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Dean McDermott Says Tori Spelling Has Role-Played as Her 90210 Character Donna Martin in Bed

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They need to go away. Both are old old old news




Why do we need to know this?

And we care why?

Ummmmm what ?


Who in the world needed that visual ... echk stupid 😳

Ok we really didn’t need to know that thanks

🤮🤮🤮 pleasestoptalking

Seriously, Dean McDermott, quit talking. People, quit printing. Are you that desperate for material? TMI WhoCares?

Oh gheesh— way too much information

This show is awful

That’s nice thanks for sharing!

He is a sicko! 🤮

Who cares 🤮🤮🤮

Who GAF?

and unfollow People

Why so many TMI moments?!!

Barf. TMI.

1st, I am w many posts I've read. BARF!! PLUS Donna was a virgin forever, so double barf. Time to grow up and roll play w something grown up. I recommend xnxx. Lol. They are disgusting. Now I am really laughing at you two.


Donna Martin was a prude. Why is he bragging about that?!

Did we really need to know that? Tmi🤦‍♀️

We REALLY didn't need to know that, Dean.


Why the hell is this news?!


Do we need to know this

🤢🤮...seriously TMI 😠


No one cares.


and now that we know people's bedroom stories the world is a better place

Too much info🤢🤮

This is the second time that you’ve written about their sex life. You do realize that just because they talk about it, it doesn’t mean you have to write about it.


I'll take things you never should have uttered out loud, Dean, for $500, Alex.

This guy will say anything and do anything to stay relevant. He’s a gross pig.

Stop. My ears, my ears ...

Nobody wants to hear or visualize that....

And we care? Slow news day PEOPLE?

Pornhub awaits

And why do we need to know that?

Nobody asked, Dean.

And we care about this why? Why is this considered news?

Honestly who cares?

He needs to keep that to himself!!

Oh good grief. I didn't need to know that.

File this under I didn't need to know

Dean needs to shut up and stop humiliating his wife.


Who is asking these questions?


I find Dean McDermott revolting


Who the 🖕cares Dean and why does encourage the BS by sharing this?

TMI do we really need to know 🥴

Why? No one wants to know this! They are kinda gross


BH90210 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ someone shut him the f up ... torispelling he’s ruining the innocence of what the show used to be 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Dean McDermott says he enjoys when his wife Tori Spelling pegs him every Thursday after dinner


They are so gross.



When will these people realize their time has passed long ago

Make it stop.



Seriously, these two over share. Nobody wants to know 🤮🤮

This is news? Really? I can’t follow this anymore, these two disgust me.


This guy has no filter. People don't wanna know what goes on in your mf bedroom grose one! Please stop , tmi

That’s just disgusting

Whats up w People giving alll this nasty and useless info?!!!!! T MOFO’ing M I !!!!!!!! Im unfollowing 🤮🤮🤮🤮🙄🙄🙄🙄😖😖



Ok......ew.... 🤢

Oh my gawd make it stop!!! They need to stop sharing

Dude, WHO is asking this man about his sex life? I mean, it certainly isn’t helping us forget you’re a cheating horndog.

I’m sorry, wth does that even mean? Pretty sure 90210 wasn’t a porno.

Ew. Didn’t need to know that.

Who cares

For a split second I thought that was John Goodman 🤪

Please stop tweeting about this couple's sex life. Why do you think we care anyway? It's so nasty!


Please stop . There is no market for any stories or references to those two in bed. None. Sex may sell, but this doesn’t.

Stop it Dean. Just stop it.

Yeah, that's only interesting to them. Not us. Gross.

Nobody needed to fucking know that. 🙄


Every time there’s a mention of those two in bed, a little piece of me dies inside. 🤢

Mark this off as news no one needed to know. Ever.

TMI Nobody wants to hear about old fat people having sex. TMI

Eww! We didn't need to know this.

Good for her - and him

Don’t care

Oh. Oh no. TMI

No one cares about this. Seriously.




WHY does he think anyone wants to know this 🤷‍♀️🤢

Damn I didn't need to know that


TMI!! Why do some people feel compelled to tell such weirdly intimate details of their lives Ugh. 🙄


Why does anyone care

Ugh! He is a hot mess.

No one cares.

Just what the public needed to hear!


Good for her!


TMI. Thank you very much. 😝


Donna Martin graduates

No one needs to know that.

Once again....TMI People magazine! 😳

I swear. Whoever is in charge of your Twitter account must have a pathetic sex life since you are constantly reporting on Tori and the Duggers sex life way too much.

As long as she doesn’t call you, “David”.....🤷🏽‍♀️


You go lower all the time. NO ONE CARES!!! Stop encouraging this garbage.

Who cares?

And why do we care



Congrats Dean. You are the only person in the history of the world who found that 90210 character the least bit appealing...

I think someone will be sleeping in the backyard, for revealing this little piece of info...


Who gives a crap you both need to go away..

American express wants 85 grand do it in a studio and pay them back this is your chance to get them off your back

Why do you think we'd want to know this? Gross.Your articles are ridiculous.

imdeanmcdermott needs to keep his mouth shut about private bedroom activities with his wife. Respect her privacy.

No one cares have a little bit of class

People it's ok not share things please and thank you 🤮

My life isn’t better knowing this tidbit. We don’t need this info. Fame at any cost is disgusting 🤢🤮

We. Don’t. Wanna. Knoooow. Ew. I wish I could unsee this. Ew. Ew. Eeewwwww.

Yuk. No one wants to know that.


Gosh why is this guy such a loser? TMI

Ewwwwwwwww 🤢🤮

Oh they’re weird


I dig being open but, lately, I feel like I'm learning too much about Tori and Dean's sex life 😒

Too much info, Dean.

TMI 🤢🤮


WHY! Just why? This man needs to crawl under a rock and stay there. Smdh.

I'm going to vomit now😂😂😂😂

Is that why he keeps cheating?

Yuk...who cares

Please. Just. Stop. 🙄

Please stop pretending you’re sexy...ewwww

Ok we DO NOT need to know this

No one cares...

As she should

Nobody needs to know this.

Dean, can you keep quiet? Like ever?

Why do all these people insist on talking about their sex lives? NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yuck. Thanks for poking out my minds eye.

Just here for the comments 🤣🤣


Is there anyway he can learn to keep his mouth shut? No one wants to hear about their sex life!

Ewww. I’m sick of celebrities feeling the need to talk about their sex lives. We don’t wanna know!!

Okay !! I really could live my life without ever seeing this tweet! Do you think we really care? I will speak for many, and say that is a definite NO!

There’s just some things they need to keep to themselves!



Dean, love you guys but you share way too much.

Shut up!

I heard she just lays there like Luke Perry.

How is it that Donna Martin gets laid more than I do ? 🤦🏽‍♀️

Why is it every week we get headlines like this? We get it. They like to get down in the bedroom. More power to them but it’s really getting old. It must be a slow day in the news.


I need to know this, why

But her role as Donna Martin was Tori Spelling.


Freak. Needs attention so bad. She should be role playing some one who pays her credit card debt.

I don't care about their private life. I'm sure Dean is a nice person. I don't know either of them personally, but it just seems like things have gone downhill for Tori since they have been together. But, what do I know?! I just read magazines like they're diaries.



Shut up already! You two are irrelevant 🤢


Why does anyone need to hear this?

Who cares? Why the heck is this even news? Coming from a manwhore this is funny he put this out. Again who cares

We did not need to know this

WHO needs to know this?!? KeepItToYourself UGH

Things I didn’t need to know

And who cares?, he should keep his mouth closed

Why? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Hence why they have 9 kids 😂😂😂😂


OMgosh I really didn’t want to know that. 🤫

Great I really did not need to know that

Way more information than I needed to know.........

TMI. WGAF. have to try and stay relevant slow news day

Tori/Dean really like to play up this 'I'm so lucky'shtick - like we should all be jealous of what they have. The guy is THE last person on earth I'd ever want to seal the deal with let alone go on & have children with. The fact he shares info like this tells u all u need to know


People is it a slow news month. What up with this trash? No one cares about McDermott let alone their sex life

Come on ! Stop making these losers relevant. unfollow unfollowpeoplemagazine

Why in the flying fairy fuck would I need to know this?

Did she graduate?

Donna Martin Ovulates!

Oh, barf 🤮

Why do I need to know this?


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