I Have Some Questions for the Sensitivity Committee That Approved This Swastika Necklace

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If it feels like just yesterday the clothing company Shein was apologizing for selling a very poorly conceived product then that feeling is correct. On Monday, the company issued an apology after selling what it referred to as a “fringe trim Greek fret carpet,” which was actually a Muslim prayer rug. The rugs, advertised as decorative carpets, included images of the Kaaba, a holy site in the Muslim faith. As part of their apology, Shein stated that they would employ a “product review committee” to prevent something like this from happening again.

If it feels like just yesterday the clothing company Shein was apologizing for selling a very poorly” which was actually a Muslim prayer rug. The rugs, advertised as decorative carpets, included images of the Kaaba, a holy site in the Muslim faith. As part of their apology, Shein stated that they would employ a “product review committee” to prevent something like this from happening again.Shein is on the hook for selling, uh, a swastika necklace.

a representative recycled their previous statement from the Muslim prayer rug debacle, but this time with a splash of history.. “The necklace is a Buddhist swastika which has symbolized spirituality and good fortune for more than a thousand years.” The statement goes on to point out the differences in swastikas, such as the Nazi swastika is “pointed clockwise and tilted at an angle.

“As a multicultural and global brand, we want to apologize profusely to those who are offended, we are sensitive to these issues and want to be very clear that we in no way support or condone racial, cultural and religious prejudice or hostility,” the representative added before tellingthat the company is taking “extreme measures to ensure that all items are cleared through a rigorous vetting process before we retail them.


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Have you ever heard of Hinduism and Buddhism?

There is ignorance and then there is blatant stupidity: the decision to write this article and then defend your position even though you just wrote out the whole reason why you're completely wrong falls in the latter category.

Condemns nazis but thinks every swastika is nazi cross. The hard left in a nutshell

Just leaving this image here to remind myself later how mind numbingly stupid Jezebel writers are. Calling historical south asian religious references stupid because you melts cant crack open a history book.

Y'all get paid to write this shit? The manji symbol is sacred to Buddhists.

Oh my god shut UP, Karen.

When you're so woke you end up hitting reverse and instead of being inclusive you tell a whole culture the symbol they've been using for centuries isn't allowed cause someone decided to use one that looks kinda similar to do bad shit

Um.... the swastika isn’t used exclusively by n*zis lol

Defund Sensitivity and Socialist committees.

sensitivity committee Literally erasing culture

One quick look on Google and you would have found this 👇

Haha! 'sensitivity committee' 😂 Also, it's not a swastika, you joyless clowns.

WatchRatio I have questions for those who can’t tell the difference between a Buddhist symbol and a swastika.

It's a 卍(まんじ) learn to spot the difference between a 卍 and a nazi swastika..

Only a white person could be this naive.

Bro that’s a manji

I wonder if it’s physically possible for checkmarks on twitter to ever post something that wasn’t objectively stupid. Is your head that infected with brain worms that you are incapable of ever expressing anything of intelligence on this website?

Karen, maybe try thinking about the actual origin of this symbol before jumping to conclusions and asking to speak to the manager.

That’s... not a swastika

People don't have a lick of nuance these days, nor the brain function to do some research. And if we want to be really nitpicky, that's a sauwastika, since it faces left.

Buddhist symbol by the way.

Thats a manji.

Why do liberals getting outraged always sound like copypastas.

JewishPrivilege is demanding all cultures erase a three thousand year old religious and cultural symbol used by billions over Millenia because some bad people used a bastardisation of it and did bad shit 70 years ago.

I have some questions for the sensitive account user that approved this post.

That ratio tho. Also, y'all are idiots. It's a religious symbol in Hinduism before it was associated wit Nazism. Learn to research, ya 'JOURNALISTS'. Do your research. Oh wait, I forgot that's too much for you people.

Swastikas are lucky, powerful symbols the world over. Please educate yourself don’t be so ignorant.


The ignorance of this tweet & article demonstrates everything wrong with the left today. How incredibly stupid & immature.

Wasn’t the Swastika of the Third Reich the reverse of this one?

An obviously stupid website.

I too have some questions regarding your ignorance and casual disregard of Asian culture. Pretty problematic that you expect them to cater to your white Western sensibilities

Pro Tip: When you have questions, try researching before you ask them.

Cool it with the anti-indian shit.

Here's some highlights in the idiot sandwich to save you all a few clicks.

This symbol is used quite often in the Hindu community. Most of us don’t immediately go batshit cos at the very least we have the ability to google and not immediately make stupid assumptions

So basically you're telling followers of Hinduism and Buddhists that they are nazis now huh? Thier symbol was stolen and now you want them to give it up because you're offended about something you clearly don't understand. Unfuckingbelievable!

🙄 What happened to our education system that Jezebel hires the most culturally ignorant writers?

You aren't very smart.

I'm loving that Jezebel, a hotbed of privileged white progressives, have once again been caught lecturing minorities about their own culture. It never stops being disgusting and hilarious.

glove to call myselfe a progressive & see a millennia-old symbol used throughout buddhist culture & countless others as exclusively the nazi emblem

Guess Buddhists can't be Buddhists. And Jezebel journalists don't do research.


Buddhism is cancelled

This what happens when you learn only white history. Hahaha

That's a manji.

Please just delete your account for everybody's sake.

SHEIN is a Chinese company, and that isn’t a Nazi swastika. That said, I would recommend not buying from shein if nothing else because their products are of really low quality.


Please report this to the Political Commissar. Oh, sorry, I mean the 'sensitivity committee'.

Looks like a manji to me

Please do your research about symbols before writing more ignorant articles

That's probably a Buddhist Swastika, not a Nazi one, which would be the other way around, as well as diagonal.

That’s a suavastika, not a swastika. smh

Religion exists. Chill. You should be happy they're reclaiming it for a better purpose, rather than let it be continued as a sign of a monstrous group.

Here we go again... what's next ? The Spanish Capirotes are the KKK now because they use pointy hats as well ?

You have no respect for any Asian culture. Fake progressive.

I have to wonder what Shigeru Miyamoto and his team of game designers were thinking when they designed the map to level 3 in the original Legend of Zelda for NES...

Buddhist.. jeez surprised these lefty cancel culture types can even tie their own shoes.

People will know this little about the world beyond thier suburban neighbourhood and insist that you listen to them about changing it, fucks sake

Ok colonizer

I understand the people in this thread angry at the poster, but just think about it, if you saw somebody with a Swastika necklace outside. Now what would you think? Would you go think that he sees the Swastika as a religious symbol, or is he just a Nazi?

Fuck budhists am I right

Educate yourself

Because the Hindu one that was before hitler doesn't matter

Why women deserve less reason 2571

Goddammit, Hitler!!

that's literally not the Nazi swastika


Not all Swastikas are Nazi Swastikas. This is not a difficult concept to understand.

Shannon Melero’s message of bigotry toward many cultures east of the Indus River is rather disturbing.

It’s clearly the “real” swastika, not the fascist symbol version. Get over yourselves.

Hahahaha gotta love Western Education.

*sigh* Hindu Symbol

That just isn't a swastika

That's not a Nazi swastika, asshat. The swastika has been around for almost 12,000 years. It has more in common with religion than anything else. Educate yourself.

Are you aware that both Buddhists & Indigenous People of North America have used that symbol for centuries? Are you aware of just how screamingly bigoted & racist your comment is?

When you dont now what a swastika is and try to retroactively appropriate someone elses cultural symbols. 😂🤙🏾 Rad

Yo, that's not a Nazi swastika. It's a Buddhist one and, iirc, it's a symbol of peace. Please do proper research before bugging out like this. It's kinda racist...

1) That's a Buddhist symbol so it's nothing to worry about (unless you're buddha-phobic) 2) '...sensitivity committee...' 😝😂

I have some questions about your lack of cultural knowledge

So we just being racist now?

Typical hysterical Jezebel American ignoramus reaction...

It is an ancient Hindu symbol. Thisnswastika is pointing the opposite fire to to the Nazi symbol.

That's not a swastika......

Did you know if you go to Japan they put maps up at public transit stations that tell you exactly where the safe spaces for neo Nazis are? In 2020!?!?

I love how these woke people don’t even know history

Proving yet again feminism is ignorance.

That's the Buddhist symbol chief


holy shit, y'all are assholes. even after they told you what it actually was, you still pressured them to take it down and then insult them for YOUR ignorance.

Another Baizuo offended by nothing! That never happens! Someone call the police!

Bougie white bitches mad the rest of the world exists lmao

I see we are forgetting this symbol was appropriated by nazis and has belonged to mutliple religions. Of course westerners dont care about this.

I have great advice. Fire that writer and hire me. I need help funding feminization surgeries and I actually do research on topics without digging for clout. And I would attract right wing customers by being pragmatic.

It's not about you.

Well that's a Sanskrit svastika which is a well known religious symbol that has nothing to do with Nazis. Why do you hate foreigners and their religions?

What sensitivity committee?

well, it's not the nazi swastika, but the religious swastika.

you are not smart people

Look up fucking buddhism. The chaos spider is an incredibly old symbol and the east doesn't care about the nazis

We should also ban all Hitler's movies.

White women colonizing Eastern POC spaces yet again.

why are you against their freedom to practice their religion, or have religious jewelry?

So people don't know that this is a buddhist symbol right?

Sad that you don't even know the difference between hindu and nazi symbols.

You fashinista-activistas have fundamentally a problem, with superficiality and ZERO intelligence. It is remarkable you have such influence and hold equally shallow people in a thrall. You are a blackhole of intellectuallism.

What a surprise femimists call the buddhist manji a swastika, who's really racist?

You people bang on about 'cultural appropriation' and 'Nazis' 24/7, yet you can't even do a cursory search on its origins are appropriation by ACTUAL Nazis. Even Wikipedia could tell you that.

So woke you’re asleep to other cultures. Classic.

How can ANYONE be so fundamentally STUPID The Swastika is a religious symbol of Hinduism and Buddhism. You are literally insulting an entire minority group with your IGNORANCE.

How about you educate yourselves

That’s a buddhist symbol. The nazi symbol is tilted 45 degrees. As long as it’s flat, it’s not a nazi symbol.


Cool it with the racism, Shannon

Woke-colonialists are at it again.

IT'S NOT A GODDAMN SWASTIKA. It's a Buddhist symbol. It's what Hitler ripped off, but reversed.

Try doing just a little bit of research before you post this teen vogue level idiocy.

I have some questions on how your site is funded.

Its a Manji not a Swastika. Some of you westerners seriously need to educate yourselves on other cultures.

This really undermines the notion progressives are intellectual superior.

Maybe Jezebel should change their too considering it’s biblical implications. CastTheFirstStone

That's a manji.

How can someone be so stupid?

Thats a buddah peace symbol and its both racist and misappropriation to call it a swastica.

You know the Nazis were far from the first people to use the swastika, right

It's a symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, it's not even on the right angle for Nazi version

It’s the Buddhist symbol. Do you hate Buddhists that much?

That's a Buddhist symbol y'all. That's not racist

You are aware that the mangi is widely used in religions, prior to the Nazi usage...right? Such as Hinduism and Buddhism? The nazis did not create the god damn symbol, they used it and now it is being stigmatized by that usage. Huge fucking difference.

This is religious discrimination. Hindus, Buddhist, and other Indian religions should be allowed to have their religious symbols as religious attire without you misconstruing it as being the Nazi swastika

I wish these SJWs actually took the time to know what the swastika is, it's a lot more than just some Nazi symbol. It shows up Buddhism, Taoism, Norse Mythology, etc. People are taking effort to reclaim the 'true' meaning of the symbol and people like you make it difficult.

God damn those nazi Buddhists

You are ridiculous.

imagine forgetting religions had this symbol for years

The swastika is an ancient symbol of the Sun, luck, and good fortune. This left-facing way represents life. The right-facing (Nazi) orientation represents death. That seems appropriate.

Ooooh boy, someone is about to get fired

I have questions for Jezebel has writers that do no research.

I'm Jewish and take no offence, its a Buddhist and Hindu symbol hijacked by the Nazis

Educate yourself.

It's a Buddhist symbol, you dolt. Stop making us women look stupid.

How about giving them the benefit of the doubt and not showing blatant ignorance. It's not right-facing or tilted, so it's almost certainly the religious symbol used by many Asian cultures.

What's wrong with this beautiful ancient indo-european symbol representing the sun? 🌞

I mean it's a Buddhist symbol. Not really offensive lol.

'sensitivity committee' not every company is a Marxist hell scape like yours.

Wrong angle, facing the wrong way.

Imagine white-washing a minority's symbol and then saying they can't use it because YOU'RE offended. 🤷‍♀️

That's the Buddhist swastika, the Nazi swastika is clockwise and turned 45 degrees

In case you're ever in Japan, don't look on a map where temples are marked. Better yet, educate yourself

you gonna have a fit when you learn about the Manji

Jezebel has done very well for themselves, despite there being such severe cognitive shortcomings among the staff. Good for them.

It's not even spinning the right direction to be a swastika

Its Manji and means peace.

This is a university education. 🙄 CollegeMarxists

People really be this stupid, huh.

....You do realize that's a buddhist symbol..... oh wait, your a far left Media outlet who doesn't have real journalists, I forgot how much of a joke you guys are

shit is nice tbh

Its a Manji?

Its probably marketed to people in India. Buddhists use that symbol not just nazis

Ah. Judeo-western supremacy. Don't progressives usually call this 'cultural imperialism'? Doesn't really go hand-in-hand with the multiculturalism they claim to want does it....

or it is from Buddhism .

I have some questions for jezebel that think christianity is the only religions in the world and the west has the only culture in the world. Once more showing the bigotry of those who are woke. Eh.. What else is new?

Well, the swastika came from India, and got carried into Europe by proto-indo-european peoples settling it. It became a part of several cultures, including the germanic cultures which Hitler, and the Nazi party fetishized so they used it. Taking the swastika back is good imo.

JFC how many times do ppl have to explain that this symbol was originally and still is a buddhist symbol that preceded co-option by the nazis by a thousand years?

What, now?

As presented, that's a Hindu/Buddhist symbol for good fortune. The 'swastika' was Hitler's bastardizing of a good symbol for his means. His version is also angled, as a diamond shape and not the square shape, as the original.

Im surprised Jezebel could be this tone deaf. Good job enforcing the EXACT INTENT of the nazis when they stole this symbol for their hate party to completely transform how this symbol is interpreted, sorry that white women with absolutely no knowledge of history are so butthurt

As shown, that is an Indian swastika, not a Nazi symbol, which runs clockwise. Don’t know how you’d keep it facing that way if you wore it, mind you, but the swastika is an ancient symbol of good fortune, sadly appropriated by the Nazis.

The swastika is a sacred, ancient, Hindu symbol for peace. In India, the symbol is carved on temples everywhere. I wonder if there is a way ,for those to whom the symbol is an important one with a religious history, to take back its meaning? I don’t know the answer to that.

Too soon?

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