House Oversight threatens Justice Department official with contempt for bucking subpoena

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

House Oversight Cmte. threatens to hold a Justice Dept. official in contempt after refusing to comply with a subpoena related to the 2020 census citizenship question.

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair Elijah Cummings, D-Md., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill on April 2, 2019.Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.The House Committee on Oversight and Reform threatened Thursday to hold a Justice Department official in contempt of Congress after the agency refused to comply with a subpoena seeking testimony and documents related to theRep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md.

Gore, who was slated to testify Thursday, did not appear. The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Cumming's move comes weeks before the Supreme Court is set to consider whether the Trump administration's addition of the citizenship question violates the Constitution and the Administrative Procedure Act.


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Don’t bluff!!! Do it!

MeetThePress Gotta play hardball! Throw everything in! Looks like all Republicans use n mistreat inocencncent children, tolerate hate and,McConnells rejections cheating all Americans by not following constitutional laws, changing to suit their personal agendas! Stay silent? you Cheat us!

MeetThePress Do it! These lawless people need a wakeup!

Why did we ever close down the insane asylum. We had to let them go and they ended up in the Democratic Party.

dont get excited elijah your color will fade

bengin1003 do it

MeetThePress DO IT....DO IT


MeetThePress When are the Democrats going to learn, this entire administration believes that they are above the law and answer to no one. Stop threatening and get the processes started.Don't stand around and wait, the longer you wait the more damage trump will do to our country.

MeetThePress Isn't is strange that Democrats don't want to know how many US citizens live in the US?

About time they are held accountable

Eric Holder, as AG under Obama, set the precedent: It's OK to flip off Congress.

Cummings has his own agenda powered by the Congressional Black Caucus. You should see the ads he and they are putting out. To see them just go to their site and request to be placed on their mailing list. You will not believe by what you De that these folks are Americans.


TabbyChaps Stop threatening. Press the go button.


Here is a story you won’t see on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC for obvious reasons.

I’m thrilled to see our elected officials really fighting for American interests. Why, asking a person a citizenship question on a census to determine demographic trends is just plain preposterous. I’m glad the DNC’s priorities are aligned with those of the American people.

if you're not a US citizen you should not be in this country. It's just that simple and you should not be counted on the census enough sense of chicanery on behalf of the Democrats

Just ass backwards Democrats doing what Democrats do.


Good, they need to start kicking a**. After seeing trump's sister get off her ethics charges for fraud related to jointly held properties and business with her brother, you know the criminal activity runs deep in that family.

they all just say no....what will contempt of congress do?....yeah, nothing.....

They didn't care when Comey and Rosenstein were obstructing everything about the FISA Warrants. Double standard Democrats.

Ask Eric Holder how that will workout?

It’s absolutely infuriating that the census bureau would attempt to determine how many undocumented citizens currently live within our boarders. US Citizenship IS NOT not the business of the US government or its agencies!

What has the House majority accomplished so far? Just sounds like they complain a lot, and they did that just as well when they were the minority.

Isn`t the census supposed to count Americans. It is a census of Americans, NO?

Just do it already, are you not paying attention?

Oversight need to do this. They’re getting tooled by the Executive Branch. Fight fire with fire. Do NOT waste more time.

Follow through!

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