of candidates have debated for the seat. Even when there was an incumbent governor. In fact,


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Typical Trumper. Just like Ayatollah Abbott.

He knows nanwhaley would open a can of 💥 on his 🍑

He knows nanwhaley would open a can of 💥 on his 🍑

How can MikeDeWine ask for our vote if he is refusing to even tell us what he stands for? I’m voting for nanwhaley

Because he will have to answer to why a ten year old girl had to leave the state to access abortion care.

what is this 40 years ago

Sexist pig.

Time for Ohio to vote out these extremist and corrupt republicans

ljvilardo He's arrogant, ('above ' it), & a coward.

dfeltner11 Anyone surprised?

Just another old white man pushing archaic policies. He doesn't have to debate anyone because there are too many lemmings in this state.

The woman has a name it’s nanwhaley. And the man’s picture is outdated by some decade +.

He knows intellectually he cant win

He’s scared

Another newspaper gone to complete shit. Sad.

He fears women; especially, those with greater leadership qualities than he does.

Whaley is a loser demo🐀

DeWine’s plan for Ohio nears completion

Cause nanwhaley is gonna kick his grASS

Why is using a 30 year old picture of MikeDeWine and a current picture of nanwhaley? Misogynist much?

That “woman” has a name. DeWine won’t debate Nan Whaley because he’ll lose. He’s a coward.

Where are all the republican candidates speaking about their victory on Roe? Why aren't they shouting about it to get elected? Heck they barely mention they are republicans.

His record is damning

Oh is Mike afraid of a woman.

I am a conservative, and I believe in debates. Gov DeWine should debate the DEM nominee. Just like all races should have debates. Voters deserve it.

Actually the outrage is that these 2 corrupt politicians are running for Guv - OH needs an America First write-in on the ballot

Mike DeWine i ls a crook. If the Right wants to drain the swamp, they’d vote against him.

The outrage should be towards how nanwhaley left the Dayton after 16 years with crime and poverty spikes. The 'Smart on Crime' approach will make things worse for Ohio. She has time for driving around Ohio, forgot about Dayton quickly, here is a reminder:

He doesn’t need to, he’s going to lose

ljvilardo She should do it anyway. Take questions, answer them all with a cardboard stand-up of DeWine at the other podium.

Why would he debate a communist 🤷🏻‍♀️

Is GovMikeDeWine a spineless coward?

Her name is nanwhaley and GovMikeDeWine is a coward.

He knows his positions on several issues are indefensible because he caved to the extremists in his party. Now he is their slave. It was great that he did the coronavirus press conferences with Dr. Acton and promised the citizens of Dayton he would help reduce gun violence.

The article is poorly written and is filled with terrible interpretations and historical inaccuracy. You can easily read about their platforms and make an informed decision.

He's a dwarf little b.


He’s scared and he will have to look up at her, because he is tiny

Laughing my ass off. Debating her is just a waste of time when he's already won the election he's already moved on

Because she’s a joke

Really just a waste of time and resources. Polls show Dewine wins by a landslide regardless of a debate.

It’s also an outrage that his headshot is 30yrs old.

Why bother? Do you want him to expose how poorly she ran Dayton?

BrianELogan Gee, are we surprised?

Dewhiner does what Dewhiner does. Spineless, MAGA politician. Remember women have lost rights in Ohio. Vote for Nan!

Disgusting and reprehensible from a coward who cannot defend his record or choices.

Mike DeWine is being cowardly!! And disrespectful VoteBlue💙

Lee_in_Iowa GovMikeDeWine WHY can’t you debate nanwhaley ? Are you scared? Not sure how to talk about the Republican Party facts?

More and more we see republicans refusing debates, afraid to defend their policies in front of voters. Wonder why?

1. He doesn’t want to give her a platform. 2. He has no plan aside from full abortion ban. 3. He’s a little scaredy cat.

MikeDeWine is a Coward! VoteBlue for nanwhaley Ohioans, Governor DeWine doesn't care about anyone.

Profiles in Courage🙄🤡

She has 0.1% chance. Why would he waste his time ?

DeWine is too wimpy to debate. When there was a mass shooting in Ohio, Mike promised sensible gun control, backed down from NRA pressure, and made gun laws more lax. He endorses an extreme abortion policy that rips away’s women’s rights.

he DeWine has a problem with women no problem with teenagers carrying assault rifles

I will not debate Nan because I will not answer questions about this good friend I appointed to PUCO who walked away with millions and has been protected from being charges. He pushed through HB6 for me.

We’re gonna give him hell in November nanwhaley

He has to go

He's a coward.

Like most Forced Birthers, he doesn't think women are human. So, why would he debate his female opponent?

so afraid of getting his ar$e kicked.

Then he doesn't deserve to run

Im not voting for him anyway

Can’t blame him. Nan is so bad of a democrat Candidate. Even the Teamsters Union in Ohio endorsed Mike DeWine. Because they didn’t want anything to do with her.

This has to be satire. Won't debate his opponent because she's a woman. Come on.

Why is it relevant that she’s a woman?

It's amazing how many MAGA Republicans are deathly AFRAID of interacting with strong, smart Women!

MikeDeWine thinks he’s above debating a woman?


rhonda_harbison Why? Because of his delicate sense abilities?

The Republicans already said they weren't going to be debating anymore! That came out of their conference after the debates between Trump and Biden! So it shouldn't be such a surprise but what is, is Republicans claiming to be badgering Democrats about debating after that

Interesting how so many liberals who profess inclusiveness, empathy and compassion, resort to threats and name calling when things don’t go their way.

What is it with so many cowardly GOP candidates refusing to debate this year?

He's going to win by 20+ points and she's running a God awful campaign. Don't waste our time.

He’s a coward. Nan Whaley would crush him in a debate and he knows it. BTW, the woman has a name. Nan Whaley.

HyattathomeKi DeWine believes he is insulated from reality by the ongoing gerrymandering

He’s only declining because he’s confident it won’t matter to the voters of Ohio. 🤬

Only Ohio would put up with the DeWhiner.

News Station should hold the debate without him

He`s afraid...he look like a fool

DoBetter Columbus Dispatch. Nan Whaley has a name. Use it.

Ladies vote this guy out.



The poll that matters is on 11/8/23! Money is on DeWine losing, don’t underestimate women vote in ohio!

Governor Sweetchuck is a paper kitten

Incumbent Republicans always think the seat is theirs. No need to prove themselves to the voters. That kind of arrogance and lack of humility really rubs me the wrong way.

He’s hiding his true view on the abortion issue

kakanicat Strong women scare the pants off weak and bully men! GovWine

And he still has a 23 point lead 😂😂

Coward! VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy

MikeDeWine is a coward!

“The first woman nominated…” has a name . Her name is Nan Whaley and she is more than ready to debate the man coward who is presently our governor. The name of the candidate coward unwilling to debate is Mike DeWine.

It shows DeWine’s Arrogance. He is taking voters for granted.

MikeDeWine What are you afraid of? Women ?

He shouldn’t be so damn cocksure about himself. Republicans in Ohio just don’t like him.

Corrupt little twerp.

DeWine shows his cowardice again and again. He's always willing to bend to the loudest voice. That voice needs to be the voters.

What are you afraid of GovMikeDeWine ?


ShannonFreshour Answer is simple - Support and Vote for nanwhaley VoteBlue

This would be like having know it all celebrities on Jeopardy . Wait what am I thinking the celebs that know-it-all would never go on Jeopardy cause they know nothing !! Be like having 3 Sargent Schultz's .

Dewine is going to win hands down. However I’d like to see her demands before I make a judgement on whether he should or shouldn’t debate her.

She has a 0% chance of winning

Mike DeWine has been terrible for Ohio and now he's refusing to debate Nan Whaley. That speaks volumes!

not6016 ... But if he debates her, he'll have to answer tough questions on the record and that could cost him politically... 😒


He won't debate because he's scared.

Will be in top 5 w/GDP of one trillion. Ohio has a bigger economy than some countries. I’m sorry what’s he doing wrong? Ohio is a red state and will remain a red state.

Wow! He knows she'd shred him.👍☹️

They need to go ahead a hold a debate and let them not show up.

He is afraid of the first woman nominated for Ohio governor. What's her name, Dispatch? You had plenty of characters left to put it there.

He won't debate her because he has no respect for women.

MAGA WOMEN! You can drive a car, get an education, speak in public, serve on jury, divorce your husbands, have a career, run for elected office, take legal action if raped or beaten by your spouse, have a credit card, use birth control AND VOTE...because of liberal feminists!


Why would MikeDeWine debate someone that’s 18 points behind in the polls? Ohio is in the top 10 for the highest GDP in the country at $825 billion to date for 2022. With a 1.5% increase year over year. With intel and other businesses that follow ohio

Is it actually a race

Look what she has done Dayton 🤣🤣

You scared to lose to a girl?

Who knows, maybe DeWine is afraid to be out whited by a lady?

Help Flip This Seat Blue With A Donation at: - Chip In For NAN WHALEY. VoteBlueOhio DemVoice1

If he refuses to debate I refuse to consider giving him my vote.

Gov. Mike Dewine must be afraid than Nan Whaley would clean his clock in a debate. If he is such a good governor, let him debate to her to prove it.

DeWine dismisses women. I want a governor that won't.

“Outrage”, really What a simple life you must live if this, is an outrage.

He doesn’t want to touch the vagina issue that’s hurting GOP Cult. NARAL PPact lwvohio TheDemocrats wintheera PeteButtigieg nytimes

MikeDeWine is a coward and a wee little man.

Chicken troll man

He's an old wine served after its time. Recycle to Emily Schriver D OH. Because you can and should defy the odds. Like Kansas. Voter avalanche OH. Register. Vote. Watchful Wait.


GovMikeDeWine is terrified because he will be upstaged by a better and smarter candidate. Like Jim Jordan, he fears, above all else, that he’s unable to compete against a female. It’s why he left Dr. Acton to fend for herself as Trump/Jordan’s misinformed base threatened her.

DeWine is a corrupt p*ssy

Her name is Nan Whaley and everyone should vote for her.

The debate should move forward with DeWine being MIA. They should just let his opponent Nan Whaley inform voters about DeWine's near-total abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.

'Outrage'.... LOL!!! R-E-L-A-X .....

Like anyone cares about her being the first woman nominated by her party? What exactly does that face to do with a debate?

Cowardly MikeDeWine ! He doesn’t want to answer questions about abortion or the outrageously gerrymandered maps! Hope he loses BIGLY!!

Pictured here: DeWine preparing to sign into his AOL account for the first time, 1993.

Not an outrage at all. Nan ruined Dayton and will do the same for the rest of the state. Why waste time listening to her rhetoric

Nan WHOLet's keep,it that way.

It is an outrage that he won’t debate her but it’s also an outrage that Dems keep nominating candidates that can’t compete within 15 points of an unpopular GOP governor. Currently, Whaley is 18 points behind in each poll. Voters hate Dewine, but they don’t know her.

No he should not...end of story! Let her debate herself!

If DeWine won’t debate, he has NO plan. One would think if you had an actual plan on how to make Ohio better you would want to talk about it. VoteBlueOhio

Polls say he’s got such a lead, there is no need for him to debate. It’s a shame. Debates should be required. And this debate would expose a lot of extreme intent (read heartbeat bill). But the fact is, he doesn’t have to bother. So he won’t.

He’s a wuss….

Little mike has nothing to offer and is running scared.

I think all candidates should be required to do a debate

That's the democrat playbook all around the country. But hey, it's not cool for a republican to do it.

Not necessary clowns 😂

Was advised by his lawyers not to take questions about First Energy and his role in the OHIO GOP corruption scandal. I don’t know why they advised that because in all his years in politics he has NEVER answered a question.

Never wrestle a pig.

He knows he’d be unarmed in that battle of wits.

He’s a coward but Ohio is filled with hypocrites and bigots so he’ll still be re-elected unfortunately, there is to many unkind people in Ohio then kind.

Scared 🤡

It’s an outrage DeWine takes credit for the Democrats bringing manufacturing back to Ohio. It’s an outrage that OHGOP took bribes from FirstEnergy & OH taxpayers bailout coal plants in IN & WV. It’s an outrage that OHGOP ignored it’s own GOP SCt ruling on gerrymandering.

She’s mop the floor with him.

Dewine may be afraid to debate Nan due to his discrimination against the LGBTQ COMMUNITY.

He's afraid!

It's an outrage that DeWine won't debate Nan Whaley, the first woman nominated for Ohio governor. Fixed it for you. And DeWine is a coward in a party of cowards. Their motto is 'the less we say the less likely we are to make fools of ourselves'

DeWine is a weak, corrupt, scared and misogynist person who doesn’t belong in a leadership position. He’s a RedHatter’s tool. Vote him out.

Why would he waste his time?

He is a weasel. He won't do anything unless he is directed to.

Why debate 'a woman' when he is planning on taking the rights of 'all women' away once he is elected. Vote accordingly Ohio. The lives of your wife, sister, daughter, granddaughter, girlfriend, or yourself are important!🗣️🗣️🗣️💙💙💙

DeWine, like the RenRats GroomedGesiotto and the remainder of the DWO/LWO, know that they have the election in the bag….right FrankLaRose? Check out the documentary where they can manipulate certain outcomes 1 vote = 20 votes in certain counties for certain elections.

He’s a coward

Then the dispatch should endorse Nan Whaley


How is it even legal that candidates for public office aren't required to have public debates?

She’s not that scary, c’mon now GovMikeDeWine do it! Or are you afraid your misogyny will be showing? coward

DeWine is going to win by a billion.

Are Ohio parents good with this ⬇️⬇️

Cowardly scum.

He's a coward. Just like the rest of the clowns in that now fascist party..

WitchKing DeWine

DeWine is a coward and does not represent Ohioans. But he sure loves to pretend.

DeWine is a criminal-think of HB6.

Knew one of these “it’s because she’s a woman!” Would come up. So predictable and hilarious. Maybe it’s because she’s an awful candidate 15 points down.

We expected nothing more from De Weenie who has led Ohio's race to the bottom in job growth, education, and infant mortality. 42 in job formation since the pandemic, if he's doing a good job economically there are 41 governors doing better would you vote for all of them?

nanwhaley Her name is nanwhaley and what I find more shocking, than outrageous, is that “Media Whore Mike” must have some shady skeletons in that closet if he’s passing on an opportunity to mug for a camera 🙄

nanwhaley should tell Mr. Science and Dattuh Guy aka GovMikeDeWine that she’s been quadruple jabbed, will let him watch het get her fifth prior to the debate (he likes watching that) and will wear a mask for utmost safety during the debate. That should put his mind at ease.

Her name is Nan Whaley! Do better Dispatch.

Worse- I’ve heard from very influential Rs: she’s terrific but “doesn’t look the part”. VoteBlueToProtectWomen

And he’s still going to beat Dan by almost double digits!!!!

Define has always been a coward and a lickspittle for far right extremists.

Lots of outrages here in Ohio. Bribery, violations of the Constitution, conflict of interest, gerrymandering, taking credit for democrats achievements and the worst making women second class citizens

The outrage was how your reporters never pushed back on Dewine's covid tyranny.

What's a woman?

Shouldn’t that be Mike DeWhine?

Person Woman Man Camera TV, who cares? The point is he won’t debate. He knows he only represents $.

It's also an outrage that you mention 'Mike DeWine' by name in the headline and the tweet, but you only refer to Nan Whaley as 'woman'. And the article doesn't mention her name until the seventh paragraph! Do better,

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