Hong Kong Chief Appeals for Citizens’ Support as Trump Moves Loom

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Hong Kong’s top official appeals to people to support new national security legislation imposed by Beijing

On Friday, Chief Executive Carrie Lam wrote in local newspapers that Hong Kong has become a gaping hole in China’s national security.

She said the city’s prosperity and stability are at risk from violence arising from last year’s protests, which she said had “traumatized” the community. She appealed for people’s “full understanding...


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Hilarious that they are appealing support for the Legislation AFTER the National People's Congress passed that. Chinese style of consultation.

We support US sanction HongKong for this NationalSecurityLaw which make HongKong another Xinjiang and Tibet.

And continue her tyranny under CCPChina support? Pls StandWithHongKong

Fuck Carrie Lam

Misinformation and “falsehoods” spread by the CCP media are fooling the elderly and people with low education to support all the nonsense in HongKong. Welcome to the CCP fake utopia.

It is doubtful that they ever studied the below survey done since last year thoroughly. The fact is that most of the HongKongers are opposing the HKGov . A survey published by CUHK 202005:

no sensible person in Hong Kong trusts this shameless puppet government of Beijing

By fooling the elderly and people of lower education level to sign during the distribution of medical supplies?

Fuck off Carrie Lam Chinazi

This ruins the 1country2systems. This ruins the robust legal system in Hong Kong. Hong Kong will never be a financial hub as b4 FightForFreedom

These officials= shameless puppet of Communist Chinese party. They r not elected by people and they DO NOT represent Hong Kongers!

Fxxk her

But these *officials* had lost all credibility long ago when they started to be a CCP China’s puppet. They can’t represent the view of Hong Kong people.


The new NationalSecurityLaw is evil laws aim to oppress opposition! The world should response strongly with action! HongKong StandwithHongKong

sam99061414 Shame on this woman. She sold her soul to evil.

Conducive to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability

They now have a police state and anyone who disagrees will be disappeared as goes on in the mainland of China! The people of Hong Kong are now sitting ducks with no rights! The government has all the rights, the people none! That's what our left wants for America!

Of course she does. She’s a stooge for the CCP. And that’s not news

Peace and Truth only can create the neverending Peace people in Hong Kong deserve. Dignity Let's stand with them. Till the end

Communism. Say it! Hong King was ruined when the Brits left!

Any thing which is imposed, can’t be supported.

Support the new law against fascistic hooligans.


Hk govt = ccp govt. So puppets support bandits, no surprise.

Same thing happens in Minnesota

😭Knee-off NECKS of Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Palestine, Bolivia, Chile, Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and Endless List😭😭

United states threatens sanctions against China for deploying police against rioters using petrol bombs in Hong Kong but wants to deploy military & shoot rioters in the US. As Malcom X said, american democracy is hypocrisy. MinneapolisRiot

Eff her. She's a Beijing patsy.

She is a CCP clown and your rag will likely support whatever the Fascist want.

There's only one way this will end.

A lie cannot become truth no matter how many times she said.

USA will take your special status & the UK just took 300000 of your brightest and then they'll take your finance hub with them too. Then HK can go back to whatever you want. 🐸

Wall Street Journal should care more about American people instead of Hong Kong

The world was watching as the Nazis invaded Poland. History repeats itself.

good Official

They are not Hong Kong officials, they are repressors under the orders of the criminal dictator Xi

Standing with Hong Kong people

A good official.


They are running dogs of CCP.

so you wanna them fight against everything from china? then why don't you let Guam be independent? all words from you are just lies.

That's Beijing's Top Official, who happens to be in Hong Kong. Correct the headline.

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United States Latest News, United States Headlines

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