How E-Commerce Became A Technology Bread And Butter

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Here's how e-commerce became a technology bread and butter:

In Algolia’s experience, there’s a specific dynamic playing out here.

What that means in non-technical terms is a means for organizations to orchestrate and finesse their e-commerce mechanics through pre-defined composable building blocks of technology that can be connected to via Application Programming Interface technologies, which act as a kind of glue between application functions, data services and device operating systems.

To take another example, let’s say that you are on vacation in Greece, Florida or Thailand and you need cold drinks, some self-catering items and some sunscreen. Many users may simply type ‘supermarket’ into a maps application. So this is why Algolia insists on the flexible API route to search being the sensible one i.e. online maps are smart, but they don’t necessarily have enough backend engineering to know where the nearest sunscreen vendor is.

He suggests that it makes far more sense to provide ‘how tos’ and purchase results in one place. That way, people who want to buy can find out how something works before they buy it. Then, people who have bought something can find out how it works afterward and, potentially, because their needs are fulfilled, they actually buy more.


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