House slates Iran War Powers resolution vote for Thursday

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

House Democrats will take up legislation Thursday to restrain President Trump's military actions amid hostilities with Iran, Speaker Pelosi announced

"Today, to honor our duty to keep the American people safe, the House will move forward with a War Powers Resolution to limit the President's military actions regarding Iran," Pelosi said in a statement Wednesday afternoon. She argued Trump"has made clear that he does not have a coherent strategy to keep the American people safe, achieve deescalation with Iran and ensure stability in the region.

At the House briefing, the administration failed to convince congressional Democrats that the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force provided the legal authorization to conduct the strike that killed Soleimani, reaffirming the belief among several lawmakers that a legislative option like Lee's bill must also be put on the floor as soon as possible, sources familiar with the meeting told CNN.


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Keep shooting yourself in the foot Nancy

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL): “In classified briefing, it appeared defense & intelligence reps held back info out of concern too many Congressmen can’t be trusted to keep classified info from USA enemies.”

Shows how bad congress in Democrat control has been, after holding articles of impeachment they take another useless vote. If it weren't so sad it would be laughable

It is a good idea but what should be the punishment for him who committed this heinous crime?

It's 2020, many different types of people here now. Great but one thing is the same, LOVE IT or Shut Up and Get The Fuck Out of Here. Because the Dems are now more dangerous to Americans then our enemies. So shut up, get out or face the Civil War that will be coming

Stay out of it Pelosi. There are crazy terrorists who will always be pushing for war. Support your president.

Two words for that chick UG LY!

he did that to get away of the impeachment case period.

Nancy, we would appreciate if you would quit sharing your awful dreams with the world

Never happen she’s just pissed cause he never told her and she’s pouting.

The US House Democrats are illusionist.

A little late to the party. WWIII is over.

I thank is time for Trump to end iran madness so let him do him for the safety of American's

its the House, not House Dems. geez.

I, my ambassador of world peace, come together to create an epic

Has Nancy got time with all those fancy openings to attend? DemocratsLoveTerrorists DemocratsHateAmerica

Joe Budden used to be for the war Powers act what happened here?

Pelosi is obviously trying to grab all of the power from the Executive and Judicial branches. She is doing this now and has suggested impeaching Judges if they do not do what she tells them to do. This treasonous pig and her co-conspirators need to be stopped.


These people are disingenuous, power hungry and dangerous. Americans are beginning to see through them.

A publicity stunt as they know it will not amount to a damn thing.... A crew of phonies.

The Democrats are barely working for the American people,all they care about is impeachment,they've wasted almost 4years,nothing tangible to give account of..

Is this another attempt by Nancy and the Dems at a Coup. Why else would they want to weaken our military and our ability to respond quickly to threats against the USA.

congree is supposed to declare war , with the president , voting yes or no ; we are now 180

Yes, please do that. You must put a stop to Trump's ability to boom any one. We voted for him because he said he would get out of these useless wars, and work on helping with problems here. We will not vote for him again. What happened to America First!

Would be nice if the House could do some REAL work!

Nancy , Dems in DC . & You CNN are more connected in supporting the Iranian Terrorist group than US Military. The backdoor channel communications have been listened too. All the facts.

Over the past 24 hours, Trump reestablished deterrence, the Covington kid beat CNN, Prince Harry retired from the Royal Family, and Paul Krugman is trying to explain how kiddie porn ended up on his computer. We still have 2 hours until 'Backstage' goes live.

Democrats can take ACTION with Legislation!! WHICH MUST BE ENFORCED BY A REPUBLICAN MAJORITY!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Trump won't start this war but he will end this war. This war is not about US and Iran but Israel and Iran.

So what? They hate America. Need Senate approval. Ignore them

Ms Pelosi, pl do it fast before he presses the nuclear buttons.

Why have the Democrats turned against America and have become anti-American...who's calling the shots to put party over America and Americans. Are the 4 Muslims who are Democrats in Congress making the decisions. Are they leading the anti-American rhetoric to protect Iran.

Lmao they would have never done that to The Muslim because he didn’t want to hurt other Muslims lol Pelosi is a scum bag

Why not just call them out now he is officially a warmonger like the rest of the dictators unfortunately with no brains🤨✌️❤️

Behind schedule

Someone please just get rid of her.

This is getting ridiculous! Do Democrats, or politicians in general, not have actual jobs that they could be doing? Find a way to help your people and let the President do his job. You'll get your chance, maybe, after the next election.

The Italian Stallion who uses tax payer dollars to travel back home in Italy and promotes a platform so far out of reality it borders insanity over her hatred towards Trump.

The question is Will she be sober

Trump needs to go to the corner for a time out after she takes his toys away.

She thinks she is in charge.

Why didn't they do that with Libia?

the chicken littles should go back into their hole until the next faux outrage 🐥🙄

So democrats want to empower Iran and threaten our military by attempting to tie the presidents hands.

Hmmm restrain some one that is protecting American citizens and fighting the Antigua regime. What a shame

Put it in the pile of useless laws they past already, that don’t have a chance of passing the senate. Why can’t they just do something useful instead of this ridiculous resist strategy?

It all ended well and Mr. Trump has reacted to the missile attack by Iran in the correct lets put our faith in the Father that He will guide him further to do more right...

😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 Another failure by crazy DemonRATS!


Remember, Progressive 🏅 Democrats started the impeachment ⚖️ , AOC 🏆 and gang stoping this 👎mess, Nancy 👫 and Chuck would have let this thief go, they work 🏋️ for the Establishment , Go. Bernie 🕊

Awe. You forgot to post the latest on your Covington smear campaign settlement. Hear I'll help you...


Send both bills to the Senate Nancy.....stick a fork in it. I'm done. Anyone else done?

If one service man or contractor Is killed you should be immediately arrest for conspiracy to commit murder

How many 🍷's has Pelosi had?✝️🛐🙏

Get rid of nancy shes a disgrace

Can’t wait til the GOP take back both the house and senate !

WW1 started with assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Austria & escalated due to alliances No nukes but Billions died Only takes 3 nuclear explosions to kill us all History will repeat if 2 mad men with big egos & itchy trigger fingers are not stopped

Dems have to make sure their beloved terrorist aren't killed.

Can any democrat out there tell me why they are cool with Obama arming this very country with weapons... used against us...but they want to block the very man willing to protect us from this country with the ability to do so. What does Iran have on us?!

What!! Omg!! Check this out!! 😳 Trump TrumpSpeech TrumpsWar Trump2020Landslide TrumpIsANationalSecurityThreat

In the United States, men are all young and compulsory to serve in the military.

Make Iran Great Again 🇮🇷

I see they are doing their best to work for Iran rather than the American people. Never thought I’d see the day that the democRATS would protect a terrorist regime.

Will she hold that bill until the Senate agrees to pass it?

StarWars Baby Appreciation Star Wars,Hollywood movie in the U.S.was not a hit in South Korea. The reason is that the mythical grant of the U.S.was not motivated in S.K It is too much to see the full story and the Star Wars crew needs to set a variety of scenarios to motivate Asia

Oh yeah..that’s really doing the people’s business. What a friggin’ joke the democratic party has become!

Why do they want to restrain the President? Because they don't know what they are doing. For the past 40 years the Iranians have attacked Americans and all we have done is let them. This President says enough is enough and sends a message back that you attack we attack harder.

Iran has a friend in Domocrap party.


Check the facts on this one - it’s just posturing & symbolic. Senate will not approve, & even if it passed both houses Trump can veto. There is significant & clear SCOTUS rulings on latitude of POTUS. It’s disgusting that Dems just can’t help but politicize this situation

If this passes one part of the legislation states Trump needs Congress approval when eminent threat is known, by the time they get together to approve that the treat will have already taken place, Pelosi and the democrats DO NOT have Americans best interest in mind

Phuk Pelosi.

Wasting tax payers money again!

You people are a joke. Nothing but fake news.

As a tax payer and voter can we open an investigation into Pelosi? She is probably the most corrupt in Washington



Just another nail!

That bunch can’t control their own kids

Little late to the dinner party, Nancy. Have another drink

Ho hum


What are you talking about ? Please explain yourself ! ! !

If the President had had a Q&A after today’s briefing - the Democratic Media would only ask him about Nancy and the impeachables

Not gonna happen. He is the commander and chief!

Pelosi wants to be POTUS now too ?

Somehow this seems very inappropriate

So wrong. The Dems need a history lesson about Iran. Iran is terrible to women. Cannot believe America believes Iran is more rational than our President. Vote all Dems out.

This cow 🐮 is insane!

It will not be necessary. With the same time in office, the Nobel Prize had already set fire to three countries, Ukraine, Libya and Syria.

Good, restrain him!

Democrats siding with the enemies they've funded. No surprise there.

Who cares!!!

Complete capitulation to the socialist Squad. Do nothing DEMS , as usual 🤡

Pelosi is a blooming idiot!!!!!

These people need to find something to do!!!!! They don’t care about the people!!! It’s all about them.

Again they got nothing to do but obstruct. It all about anti Trump. It’s so obvious. Hope he doesn’t find cure for cancer

He was afraid to be impeached. Now he was impeached and he doesn't care about nothing! Pelosi gave him super powers! 😂😂😂 Trump2020

The only American that got bombed last night!

It will never become law lol all grandstanding all the time makes for easy win for trump in 2020

Lol. Their a joke.

Regardless of how you feel about the military action with Iran, how can the Legistrative branch effectively limit the Commander and Chief of the Armed Force’s ability to utilize the armed forces?

She’s a monster. Seriously retire with some dignity that you may have left

Gloria and Nancy are two peas in a pod both are political hacks! Both are very unprofessional and have no clue about what they’re doing! GloriaBorger elections have consequences! 2020-2024 realDonaldTrump NikkiHaley FoxNews JoeNBC morningmika WillieGeist TheView GOP MAGA

OMG!! Pelosi and her Democrats are so power hungry. Now they want to tie the hands of the President. She and her Democrats are going to bring this Country down and then try to blame it Trump. They are the problem. Their hatred is unbelievable. Pelosi is the REAL problem.

And when we retake control we will rescind this nonsense.

Should’ve done this a long time ago

This should be a hoot

Good luck with that. Haha

Anti-American Democrats

DoNothingDemocrats are attempting to aid Iran. Trump has already quieted Iran. They know they will lose everything if they escalate. Pelosi needs to tell her Chinese handlers theres nothing to gain. PS I can’t wait til a real news network breaks the story on Pelosi/China ties

When you have no candidate that can beat Trump.... Try to discredit him... Most reasonable people see through this fodder

Of course they will. Trump could personally cure cancer and AIDS and the democrats would try to impeach him for it simply because they are afraid/ don’t like him! Yawn!!!

This women has lost it.

Democrats are angry because the President did something! Disgusting! I am PROUD that we have a President putting America first! We have been walked on too much!

If Trump said the sky was blue, House Democrats would pass a resolution saying it was orange...

Pelosi , get a life if anything . If you can’t find a life , at least get a facelift ! TRUMP WINS NEXT ELECTION !

So where in the hell are the photos. or images of the Bombing in Iran? I have not seen one photo, anywhere.. What are they hiding

This aint good.....

A Resolution is not legislation.

And Senate wont

She's nothing more than an impeachment hoax

CNN breaking news...we here at CNN are considering drinking some koolaid from Jonestown b/c the economy is good, Dow bounces back, oil $ dropped, Trump looks strong as a leader after Iran retaliates weakly and Pelosi is sleeping with the AOI...what on earth do we talk about now?

Why bother? Trump just de-escalated tensions.

Why? Because he's about to expose your corruption.. America cannot rely on someone that has a drinking problem..among other issues..You'll get us killed!! Where were you last night when VP Pence called wouldn't take the call...sounds familiar

I do not like it for a foundation of Former President Obama after all ! The goddamn old man that Donald Trump is self-interest. In the first place the government is the clan, and there are not a dictatorial regime and a change by the monopoly.

This is why modern Democrats can't be President, they get too scared too easily. They're a dismal failure in U.S. history. dbongino

Democrats will obstruct every chance at true freedom and peace at the high cost of your lives if it means stopping Trump. Sickening. Trumps policies are working time and time again for our economy and foreign policy. We’ve gotten rid of several horrible people in the world.

What are you guys waiting for get him out ffs

CNN = lies

You know... with the house taking up this and that... POTUS is able to accomplish stuff...? His plan is working...

SpeakerPelosi do you not care enough about US citizens to help instead of hinder our President?! Do you not care enough to hear what he said this morning? I’d take President Trump’s handling of this situation than ANY of your puppeteers. Work with not against! You Catholic,NOT!

Trump is President & has powers by constitution. Killing Soleimani (one of top terrorist in the world) doesnt need congress approval. Also, Pres Trump just de-escallated the situation so why put the resolution forward? You Dems arent thinking straight will bite you next Dem Pres

CNN, MSNBC - What do you say to thousands of American Soldiers that lost arms & legs to this Bastard? What about the hundreds of Gay, LGBTQ that are routinely tortured & hung? Guess who’s voting Trump? Iranian IED EFP Iraq Iran PuertoRico Judge Australia Ukraine


Another pathetic joke from the left! He is commander in chief and has the duty and power to protect the American citizens! Period, end of F ing story! And get on with your sham URGENT NEED PARTISAN IMPEACHMENT

Don’t worry guys, the people who have been failing this country for decades are going to make everything better 🙄

If we don't take action, it will show others it's ok to be terrorists. Iran must be stopped and every Iranian should be deported immediately.


Please please do something to prevent this mad man from making this world worse. . Till we can get him out of office and the GOO representatives how support him.

Traitors the whole lot.

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