Ice Cube defends advising Trump on plan for Black America

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Ice Cube defends advising the Trump administration on a plan for Black America: 'Every side is the Darkside for us here in America.'

"The wild thing is that Eazy E went to a fundraiser at the George HW Bush White House in 1991 and got criticized about *for the rest of his life.* Ice Cube apparently forgot about that when he decided to collaborate with an infinitely worse administration," journalist Jelani Cobb tweeted."When we created the Contract With Black America we excepted to talk to both sides of the isle," he tweeted Thursday morning."Talking truth to power is part of the process.

President Donald Trump and rapper Kanye West meet in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on Oct. 11, 2018. Although there has been somewhat of a lukewarm embrace of the Biden-Harris ticket in the hip-hop community this election cycle, the opposition to Trump has been passionate -- a similar scenario to 2016 when then Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, was met with skepticism.

Ice Cube’s position is not uncommon and reflects the longstanding mistrust that some in the Black community have in the American political system, as generations have battled and continue to grapple with the impact of systemic racism -- from housing and education, to policing and the criminal justice system.

In response to a tweet that he is working with the"dark side" by partnering with Trump, Ice Cube wrote that for Black Americans,"every side is the Darkside for us here in America.""They’re all the same until something changes for us," he tweeted on Wednesday night."They all lie and they all cheat but we can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power or our condition in this country will never change. Our justice is bipartisan.


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Cube ain’t lying. I ain’t no Trump fan but if you’re paying attention it’s not about either of these candidates. Cube is about the single issue of elevation for the Blk community & he doesn’t care who does what as long as someone is actively working to improve our condition 🤷🏿‍♀️

Cube is exactly right about that. The perpetuation of systemic racism has been a bipartisan effort 🤷🏿‍♀️

Did he think it was followed? Or was he spitting in the wind?


Accepted not excepted.

Here's yo future IceCube sellout

his maga name is Warm Water

Biden actually has a really good platform

that is apposed to His needing to Win!

We just thought you would come to the table with Joe! Trump is not worthy of you effort and time that you spend to help Him get ahead now that He has caused such Death and Sorrow in our Nation. He feels nothing for any person that is white, brown, black, red or tan in opposition!

What’s the problem with trying to do something and even though trump will most likely do nothing ,a closed mouth can’t get feed , you talk to and try to work with who ever is willing to listen in this countries political party ,black will still get the short end of the stick

But you chose the side that on a daily basis disrespects black women

Please understand no one person speaks for Black Americans. We are truly a diverse people.

Sellllllouuuttttttt Straight outta Beverly Hills

He can leave at any point, if he feels that way.

Ice cube is still angry with Mrs. Gore. Glad Al isn't running

he’s the real woke

Lost all respect for ice cube.

Why do Biden's Black advisers not face back-lash. Why all the hate, it is as if you believe that Blacks should vote as a monolithic group.

Mz.Peace/🖤 None!!!!!! No Weapons form against Us Shall Prosper!✌🌍

so u picked the worst side, everyone the new porch ******, and this fool playing a gang banger on TV most his life ruined a generation of young minds and now he spitting some Candace Owens bull crap

I hope the ice cube melts away soon

F off mate. You can't have it both ways. Have some backbone.

Dems would prefer icecube was out rioting and looting with antifa Trump2020 BidenCrimeFamily BidenEmails BidenUkraineScandal

No President in this century has allowed 230,000 Americans to die of disease with little or no interest...3900 people ( mostly black and brown)died yesterday. Race and income play a big role in a Trumps lack of concern about COVID-19. He just doesn’t care. He’s a serpent.

Did you realize he has no money to negotiate with you if he can’t even work with his government to provide for the American people?

Ice Cube what you did was unconscionable

Pathetic little “errand boy”. 🤮

Cube is making decisions based on his bank account. There’s no right or wrong. But Trump is not a great leader “overall”. He turned his back on a pandemic.

From the ghetto to Bedminster.

No need for him to get involved, the black women got it.

Ice Cube is right.

I guess Diamond and Silk weren't cutting it anymore.

Sell out

When are you going to report on the Joe Biden China scandal?

We got good people on both side 🤔

Don’t believe your own hype. You don’t have that much “power” or“control”, over the Black vote or Community. For the very reason you support your own communication with the Trump administration. We have dark moments even from our own....

Ice cube trump lackey

Question if Cube had this plan in his mind for a while why didn't he work to put it in action earlier? Why bring it up now?

Vote democrat no matter who. Lets finish this.

I have lost all respect. Sad days indeed.

UNBOTHERED!! Black and BIDEN2020!!

Lay down with dogs come up with fleas


icecube No matter how hard you try, here's what they think about you.

When did he become the spokesperson or negotiator for Black people in America? My mama had a saying. “Don’t pick no shade tree for me to sit under.” Cube created what HE WANTS and should identify it as such without the presumptive title. I prefer to elect my own representation.


F*** Cube he is a traitor to his own people- if the clown 🤡 in the WH had his way all black folks would be in chains again- so F*** trump and all his people and F*** cube if he’s with him.

This just reeks fishy, Ice Cube. Got a plan ok, but align yourself with Trump a few week into the elections? There is only one right side to injustice.



Reading the replies. I'm surprised so many people are surprised at Cube's stand. Expecting revolution from a rich man He's pulling a Ralph Nader at the last minute and pulling votes. If he plays the game, he'll get a big Beats-like payday too.

Ice Cube 👎

How much is he getting paid to ' advise ' ?

You can't justify working with a racist like trump.

It’s one thing to advise like VanJones68 it is quite another to discourage people from voting. IceCubeIsTheNewKanye

F*^% the police is now f*% the IRS

Really icecube? Kamala Harris is black and you're trying to say Biden couldn't meet with you so you chose the pos in the white house? Stop defending your decision to talk to trump! He's let everyone down! Well except rich people SMDH

He's talking about the jews...


obama was a dark side for him. how true.

You don't have to like the other person in order to make a deal or business with them. Cube NEVER said he endorsed Trump. The Dems dismissed him and brushed him out the way, and Trumps administration lent him an ear. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Mr. Jackson must have known that he would have been used as a prop by the desperate pathetic trump folks. Didn't he see what happened to both Steve Harvey & MLK III? Surely O'Shea isn't that naive? The lesson has to be; the road to perdition is always paved with good intentions.

Biden and crack head Hunter going to jail - RICO

I have a better chance of being named Pope than the Platinum Plan/CWBA has becoming law under Trump. Ice Cube sold out to help the bloated fuhrer pander to black voters.

Is someone going to tell him Trump is using him?

Y'all leave IceCube alone.

Damn cube I know you didn’t do that!

surprised with Cube comments for 40 years all i hear is everyone wants change ooo wooo is me there is enough of you to make change if you really want change stop talking and waiting for someone to do it too many of you are in self pitty get off your arses and just do it

We holding you down Cube FrontLiners


Trump is a racist and been to court before to get black tenants out of his apartment buildings.

How many different countries will break away from USA if donald stages a military coup?

He should have to defend himself

This idiocy that we can't talk to people we vehemently disagree with has to stop.

icecube showing why he’s a leader. Not bowing to the mob.

Who in the hell would have thought that icecube would be Trump’s October surprise! Cube is a distraction unworthy of our time and effort. He can kick rocks! We have to keep our focus on getting Trump out! VOTE

I'm sure that at least a half of the Hollywood is secretly voting Trump, back then and now. Permanent possibility of being cancelled for any stupid word or action is not very motivating. And that's the truth not only for Hollywood people.

The article states Ice Cube hasn't revealed who he's supporting. So my guess is Kanye.

Please America vote blue!!! Stop this madness! Let’s get a grip on reality & show leadership like only we can! stopthemadness vote Blue

When should anyone help a racist remain in power?

So he joined trump to be in a darker side, fair enough.

Ice Cube is having a war with his neighbours while the country he is living in is going up in smoke.

Finally someone sees it like Natives do. Fuck both parties.

While y’all calling Ice a sellout just know if Trump wins, there are thousands of POC that would have benefitted from this plan, regardless of where it came from. Thousands that will remain in cages.

(\\_/) ( •_•) / 🗳 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 VoteEarly VoteBlue2020 VoteBidenHarris2020 BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

I don't agree with much of what Ice Cube says but I give him credit for talking to both sides. He then took it a step further and called out the side that blew him off. Now he needs to reassess his commitments and views.

My disappointment lies in icecube's open willingness to trust Donald Trump. Trump has a life long history of conning anyone he can to get what he wants, and he is using the Cube only in effort to buy the Black vote. We all know this. It's a real shame Ice Cube cannot see it.

America is a Black Hole country now.

Ok let fix negativity with more negativity. I like Ice Cube the musician, actor, but I was totally turned off by 3 of his interviews. I understand he saw an in to the gov't to make a change he supported. Yet still it was all vague with maybe's. This issue needs a solution now!


icecube cuckoo!!!

Working with people you disagree with on the things you do agree with isn’t a bad thing

Dark side of America

People need to stop dragging icecube and read the fucking plan and listen to the man’s words

This guy is filthy rich. He’s okay with a bipolar Kanye writing up some plan for rich rappers. There is no dark side for cube.

Sell out

The state of California does have serious Homeless problems. People who live in ' Democrat Run States'. Should be worried. I think this is what Ice Cube is worried about. He wants to change for a better future.

would rather listen to cougnut anyways

icecube has realDonaldTrump ‘s values.

He’s a huge disappointment.... Bye Friday

Having consulted with ZERO activists Ice Cube made a decision he had all the answers. Then thought he could get everyone to get together. What a nut.

'He'......? You mean Ice Cube? OH y'all mad mad......😂

Welcome back to Compton

Talk about killing your career....

Hey, if it's good enough for Bono, why not? Ya gotta get dirty to do the work sometimes.

How dare Ice Cube hand my dignity to Trump. I didn't ask him to speak for me😐

Ice cube...

When you lake deals with the devil you will end up in hell with him. No doubt.

Trump is racist where have you been

Sorry icecube street cred is gone

Why why you know better.

Another reason to boycotticecube

The real story.

No, he’s a Nazi Why do tot think anything you say will get thru the giant pumpkin between his ears. He doesn’t care

If you don't think working with the leader of your country to compromise solutions, then you don't really want results. Adults make compromises to benefit everyone. Children make demands and throw tantrums.

ICE your on the losing side

We love you icecube

Demographics come to mind! 13% of America IS Black!

icecube is full of 💩💩! Soldout

Take that hat off!!

Yes men like him are a dark side


He just used you he doesn’t care about black people just want to show he’s friends with you for vote.

Finish the story abc. The Biden camp said they would answer his questions after the election. Trumps team was willing to work with him. Guess one side is willing to work with the people for change.

Is this Election interference?

A sellout.

Like they really give a shit what he has to say. It’s all for show on the Trump side!

FACTS should matter, realDonaldTrump put people of all races to work at record numbers, But the RACE BAITING demNAZIS don't want people to know this so the Push HATE AND DIVISION and now more Blacks are living the dem plantation so dems are PANDERING 2 illegals and their Fam's

Good job

The way is stays.


Hope they didn’t invite him to any after party 👀


Power or proximity to power is a sufficient enough price to buy the souls of most men, ask Kanye West.

Surely he knows that trump and the GOP are just using him.


I'm voting no on Ice Cube.

Someone needs to check his bank account and see if he is getting paid by the Trump people like Kanye and Candace are.

We need to lisen realize that there are some real problems that need correcting regarding black Americans. Police should not be defunded, but police who have records of abuse need to be weeded out ASAP.

Hey not because he advised Trump means he’s going to vote for him! Come on this is not that serious!

The No Vaseline plan

He made a change in the 80’s for the music world and he has the right to whatever the hell he wants.


Trump has tried to help on streets with all people. Trump see’s people not color or gender. When he says help the people, he means all people.

Join Kanye and jump on Cubes crazy 🚂

I guess he didn't learn anything from working with Jerry Hellar

icecube is a sucker and lost all his street cred years ago. Keep trying to work with a guy who would rather see you dead than help black people

Both sides bullshit, doesn’t matter who says it, it still sounds like bullshit.

A leftist thinks differently than the rest once. The rest of the leftists: He’s a sellout, he aint black, you still a slave, uncle tom, etc, etc. Yeah. Those are the biden supporters

Doesn't make sense to me. If you think Trump doesn't understand the plight of black Americans, wouldn't you want someone to advise him on how to do better? Boycotting your government ensures they don't know what you want from them. That's foolish.

Alternative headline: Ice Cube attacked by white liberals.

Could it be because of the Tax Rate proposal that will change to the rich paying more?

For those getting mad, what's the alternative? Would you prefer he didn't give Trump advice on how to improve the lives of black people? Can't get anywhere in this country by refusing to talk to each other.

Why Aren’t You Reporting On DEADLY METFORMIN Useless ?

Whether we’re white, latino, black, asian etc., We all have opinions and we have to respect that.

Sounds like he’s not having a good day

question: does O'Shea Jackson represent the black community at this time?

I’ve always been a big fan of ice cube. Especially in a Gin & Tonic 👍👍👍

So you pick the DARKEST side?

is Ice Cube the spokesperson for Black America now?

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