'I will not take his word for it': Kamala Harris says she would not trust Trump alone on a coronavirus vaccine

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Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris says she would not trust President Trump's word alone on any potential coronavirus vaccine

Washington Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris said that President Donald Trump's word alone on any potential coronavirus vaccine is not enough.

Asked by CNN's Dana Bash in a clip released Saturday whether she would get a vaccine that was approved and distributed before the election, Harris replied,"Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us.


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Lol...says the woman that presented a phony Jane Doe letter falsely accusing Kavanaugh of rape doesn’t trust the President? Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Just like I would not trust you alone with my husband

Is she a real person

I wouldn’t take anything he had any part in, I’m certainly not taking anything from F’ing kodak

Yeah, because the President works on the vaccine himself? What kind of quote is this and why is it necessary? Just gibberish.

Neither will any American.

Hope he makes you eat your words !

She is pathetic !!

Pretty sure that’s the job of the FDA.

The Democrats have taught her well how to lie and then to lie again to cover up the last lies

And we are supposed to trust her, the Second best liar in Congress

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abigailstern1 Who would? If he says 'Good Morning', I have to have 3 different confirmations that is morning. Effin' liar.

Good... stay home forever! Unless you need groceries or feel like getting out for a protest.

Too many lies from Trump destory his creditability...it's a shame to have such a bully being a president of US.

This is unreal shame on her


Divisive as hell. Sick of her tearing at our social fabric.

Coronavirus seems to be a political weapon after all 😢

No one with half a brain would.

When do we have the real vaccine?

Of course she wouldn't. A few months ago she said she wouldn't trust Biden either.

Pretty much or anyone in his administration. I will believe non-political medical science and anyone not connected to Trump

No one gives a shit what you think !

She can go we’re the sun don’t shines, low live Democrats

Nothing knees up Harris said is accurate. She supports infanticide and catholic pedo priests. Remember she refused to prosecute pedo catholic priests as worried democrat donars and piglosi would get upset. Harris should be denied any Trump covid help.

99% of American citizens don't know and don't trust Kamala Harris.

Democrats are now anti-vax lol

You people have lost your dam minds straight out Democratic propaganda!loonytunesnoblkagendanovote

Neither would I but we aren’t going to have to rely on trump! The vaccine is going through all the normal testing!

Vote blue

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I concur.. he will risk a lot more lives to get elected, he might even start a war if he loses.. this dude is a demented aspiring tyrant

I wouldn’t take her word for any thing

Suspicion is the mark of one's own guilt. Very intelligent man once said.

He has lied to us again and again. I’m not believing him now.

Does she think he’s the one cooking them up in the lab? What an idiot.

I mean who would?

Because he may force it out for political purposes....Thats the truth

That's a stupid remark. Are you trying to kill people?

I wouldn’t trust a weather report from KamalaHarris

Do get more info

Should we still trust KamalaHarris on Biden being a racist..?

At this Point I don’t trust any Politician whatsoever..... and by the way, there should be a term limit on everyone in Washington. Period.

She’s right. I won’t trust anything that liar has to say. He told us to drink bleach.....so..ahh.......don’t think I’ll be taking his advice. No thank you🤬🤬‼️‼️

No kidding! Why would you?

and so we're supposed to care what she says? bwaaahahahahah

To Ms Harris: please be calm, at least when you are surrounded by photographs... 🦸‍♂️🐶🙏

We don’t trust you.

Not A Word!

burcham_don I won't ever trust any DEMOCRATs ever again

Not on anything else either.... He is the man that claims he didn't say things even if he said them on national television.

AMEN! That means also his Fox News FAKE DOCTORS that have MUZZLED the CDC & the FDA. Drs. Fauci & Birx are all the Scientists have to protect our citizens. Trump's CROOKS intend to IGNORE the COVID-19 deaths & open the economy to make their money again.

And I would not trust the Trump Administration since they create a defiance of making coronavirus deaths

Yeah, because she is smart.

And she is to be trusted lol

I agree with that!!!!!!

Nobody is going to give that woman a vaccine. She is a black person that is trying to be white. Her white husband says she is white and she says she hates Blacks

Everybody knows what The Virus is and how it is contracted and who spreads it and exactly how it can be avoided so let us ignore the crimes perpetuated around the lies and get along with the Life we have been given

Democrats want to take credit for the vaccine.

Me too.


Oh common, next thing your going to tell me is she won't inject bleach either. 🤪

She's not even black, and pocahontas wasn't and indian either.

What! Trump commented how people were so impressed with his knowledge of medical processes that he could have been a doctor without even going to medical school. Whew! I did not think I could type that with a straight face!

What’s her last Name , it’s not harry

Im 77 and I will take the vaccine when it is available.. If you think it is unsafe DONT TAKE IT and see how you fare !!

Take the high road.

So Mattress Back Harris had to leave the race for the nominee for the Presidential Candidate. She could not get double digits now all of a sudden she's a saviour lololololo. Well some ppl follow the wind blows.

Harris is a criminal. Trump 2020.

I wouldn't trust her word alone!!!

she ain't by herself !...hhhhmmmm

That goes for all politician including yourself

Who cares? Don’t take it.

Me neither!

This from the lady that sent more black males to prison than anyone. The same lady that threatened parents with jail if kids ditched school. The person that sent people to jail for pot as she used it

Nobody trust her on anything

So much hate for our president who has done so much for our country, makes it clear to me, this corrupt cabal clearly hates our country as well considering their trying to destroy it! Vote red, preserve and protect our constitutional republic from the radical left trash!!!

Yet her word is MUD. KAMALA said that BIDEN IS A RACIST, YET THERE she is as his pick for VP.. Shameful

CNN fix your chyron for Kamala Harris time for PT interview on State of the Union

Bla bla bla

Lol! Saw CNN and didn't bother to read the article!

Not on anything else either.... He is the man that claims he didn't do say things even if he said then on national television

And? Do you have other worthy news ? Were getting extremely tired of this BS!

Hopey_70 Why would anyone trust trump's word on a potential vaccine when we know he's just rushing it to get a pop before the election?

I don’t trust his word for anything. But I’m not taking that vaccine. There is no possible way it’ll be safe yet.

It would be Harris word I would not trust. She did not handle her job as a professional or class. She makes the laws to suit herself. She should not be a Atty.

I do not trust him if he says the sky is blue

As a Chinese I trust Trump. He's our friend. Forget to mention,i am from Beijing not Taiwan.

I understand that the Donald has volunteered Melania, Tiffany and Eric to go first!

Don’t trust your phony pandering race baiters words on ANYTHING, chameleon Kammie

I TOTALLY AGREE, you be thrown doubt into the medical world and now you think I'm going to run out and get a vaccine that you say is the problem to this disease!?!?

Good job token colored person who identifies as female

Agreed and I wouldn’t trust hers or any other politicians words either.

It seems CNN hasn’t noticed that the American People are leaving the democrat party in droves and really do not care what any of them say at this point. So many have realized that they, too, hold strong, conservative values. The landslide will not require recount games this time!

I still find it hard to believe that we have a home grown terrorist running for vice president.

She is racist....

Her Hero? Gateway Pundit publishes a report about Secret Service agent suspended in '09 for “shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while couple was taking a photo with him.” “Situation got so heated others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the VP.


Who cares she will change her position in a week or so probably to doggie style.

Would you trust Hiden’s ? Fuck No

Karenmala Clownarris will force you all to get injected when she steals Presidency from white man Joe. Then you die from side effects.

I would not take nothing from him. Liar con man and ignorant

democrats fostering more hate

Good then Harris should take the vaccine and let us know how it works out

no shit duh

They have nothing to offer so they only attack Trump

You have to be dumb as a rock to trust Trump, Pence or any of their CDC stooges on whether to take some magical vaccine that appears anytime before election day. After election day they won't care if there is ever a vaccine.

But she’s a font of truth? I just spit out my milkshake

Don't trust ANYTHING you say!!!!

Given the replies to this, she should double down. Conservatives are so anti-Dem they might finally go pro-vax just to own the libs.

Democrats need to be realistic or Trump is going to win .

Haha, trust science, trust science, trust science...unless it might help Trump or some shit

Only in regards to that. Everything that comes out of his mouth is not true.

I would not take his word even if he is telling me that ice cream tastes good!

I am only taking the vaccine if Dr Fauci says it is safe.

What the hell is what Kamala thinks about anything breaking news. A pimple on a cows ass is more breaking news than what she has to say

Why would we ? he is not medically qualified, just a bag of hot air. Thinking he is God.

I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you, crook, thief and un American!! Trump 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Complete leftie nonsense -- consider the source then --IGNORE

Don't take Bill Gates either

I don’t think many American’s will trust Trump’s word alone on this either.

Quite right.

Does Kamala think that Trump is making the vaccines? Lol, what an idiot .

No one would, not even realDonaldTrump cult members (who are mostly anti-vaxers who would be more likely to inject Clorox)

That is why they need Dr. Fauci around. There will be much in fall of suppression of Covid19 cases & deaths, especially w/ push to have schools open. Already local governments are concealing this, covering up s, sometimes relying on bogus privacy claims (want s, not IDs).

You could not come up with a plan to get a vaccine for chicken pox! FYI it only requires a call to your doctor!

I would never trust anything he says

Heels up, girl.

Trust CNN to be anti-trump and ignore the devastation in Rochester NY last night.

LOL these Democrats are deranged. They cry about masks and fear monger and then don’t want the vaccine! Compelte utter hypocritical idiots ... anyone else agree?

Broke N Nasty...👎👎👎

Human1American2 *on anything* because he’s proven time and time again his word can not be taken at face value because he’s a lying sociopath. Good day

Trump has this election in the bag.

I would not trust him if he told me my house was on fire and I need to get out

Harris has done absolutely totally nothing nothing to actually fight this virus all year long she just talks

I sure would not. He tried to sell a remedy that has been proven does not work because he had a financial interest and one of his donors was promoting it. No I would not trust much of anything he promotes.

She is not alone!

'...would not trust President Trump's word alone on anything.' Fixed it.

No Vaccine for me and voting EARLY!

Trump family takes it first, then the entire gop. Wait 2 weeks see what happens. Other than that. Hell no.

With the most obvious of statements like this, how could you not vote for this genius? At least she didn’t follow the statement with “end quote.”

There is a possibilty people will be getting a placebo for the real thing OH OH

Take the vaccine 💉 at your own risk ..

captsingh I trust our scientists and FDA and CDC and published trials statistics. And nothing will pass without them all approving it. So far they are all giving thumbs up for a oternial soon to be released vaccine

Does this mean that President Trump is not to be trusted in regard to my personal medical decisions? Devastating news, CNN! Too late for ME!

Yet, SHE is the one who thought Biden was a rapist and now she's running with him! Some people will do ANYTHING to get noticed and further THEIR radical interests!

Fear mongering that will cost lives.

List of topics I would trust Trump about: AmericaOrTrump

Of course not.

At this point I would not believe the CDC either. They are enabling trump.

Wow, more Trump bashing. How original.

Why would anyone take the word of a pathological liar?

And I would not take Kamala Harris's word on anything ...even if she's gagging it on her kneepads, drooling!

How about Putin’s word?

You think Willie Brown’s wife trusted him?

Or anything else!

CNN Says 93% of BLM Riots are Peaceful as They Terrorize Rochester NY

I still remember the days when CNN was actually good journalism.

Good she and her family can test it out first.

She is not alone in that. If Doc Fauci says ok then I’m in. But he wouldn’t if it was not properly tested.

You won't have to. The President doesn't have the authority to single-handedly approve a vaccine. You would think someone trying to be VP would know this.

So we are to take the word of a mistress. How often did CNN play clips of all the women that said they slept with Trump but we do not see the clips from Willie Brown that said he helped Harris gain political power because she was his MISTRESS. SCREWED HER WAY TO THE TOP

keeping your word is important but no one sees how, it must be in TheBible somehow.

Or really this administration. They have shown to to change data and reports to suit trump

I do not trust anything that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth. KamalaHarris

Good thing it wouldn’t be his word alone then huh? Not like he’s cooking it up himself in the kitchen at the White House

Gee. I wonder why.

We already know that Kamala implied was Biden a racist, and a man who inappropriately touched women, and then she joined his ticket. So, her integrity is for sale. Given that, why does her opinion carry any weight?

Of course she’s in the middle of an election campaign. Remember what the same woman said in defense of her attack on Biden during the primaries and her little busing stunt? She laughed it was just grandstanding

Does she really think he is going to be the sole voice in the safety of a vaccine? Goodness is she dumb

As if trump is manufacturing it himself

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