Illinois House approves assault weapons ban, bill heads to state Senate

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

In the wake of the Highland Park massacre, the Illinois House on Friday approved a bill which would ban the sale, manufacture, delivery and purchase of assault weapons.

, those who already own weapons on the banned list can keep them, but would need to register them with Illinois State Police within 300 days. "And I was lucky, because I got out of there alive," Bennett told CBS News this week."A centimeter in any direction and I wouldn't be here talking to you."

The bill had been debated for years, but found renewed support following the Highland Park shooting. Bennett was among those who testified at a hearing with state lawmakers last month in support of it. "I'm hoping we can save lives," Bennett told CBS News of her decision to speak out."I'm hoping another parade isn't the site of another mass shooting."before Congress, calling for a federal assault weapons ban.

"You have to ask yourself, 'Why do our laws permit somebody to be able to shoot 83 rounds in under a minute?" Rotering told CBS News this week. "We need to stop talking about our gun culture and talk about our human rights, our right to live free from fear of violence," Rotering said."For me, there is just a massive hole in my heart, hole in my life," her husband, Bruce Sundheim, told CBS News, as he and their daughter, Leah Sundheim, sat down for their first interview since the murder.


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This is against the constitution, just like a judge said in a document hearing on bump stock, guess they better ban anything that sells knives and cars,been we have problems with drunk drivers been they kill more people then all the above. Ban liquor and beer next.


NorahODonnell Great news--banning of assault weapons from manufacture! Brillant decision. Illinois House congrats!

Newsflash, Criminals don't obey laws, this will stop nothing, Democrats are only protecting criminals.

I live in Illinois, and the Supreme law of the land, The U.S. Constitution says I don't have to comply with any unconstitutional laws made by communists in Chicago, I will not comply.

Like this will stop the gangs that use them. Honest citizens don't buy 'assault weapons' without a Federal license. And, no, a semi-automatic rifle (of any calibre or configuration) is not an 'assault weapon'. Only select fire or full-time automatics fit that description.

'Assault weapon' is a made up term that means nothing. Those are magazine fed, semi automatic rifles.

Thats not the problem. Where are the parents.

God bless them!

Way to go Illinois

NorahODonnell They'll still come in from Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin - maybe even Kentucky

too bad indiana is right next door.😒

What is an assault weapon?

Good news, but they're bordered by gun-friendly states, so it will only go so far.

Bye Felicia

Wasting legislative dollars to virtue signal. Surely they know it will be struck down by SCOTUS. Our tax dollars at work.

Now make it nationwide

Exactly what IS an “Assault Weapon”?

Define “Assault Weapon”

Fun fact: hands and fists are used in more fatal assaults than 'assault' rifles. It is not a gun issue..

Useless political theater. And probably unconstitutional under Bruen.

Lol, what do you think SCOTUS will say about Illinois ridiculous attempt to disenfranchise law abiding citizens of their 2nd amendment rights? Dem policies destroyed IL, not guns.

Define 'Assault weapon'.

Heck yeah! That’ll stop those criminals from getting their hands on guns. No way they’d break that law.




So now only the criminals have them. And they are flooding across our border by the Cartels Biden ignores. How stupid can these fascist liberal so called Demicratic Srates be. I hope it I'd challenged in the Supreme Court.

Democrats voting are assault weapons. Ban it then.

A lot of those pictures aren’t assault rifles.

About time, needs to be made National Law.

Define, assault weapon.

Yay! Make it happen!

But not the use?

Completely unconstitutional.

Define assault rifle. This bill is DOA, whether it passed in state Congress or not.

How many murders in Chicago are committed with rifles?


So now they can't shoot back?!. Easy pickings

Unconstitutional and declared such by scotus. NYSRPA v Bruen. Text, history, and tradition.

Sadly, the Merchants of Death will no doubt have the supreme court Reactionary Six declare this one unconstitutional as well, and thousands more will die needlessly so those merchants can line their silk purses will further pieces of silver....

What's an assault weapon?


Hope others follow this common sense legislation.

BS 2019 FBI: 331,000,000 Pop. 1,203,808 Violent Crimes 13,927 Murders(0.0042% of Pop) 10,258 by gun(0.0030% of Pop) 6,368 by pistol(0.0019% of Pop) 1,476 by Knife(0.0004% of Pop) 597 by Hands, Feet(0.0001% of Pop) 397 by Blunt Object(0.0001% of Pop) 364 by rifle(0.0001% of Pop)

And only focus on law abiding citizens who are not committing crimes, DemoCommie traitors, won’t slow down murder 1 iota

Camels nose getting deeper in the tent.

So only criminals will have them

That is awesome!!!!! Now let’s do it nationwide!!!!! BanAssaultWeaponsNow

Another challenge for our second amendment. The supreme court will shoot this down too.

Unconstitutional. Felons somehow get in possession of gun to victimize people because of woke/weak elected officials who choose to hire week/woke prosecutors and judges instead of locking them up. Law abiding citizens should be able to own any firearm.

What’s an “assault” weapon? A black gun that looks scary to folks who’ve never owned a gun?

MrScottLads Yes!!! Congress please ban assault weapons nationwide.



No more hammers, knives, baseball bats, cast iron pans, bow and arrows, or bare hands either. All assault weapons will be banned. If you are found in possession of a closed fist, it will be removed at the wrist.

Assault weapons is a made up term to scare uneducated people!!!

Sweet. It won't help anything though.

Good for Illinois this has to happen

About freeking time ...

By definition, aren't all weapons 'assault' weapons?

Glad to see this.Gun laws are out of control.We don't meet all these gunman and their guns are ruining societ Our guns need to be kept at mome and hidden from kids. My father never owned a gun.I did for 2 weeks.I got rid of it after traffic. incident in La.

So the criminals will surely abide huh?

It's unconstitutional

A gun is merely a tool it's mental health that makes it an assault weapon. Time to lift the stigma and restructure our mental health system.

How are they going to dispose of all the privately owned rocks and sticks in Illinois?


The far left manufactures dystopian communities with the implementation of pro criminal policies that jeopardize public safety. They add insult to injury by stripping their citizens of their constitutional rights to protect themselves. Very despotic.

Wouldn't it make more sense to ban assault ppl? How about an instant background check to be eligible to make more assault PPL?

Great! They have abosolutely no respect for that which is said in our Bill of Rights 2B 'necessary to the maintenance of a free state'. Of course if a free state is not on your agenda... 3cheers 4th People's Republic of 618!


This ban makes no sense. We can all agree gun deaths are terrible but the answer isn’t banning a weapon that is responsible for less than 500 deaths a year in a country with 350 million people where the ar-15 is the most popular gun bought and sold.

In light of? That has always been the plan. The Mainstream media thinks readers are dumb.

UnConstitutional LawsuitCity ShallNotBeInfringed

They’re going to have to arrest half of illinois if they think they are going to take away their legally owned firearms !

Criminals will just go across state lines. Indiana, Wisconsin not far away at all for gangs

Assault weapons made after 1986 cannot be sold the public. Assault weapons made earlier can only be sold with a Class 3 stamp by the ATF: and there have been no crimes involving them. You are lying: assault weapons are automatic. Semi-automatics are just common, ordinary guns.

Wel done. Go Illinois.

Super good reporting didn’t even consider going over the content of the bill in any meaningful way.

And another lawsuit the NRA will win! When are these people going to understand the purpose of 2A is to prevent this behavior!!!

They are just guy go bang bang on weekends at the range.....The bullets are $1.50 a piece...So you need to have a good check to affort to shoot them for fun

Duh. Illinois is not Khandahar. American weapons are sufficient for any self defense.

It's like the constitution doesn't apply to them. Several states continue to get away with stripping 2a rights from its citizens, and Scotus does nothing.

This will virtually eliminate all the murders in Chicago.

Markfry809 they will just drive across state lines where their is no background check just as long as you got the cash

So only the criminals can have access to those weapons, great job Illinois

This is actually racist besides unconstitutional because it does nothing for black on black crime in the cities and it’s only punishing people that actually purchased those legally

This won't work and it'd unconstitutional!


ImSpeaking13 They will just pop over to Indiana for their purchases. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Yes yes yes !!!!!!

ImSpeaking13 Sanity prevails in Illinois!

Any law that violates the constitution is null and void.

What is...assault weapon .

They found a way to throw a bunch of Illinois taxpayer money into a legal dumpster so that they can light it on fire, but the people wasting it will feel good about it and pat themselves on the back, so its ok i guess. AndreBJones2

There is no such thing as an Assault rifle


What part of ' shall not be infringed', that law makers don't understand. Every gun control law is a constitutional violation, and therefore illegal

Yay! Just when I thought this week wouldn't have any good news in US policy.

Bravo one small baby step and hope other brave lawmakers will follow,

So I can't have a rifle in Illinois? Or just not a black one? Illinois guncontrol

Finally, progress! No American needs this form of weaponry. This weapon in particular has been at the core of various heinous acts over the years by mentally ill civilians. Making it unavailable for purchase is the right move in a direction we desperately need to explore.

They basically listed off a bunch of weapons that they say cannot be sold manufactured or purchased in Illinois. It's pretty dumb


This won't stand. It is unconstitutional.

Yeah, cause pretty sure all their other gun laws have worked so well. 🤔

I've believed for a long time that gun controls will come from the states, not Washington, where the NRA has too much power. More blue states wil follow IL's lead soon, with controls that the voters support. When blue state massacres disappear the reds will join the movement.

Wont make it past the first supreme court challenge.

Only allowed to sell to Ukraine

Cause prohibition always works lol

I have clarifying questions…as recent events have shown us. ANYTHING CAN BE USED AS “ASSAULT WEAPONS”. I mean a stiletto has been used as an assault weapon! Sooo let’s clear this up. And not infringe on our constitutional rights.

I thought last year's 'fix' for the FOID card was all they were going to do..... Another promise Illinois politicians lied about. JB Pritzker is good at lying.

Only in a Blue State. Never would of happen in Florida or Texas.

This is unconstitutional. For law abiding citizens, “shall not be infringed.” Pretty simple language.

Lawsuits landing in 3…2…1…

HkarterKarter Assault weapons were already illegal these fools are just banning things that scare them without any concept or care for what they really are.

That'll get struck down

All the criminals in IL are lining up and pledging to obey the new law as soon it passes the IL Senate. Others are more aware of the rampant crimes across IL and the nation.

avenir egao

If it really was about the people. You would train citizens on how to properly use hand guns and assault guns ….young men and woman . And make to we’re they don’t need a permit. !!

Yeah that’s unconstitutional. Democrats are scumbags.

Long overdue. And not nearly enough.

1st Amendment all those laws help so much in chicago.. murder capitol. Politicians must get paid by criminals to stop 1st Amendment?

What part of..... 'shall not be infringed' is it that you don't understand?

They must not have enough crime there. Surely you don’t need a weapon to protect yourself in Chicago.

I wish these people would actually pit a definition to this assault rifle(weapon)! Because a detachable magazine or the action does not constitute this!!! So what is the definition?

So Illinois voted to scrap the constitution. Got it.

People will cross state lines to get them. We need a national ban on semi-automatic firearms.

So only the gang bangers are going to have them? And new laws to make almost every crime basically not a crime. Sounds like Illinois is trying out the purge.

And the very next story is.....

what's an assault weapon? In Massachusetts it's is classified assault by the way it physically looks. real wisdom.

It’s been done before under Clinton administration.

Attaching it to an Amusement Park Bill… why?

That's great for Illinois.


I own an assault Louisville Slugger!

It won’t pass

Well, it is about d** time. Why in the first-place assault weapons need to be sold if it is not for military use? 🤔🫣😏😷

Huh? Since when a weapon assaults anyone? These ppl have zero knowledge about guns yet, they pass laws on something they have no clue of.

Let's see that pass Supreme Court

Surely all the bad ppl will register their firearms 🙄

Was it Senator Hitler who pushed this through?

Time to start holding lawmakers personally responsible when they try and pass blatant unconstitutional laws.

Can someone, anyone, please give me examples of firearms that are not “assault” weapons? What firearm can NOT be used for an assault?


This is a direct infringement on the 2nd Amendment

Love how they finally changed to assault weapons after calling them assault rifles.

Next ghost guns will be assault weapons.

The ban just helps the government become even more careless and tyrannical. It is not a good decision. Teaching the bible in all schools and safe firearm ownership and usage is a better solution.

I'm still appalled by this term 'assault weapon'. That's like saying a 'cutting knife' or 'driving car'. Anything used as a weapon is used to assault. We could call the exact same guns 'defense weapons' without losing a shred of accuracy. It's political semantics.

I can’t believe we still have to talk about this… Criminals don’t obey laws… This backwards thinking only creates a demand for a black market that criminals get rich-er taking advantage of. You don’t need an assault rifle… that’s not the point… this doesn’t solve the problem!

Psst, Illinois:

And because of this, all mass shootings will cease. Phenomenal job, Illinois. Stripping law-abiding citizens of their rights is the only way to stop the bad guys. Hats off. 🙄

I went to the grocery store yesterday and counted 3 men open-carrying. I love where I live. Probably double that concealed-carrying.

Who asked wat to be done bout da souf side was it MIzmo RedStrained Handtz da mayor ?

Why, the government should like mass shootings they help solve overpopulation

That’s pretty easy….since there already is a ban……

Hmm wonder how the second amendment of the United States constitution can just be ignored in Illinois

Ther did it under the guise of a amusement park bill.. why did they have to hide it

This isn’t going to stop criminals from getting firearms. Law abiding citizens are the only ones being disarmed here.

It’ll get thrown out. Tyrants are gonna tyrant

The only way to deal with the gun problem is by attrition: the millions of barbarians who make up the United States must age out before the country can approach being civilized.


Oh but do nothing about the mass murders happening in Chicago

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