Is Trump open to making Medicare cuts?

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump indicates that he is considering cuts to Social Security and Medicare.


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Lies.. is this a news network or kids store?

The sad part is right after he said this, he told the American people that the *Democrats*want to cut these benefits, presumably knowing how brainwashed and uninformed his base is.

It needs to be revamped, it’s a bankrupted system based off life predictions from the ‘30’s, time to relook this

Truth. Isnt the sociopath already scalping for military, or is this the way to scalp more $ from the American people, to pour more $ into the war machine? Isnt it time to stop wars &stop playing war? Let big business &big oil pay for theyre own security guards-not our soldiers.

Why do we have a House and Senate?

At this point he’s saying Democrats are trying to take those things. One big distraction from impeachment.

The people will never let him get away with it! Remember bush fresh off reelection wanted to privatize it? thought he had 'capital and I'm going to spend it' the tour collapsed! his republiCON fans rejected it! Good thing, imagine if Wall Street got ahold of those $ 2008 collapse

Why would his credibility be valid here as opposed to any other area?

This fool realDonaldTrump , will do anything to hurt those that rely on these benefits. Let's see how the ignorant TrumpSupporters who live on SocialSecurity and need Medicare feel about this. We can't stand by and allow this bafoon CriminalInChief to do this ImpeachTrump

Well that'll do it!! That just might be the bottom everybody keeps waiting for.

If they want a damn revolution, then cut the entitlement programs we all paid for through years of hard work. The people will burn this whole sh&t house to the ground if they try that.

He said he is willing to discuss it for cost containment, Nothing about cuts

He must be removed by either the Congress or by our democratic vote. RemoveTrumpNow VoteThemAllOut2020 VoteBlueNoMatterWho

lulu82824 Well damn, people, he has to have SOME way to pay for his Nazi indoctrination rallies, Ivanka’s world travels and his golf weekends. That jet fuel’s not gonna pay for itself!

HE WILL!! Plus he’s in the courts NOW suing to take protections OFF pre existing conditions!! Let’s get rid of this SOB once and for all!! Time for peace of mind!! 4 years of HELL!!


I've paid into this forced savings account for more than 50 years. Trump and all of our politicians need to keep their hands off!

Run on this Democrats!

Another lie from the anti American Republican.

That is a lie MSNBC

If realDonaldTrump cuts Medicare he might as well go to my grandmothers house & end her life. Getting rid of Medicare or bring back pre-existing conditions will cause multiple family members of mine to die within a year.

Is the GOP okay with losing the youth, womens, farmers, middle class, and seniors vote?

Fake news

He should definitely cut illegals from these programs.

That's just like someone who doesn't depend on both of those services , earned and paid for over the years of taxes. Paying bills and keeping health, who will do that for the senior citizens like myself that depends on Social Security and Medicare.

Tell his constituents in Florida! The retirement state - a lot of retirees from NY live there.

why is the rep party scared of witnesses could it be the truth will come out share with your friends we can beat the crooks just call rep party tell them to get witness so we can have a fair trial send this out to democrat my own opinion.

Any American that voted for him last time: Do not vote for him in 2020; He will CUT your Social Security benefits ASAP!

Cuts from theft medicare from those paid tax KoifishDragon85 family harmed in process People taken out cover So lot liabilities In wifi buildings with frequencies beams wave forms electromagnetic smog in atmosphere Planet cannot or trees Remove radiation from veins

Trump's trademark: Always mean, always working for the rich and powerful's short sighted interests, always heartlessly working to make it harder to survive for the less fortunate. Promised to fight 'the swamp', He (and his pathetic family) IS 'the swamp' if anybody ever was.

BeaValleM He's digging his own hole

yeah because he don't care about the millions on it.

That is completely FAKE NEWS


You see, here’s the scam: you cut taxes (going back the Reagan era), you cut taxes, the effects do NOT trickle down, you spend obscene $$ on defense thus you blow up the deficit. Who’s to blame? Old and poor people. That’s SS, MC, and Medicaid. Vote blue in Nov. to stop this.

Give to the rich, take from the elderly. Not a big surprise. Baby boomer votes might just be overwhelming.

Well well well....go figure

The only surprise is that he says,it out loud

To all those happy, i pray you lose your security net the allows you to say that!

THIS IS A LIE. Don’t believe this!

And he is bragging about joining the Pro-Life march...his policies will kill millions.. what a hoax

No he DIDNT!!!!! Stop fear mongering.

really..well that isn't what he said, so I guess that doesn't matter eh .

He has too much of a credibility problem to conduct a show of character.

Of course he is. He needs to give more breaks to the wealthy as hey they don’t have enough.

This is going to go over like a lead ballon. Voters will really like this. Especially after giving all that tax money to the 1% with the tax scam. In the good ole days they'd propose this behind closed doors. Now its just your face!

This disgraceful President is into SelfSabotage

And that's how many Trump's supporters?

Today he removed protections for waterways, against pollution, dumping, and developers. We can't be surprised by him wanting to cut SS & Medicare. He is who he is & MUST GO-w/ several others.

Fake news trying scare senior citizens

Of course he is.

Shout THIS from the rafters! PLEASE!

This is from a person who knows Soc. Sec.

After all his rich friends can use the cash for fun rather than necessities like healthcare.


Another campaign promise he will break

realDonaldTrump keep your little, tiny hands off my Medicare & Social Security! KamalaHarris SenFeinstein RepKatiePorter RepAdamSchiff RepSpeier RepJerryNadler RepSwalwell SpeakerPelosi SenGillibrand SenWarren

If he does.....we should all stop paying taxes. Especially for his and his family using taxpayers money for travel and security. Never mind the Ukraine aid!! Enough already!!

Trump promised that Social Security and Medicare would no be touched. What a liar. I hope the voters look at all the failed promises like pre existing conditions. That could effect most people.

Ya, that will go over well with all the over 60 crowd. Very stable genius in full form getting ready for his Impeachment trial and election. Hope he keep s this kind of talk up! VOTE BLUE VOTE THEM ALL OUT.

BlueSt0rmRising Cuts to Medicare and Social Security? Because realDonaldTrump and his “genius” tax break were a disaster. Are we winning yet? criminalinchief NotMyPresident resist

What a bastard

The Republicans Are Attempting To Knock 8 million + people off of SSDI By Using A Rule Change that WOULD AFFECT Mainly OLDER AMERICANS !

Cuts to social services and Medicare would guarantee a loss in 2020


That's another lie straight from the largest source of misinformation that ever was! He promised he wouldn't do that remember?

Of course he is because a lot of American people depend on it ImpeachedTraitorTrump haterofamerica


msnbc I think you people have lost all credibility and right to give your opinion on what anyone 'might do' or the possible implications of those decisions... you're just too wrong, too often and you've lost too many times.. your entire ideology is a proven failure

He has to make up for the huge hole his tax cuts for the rich has created! The man is a lying scumbag and it’s impossible to understand why his cult stays with him!

MAGA, your guy won’t be satisfied until you are all in the gutter.

That’s OK if there’s a lot of people that are financially devastated by this and have nothing to lose then they will collect on Iran’s $80 million bounty!

Just cut your throat, that would be so much better and it would not affect anyone depending on M & SS benefits. Then we could all make your death a NATIONAL HOLIDAY!!

Smart let's turn 50 million old people's votes against you

Trump is not considering anything, he's second term trump will cut social security, Medicare and Medicaid. This is why we need to vote all Democrats across the board!!!

He needs more money to build his wall. Next will be a wall to keep Canadians out.

Who is surprised. Trump’s been saying this for 3 years.

Please, please, please remove him.

I heard the interview and that is more Fake News.

He never swore to stay away from distractions.

Another reason to NOT vote republican in 2020.

That should take his approval rating down to about 20%.

foxnation guess you missed this.

Great. Not.

SenateGOP support their corrupt president on this too? Of course, they don’t care about Trump’s growing national debt, the environment or our healthcare cause they will be gone before it affects most of us.


What reason does he give? Does he need extra cash from SS and Medicare to support his golf habit or build a stupid wall? Leave my SS and Medicare the hell alone.

He’s full of it

Cause he broke gov't w his tax cuts 2 the richDECEPTIVE GOP CHEATS~

I’m sure that’s fake news, realDonaldTrump beware the propaganda MSM is telling lies again you need to correct this!

We got a 1.6 % increase in Social Security but about a 10% increase in our Medicare payments.Drumph will only talk about the increase to SS,lying traitor.

ChaddsFord Get him OUT before he does more damage

Republicans, you will soon realise we are in this train together. By the time your cult leader is through you will be asking yourself where you went wrong with your vote.

TaxCut Triggers StockBuyback Explosion As Deficit Grows, GOP Eyes SocialSecuity/Medicare Cuts McConnell Blames Entitlements, Not TaxCut, for Deficit FAILURE of Trump's TaxCut Promises

being fake news msnbc of cause they're tying in social security & medicare in with entitlements. working people pay into social security & medicare as retirement funds which were supposed to be a protected locked fund until that racist crook johnson stole the 2 trillion

But of course he is did you expect anything less.

All those who will be effected should rise up in protest.

take money from common people and give it to rich people

Not Social Security. Medicare for birthing mouths you cannot support, definitely

More Fake News. MS13NBC SUCKS

Of course he is. The GOP doesn't care about people.

Wars and Profits for the 1% must continue at any cost?

Just more tough talk. His base is heavily populated with the over 65 crowd-do you really think they would stand with him if he went after their income? No way.

TrumpImpeachmentTrial TrumpIsCorrupt

He’s going to punish the American people because the polls show over 50% believe he committed a crime.Get this self serving, Putin wannabe out of the White House.

ok, this cannot happen. The federal government should first cut salaries of congressmen and get them to fix the SS and Medicare system rather than cut payments. Congress is the key cause of all of these problems.

And to giving another tax cut to the top 1%. I knew the taxpayers, especially seniors, would be forced to try to cut the deficit Trump created. Good job Trumpers.

Worst President in History

I would actually look at the correct source of SocialSecurity for their statements. The President shouldn't be allowed and isn't to touch this. Not only does it affect half of the country, it'd essentially put Million's at Risk of Loss of Home.etc.

And his supporters who are on Mediacare or collect Social Security will still vote for him because.....Trump supporters 🤷🏽‍♂️

Fake news!!!!

His bloody tax cuts for the rich were always going to be paid for by looting Medicare and Social Security. FUCK HIM and all those who love him.

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