How Black Lives Matter became a multicultural awakening

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How Black Lives Matter became a multicultural awakening.

, Missouri. Brown's death hit close to home she said, and told ABC News that she was so traumatized that all she could think about was her older brother.Activist Kenidra Woods raising a fist at a protest in Missouri."It put everything into perspective for me," Woods said."Do they really care about us? That's what I thought at 13. Do I matter? Why am I hated for the color of my skin? So I just knew, 'Kenidra, you got to stand up.

In Asbury Park, New Jersey, race is a continuous conversation for lifelong activist Felicia Simmons who is a chapter president in Reverend Al Sharpton's National Action Network. "We need to understand what it is that the privileges that I have with this skin and instead of feeling guilty, it's a matter of what can you do? What are solutions?," Leonard said.As a former track and field athlete at the University of Georgia, Sims said"it's one thing to know racism and how it exists in America, the prevalence of it, but then it's another to watch a video and watch a person basically be executed running down the street.

"I had been doing racial justice work for several years and had pretty much left white people. I was in a really dark place. And I didn't want anything to do with us. So a lot of shame. A lot of self-hatred," said David, another member.White People at a protest in Los Angeles, California for Black Lives Organizer Hannah Jurs-Allen.


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Pretty easy to see it's just a media sponsored movement.

SBLM (Specific Black Lives Matters) is a globalist funded Trojan horse along with Antifa that is sewing division in this country and is causing violence to people who’s opinions they don’t agree with.

KTNV Its not an awakening, its a terrorist organization.

Stop letting children run your network.

Terrorist organization

Black Lies Don't Matter!

HEADLINE: How Black Lives Matter became a Fundraising Branch of the Democrats. How Black Folks are being used yet again by the Left. BLM has “donated” over $1 Billion to Democrats.

How BLM (when really alllivesmatter) became DNC main marxist fundraiser. There, fixed.

No its just a POS hate group.

ABC bait click news

Multiracial? No it clearly lifts one race above others. Dont lie because public opinion is collapsing for your terrorist friends.

Awakening? I’ve treated everyone equal my whole life. BLM is a racist cult and does more harm than good. Are people really that desperate to be part of something that they can’t see?

Nope it became a criminal organization.


Black lives matter is a racist hate group

The White Boys Wanted High end Stuff so they Organized,Here in New york City,the Soft Mayor,Did not call up the National Guard,that was how it Happened,An Excuse to Loot

they are a DNC rent a mob. with antiFa sprinkled in.

The media totally missing the picture of what’s really going on. How much money has BLM taken in and where is it going? How many people are familiar with the charter/manifesto of BLM and what they stand for?


A lot of low IQ people

You mean hate group.

Unfortunately it only added confusion to the Covid situation that everyone is facing rn. Why are doctors encouraging people to protest during a pandemic? A lifeguard doesn't tell people to swim when there's a shark out there.

I think BLM is great. At first people had to question it, it didn't only bring people together, it still keeps us divided AGAINST OUR OWN PEOPLE. Put the politics aside.

Awakening? I guess if you want to consider BLM revealing how unAmerican and violent they are, then you’re right. Hypocritical as well they don’t care about blacks, nuclear families, law and order.

They only care about black lives if they are killed by cops, that line just helps them fundraise. They are a pure Marxist group that wants to overthrow the govt. Look at their manifesto. So stop lying!

Most of the population doesn't give a fck LEAVE YOUR CUBICLE, TWITTER IS NOT REAL LIFE

lies the entire orginization is run byba billionaire white man and it is promoted by the media. If it gave black money and power and media influence the media would never promote it

BLM is a hate group.

Liberals falling on the band wagon hoping for the best and the most votes. ALM

It’s the new Klan, who the hel do you think you’re kidding with this pandering horseshit?


Proof that blatant racism is rampant among liberals.

its Democrat run program, fueled by violence from BernieBros/Antifa................... anybody who is thinking of voting for this is a deluded ideologue who needs to read more...

It’s Communism based racism

it is not a multicultural awakening but a culture revolution of color ppl stirred by leftist politicans.

Cultural Blackmailing and bullying AllLivesMatter

You mean fundraiser for the Democrat party.

They want to do away with the nuclear family. Sounds more like a far left movement that being about black lives. 🖕

🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 🤮

Media and lies, that's it 💯

BLM is a left extremists

You're lying but we expect that. If you were honest, you'd say 3 women who went thru Soros 'Sunrise Academy 4 Marxists' started BLM. They're most concerned with Black TG, LGBTQ & tearing down America 4 Soros to rebuild a Marxist Region of NWO but USE Black Issues as an umbrella.

Hey askin for help is anyone willing to donate a $1 to my sister, nephew & I, I lost both my jobs due to COVID I filed for unemployment but waitin for the benefit and we dont have any food & bills comin up if you can help we would be super grateful Venmo or Cashapp MattMartins147

It took too long to get here but we need to keep it going strong!!! JoeBiden SteveSchmidtSES realDonaldTrump ProjectLincoln

MarxistCoup you mean? Barbaric attempt to destroy Western Civilization? AntifaDomesticTerrorists BLMTerrorists

It awakening indeed that all lives matter not just the lives of a particular color of skin.

Indoctrination paying dividends?

Setting race relations back 100 years

Nope - all lives matter became an awakening...

More realistic head line would read. The black lives matter became a racist promotional movement for the Democrats votes They sound and act more racist than anyone they claim is racist They causing racial division and y'all wanna give then gold starts ....

Bull Shit! It’s only further divided this country 🤬

Jajajakakaka hipocrist BLM. All live matter MF.

Did you mean to say “terrorist group? Which they are.

BLM is racist

Totalitarian awakening

I realized multiculturalism simply isn’t viable


You spelled terrorists group wrong

You mean how it became the money front for the democrats via Act Blue FixedItForYou

It’s a Marxist organization hell bent on death and destruction

FACTS:Donations on BLM Website funneled to ActBlue which is used to Support mostly WHITE Democrats.What does this mean to you? Black Lives Matter has cost More Black Lives then it has saved. What does this mean to you? For Me:Democrats are the smartest Racist that have ever Lived


This organization has highjacked the focus on racial discrimination.

You mean multicultural thug fest .

In reality...

Sicilian Lives Matter

Should not shock anyone any more what sleazy Disney and Most of the Companies they own Support. Joe Biden calling the Police the Enemy and ABC Making BLM look like some sort of Holy Organization of nothing but Peaceful Love. Sad People over there.

Because America isn't just filled with maga cracked pots and hacks.

It’s a front for rioting and looting!!!

ABC are a terrorist organisation. ABC shelters elite pedophiles.

I am appreciated that most of comments are against BLM

Hate group

BLM is a terrorist group. You think we are stupid to buy into your BS

What a knee slapper

Fake news!

But the racisme towards white people, LHBT communities or our way of live has also been going on for years. Tell me in ABC please how are we going to unite and overcome the insane position we are in right know. I do not need to rob a tv when i am fighting racisme don’t you think.


BLM is a hate group that supports black supremacy. I have not and will not support them ever. 🇺🇸 DontBeASheep DemocratsHateAmerica VoteRedToSaveAmerica2020

George Soros?

And what does that mean, it’s not quite ‘ABC’ to me. Were they a sleep, are they enlightened now? What do you think it does for the people and how will it help them? How do you ~ABC with all your knowledge see were this is going, so far we have riots and a call to end racisme.

2 of the MOST IMPORTANT SCOTUSblog Scotus happened yesterday day = BOTH INVOLVES religion that DOES NOT TRAMPLE the VALUES upon which MY was FOUNDED realDonaldTrump and it helps TO DISMEMBER Obamacare thank GOD SpeakerPelosi BUSINESS owners CAN NOW say screw you DNC MSNBC

Nah. I don’t respect movements led by Marxist. They also want to remove the cultural idea of families. Anyone know the leading disadvantage for kids nowadays? Single parent house holds

But never mind it’s not about Black Lives, support & funding is seen coming from the far left Anti Americans, leaders are Socialist & Communist & there MO is to destroy! But you make up some dam fairy tale of a utopia!

You are a fool if you think millions of Americans are sitting home looking at BLM & ANTIFA riots and approving of it. You'll see in November.

The virus loved it

You mean marxist takeover

BlackLivesMatter BeTheChange silenceiscomplicity systemicracism

“Awakening” 😂 😂 😂

Multicultural nightmare..

It hasnt

Imagine if blacks, whites and police ever realized they're on the same side.

BLM died weeks ago it's just marxists trying to start a revolution now


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