ISIS bride Shamima Begum to have British citizenship revoked

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British teenager Shamima Begum, who left the UK to join ISIS in 2015 and hoped to return home, will be stripped of her UK citizenship, her family's lawyer said Tuesday


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She not going to be able be apart of any country based solemnly on the fact that she left to be apart of a terrorist organization she can’t stay in the country that she was living in while being apart of isis and is not banned from the UK and she def can’t come to the U.S

Good job!! Don't ever let traitors back in!! Make them suffer the consequences of their actions!!

Send her back to the ISIS she may like being a second class citizen... No mercy at all

Yeap. No, European passport.

Much better no sence for living up their then normal bored situation.Same in Europe of the killed bored procedures.move.

I do find it odd that she had the smarts to understand and accept the IS idiology of what they fought for (no one left because they eagerly wanted to be a housewife)...yet she figured she could simply return and have a quiet life no remorse, no consequences. 🤔

I'm happy that a huge majority of people can agree on this. She should go to prison for her actions as well though...

Who knows what terrorist ideas she brings.

Let me guess, wants her back in the US and “assimilated”

Let her go live in. ISIS caves

We all have to live with the decisions we make, good, bad, or indifferent. She had the right to make it even though it falls squarely in the bad category.

Good for you guys. Don't let that trash back in. USA has one tryin to come home now too... Wonder if that's a coincidence 🤔 Looks like our stupid asses are gonna let it happen 😣 POTUS FoxNews UK ain't having it, why are we?

She can't return

Perhaps let her back onto American soil ( technically):NAS Guantanamo Bay for the rest of her life.

She has been banished from the kingdom.

At least one country is still sane. Any Citizen that leaves their Country to wage war against Allies of their Country if citizenship are unequivocally committing Treason. This is not a gray area ut is very black and white. Hang them until death.

Hopefully this sets an example for other countries.

Good for UK. She already made her choice 4 years ago. Let her deal with the consequences.

Well Nancy hear someone who can head up your arms services committee

First decent decision this country has made in a long time

They did the same for Anna Chapman.

Well she’s in Syria she chose to leave the UK for a Middle Eastern Country to join a terrorist group that were killing UK Citizens so she chose wrong so she gets to stay where she is because decisions have consequences & repercussions

Excellent move by the UK!

newgar I saw this on the news. She made a choice to be a traitor & fight against her country as an enemy of the state. She needs to live in her “new” country. She’s not to be trusted and should be stripped of her citizenship, for the remainder of her life.

Good for her

Keep your ass where you decide to go 👍

I think everyone on twitter can finally agree on something lol

Canada should do the same

That's good you don't join iceass think you go home

The good and God-fearing British people should set up a gofundme account for her so she can raise JUST enough money to rent a bedroom apartment in Syria.

Her family should be stripped 2 cuz their in contact w/ a terrorist group & have a lawyer 4 her

Banish her cos she's not thinking like a human being anymore

Any American who joined as a part of ISIL should be stripped of US citizenship. If any make their way back here, they should be arrested and shipped back or executed for treason. NO EXCEPTIONS nor pity pitches allowed.

As a mother of seven, I empathize with her parents. But, as a citizen of the USA, there needs to be punishment fitting the crime.


Awesome news. Well done UK for standing your ground. Your people come first.

And piss-off!


Justin Trudeau will take, and, stroke her a cheque for 10m


Sent her to united states with the rest of the terrorist.... They trained and funded isis and all other terrorists groups and now its time to return to their masters

She should be criminally prosecuted for complicity in crimes against humanity! Glad to see the UK is rejecting her return. She made her bed and must now sleep in it...

Good job.

Good why would they let a sleeper cell back in how obvious is it that she's gonna pull a Brody from homeland cmooonnn guyyy be more creative isis

Sub to ultimategamertommy no spaces

If she was in the US, she would be the next Congresswoman from Minnesota.

This is good news...some things you can't be forgiven for and this is one of them...may hell be your only friend

I’m sure JustinTrudeau will grant her asylum any day now


Don’t worry Canada seems to accept anyone nowadays

This is her father who has burned the US flag, waved the ISSIS flag & if friends with the killers of Lee Rigby, but amazingly he now classes himself as British as he lodges an appeal to get his daughter 'home' 🤯 if he misses her that much he can join her in Syria 😡



Should also be banned from Canada and the USA

Unfortunately people like her, who went there by her decision, never B trusted in the future, they R just like they got cancer virus in their mind, never disappeared!! It's very easy 2 come back again 🙁🙁 never believe their tear & pray, they r dangerous as chemicals weapon

... when I was a teenager, I wrote a fan letter to Ted Bundy & ran away to find Brett Easton Ellis. Should we really judge teenagers so harshly?

Ok the article answers my question about stripping of citizenship. The Brit’s can do it if it doesn’t render someone stateless

From the country that brought us guantanamo bay.

So basically she is a victim. What about the innocents the she saw being killed is that count...send her back sorry

Hello.. Make better choices

Shamima shymima hossenfeffer ....

This one and a US citizen doing this “coming back”? Something is going on here, way to much of a coincidence, they should not be allowed, they should stay were they wanted to be

Yes. Terrorists should not have citizenship.

FRG would be a possible alternative destination.

Huh well they get it. If she would have been trying to get into US we would have made a sanctuary city for her and all her friends. Of course there would be riots and protests till she was allowed back also.

Miracle awakening by UK. US should follow.

You lay down with dogs... you get fleas..

Good, the same should be for everyone who abandons their country to join Isis. That’ll give other knuckleheads something to take into consideration. They won’t be able to change their minds a few months or years laters. Leave them where they are. That’s punishment enough.

Good. Want to dance with devil? Then have fun in hell!

I’m surprised she’s even allowed back

Can you say.....STUPID! Cant believe the UK is taking a stand.

Yes the people have spoken


Good, you wanna ignore the killing and torture than we will ignore your citizenship. Karma.

Wow. Something that makes sense.

No way Jose.

The UK will continue to make the same mistakes concerning the influx of Muslim immigrants even while their citizens are killed and maimed by the radical jihadists in those groups. They are going to reach a tipping point were there is no return.

In other words, there are consequences for joining a bunch of bloodthirsty fanatics. How about that? Fortunately for her the UK doesn't intend to cut her head off.

She didn’t mind watching beheadings? There’s something very wrong with that! She can stay there, where that’s the norm.

Good. So should the American.



They may want to but it’s illegal to make someone stateless

JustinTrudeau an article for you!!

No way. Let her stay there. She’s a traitor

Maybe she has a change of heart now! Please accept and keep a close watch at her

Don't worry America will take you in 😂

Nancy and Chuck says she's welcome in US heck she could become a senator

Thanks CNN we all got to get tough with radicalisim and Open Borders to protect our familys, Our way of life and a future for the kids, Chat soon .Solo

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Should be stripped of her freedom and forced to live with pigs. Make her suffer like she will do for the rest of eternity for her vile crimes against all good peoples of the Earth.

Good. She should be treated as an enemy combatant - or even a spy. It was her choice to leave to join the enemy - a choice that should have devastating consequences for her in the country she abandoned.

We should absolutely have the freedom to pick our team. However once your team is picked its like the old NFL (before Reggie White) thats your team - No Free Agents

QAnon WhoIsQ

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Is it the dirty beards? The white pajamas? The stonings? No bathing? How could any woman want to dive on them dirty balls.

Womp! Womp! Tell her to start walking to America’s Southern Boarder of Mexico. As she walks she can learn Spanish and Spanglish with rosettastone. *Tell her not to leave her Prayer Rug in the desert.

It's some white people in America that's Nazis and the kkk that should be stripped of their citizenship because they beileve in attacking the gov over policy they don't like!

She doesn't look British

Yup. So ok with this.

*Congratulations you played your self meme*

But her daughter was born as the daughter of a Brit. So it is the U.K‘s responsibility to get the child to the U.K.

Camila out here wylin

Rule number one on keeping your temporary citizenship green card, don't fly to Syria and join a terrorist organization! Yep that is probably number one on the list of things not to do.

Les oignons d la Begum

Sarah Isgur? Really? Nope, blocking your channel.

Does that mean she’s in...or out of the EU?

Now for JustinTrudeau & HonAhmedHussen to follow what another Commonwealth country is doing Here's hoping you do the same and come to the realization that its most Canadians agree with this type of action for those who chose ISIS.

Play stupid games.... win stupid prizes. Have fun over there! 😘


Great news! It should be same law across the board for anyone trying to join a terrorist group! Take everything away from them!

Hard to have sympathy for people whose group gunned down innocent children in a schoolyard simply because of their religion or gender and whose ultimate goal is to destroy everyone and everything outside their religious beliefs.

AlonBenMeir Haha Make better choices

Thoughts and prayers.


Fantastic news. A victory of common sense and humanity over pure evil

a nation cannot strip it's citizen off its citizenship Unless he/she has another Passport/ nationality🙄 a human being cannot be without a nation🙅‍♀️

The US will take her. Liberals forgot there was a 9/11.

Womp womp.




Smart move, she went for Allah, let Allah take care for her.


Where the fuck is your coverage of jaredkushner and Flynn trying to fast track sales of NUCLEAR weapons to Saudi Arabia? THIS IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW.

Hahaha dope

It is sufficient for history to witness those whose names were immortalized by blood across generations and never let the eyes of the cowards rest. By Allah you will be defeated.

She had just learned how to fly a 747 and received her pilots licesnse. ISIS was hoping she would have a successful aviation career. It's part of their new jobs training program.

You pick a horse and ride it.


As it should be. Good riddance to this parasitic hypocrite.

Good. Tough shit, Shamima.

As she should be! In news you won't cover ....


She should also be banned from the US.

Well done. Not one person with a brain in their head would disagree with that decision.

Good news.

wow. consequences for our actions. a novel concept.

👏🏾 good

lmao this image quality

I see no problem here.

His excellency, cancer patients are in the severe need of radiopharmaceuticals as parsisotope has been banned by US treasury department despite their false claims I_ASK_YOU to hear patients agony

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