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United States Headlines News

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Hillary Clinton Defends Joe Biden After Controversy About How He Interacts with Women and Girls: 'Get Over It'

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ElitistSludge This is very disappointing

HillaryClinton is a clown and a hypocrite just like TomPerez SymoneDSanders and the entire DNC. I’ll never vote for them again.

Hillbots were already on board with the demented rapist anyway. How does this help Joe?

She's gross. She's an enabler not a feminist.


Biden - Clinton 2020: Rape? Get over it!


ElitistSludge In other words: Don't move, don't make a scene, just let him have his way and everything will be fine. Great advice, Hill. Biden2020

Monica, Monica hilarycli2020

'Well, he's not as bad as Bill' -Hillary

From pedophilia Central. Epsteins biggest customer

She did with her rapist husband. Why can't the rest of you?

IBelieveWomen IBelieveTaraReade

Stand by your man and tell the world you love him.... Someone change the goddamn station, find something that pertains to 2020.. NeverBiden HillarySucksToo BernieOrBust2020 Bernie2020

Howard Dean Attacks Reporters Over Biden Assault Story via YouTube

Who coulda guessed that Hillary would have no problem stanning for a sexual predator? 🤔

Hillary and Jeffery were tight. She flew on the Lolita Express a few times too.

stomach_mouth Of course she did the sick creep

'A woman in the Whitehouse'. Is that some naughty adult picture?

so called feminist hero Hilary Clinton

That bitch

Remember when Jane Sanders called her husband's sexual assault victims 'Bimbos?' No? Me neither. That was Hillary Clinton. You know... The woman who used her influence with the press to level the combined might of the US media against an 18 year old intern?

Is anyone surprised that someone who has stayed married to a pedophile for 45 years would say this? Not sure whether she did it to further her career or because she lives in denial but no matter. It is unacceptable.

Get over it. I hear it from r & d. Believe me, I am over you.

Twitlertwit Remember who she married, is still married to (thinks she's 'brave'), and the women she tore apart who accused hubby of being a preditor. A real femnist, our Hillary IS NOT. (And her good buddies were Harvey Weinstein and Child Trafficker Epstein. )

Of course the Bffs of JeffreyEpstein HarveyWeinstein AnthonyWeiner KevinSpacey DonaldTrump BillClinton would say Get over it”

Well she also stayed with Bill

She lost to a GAMESHOW HOST, we need to stop giving her any spotlight at all. It's the worst candidate of all time endorsing someone who is likely to take that crown from her.

Hillary been a disgusting piece of trash, this doesn't surprise me one bit. And she wonders why she lost to a racist reality tv star. Biden will follow in her footsteps & lose as well. Democratic Party dont care because their mission was to stop Bernie and protect the status quo

Let's all also remember that Hillary Clinton helped Bill Clinton, and the establishment Democrat party, attack and sweep under the rug Bill's women sexual assault victims. There is not much difference between republicans and democrats.

Liberal feminism has come full circle

tates5a NotDying4WallStreet GeneralStrike2020 OnlyBernieFightsForUs OnlyBernieBeatsTrump PresidentBernieSanders2020 NeverBiden LyingBiden DNCisCorrupt DropOutBiden DropOutJoe

Weinstein, Epstein, BillClinton & now joeBiden! HillaryClinton is the consummate defender of those who serially commit sexual assault!

I mean, he did vote for the Iraq war, so he’s not all bad, right?

Back in the early nineties my dad knew the pilots that flew Bill Clinton around when he was governor. Let’s be clear, all of Bill’s inner circle knew he was a sexual predator. Hilary covers for rapists all the time. No woman should have supported her, her husband or Biden.

I’m over it. Next time anybody mentions MeToo I’m gonna have a good long laugh.

Because HillaryClinton is an enabler, duh...

SocialistBoomer Tara Reade & Lucy Flores' stories on sexual harassment have been out there for a while. Which was enough for me, in and of itself, as a voter. But maybe, press should now touch base w/ Clinton for an update ... like .. 1/

HillaryClinton So when JoeBiden sniffs her granddaughter and interacts with them inappropriately, we shall all tell her to just 'Get Over it'!

SocialistBoomer Wow.....just Wow.....Of course this is coming from a woman who is married to a serial cheater and (perhaps a pedophile....) so... you know.....take it with a grain of salt. WeDeserveBernie

Time to bern it all down and start fresh, enough with this ridiculous old gaurd. Bernie is our only hope. 🔥

I am over it. Completely over sexual predator men & an abusive democratic party.

I guess Drumpf isn’t as clear and present danger to the future of the U.S. as JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy and Malcom X were. This “anybody but Drumpf” rhetoric is so weak.

Didn’t she say ...what “does it matter”....during the benghazi happen....move on....caviler attitude....

Who is shocked? Her world revolves around rapists.

What a fucking monster


Corrupt Queen of Sleaze

can tell she’s never been groped

Compared to Trump? Lol.

She has a lot of practice defending sexual predators.

Bill agrees. Says it was easy for HillaryClinton to get over it.

Wow. Self awareness: zero.

😂😂😂 love how she says just vote for anybody just to get rid of Donald Trump Anybody? Who cares what the candidates stand for because if its Democrats they dont stand for Americans. How many times do the left hear it before something goes off in the pea brains they have

Well Bill assaulted Paula Jones , Kathleen Wiley , Eileen Wellstone and raped Juanita so unwanted sexual behavior is fine with this mutt

She defended Bill so I'm not surprised she is defending Biden.

This is why the feminist movement today is BOGUS. Hillary, you don't care abt women who were abused by bad men. You think yr special because u forgave that perv. Biden makes women VERY uncomfortable touching, kissing, & smelling them.

People mag was out front for the Me Too campaign but when it comes to Hilary, you're okay with her 'Get Over It' campaign. Sexual predators are all not acceptable or they all ARE acceptable. Make up your mind.

Lady, YOU get over it. And get back to your coffin. Noone wants you for VP

Of course she does. Win at all costs. Corrupt at all costs.

No one listens to her anyway.

Yass qween. You tell those women to just take his creepy touching!!!!!


yeah,HillaryClinton is an Ace at getting “over” th sexual harrassment and assault/rape of OTHER females...apparently no one’s made debased moves on her. she is complicit/an accessory/a full partner in launchG counter-offensives on victims of HER husband...for 41 or more years.

Well she defends Bill, sooooo...

just like with her husband

Who cares about HRC !

How To Lie With Headlines 101.

There's Hillary constantly proving what a shitty potus she would have been. love too see it.

Still defending Slick Willy I see.

Aint that rich

LOL hey Hillary supporters! Is this what you mean by feminism? While you call Sanders supporters sexist?

wow mansplain

So sexual assault is a zero tolerance issue unless Biden or Bill do it. And dismissing it with, 'get over it' is just an attempt to defend the indefensible. Joe is the poster boy for every HR sexual assault seminar ever given.

How *did* she lose?

He's better than *Rump, but worse than the entire remaining Democratic field. NoJoe

Says a woman who epitomizes the “stand by your man” theme. Throwing women under the bus to push Biden for pres. Wow. If ya have a ‘blue dress’ to hide, Hillary has a big closet. Put it next to the skeletons.

Hahahah the dems just defeat themselves. You literally just have to seat back and let them

Yes a true fighter for women. NOT. She always stands by her men. Old hag.

Enablers gonna enable.

This from a woman who defends rapists and her hubbies abuse of power while in office.

That's not what she said it the *article this links to*

About the same thing she said to women who accused her husband of sexual assault.


HillaryClinton what the hell is wrong with you? how could you talk that way

Because she likes it.

Wow, not at all what she said, but you expected ppl to pick up on the single quotes and not double, cuz it’s not what she said

This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

Hillary did once tell a rape victim to 'put some ice on it', did she not?

in her own words:


Bill Clinton is literally a rapist.

She’s used to it from Billy.

This ain’t it, HillaryClinton

This isn't what she said and you know it.

“Look at the candidates, look at what they’ve accomplished, look at what they have fought for — and vote for anybody to get rid of Donald Trump.” Just 'anybody'? I thought we were in the process of picking the *best* person for that job.

This is why I hate politicians lol

They are both bad at being human beings. Not sure they actually are.

metoo. Juanita Paula etc say bs. They both have big Ukraine problems. Ps the Clinton Foundation “donations” fell by $100 million after she lost. Everyone gave up charities?


When has that phrase ever been effective... HRC is intentionally trying to fire us up — she’s signaling to us to dump Biden!

Hey!! Now wait a second!! Trump like.. exists... so literally nothing they do matters.. because.. You know, Trump. 🤷‍♂️



This, coming from a woman that defended a rapist of a twelve year old girl, and laughed about it. Yeah, she’s a credible person.

Somebody cue up the tape of Clinton surrogate weinstein calling Bernie a sexist

It's because she's as bad as him... just more psycho

Maybe he can advise them to put some ice on any part of them that he bites.

Sounds like something that would be said by a person married to Bill Clinton

Good call Hills.....Cigar anyone?

At this point, what difference does it make if he fondles little girls? Get over it!

Believe every women EXCEPT....getoverit meetoo

Horrible look

“Stand by your man” Hillary’s favorite song!

Hahahaha ugh. I love Democrat’s

Well I least this is consistent with her defending her husband the rapist 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

She has real world experience in 'getting over it' considering who she is married to.

So, new slogan for the me too moment? Get over it. Sick

What a shocker. They are both turds. Nothing new to see here, folks. We have all known who these people are for quite some time.

'Birds of a feather' as they say. Couple of cuckoo birds right there.

Me Too! Wait....

WTF!! Haha

After the past few years, I had almost forgotten why I wasn’t too enthusiastic to vote for her. Nowwwww I remember why.

whpresscorps Hahaha. Of course she does. Joes groping is nothing compared to what Bill did!

whpresscorps She got over it with BillClinton decades ago.

HillaryClinton hypocritically shrieks that accused Republicans are guilty as she defends her fellow leftists who are imputed with sexual assault and sexual harassment.

HillaryClinton this is why you need to fade away.

This is very disappointing. She's dismissing the women who feel uncomfortable with his lack of spatial awareness and private space.

Not surprising considering she was willing to sacrifice women to protect her husband

that's gonna be her epstein statement too

rich people can never be allies because they don't think anything they do is wrong or can ever be wrong

'Get over it' is something people usually say about things in the past.

Such a poor judge of character. All her friends, including her husband, are womanizers and/or crooks. She acts like she has no part in Trump.

The same message she had for bill's victims then



Hillary, you’ve been great, but please leave the stage and take Joe with you.

I'm not surprised by her behavior. It'a pathological, a variant of the same sick enabling of Epstein's procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell. Power is intoxicating to these creeps. They think they can away with anything and laugh it off.


Not there are two ugly people inside and out. no conscience.

“Intersectionality for me, not for thee” proudly on display again.

Hey Clinton: No. Get over your massive ego.

Crickets from Metoo I see

She’s back and really should not be. We have people like TGowdySC to thank. I will never forgive what she did in Benghazi—- the lies. HillaryClinton crime spree went on for decades; she’s really a Bonnie Parker. Shame on you realDonaldTrump for failing to clean this up !!!

Compelling defense

tfw ur a feminist icon

Shes disgusting.


can HillaryClinton please just endorse JoeBiden ? After all, he didn't want Obama's endorsement.


This is another example of what a warm fuzzy feeling she gave absolutely NO ONE IN 2016

HillaryClinton - get over it ! Just because you are ok with husband touching women - does not mean it’s ok

QuidProJoe Crowdstrike

KamalaHarris said to leave Joe alone. Hear that

lol creepy old people

how bout you get over yourself HillaryClinton

DoNT yOu KnOw tHeRe aRe oThEr PeDos oUt tHerE

Metoo for me not thee - HC

This is rich in irony coming a lady that's been traveling the world complaining that she lost.

She is disgusting.

Who is “Hillary” and why should I care

In other words, you all deal with what we give you and shut up about it


My God, she's repugnant.

We shouldn’t be surprised folks. After all, HillaryClinton was the original victim blamed and blamed & shames the victims of her husband’s predatory behavior. “Bimbo eruptions”

Can she please endorse him already so they'll both go away forever?

Is there a lib rapist she doesnt protect

Did whoever wrote this tweet actually read the article?

No one would expect anything less from Bill Clinton’s enabler.

Let’s move on from this group. Their baggage is not worth the burden.

So basically sswestfall and adam_a_carlson wrote a trash Joe Biden article and then mischaracterized Hillary's words in their header. There are so many of these white privilege lyzl types trying to sell us on Warren while trying to convince us Biden is a horrible human-being.

Of course she would. Terrible people defend terrible people

Would have a lot more respect for the Hill if she didn't get over it and dumped Bill's ass. I guess that's her mantra. Sad.

HillaryClinton has to defend JoeBiden. First rule of Swamp; There IS NO Swamp. 😉

JFC, idiots, this is taken completely out of context, and nobody should even be reading this rag, ever.

Remind me how HillaryClinton lost again?

Just like Hillary got over Bill's philandering, I guess.

people is jumping on the LookOverHere LookOverThere Deflection bandwagon DonaldTrump is an American TRAITOR...let that sink in!

The full article paints a much, much worse picture that 'get over it' barely scratches the surface of.

We’re over her.

The fact that all these “feminist” organizations bow down and worship her is really infuriating. She doesn’t give a fuck about women unless it benefits her. You wanna talk about a true women’s hero, Gee idk try Tulsi Gabbard, Ilhan Omar, hell even Elizabeth Warren.

That's what Hillary thought about her husband raping and sexually harassing other women. UNBELIEVABLE!!! And does the ME TOO MOVEMENT AGREE WITH THIS

She's got a thing for powerful, gropey men

Yep. She's proudly watched her husband groping women for decades. She is used to it and welcomes it. She uses women.

That quote isn’t even in the article. Find your candidate, fight for them, defeat trump. If we let clickbait create in fighting, we will lose again. I am not a Biden supporter, so I am doing what I can for the candidate I want to be the nominee.

Hey, these crooks must stick together. One of them starts singing, the whole operation may collapse.

Bet she said the same thing to the 12yr old girl Hillary accused of wanting sex with older man when she was raped.

To HillaryClinton: How about you 'Get Over It', that you cheated out nation out of real change and went on to lose to a neo nazi game show host!

Says the woman who isn't over the fact that she lost the election.

She didn't care about her own husband's groping, so why should she care about Biden's?

She should knit Joe a sweater.

That disappointing headline takes what she said out of context and is a pretty good example of the real point HRC was making in the interview. Please read the rest of what she said before piling on.

Gotta defend Joe, right?

Go ahead. Look at the videos in this thead.

I wish she would get over it.


That's the same thing HillaryClinton said to Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey.

She’s boss!

Yeah, speaking as the enabler she has always been.......

she cares nothing for principles, only power.


Wot? MeToo

BAMAPERRY Are you effen kidding me?

Bet she also defended Bill Cosby

Iif defeating Trump is so important, why didn't you do it in 2016? 😐😆🤖

Ok, she can go now.

THIS HEADLINE IS MISLEADING. “We can pick apart anybody. I mean, that’s a great spectator sport. But this man who’s there in the Oval Office right now poses a clear and present danger to the future of the United States. So get over it,” Clinton said.

Of course she did. She has a great deal of experience defending sexual predators.

Not that I expect a lot from People, but this is a gross mischaracterization of what Clinton said, and People is just using it as clickbait. Shameful

Well that's a misleading headline if I've seen one ...

Shorter: 'It's all about gaining power!'

Yeah well you don't care care if your husband does it Who listens to you any way

The left is a parody

Nice ... that’s going to help for sure 😂

Liberal feminists:

Some serial gropers are better than others...

Is this your feminist queen?

believeallwomen except the ones that accuse Dems... amirite?

Hillary Clinton defending yet another sexual predator. Color Me shocked

Grandma is in the Chardonnay again!

This makes sense if she is directly addressing Trump defenders because those mofos excuse a lot of behavior from their team captain! For anyone that is not so depraved, this is not cool!

Yaaaas kween! Slay!

'Feminist hero' Uh huh

Hey what's a little rapey love action toward minors, compared to your own personal vendeta?

This is not news. We all know Hillary has no problem with male Democrats doing whatever they please to females. And if they don't like it, they are part of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

You told Gennifer Flowers the same thing, right?

Lol. How about she gets over losing the election.

Get over the inappropriate touching. GET OVER IT!!!!!!

We’ve known for a very long time that HillaryClinton has absolutely no problem with men in power putting their hands on young women.

'When you're Joe Biden they let you do it.'

She also defended her husband, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffrey Epstein


Should the women Bill harassed get over that too? She sure is an apologist for creepy men.

'If I can get over what my own husband has done to women and girls, surely you can get over this.' FeministIcon

Well the metoo movement was short lived it appears.

She's married to a rapist so...

Lady, you might want to sit this one out.

Where was she months ago? Lmao! She wants to be Warrens VP, or Biden or whomever the media and DNC shaft Bernie for. And when it happens don’t blame me for Trump 2020. BernieBeatsTrump

Not surprising, given her husband's behavior

jtLOL I mean, it’s Hillary. What else would you expect? “You’d better put some ice on that.”

Dems are Hypocrites

Isn’t that also what she said to Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones?

We already knew she supports predatory behavior.

Well ...she had to. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hillary Clinton is the Scum at the bottom of a fish tank that hasn’t been cleaned for 30 plus years! 😡 I wish we had a BottomFeeder to eat her and her fake ass lies for way too long!!

What difference does it make at this point! Benghazi

This is not going to help Joe. But then she doesn’t really help anyone if there isn’t something in it for her. I voted 3rd party and she is why I do not regret it at all. Ever.

MeToo unless its Biden then it's 'get over it' 🤡🌍

That’s what she said to Bill’s accusers too

Get over 2016. 😂😂😂😂😂

Hillary telling others to 'Get over it' about anything is just too much to handle right now 😂😂

I think Clinton is a piece of shit but do direct us to where in this article she is quoted as saying 'they should get over it'. fakenews

Hillary also said the Bill’s affair with Monica Lewinsky wasn’t an abuse of power.

Something something lots of experience defending old white Democrats from harassment claims.

jtLOL Lord, woman, did you open yourself up for ridicule. I actually feel sorry for you, being married to Bill Clinton. Is that your attitude toward all the women who have issues with him?


Thems are the rules

Pretty sure that HillaryClinton should explain her own issues with covering up sexual abuse and rape charges against her husband.

Well. I mean she did so she’d know. Right?

They were bimbos anyway. Oh wait, that was her excuse for Bill

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are disgusting people who will rot in hell for the crimes they’ve committed against children.

Get over it like with slick

Aaaaand that’s why she lost

Am I the only one who actually read the article and the full quote? Keep dragging HRC to get those clicks, .

jtLOL who is she married to again? lol. she got over how bill interacts with women and girls.

And she couldn't figure how to get over the 2016 election! 🤷‍♂️

Yes we heard that’s what HillaryClinton told MonicaLewinsky

We the people refuse to 'get over' and any more of the corporate, oligarchs BS. We do NOT support your agenda. We want our agenda now. BERNIE2020 BernieorBust StillSanders OnlySandersWillDo NoMiddleGround OurNextPresident MedicareForAll


“Your parents don’t need to know.” -H. Clinton

Hillary no. No, Hillary.

That's real feminist of her. I'm so over her and her crony capitalist fans who want to keep their piece of the pie at our expense. She wants certain women to rise, but certainly not all of us. She's at least as tone-deaf as Biden.

She just can’t help herself lmao

This is not it

We are over him and long over you, hawk

Of course she does. Didn't she 'silence' the people who were against her husband? What was that I wonder....

Your misleading tweet is shitty and irresponsible

Of course she defended him! Ugg

So brave of Hillary to stand up against assault victims.

What else can we expect from a psychopath who doesn't even care if her right-wing policies cause death & destruction? Remember she said single payer will 'never, EVER come to pass', she ruined Honduras, Libya, Syria, took advantage of Haiti....Hillary & Trump are both terrible.

Goes to show you that moderate centrist corporatist democrats stick together to maintain conservative agenda and please their corporate donors.

y i k e s


He sniffs and rubs little girls. She traffics them

Go tf away 🤮🤮🤮🤮

So glad our first female president could come to the defense of so many young women 👏👏

Two confused republicans.

Well neither of them will ever be President so maybe stop asking what they think.

Why would anyone give a damn what Clinton has to say after she and the establishment media rigged everything in her favor. Now She’s talking about how dangerous Trump is after elevating him to run against her thinking she’d win🤦‍♀️ why is anyone giving her credibility? Bernie2020

luismen1991 Creepy people do not kiss and whisper in the ears of young children. Pedo’s do!

They need to be shipped off to the sun


feminist icon

Probably has the same reaction when Bill hops on the Lolita Express

Neo liberal corporate millionaires always defend each other


I don’t know how someone with these killer political instincts ever lost a couple presidential elections

Feminist icon


Joe has been on “the right side of things” very rarely in his career. And for the “get over it” -


Double douche...

Get over it. We have corruption in play.

Look who's she's married to.

She said that Biden, 76, who is a leading contender to challenge President Donald Trump in next year’s election, “is a thoroughly decent human being who has served our country honorably and well for decades.”

That's probably what she told the woman on her campaign that was sexually assaulted by her minister.

albedoa cool cool cool

This is because Shillary as we all know, is a Feminist. lol SilERabbit There are so few billionaires, so just stuff your quibbles, and support the candidate who won't dismantle them.

GodandtheBear Had HillaryClinton become POTUS:--'Bill Clinton offered get-out-of-jail-free cards to a whole army of sleazeballs, from Jeffrey Epstein to Harvey Weinstein to the foreign donors to the Clinton Global Initiative.' HillaryForPrison

She say the same thing about Harvey Weinstein?

Then they got the nerve to lecture the rest of us about patriarchy.

HillaryClinton stayed married to an adulterer, accused rapist, and frequent flyer on jeffreyepstein's pedophile express. Let's maybe NEVER hold her up as a feminist icon or anything other than what she is... An apologist for men who rape, molest, and invade women's spaces.

We are over both Biden and HRC, thanks.

Get over it? Her whole deal now is talking about 2016.

How about she get over losing the election to trump

Bill Clinton also flew with Epstein

pals with weinstein and epstein? yeah this tracks 100%

Dear Hil- “There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women.' Love, your friend Madeleine Albright

This was like 14 controversies ago

Can't say this is surprising considering the women her husband has abused.


Replace Hillary Clinton with Donald Trump and the brunch crew would condemn this shit

PRIMONUTMEG Anything you say HillaryClinton

Girl, stop talking.

PRIMONUTMEG Well, that's exactly what HillaryClinton said to all the survivors of BillClinton's sexual predation, so really, that's no surprise.

Nasty snake CrookedHillary ClintonBodyCount

Do not vote for anybody to get rid of Donald Trump! Especially not a centrist like Biden and WARren.

thank you ma'am

I thought she was a ' feminist'🤣

you aren't helping either of them.

Well, she thinks her husband is a stand uo guy so...

This is on brand for her.

YAAAAAAAS, KWEEN! Joe touching and kissing women without their consent is just another way of showing his appreciation for them. It's totally not reinforcing the notion of any patriarchy. StillWithering🥀 Biden2020ScrewYourBoundaries

'You think Joe's bad? My husband's a rapist!'

like the way she got over her husband raping kids?

'birds of a feather flock together'

“We can pick apart anybody. I mean, that’s a great spectator sport. But this man who’s there in the Oval Office right now poses a clear and present danger to the future of the United States. So get over it,” ~HRC Hillary claims hurdle is cleared because Trump lowered the bar.

Can we point out that SenWarren endorsed her, and is being consulted by HillaryClinton to help her campaign? Do we get to call Warren supporters “sexist” now? Warren’s track record is getting worrisome for women. WomenForBernie

Makes sense considering she and Epstein...

Um, go away?

LOLOLOL...sadly its because of Hillary's undying defense and rightly so of her man, women find her repulsive and enabling. The last person to defend Biden, is Hillary Rotten Clinton.

She's such a feminist slay queen yaaaas

How gross


Yeah, it's not like her own husband traveled on the Lolita Express or used his power in office to get sexual favors...

HillaryClinton has a lot of experience defending her serial rapist there’s that

That's just it ,she proves she has no core ,plain as day because she believes based on that dumb as a bag of hammers comment that those women and kids do not keep an uncomfortable core memory about it ,if not parents would not be uncomfortable watching it . She is silly imo.

Like she got over ALL of her husband’s misbehavior with women. Yeah, she’s a great fuking judge of what’s appropriate. 🖕🏼off Hillary. Telling women to “get over it” when they feel uncomfortable being touched is so empowering. What’s that book called, again?

Oh my god 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

She’s used to defending groping men.

Just on theme 👌

Cool HillaryClinton! Where’s Ghislaine?

She should know, she cashed enough checks from Harvey Weinstein.

Hillary Clinton & Co, Misogynist Defence Ltd, est 1947

Like we should get over the whole Hitler and Jesus things?

there are a lot of things hrc should get over

Isn't that what she said to the 12 yr old girl who was raped by her client?

metoo ?

Gutsy Women just put up with harassment and get over it. Good talk, girls.

She's asking us to do What her Supporters can't do in reference to 2016

This is who she's always been. Since her days as a public defender to her threatening her husband's rape victims and slut shaming them on TV to covering up sexual harassment by her aide. Only one woman matters to her and she sees her in the mirror every morning.

Unaccountable corrupt swamp thugs

wow hillarys cancelled yall

EmmaSegasture So she will 'stand by her man.'

they both need to go away..This is why we have trump. because of Neoliberal Corporate Centrist Democrats like these 2

Wow. Remember “I’m with her”? We she apparently sure isn’t with any victims of sexual harassment. This explains why she sheltered sexual predators in her staff for years. She just doesn’t give a fuck.

Hilary has a long history of supporting victims of sexual assault. Wait, I mean, defaming victims of sexual assault and generally siding with men who harm women whenever possible.

Defending rape culture is not a good look for either of these entitled partisans. They want access to power to further their own agendas.They need access to influence but aren't actually interested in solving the average Americans life-threatening concerns. They need to go away.

If that's not the plea of someone who wants her money and creepy friends protected, I don't know what is.

Hillary has never had any compassion for women who've been victims of sex harassment.

Thanks for once again showing one of the 10s of reasons why you lost to an orangutan in a suit.

it's like a bad TV show that's on everyday.

Extremely onbrand for Bill's wife.

I'm sure that's the same advice she gave all the women sexually harassed by Bill. 'Aw shut up! Get over it!'

How can you not hate these people with all your heart?

The full quote is not about Biden. Clinton is saying that we can find something to complain about for everyone running against Trump, and we can't let that stop us from voting Democratic. If the nominee is Biden, Sanders, or someone else, you still have to vote for them.

I hear the woods are nice this time of year. 🌳

remember when everyone got hysterical because Bernie told a journalist to stop 'moaning' to him about Hillary?

I hope she’ll be as vocal in defending Bernie against criticisms of sexism (especially since he isn’t actually on record constantly doing the sexists things).


Should the slaves being sold in Libya also 'Get over it'?

We are not surprised. This is the same career politician who dismissed women w/grievances against Bill back in the day as 'bimbo eruptions'. Women's rights is nothing but a political tool to for her leverage at the right time to fool the gullible. She is not a feminist *at all*.



why does she keep trying to be the worst human on the planet

If ever a person understood the zeitgeist it was cultural firebrand Hillary Clinton

Kind of predictable coming from someone married to a sexual predator.

Not the first time Hillary Clinton has tried to minimize and dismiss accusations of inappropriate touching by powerful men, so I’m not exactly surprised or anything.

She's got some interesting friends.

Seems pretty cozy with Putin as well.

So much privilege, it's disgusting. NeverBiden BernieOrBust

This is the same woman that dragged Bill's accusers names through the mud. So not at all surprising.

Not surprising coming from the woman whose husband is a pedophile.

Sec Clinton: You should get over the fact that you lost, twice, and ran a soulless campaign. Please just go in the political wilderness and quietly climb mountains or something

She also defended her impeached husband, an accused rapist. Hillary defending Biden just shows her lack of integrity and why people despise her so much. The country is done with ClintonContamination 🤮🤢

Of course she did. Would we expect Epstein's groomer gals to acknowledge what they did was wrong? Hillary's been the top enabler of Bill's assault on women. She naturally thinks Joe's entitled to young treats.

Ewwwww NoToJoe

But when Donald Trump does it BAD! Hillary is so full of shit but I understand her because her husband also was a rapist just ask Jeffery


Here you go libs. Your idol.

You heard him ladies, grandpa Joe gets to touch whatever he wants

Figures. Neoliberals, how do you like your “champion of feminism” failed Kween now? She also consistently paid women less than men in her senate office. She’s anti-feminist. The only rights she defends are her own.

Hillary is so out of touch omg 🤦‍♀️

HillaryClinton is cancelled in the meetoo and Feminist movement.

She's so cringe

what a very clinton thing to say

preach woke queen

Hillary defended her serial rapist husband, the Clinton foundation is a scam.. ask the Haitians. Makes sense she fully relates and understands joes curruption in Ukraine, along with touching of women.... Birds of a feather, flock together

I think that’s his official policy on healthcare too!

Same thing she told Monica Lewinsky!

Just normal stuff there.

The aristocrats! ...oh wait this isn't a really bad joke

GarbageApe Defending sexual misconduct is kind of her thing.

Uniting of the Also-Rans

AnaKasparian cenkuygur johniadarola

Wow! Again BernieSanders much better on women's issues than every 2020 candidate and still better than HillaryClinton

Fuckin yikes

Hillary campaigning hard for the candidate of liberal elite. We demand BernieSanders

Love my feminist icon who tells women to just lean back and try to enjoy it

it's true, we should instead focus on how his brain is currently melting

Super chill

Never underestimate the contempt these assholes have for you and for feminism more generally.

Trying for Vice President 😂


Omg! Slay kweennn.

Guessing this will be his VP choice!

She said the same thing about her rapey/molestie husband.

Hillary, this would be a good mantra to repeat to yourself every night.

Did she say.... Bimbo eruptions?

(Watching Jeffrey Epstein drinking a baby like a Capri Sun) Ha, triggered much, libs?

What else does Hillary want Americans to 'get over?' Does she also want us to 'get over' a half a million people going bankrupt from medical debt? And 'get over' $1T in student debt? How 'bout we get over billions in military spending. Or, how about we 'get over' Hillary.

White feminism in action.

What (and I can’t stress this enough) the actual F?

Oh I’m over both of you

Get over it? Wow.

The wisest and most magnanimous member of the democratic party.

Of course...

I don't think I've read this chapter of feminist theory

'It's a big club and you ain't in it.'

Sounds like the woman who targeted women assaulted by her husband. She is not an ally.

Biden's is child's play compared to Billy Happypants Clinton.

GetOverIt HillaryClinton your corrupt time has come and gone. The American people don't wish to see or hear from you or trump ever again, take your spoils pack up the klans and GoAway

not the first time she's defended an abuser.

Losing to Trump is good business for the Demonrats.

Hey, MeToo ,Hillary says 'Get over it!'

What about the “right to be believed?”

So tone deaf

“Special place in hell.”

Shocker. She’s married to a rapist.


bootsie5 Not the first time she repped someone who was too handsey.


1. She's right. 2. She is about the worst person I can think of to make this defense given her background.

One is a spirit cooker and the other one is just creepy. But both have been to EPSTEIN LOLITA EXPRESS.

Is HillaryJesus planning on taking the white house after Bidens begins losing touch after inauguration day.

Of Course She Doesn't Care. Colin Powell Admitted Bill Was Still D***in Bimbos In 2014. She's Obviously Cool With That. 🤣😂

She's had plenty of practice.


What can’t she do right?

Ugh they both need to get over themselves and go away

She's a bad person.


The replies here have made my day.

Well if she can accept her hubby getting blow jobs from an intern she can defend any man I guess. So glad she isn’t running this country!!!

To be fair, Hillary also told her husband’s victims to “Get over it.”

I’m shocked. She blamed young women in her What Happened book.

'There's a special place in Hell for women who don't support other women' - Madeleine Albright, currently in Hell, saving a place for HRC.

BelieveAllWomen and MeToo and whatever other feminist claptrap they come up with are always, and will always be, just for the side they don't like, never their own. It's never actually about protecting women. It's about weaponizing sympathies, no matter the cost.


and then his eyes exploded and then her knees exploded

well, I don't know about you guys, but I personally am just shocked HRC is dismissing victims of sexual harassment

HahahhahH she’s so fem! Strong woman

Oh, ok.

She had to cancel her fireworks!!!😂😂


If your daughter was groped by someone other than Biden would you still say that?

Joe Biden is a serial frotteurist and a liar. Bill Clinton is a rapist, a serial workplace sexual predator, and a convicted perjurer who was disbarred, FFS! Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is an enabler of sexual offenders and liars. And what's Chelsea doing there?

HillaryClinton. NO

Well, she should know about trying to get over it. She’s been doing that for decades with slick Willy.


well she does know something about covering up creepy dudes sexual proclivity, so...

Just go away, Hill.

Hillary to uninsured in 2016: “get over it” Hillary to BLM in 2016: “get over it” Hillary to climate activists in 2016: “get over it” Hillary to low wage workers in 2016: “get over it” This isn’t new folks. Hillary just continues to show us who she is.

Hillary is the greatest, the best, the most heroic MeToo ally ever in the history of anyone anywhere. Just 'get over it' you whiny binches.


She also loves Weinstein. Surprised that she stood up for Joe?

Silverlining to Trump beating HRC-- the MeToo movement would've never happened & Weinstein would've never gone down. Oh, & TPP didn't get sign, the penalizing fee if you didn't buy Obamacare got removed and not at war with Russia- yet. Everything else is shit. BerniebeatsTrump

bootsie5 No worries HRC, I’m over Biden as quickly as I was over you! BernieThenAndBernieNow

Consistent with her 2016 favorability rating.

Someone finds a still frame of Trump hugging his daughter that kinda looks awkward: Scandal. Someone finds hundreds of videos of Biden inappropriately groping minors: 'Get over it'. If it weren't for double standards...

Fake feminist HillaryClinton has many fake feminist fans who would support this statement.

Get over it MeToo

Totally on brand for her.

Rich white liberal feminism.

She's never met a rapist that she didn't defend! Now think about some people vited for her in 2016 becauee she was a 'woman'!

What a feminist hero! 🙄

'I'll take predictable headlines for 8oo, Alex'


OMG she didn't 😂

'Get over it', advise the Democrats certainly haven't taken since President Trump was elected.

Tell them to “put some ice on that,” Hillary!

Grotesque 🤮

Modern centrists.


Is this really that surprising coming from a friend of Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein?

2x loser and her pearls of WTF

Disgusting fake feminist

Too bad there isn't a decent human being here vouching for JoeBiden DropOutJoe

Hillary's actual record on women is dreadful. She always ran interference, slandered, and covered up for sex pests when it had to do with Centrist Democrats. She kept a guy who was assaulting people in her campaign because he brought her Bible verses.

Of course she does she would know appropriate touching. Bill Clinton is her husband and she has been excusing his behavior for decades. She's just acting like she always does. She is no feminist she's an opportunist.


Rich people should be able to rape and pillage as they please! What's wrong with you peasants that you don't understand this?

Because of course she would.

What’s hysterical is that she still won’t admit she lost the election to the worst person in the world because she is this awful - she is a massive narcissist and she needs to go away she has done enough damage to all of our lives



100% if she were running against Joe her campaign would be unrelenting on this front.

Exactly what a faux feminist would say - Get over it! Go. The. Fuck. Away. And. Do. Not. Return.

isn't that the same thing she said to the rape victim of one of her clients back when she was a lawyer?


This is the equivalent to the Catholic Church coming to the defense of pedophile Priests

“Do you like secret islands?!”

I'm confused. Is HRC the greatest feminist of all time? Or the defender of patriacrchy in the form of a creepy, out of step with the times, sniffing, privileged white dude?

Imagine the resistance had Bernie said this. Lol

bootsie5 Wow.... she is Fucking awful.


Does she feel the same about the Weinstein accusers?

And people wonder why Juanita Broderick hates her. No wonder she couldn’t motivate a good enough turnout to beat the most awful presidential candidate of all time. I wish she’d just go away.

Wonderful. Delightful. Remind me why this women is still relevant.

bootsie5 OMG why do we have to continue to listen to this 2-time failure?

Yaaaassss kweeeeeeeen

Hillary is not a champion of women. She never has been. She blamed & shamed her husband's victim. She sold fracking worldwide exposing too many to dangerous chemicals and made millions in personal wealth in doing so.

It's amazing how she always has the worst takes on everything. It's like her super power.

She’s all right with her handsy husband so this is no shocker.

yas kween


Slay, Qween..?

It’s almost like the establishment and their propagandists in the media weaponize sexism to protect members of the elite while engaging in sexism to silence dissidence

I’m so glad to be spared the embarrassment anyone who supported her should be feeling

princss6 She has a history.

An example of how birds of a feather ok everything creepy about their messed up establishment.

Are they forming a new party...maybe they should call it the 'New Republicans'

shocked to hear Hillary Clinton is defending someone being physically improper with women!

Exactly what you'd expect from a woman married to a rapist

“Get over” THIS

Doing good feminisms


is that what she told Bill's victims also?

Wish every bullshit fake feminist centrist Karen on this hell site would get over her. Everyone else did before she was even nominated.

yeah no that’s not gonna work this time lady

Clinton continues to show us that she's not fit to be in society. She's completely fucked in the head, no wonder she had to rig the primaries against Bernie.

My President 😍 feminist icon! Slaaaay kween 💗💗💗

But somehow Bernie Sanders supporters are sexist, really?


Oh she said that Biden's tendency to get in people's space is 'a little annoying habit'. And she said look at the totality of a person and when I look at the totality of Biden the touching is just the tip of the iceberg with his problems.

Hillary, no.

No one was surprised

Look at her husband, of course this is her response.

Both cancelled.

She’s all relight with her hands husband so this is no shocker.

'Isn't there a special place in hell for women that don't support other women'

LOL. Slaaaaaaayyyyyy kwwwwwweeeeeeeeeen

People who have suffered abuse from wandering or lingering touches can’t just “get over it.” This is vile. Shame on HillaryClinton and shame on Joe.

Thanks for the input!

This is on brand

Get over it? This is the hypocrisy I expect from Centrists. If a Republican or Bernie Sanders was up in the personal space and touchy-feely with women and young girls Hillary would be raging, and rightfully so. But because it’s Biden she wants him to get a pass. Fucking hypocrite


She was just as empathetic and sympathetic to the women her husband sexually assaulted. And yet I am to worship this hateful warmonger as an icon of feminism? Ain't happening. And I am Cherokee so that means no to ewarren too. Just ick

Biden 2020

Probably the same thing she thought about epstein and weinstein

This is Clinton feminism

why am I not surprised?

This is why white feminism is cancer

White liberal feminism everybody

So shes ok getting handsy with little kids? Go figure.

all hail the rulin class

Hilary, no.

very cool!


Her character judgement is always on point.

What a feminist

Defending creepy touchy dudes is something of a specialty for her

Hillary Clinton triggers me.

Of course she did. 🙄🤮 Bernie2020

Feminist icon here people!! 😍😍

Perhaps not the best person to speak on the subject considering her history of having bad acquaintances

She really called unwanted touching a 'little annoying habit'. Terrible.

How about you get over your loss Hillary...

This is what she told women who had issues with her husband as well

Feminist icon 💍👑

Not surprised, she's married to a rapist afterall.

She's right.

Yasssss qweeeeenn


If YoU SuPpOrT BeRniE YoU ArE SeXiSt !!!

Rightly so. Bill was far more focussed on his penis.

She would say that. 🤮

Did she say the same thing about her good friend Harvey Weinstein?


Sticking by abusive men is a bad habit

what happened to the 'me too' thing? 🤔

go off queen

I wish Hillary would 'get over it' about losing the election in both 08 and 16.

I guess MeToo is cancelled

Can’t wait to hear how this is bernie’s fault

Let’s see how many quote tweets checkmark libs will throw out calling out Hillary’s sexism and disrespecting of women, I’m guessing about zero

She had a lot of experience with Bill


Hillary has spent a lifetime defending creeps and rapists.


The irony.

Whose back will she stab: Biden’s or Warren’s?


misogyny is fine 2020?!?!! Joe Biden is almost as creepy as Trump when it comes to his behavior towards women and little girls - Is it really too much to ask that the US at least elects a president that knows how to behave?!? StillWithering CreepyJoe

thecatsmeow0410 That's the response of the spouse of a serial womanizer who has abandoned all pretext she's a feminist....end of message

She is truly horrendous

I mean her husband is a rapist who boarded the pedophile express like a million times so this shouldn’t be a surprise

I will not be brought to heel behind Biden.

How NeverHillary turns into NeverBiden. These centrists are filthy with corporate money. They have almost no ethics. Trump, who also lacks ethics, can joyfully grind them into mincemeat. If you want to beat a fake populist like Trump you have to get a real one like Bernie2020

Motherforking shirtballs. This is white feminism right here. Take a good, hard look. This is the person you all wanted to be the first woman POTUS. This is the person you smeared us as sexists for not supporting.

She’s always been terrible re: her views & reactions on sexual assault & harassment. Still baffled women voted for her. She’s STILL married to a serial sexual predator for God’s sake, & she only sees feminism as something to monetize & exploit. FeministWhenConvenient

THIS kind of politican is why the rightwing gets away with EVERYTHING. Because she has no moral compass of her own. The end to her justifies the means, regardless of the body count or the victims That IS THE REASONING SOCIOPATH people!

cool 😊

very cool!

Are you all seriously going to tolerate her fktarded reasoning of trading in one pervert for the other? They are BOTH equally disgusting old men. Only its your girl ( with a history of siding with sexual predators) so suddenly you turn your moral compasses off entirely.

Feminist ICON

Hillary Clinton: Married a sexual predator Provided cover for that sexual predator Blamed his victims Accepted donations from a predator Associated with a child predator Now women should 'get over it ' when a man refuses to respect their personal spaces

Bitch, no

That's disgusting

Pretty sure that's what Hillary says to women who meet Bill

Should go w/o saying, but person/policy before party is why I'm StillBernie. Thanks Shill for the reminder. “People who are putting themselves forward, which believe me, is a really difficult process to undergo, should be judged on the totality of their lives and their service.”

And it was that disregard for her voters that won her the White House in 2008 and 2016

coreypein Woooooooooooooo howdy

I find Biden’s not being able to keep his hands off of women and girls disgusting. That so many refuse to recognize that, in his powerful position, he intimidates women this way, is willfully ignorant. NeverBiden

You know, she really is an inspiration.

Because if she likes you and you align with her agenda, anything is permissible. Right, Bill?

They're both disgusting and should go away

not a good look

Alternatively, how about he stops touching people without permission? Especially the creepy shit like yanking women/girls closer, touching their face, etc

Careful, don’t say anything negative. You could end up dead tomorrow 🤷‍♀️

Because you like woman too.


This woman is garbage.

President of the resistance


Really, did she defend George Bush Sr when he was accused of grabbing butt when he had Parkinson’s?

That’s kind of what she said to that girl when she defended a rapist. She hasn’t learned anything.

I would defend him to if I was sleeping with him.

🤣🤣it takes one to know one 🙄

Billionaire Class owned war criminals, in both corrupt parties, have made it abundantly clear - It’s a big club of perverts, pedophiles, rapists & sex traffickers, who will never face justice and there’s not a gawd dayum thing the peasants can do about it, except “Get Over It”.

I just ......... cannot ......

That’s because he has better taste than to attempt it with her!😂

Of course I mean she let her husband sleep with a young lady and start her career from it and book deals and it was just fine sure she’s ok with it! Humans! Ughh!

Boy people are reaching so hard these days!! It’s nothing short of amazing !!!

She needs to Get Over the fact she LOST the election she tried her damndest to rig

She certainly got over Bill's. Where is that MeToo movement when you need them? 😏

there's nothing wrong with a man saying, Honey, Sweetie, Love, unless you want him to say. BITCH, HO, SLUT etc...Joe Biden does not want y'all. He's a friendly guy. In a professional setting those words aren't appropriate, but for everyday, it's cool.

Yeah, look the other way, get over it 😡I guess you’re used to it being married to Bill considering your ties to Epstein. Well we’re not going to get over it! I pray for the day that you, Bill and your foundation get what’s coming to you.


So she attacks Trump for how he talks to women and treats women but Biden gets a pass... The two party system is so f***** up we need to get rid of all of them

Yes you are 100% right Hillary!

Sounds legit

I'd rather Bill Clinton lie about oral sex 1,000 times than Trump sell out America's national security for illegal election assistance even once, but then again it’s quite obvious people didn’t read the article.

Who is really shocked by Hillary the enabler! She did this same thing for her husband! Disgraceful!

If he were a republican she’d say something different

She probable also defends Epstein’s actions

of course she does / why aren’t reporters real reporters anymore? why are you all 1 sided? why aren’t you asking why?

Well she would say that looks who she’s married to...

The people replying to this haven’t read the full quote and it shows.🙄

Of course she did, she lives with Bill Clinton🙄

Always a double standard with these folks.

HillaryClinton and JoeBiden are horrible individuals!

Well Biden is a rookie compared to what she has lived with!!

Well if she’s use to it 🤷🏻‍♀️

Just look at the perpetually triggered in the comments who are beside themselves, while a sexual predator is currently in-charge of the country.

“We can pick apart anybody. I mean, that’s a great spectator sport. But this man who’s there in the Oval Office right now poses a clear and present danger to the future of the United States. So get over it” was actually what she said.

If they were saying the same thing about trump would she say get over it? Nah

So she is basically saying it’s ok for Joe Biden to be inappropriate with women and girls? Got it

Of course she would except that, look what her husbands been doing for years! Not only the White House fiasco, but long before that. She doesn’t care as long as it benefits her.

She stayed and supporting her sexist , womanizing husband , so no shocker there.

She has a way with defending abusive men.

Who cares

Sure because she condoned Bill's multiple rapes.

Criminals always stick together especially when they are Democrats

Hillary telling someone else to “Get over it”? How hysterical 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Yes if CreepyUncleJoe JoeBiden wants to touch your child inappropriately... HillaryClinton says 'get over it' 🤔🤔🙄🙄

Trump is the creepy weirdo that is inappropriate to woman and girls! Facts

She is a great character reference after dealing with her husband

Just like she got over her husband and how he interacted with girls? A woman who excuses her husband and all his affairs will never gave my respect.

Bill did.

He's a perv, that's it that's all

She has no credibility

She would say that

They’re both Criminals

She’s used to it with Bill!

What Contreversary? After they Hire the man who grabs them by the pu**y.

Of course she would! She defended BillClinton for decades, why would anyone expect differently

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