'It is scary to go to work': Top White House official reacts to staffers with coronavirus

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White House senior adviser Kevin Hassett says it's 'scary' to go to work in the West Wing after 2 Trump admin. staffers tested positive for COVID-19 within the past week.

after testing negative the day before. An administration official told NBC News Friday night that her husband tested negative for the virus. A White House official told NBC News that Miller was at the White House in the morning before testing positive, adding that she was showing “symptoms.”, Trump became"lava level mad" at his staff and said he doesn't feel it is doing all it can to protect him, a person close to the White House said.

That same day, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said the White House"is probably the safest place you can come to." Those officials are Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Dr. Stephen Hahn, head of the Food and Drug Administration.

Larry Kudlow, the White House's top economic adviser, told ABC's"This Week" that"there may be" more staffers who opt to self-quarantine.


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So stay home. All does is lie and fabricate anyway. See attached evidence.

Quit. I’ll take the job. I’m immune to COVID-19. I need a good job that enables me to afford nice place in Georgetown or Woodbridge anyway.

Welcome to the world in which the rest of us live and work...

Lol....covid scare him? The wh is an actual horrow show w or wout covid

Welcome to the club....

Hospital workers are surrounded by it every day but who cares about them right?

This President needs some contact tracing inside that white house starring with him and mike pence who don't wear face mask

Well isn't that special? Maybe you understand how regular people feel. So typical of Repubs. They only feel when things happen to them

It should be scary everyday .

Maybe he should quit his job. One less Swamp Rat.

Welcome to America starting in March. Suddenly becomes much more real when you personally experience it.

Now you know how the little people feels like ... work or health!

Oh wahhh. Trying working everyday with Covid positive patients and using the same PPE for weeks.

Why ? It's just a little flu. Here, have some bleach !

He'll be fired tomorrow

Next fired

morgfair Now think of all of us Americans who are expected to go back to work without any of the testing or ppe that the White House staff enjoy

Welp, he will be fired.

DONT GO! Your life-you r not trumps’ slave...

The Chinese military dictatorship produced and spread a virus that has infected millions and killed tens of thousands. And all NBc can say is it’s scary for our executive branch to keep on working? NBC really does work for the CCP.

Funny how people think more clearly when facing death

I am sure it is and it’s also that way watching NBC fake news!!!

Wimp !!! I’ve been doing it for months.

Some honesty at last

But why! It’s just like the flu according to POTUS

morgfair What does he tell Trump about how workers and their families feel terrified about reopening when GOP governors will end unemployment benefits if they decline to return to work when it is unsafe to do so & GOP governors as well as employers ignore CDC recommendations?

Wow- that really says everything about what this death cult thinks about the expendableness of average Americans when they are lobbying for opening the country and damn the consequences and deaths for us (F grandma), but are scared for themselves. 🤭

morgfair Didn’t Cubic Hassett fit an excel chart curve saying deaths were trending to zero? What is he afraid of?

Then why not wear a mask?

Hmmm....I wonder what first responders, doctors and nurses feel....EVERY DAY

“Kevin who?” said every person in history that was subject to that clickbait headline about an equally pointless interview, a mark of the 21st century pseudojournalist’s grasp at relevance, fueled and paralleled by their employer’s lazy approach to their supposed craft.

morgfair Is he fired now?

Who will dress Trump and arrange his comb-over?

morgfair Isn’t this the guy who projected ZERO Covid-19 deaths by May 15? What kind of p**sy does the WhiteHouse employ? Oh all of them.

Now you know how the rest of America feels.

Is he going to bite the bullet and wear a face mask? Choices: 1, wear a mask, avoid Corona Virus but face the wrath of Trump. 2, don’t wear mask, potentially catch the hoax plague but cosy up to Trump and keep his job. 🤔 ⚖️

Oh REALLY! Think how it feels to be a barber or hairdresser!

Doesn’t sound like much of a “warrior” to me

Do it for the economy, sir!

Like a haunted house.

You should try it with all the loonies y’all have created!!

I’m counting and hoping for widespread VIRUS in the White House.

Now he knows how all of us in the health care industry feel.


He’s just NOW realizing it’s scary to go to work there?

kevinhassett why should the WH be any different than the rest of the world! If the PM of the England get it, so can POTUS. You ready for that?

You work for him. Go enjoy

This is how Covid-19 got through the WH front door. Thanks to Mitch McConnell and his China connection.

Bye, Kevin. We hardly knew ya.

In two days we will see headline saying Hassett has been fired.

But it is ok to send the average person back to work without testing

Fn quit

COVID19 TrumpHATESMath TrumpHATESData TrumpsJealousOfJESUS TEST, TEST, TEST ! TRACK, TRACK, TRACK ! ScienceMatters AllLivesMatter WhiteHouse WhiteHouseHstry POTUS VP StayAtHome TestTestTest COVID19 COVID19 USA cases STILL RISING !!! COVID19WhitehouseKARMA

Oh so scary!!

Waaaa! Quit stupid.

COVID19 TrumpHATESMath TrumpHATESData TrumpsJealousOfJESUS TEST, TEST, TEST ! TRACK, TRACK, TRACK ! ScienceMatters AllLivesMatter WhiteHouse WhiteHouseHstry POTUS VP StayAtHome TestTestTest COVID19 COVID19 USA cases STILL RISING !!! COVID19WhitehouseKARMA

Ha ! And they have daily testing with 15 min results. What about the rest of America POTUS ? How do you sleep at night ? carlquintanilla

Gee, maybe now it will hit them that from the start, it's been scary to go to work for healthcare, frontline, grocery store, transit, etc., workers...but, probably NOT. WhereAreTheTests GOPCorruptionOverCountry VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

Yep, and these dickheads in Berks County, PA want to open everything up before it’s safe.

rboudbee Saddle up..........

Dear Kevin, welcome to the real world in which most of us live. You finally pulled your head out of trump's ass and looked around. You personally have some responsibility for what is happening in the US.

Wipe ‘em all out!

I bet it is even scarier in those meat processing plants he wants to force people to work in.

Then quit your job, Kevin.

Scary? There are a whole lot of places a whole lot scarier.... a couple of positives and their magic Kingdom has crumbled. There are millions of positives and over 80,000 deaths outside of the bubble they've been living in. Nope. I don't feel bad for them.

Get a life you all get daily testing, and tracing, mask available, while most of the Americans that are going back to work don’t even have mask to wear, let alone being able to get a test or tracing.


Imagine how people feel going to work where employees/staff aren't being tested every day

Don’t worry. It’s just a hoax, guy. Go on to work and give hugs to everyone! Enjoy!

don’t go. is a job worth your life🤷‍♀️

But they all want Americans back at work

Ya know, I respect karma. But it would really make my day if Trump got a serious case of the murder plague. Covid19

Just think there are more 5hwn two with the virus 8n the White House

This is why we cannot have a mineshaft gap.

Maybe you shouldn’t be supporting the most incompetent administration in history, then.

Welcome to the real world. You will be a sacrificial lamb just like me. All hail the green god🤑. If I get this, I’ll be recording a video on my death bed, cursing this presidency and all the idiots who think it’s not a big deal. And I’ll stick around to ensure my curses work.

PersuasivePR The whole world is a contagion zone so spare me 'it's scary to go to work in the West Wing'. KevinHassett should have been scared long before Covid-19.

How do you think doctors and health care workers feel everyday?

Scary? How the hell does think the rest of America feels since this administration out us all at risk!

I must be REALLY SCARY to go to work with a crazy man in the WH !! What can we do to remove the CRAZY MAN from the drivers seat. WOULD YOU GIVE YOUR CAR KEYS TO THE DRUNKEST PERSON AT THE PARTY What Psychological method can be used to make him leave?

that’s how many of us had felt like back in February 2020. WH is 2 months behind.

I’m sure you are still getting a paycheck while most of us want to go back to work making a living before we lose the roof over our heads and have no money to eat!


Give me a break!!! Scary? How about all the fire/EMS/police/healthcare workers not to mention the scary environment our military personnel deal with.... This guy need to get over himself

There's been about 3 1/2 years of 'scary' in the West Wing. Now, it's turned deadly.

realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse administration has a disgruntled dissident!! Fire him!!

It's probably pretty scary without the COVID

Try working in the hospital with all the “positives”. This administration has taught me to hate. And boy do I hate the Trump administration.

German intelligence: On January 21, China's head of state Xi Jinping during a phone call with WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus asked to withhold information about a person-to-person transmission and to postpone a pandemic warning.

Scary any way next to Satan

I’ve been petrified for 10 weeks now. You deserve to be scared!

So phone it in.

Go to Smithfield and work the meat cutting line and then tell me what's scary.

Suck it buttercup! That's what some imbecile p[ays you for! 🤣

Grow up Kevin

Welcome to reality Kevin.

Tell that to the troops in Afghanistan. Maybe we need a new senior advisor

Awwww booo hooooooo.

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