If chosen, Flournoy may pick many women for top roles at Pentagon

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United States Headlines News

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Michele Flournoy, President-elect Biden's likely pick to run the Pentagon, would be the first female secretary of defense if confirmed and could appoint an unprecedented number of women to senior roles at the Defense Dept.

Former Defense Undersecretary for Policy Michele Flournoy prepares to testify during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing in Washington on March 13, 2019.WASHINGTON — Michele Flournoy, Joe Biden's probable pick to run the Pentagon, would be the first female secretary of defense if confirmed and could appoint an unprecedented number of women to senior roles at the Defense Department.

Among the women who the people familiar with the decisions say are on the short list to serve in a Flournoy Pentagon are Kathleen Hicks, currently senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank. She also served as the principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy in 2012 and now leads the Biden-Harris agency review team at the Pentagon.

Sharon Burke, currently at the New America think tank, is a former assistant secretary of defense for operational energy who served in both Republican and Democratic administrations. Burke's expertise in energy security and climate change fits with one of Flournoy's priorities: recognizing the U.S. military's role in climate change.

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Celeste Wallander, left, signs a join statement during a defense ministerial meeting of the U.S.-Adriatic Charter in Skopje, Macedonia, on March 29, 2012.From 2009 to 2012, Flournoy served as the policy chief and third highest ranking civilian in the Pentagon, responsible for advising Secretaries of Defense Robert Gates and later Leon Panetta on national security and defense policy.


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We’re F_*kin doomed

Maybe something will actually happen to the perpetrators of sexual assaults in the military, not just lip service.

hopefully in 2021 we no longer have to say, “the first woman” or “the first African American “. Maybe we will reach racial & gender equality.

Affirmative action. It’s not that you‘re qualified, it’s more important that you are a woman, or a person of color.

Is Courtney Kube some sort of unpaid internist? What a waste of an article! Yes, she “may pick many women”, but she also may pick many men, she may pick a mix of men & women, or she may pick many rocks & trees. This is the journalistic equivalent of talking to hear yourself talk.

“The Women of 2020”

I just hope she picks the best people for the job. Regardless of their sex. I believe in womens rights strongly, but you cant just flip the table for looks. These important positions must be filled with the creme de le creme.


Let me be the first to congratulate you. Mature, knowledgeable, experienced. We feel safer already.

So, you're saying, she'll pull that trigger? Can't have no more, pseudo Military leaders who never served in the Military... Haven't we learned anything from the Fake & disgusting, Commander, Trump?

When you see women reach high positions, keep in mind they had Work harder and be more competent than a man be assertive and decisive without being viewed as bitchy or aggressive In heels Often, while raising children at the same time.

The power to decide matters! Still one body, two hands ...

Hope Flournoy does appoint lots of women to senior roles. GC of the Army was one of the most rewarding jobs I ever had. This was in the Carter Administration, and I and several other women were the firsts in such top positions. Proud we made a difference for women in the service.


This would be fantastic.

Hire more women just because?

More vacation if nothing is passed how fun!!

Double up on the tampon despensers

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