Is big government back?

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United States Headlines News

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“If you have a lot more deficit spending…you’re going to overheat the economy.” Henry_Curr tells “Checks and Balance” there are risks that come with President Biden’s plans for a big infrastructure bill

’s public policy editor Sacha Nauta and Henry Curr, our economics editor, join the discussion.


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SachaNauta Henry_Curr

SachaNauta Henry_Curr ⬇️

SachaNauta Henry_Curr good luck

And drenched us in ignorance stupidity and sloth.

I'm challenging his part in history. It's not social.

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The decline in livelihoods in the past 38 years is all on him.

Reagan took office with budget deficit of ~$60B and left with $200B, raised taxes by more than $1B (largest increase in US History), and slowed growth of government spending. He acknowledged his plan to control the deficit failed in one of his last speeches as president.

Nothing's more patriotic than saying Fuck the poor.

Relax, relax. We can face every obstacle together when we realize that it's all Reagan's fault.

He also never cut deficits... they increased every year he was in office, and the debt tripled over his. 8 years.

Not to mention turning a blind eye to the aids crisis and calling gays sick unfortunates. He wasn't a very good person.

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SachaNauta Henry_Curr Is the Economist and Nauta promoting monolithic white GOP and MAGATrumper propaganda? If government provides tax breaks, health and safety to 99% of Americans, is that big government? Wasn't it proven Reagonomics only raised yachts of the 1% - not the boats of the 99%?

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Invest today to reap rewards tomorrow ,when govt invest in its own PLC ,just shows confidence and confidence breeds more confidence and encourages private money investment

Was it ever away?

Putting lipstick on a pig.Takes more than throwing money at endemic problems of US. Rot is deep.From voter suppression to selfish egotistical foreign policies that stifle progress from tech to green energy.Let us know how that works out for you. You’re in decline admit it&move on

when did big government ever leave?

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I could use another mission critical job instead of so many government handouts my economy is wrecked.

Good, spend a million trillion. Make the Grand Old Party cry.

Cash isnt big govt. you yourselves say cash is the most efficient form of govt transfer.

Shucks, is Joe spending your tax cut money? By the time Joe is done FDR will look like a skin flint Republican.

Splurge? Honestly. The media is useless. If it's desperately needed it's not a splurge.

Just print another 100 trillion dollars and giving it away for free to the rich and the poor castes!

typical of big gov nanny state Liberal lefts are pushing for gov to care for the poor by taxing the rich It is why US is so fractured Half voters want big bog while others small gov They have racial/social fracture as well Whites feel threatened by big surge in migrants


He cannot fix anything

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I would have preferred if more was going to things like high-speed rail and nuclear power, but the US does need stimulus right now.

Yes it’s been back

America can’t be fixed by Biden 😂

Henry_Curr Self-interested engineers association is who puts out these reports on 'crumbling infrastructure' which media and political class parrot.

Henry_Curr He is going in the wrong direction he has almost 2 plus ➕2 asking for 3 more T 9 percent only on covid Where is the rest going? 4.38 Billion to illegals? While we have homelessness in California New York and many small and even large companies are gone and people suff

Henry_Curr Yes there are big risks in going big on infrastructure. But the likely big longer term rewards far outweigh those risks.

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