Ingraham Wonders: ‘Why Didn’t We Have Hoarding’ Under Trump?

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Forgetful Laura Ingraham wonders: “Why didn’t we have hoarding” when Trump was president?

when, during a segment criticizing the Biden administration over supply chain issues, she asked why “didn’t we have” it during the Trump years.

Ingraham began a panel discussion with Rep. Byron Donalds and conservative author Horace Cooper by mentioning the troubling. The Fox host claimed that “rather than fixing this issue that’s really striking at the heart of so many people… the Biden administration is just doing the usual gaslighting.”

Ingraham then played a clip of White House press secretary Jen Psaki addressing the issue. Psaki told reporters that “what we are seeing—which is an enormous problem—is hoarding, people hoarding because they are fearful.” She later said, “We are also calling on retailers to impose purchasing limits to prevent the possibility of hoarding because we know that that is an issue.”

Ingraham responded to Psaki’s remarks by asking, “Why didn’t we have hoarding during the Trump administration?” Of course, hoarding did occur under Trump, also at a juncture when many people were fearful: the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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MalcolmNance You would have had to do your own shopping to notice

MalcolmNance She really asked that. Fox so called news is the treason network.

MalcolmNance Please make them stop! My God they have short memories!

I'm sure she regrets her latest error.

MalcolmNance FoxSpews

Does the hoarding of toilet paper, paper towels, masks, and hand sanitizer ring a bell for Laura Ingraham?

MalcolmNance Thursday was not early in the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has been raging for more than two years.

Propagandists just go by the script--she's doing her job at Fox . . .


I’m sure she has people shop for her, she doesn’t want people chasing her out of grocery stores.

MalcolmNance We had hoarding, by the tfg adminstration. Don't you remember Kushner holding back medical aid from blue states.


MalcolmNance Conveniently ignored = don’t care. Some of them believe their own bullshit but I thought they are doing an act. Then Ingraham mocked a Parkland student, what mental illness best fits?

MalcolmNance So where did all the Toilet paper Go

MalcolmNance Truth be damned.

Murdoch's millionaires bullshitting their viewers.

MalcolmNance Masturbates to Hitler 👇🏻

She has a grim future ahead, because her past was grim and so is her present.

Lying just comes naturally to them.

MalcolmNance This human...que la chingado cosa....she needs: a hobby not involving politics, a good LAY, and or a high the head....with a chair....

MalcolmNance Maybe she didn't hear about Jared Kushner demanding that all the PPE in government stockpiles he had collected ' belongs to us ' And he wasn't refering to the American public at large as being a part of 'us'. That sounds like hoarding to me.

Why does she always look so constipated

Burn the witch

Everything about these people starts to make sense when you realize they lie on purpose. It is military grade propaganda


She knows. She’s just gaslighting as usual. Liars always lie.

MalcolmNance Laura has selective memory...

MalcolmNance I am not now nor have I ever been “under” the orange menace. This mindset where such a position exists will be the downfall of us all.

MalcolmNance Par for the course for the Fox Entertainment propaganda network.

MalcolmNance That's not even her real face...

MalcolmNance Laura Inhuman shills for her corporate overlords for the money. Lots and lots of money. The love of money is the root of most evil.

MalcolmNance Deliberate lie. These MAGAs do nothing else.

Americans have short attention spans.

and you are feeding the trolls. insubstantial snowballs, rolling down media hills, becoming avalanches, burying freedom, hurting all of us

Again why take note. She is doing her job of professional propaganda.

Laura snortagram

Cocaine does that to memory

At the beginning of the pandemic, I was at the Wal-Mart pharmacy, when a woman asked where to find masks. The worker said they were all snatched up, as were gloves. That was February. Before Stump took a 2 month nap

The answer is behind that pallet of toilet paper in her garage.

No hoarding during the Trump years. 2020 was just two years ago.

Laura, did you forget the toilet paper disaster? Or the hand sanitizer? Or the masks? Where were you?

I actually think she may be clueless for real. Lol

There was plenty of hoarding, Laura. You don't remember the run on toilet paper and paper towels? Hoarding of medical supplies by the Trump administration for red states only? Come now, Laura. You suffer from dementia. Biden just stutters.

'During the spring of 2020, formula sales rocketed upwards as people stockpiled formula just like they stockpiled toilet paper,' Lyman Stone

When it comes to Fox News hosts never assume incompetence or 'forgetfulness' when malice is more likely

We did.

Because there was no war in Ukraine? Duh

Because there was nothing to hoard after everything got hoarded? ...wait

I’m still using up items from 2020!

Good question...

She has no need for toilet paper -- so no hording by her. Her explosive diarrhea is egressed via her mouth and face -- On The Air. Tune in for the fecal miracle! 🌬💩


And she accuses Joe Biden of having dementia?

Tell me you’re a Republican without saying “I’m a Republican”

I have toilet paper and paper towels to last me at least a year thanks to Donald Trump.

Bless Laura heart she seems to be suffering from that same memory lost thingy that MTG has

He invented hoarding.

If only Fox had an actual news division to educate her…

Those who forget the past are doomed to vote Republican


Nope none. 🙄

I still have a supply of Kleenex that I bought in February of 2020.

2020, how did it work?

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