Homeland Security moves $155 million from FEMA disaster relief for immigration enforcement

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The Trump administration plans to shift at least $155 million from the FEMA disaster relief fund to support its policy of returning some migrants to Mexico

The Department of Homeland Security has informed Congress it will reprogram and transfer $271 million in total to its immigration enforcement agency from elsewhere in the department, including the FEMA money, according to documents obtained by CNN. The moves comes as Tropical Storm Dorian nears hurricane strength as it approaches Puerto Rico.

Lucille Roybal-Allard, chair of the House Homeland Security Appropriations subcommittee, opposed the reprogramming of funds, saying she had"significant concerns about the intended use of funds," and the shifting of funds from other components. Earlier this year, funds for additional detention beds -- as the administration has repeatedly pushed for -- became a sticking point in appropriations negotiations.


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Yea not it's policy but to all Americans,all we need to do is to support him,because there's a saying that says'a mad man's always in his senses ' let us not undermine our president,Mr Donald DE Trump,he is doing a great job to see your country stand firm.

What a crock of sh1t! If the Dems had worked with him to prevent the disaster at the border none of this would have taken place! I’m glad the guy is forward thinking and gets sh1t done one way or the other! Whine to someone else!

See, the told you he was a nit! FEMA needs all they can get! Beware Florida!!


Trump will shift funds from fema into immigration unless Mara logo gets hit by the new hurricane “Dorian” then trump will need that money to help fund his own resort or his town of Florida are devastated.

YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP!!! I am a registered Democrat and when another hard core Democrat asks me if I am voting for Trump I say NO, but in reality I am voting for Trump. Not to worry, it is a secret ballot and no one will know.

yeah. Into his pocket


Shameful, scandalous !

No one should be shocked my this.


This is unconstitutional. The power of appropriation is held by Congress for a reason and it is exactly this one: to rein in a president who believes he is king.

Why isn't fema standing up for its own obligations and spending money on Disasters it was set up for. Hur Trump has been working for the Russians for years and has not got any money and lives one con to the next con.

No there crooks there going to pocket that money or maybe he owes Putin

Looking forward to your liquidation sale. chapter7 someday

So when Obama did this it was ok? Dumbasses

Please tell me why you hate republican Presidents so much. From Reagan to Trump your vitriol has increased exponentially! I shudder to think what you’ll do with the next republican president.

'It's policy.' You mean the law?

Uhhh we need disaster relief at the border now! And who would watch CNN?!?!

2014....did you do a story on the Obama Admin? First, DHS took $267.6 million from the FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund DHS also took $31.5 million from the U.S. Coast Guard Last, DHS took $34.7 million from TSA's screening technology and maintenance


Well he thinks the. Federal government is Trump, inc. he does whatever he wants dictator

How about from the Defense budget. That is one jet fighter. 3 porta potties and a set of non drip coffee mugs.

Money well spent


What would dorian trump do with FEMA money if a hurricane hit one of his shithole properties? He is an absolutely awful person.

Scare tactics is all you have. Try reporting the news for a change.

Great move

Great news!


CN. believes illegal aliens are above the law.


Was 10 mil when Florence hit

Report the 400 million plus that Obama did in 2014, fake news people. Nothing new here

The issue of immigration is important, but I think President Trump should also consider the issue of racism that still occurs in the United States.😥

He can do that?

That's appropriate since the flood of illegals is a disaster.

Secure our border and enforce our laws!

Why is this hideous, evil miscreant still potus? ImpeachNow

Some migrants? You mean to say deportation of illegal immigrants don't you? You know, people who have crossed the border illegally and are also convicted criminals?

Chump is very much like you’re loser drug addict who breaks into moms house, steals her emergency bingo money to feed his habit, the Wall is the heroin and FEMA is moms emergency reserve

What a complete reversed brain trump has' always does things backward or out of normality

F a n t a s t i c

People remember we don’t need more funds on fema sice genius trumpy dumpy is planning to nuke all hurricanes😆

I did this in House Of Cards. Diverted FEMA funds for a jobs bill.

It is not Trump policy it is our law... idiots

Obama did the exact same thing during hurricane season in 2014. Total moved was $277.6M. But hey don’t let facts get in the way.

Can’t teach stupid. Or can you?

CNN stoking fears with fake news. There is enough money to handle disaster relief which is what is going on at the border. Guess CNN still don’t believe there is a crisis at the border. But don’t let facts get in the way of your hate Trump reporting.


Does anyone benefit from this?


Where was CNN in 2014 when Obama did the same thing with MORE MONEY? Where was the outrage then? If it wasn’t for your double standards, your network would have none.

Why is everyone freaking out? Obama did it and not one word was said. Why?

A live look from trump HQ

In 2014 Obama diverted 240 million from FEMA during hurricane season so stop with the partisan outrage and dishonesty. Where was the Clown News Network then? Why didn't you call Obama a heartless racist?

At the start of hurricane season too...he doesn't care about anyone..he just wants to brag that he got his wall built.

This could easily come back to haunt him.

Seems if congress would fix the immigration laws this wouldn’t be necessary. Oops they are on a 6 week vacation

Send em back!

CNN is FakeNews and the EnemyOfThePeople

Well damn. I live along the gulf coast. Hope we don't take a hit this season.

Trump is going to trash the United States before he leaves office.

Pretty sure there are a couple states that still havent recieved proper funding from a natural disaster since..well, since 2016.

The invasion at the border is already a disaster emergency

“Mexico is going to pay for it. This I can tell you, folks”

Well, Illegal aliens are a disaster...

Out of line. Can he do that on a whim? So “Congress”, is a deaf and dumb by-stander?

BuildTheWall just like he promised! Trump2020

Puerto Rico hasn't even recovered. And it's about to get hit again. Why aren't the Mexicans paying like he promised. Did y'all forget about his 'promise' already.

Excellent application n usage of precious funds by POTUS

This is why the major networks have to ignore what this President says and report what he is doing. Trump is more dangerous to our country than climate change.

It’s not enough! Get them the hell out!


Well, they mayor of San Juan told our POTUS to stay away so I guess that freed up a BUNCH of money that we can use to protect ourself from the invasion on our southern border! It is a disaster too you know!!

It's a great move to stop the invasion

FEMA in a statement to CNN, 'This transfer of funds to support the border emergency will leave a remaining balance of $447 million in the DRF. This amount will be sufficient to support operational needs and will not impact ongoing long-term recovery efforts across the country.

A category 2 hurricane will be much less costly than an unchecked flow of illegals sneaking into this country.

And Puerto Rico’s not yet returned to normal

Fake news fake news it’s for beds etc due to Congress not acting on border security legislation!

Good Immigration needs change We are tired of people that take take take coming into our country

Just in time for hurricane season.


I wish all these people worried about hurricanes that haven't happened would stop worrying and if you don't like what Trump has done then leave. Trump is taking care of Puerto Rico he is declaring a national ER and sure he'll do the same for u.

Thus President is BRILLIANT!!!

Don't blame this on President Trump blame it on the Demorats that started this mess by encouraging illegals all these freebies taxpayers are footing the bill and its just for votes. That is the honest to God truth.

You ppl are unhinged. He isn’t even taking a salary. I call that NOT lining your pockets! Get a grip.


If not for twitter,Liberals wouldn't be able to communicate their Hate...because you're all to chicken to say something stupid and hateful to a Trumpers Face!!! You'd lose some teeth 👊👊👊

Glad to see that all you Liberals think you are smarter than the Guy who beat out a field of Republicans and Hillary Clinton...😂😂😂 TRUMP2020

We have this type of bench seating (aka hotelling or 'hot desks') at my office too, and I'm intrigued by what appear to be hi-vis red rainjackets draped over the backs of the chairs. Are those intended to quell infighting over who gets to sit where?

Now hurricane season is approaching the fema funds won’t be there

Trump thinks it’s ok to steal from programs that were given that money for a reason not to make up for his racist ignorance

The Prostitute-in-Chief, Liar-in-Chief & Racist-in-Chief Dumbnald Tdump realDonaldTrump is first place in our ANNUAL GLOBAL LIARS INDEX. Worry not. Prostitutes are SME's in Lying, Falsehoods & Deceptions. He said he is 'the chosen one', is he Jesus, Lucifer or Cookie Monster?

Go Trump...

I hope all 46-1s properties are wiped off the map by storms

Trump is plundering taxpayer $ for his relentless Stephen Miller crusade, defying congressional appropriators, yanking $ away from Homeland Security terrorism efforts, digging into military $... Ruthless to win over anti-immigrant voters. Trump is a NationalSecurity threat.

Imagine that. Another great idea by the Idiot-in-chief. It’s not like it is hurricane season or anything.


Is that not illegal? Or what the appropriations committee is for?!


nickmlittlejohn This is SO WRONG!!

Here we go again...

Good. About time

Priority setting is the duty of the most responsible official, man!

Right before a hurricane season starts

Republicans who need FEMA money can just do without. They do not need government aid.

Well that makes sense to me. What else is FEMA supposed to do? Federal Emergency Migrants All go home

Great idea

Right at the beginning of hurricane season. When some states are still recovering from last year. Love how he blames it all on Puerto Rico. FFS. His stupidity alone is a national security risk to us all.

That 30 mill spent on a lie that muller knew was lie, could sure help out now hu ? Ship them homes as soon as captured

The GOP must stop Trump from throwing our money around. You can not steal the people's money. Oh by the way this generation of Latin people are going to our biggest hate filled terrorist. When you treat people like animals. They turn on you as animal's.


joncoopertweets By doing that he can nuke the hurricanes and he saves money just saying!

joncoopertweets Don’t they need congress approval?

🚨SUPPORT HOTLINE FOR UNDOCUMENTED FAMILIES🚨Have them call 1-866-347-2423. They can provide food, lodging and other services at no cost to them. Please pass the number out to anyone undocumented!

And not a peep from the gop GOPLeader SenateGOP HouseGOP SenTedCruz JohnCornyn RepDanCrenshaw Trump a$$ lickers.

Good idea to me !


He doesn’t need to worry about hurricanes now... he’ll just NukeTheHurricanes

I just....cannot with this alleged human being anymore. What the actual fresh hell. Aside from being fucking despicable we are IN THE MIDDLE OF HURRICANE SEASON. THERE ARE CURRENTLY NAMED STORMS. We OFTEN get NAILED late in the season. WTF.

Oh good! Now you have something new to lose your shit about for a few hours.

Thank God for President Trump!

CNN I hope you did not hurt yourself reporting that story 🤣😂🤣😂

He and this administration are something else. Hello, has anyone hear of fiscal responsibility?

This is getting weird.

Arming nukes now

And total silence from the GOP. What a bunch of crooks that don't give a shit about anyone.

drumpf hereby demands the U.S. Navy build a wall around Mar-A-Grifto in order to keep suspiciously named illegal alien 'Dorian' off his property. unless it's looking for a job in the kitchen.

Great news!

DHS moves money around from agency to agency as needs arise, quit making shit out of nothing

What the hell are they waiting for? ImpeachTheMF

So he can build the wall

Good! the illegal alien issue is a disaster

Good. We need to get rid of millions of freeloaders in our country.

Just in time for hurricane season. Great. 😐

Shameful especially when a hurricane is coming to Puerto Rico. Has this man any shame?

Great!!! Because immigration is a disaster.

Thank You realDonaldTrump

It will come back to bite them in the fanny, guaranteed. Stupid is as stupid does if this goes forward, in my opinion.

That's cheaper than keeping them here.

how are we gonna nuke the hurricane now

Or we could parole them into the US and have them work in our country, pay taxes and be kind to them...

More fake news

Good start of the hurricane-season...

You meant illegal immigrants. Your welcome.

We have money to buy Greenland but borrow from FEMA to deport people

Why not, it is a disaster at the border.

Jesus, come through.....🙏🏾🙏🏾


They are also taking $116 million from the Coast Guard. Yeah, those people that guard our border and rescue people during hurricanes.

so what’s plan b if we get a huge natural disaster again? can we use his properties to house people?


Trump shifts FEMA money to his hateful immigration policy at a time when the National Weather Service is predicting more than usual hurricanes—including two major hurricanes!

Excellent!! Yes!

Find the members of the Committee on Homeland Security at and make some calls!

Right now at the beginning of hurricane season...horrible!

Why not he never cared about Americans just his personal plan to destroy those he hates. People he exploited for gain. He will fail and be ashamed to show his face when this is over.

Love it, best president ever

100% support him doing this!

And God said thank Trump.

Heck, that'll just be enough for a couple days in the concentration camps

I’m ok with this

Insane & another reason why 25thAmendmentNow needs to happen!

FakeNews Longer is not indefinite!

Best President ever! God bless President Trump!

Make America Great Again

That’s just so damn wrong.😡👎🏻

ICE, BP and FEMA are same group


Don't worry folks next he'll be shifting money from social security if he hasn't done so already.

corrupt Republican Congressmen and Senators approve of this and are complicit in their silence : RepBrianFitz SenToomey need to be voted out corruptGOP VoteThemOut

And still Pelosi does nothing...........


So now we add FEMA to list of funds being cut that help the American people, such as Obamacare, Education, Social Security, Medicare ........ how is this making America Great? Yup 🤦🏽‍♀️😢 MAGAISFORMORONS

$155 million? That’s like 1 day’s worth of interest on the national debt!!!!! 😱😱😱 He’s a Russian spy!!!!!!!

That are here ILLEGALLY!!!

Oh perfect, right at hurricane season!! 😡😡This is just ridiculous and outrageous.

This administration is a complete disaster

Wondering if Congress will approve?

NO NO NO NO Just not right

And the Toolbag of the Year award goes too...

He’s doing it maliciously against Puerto Rico

Well that right there is disaster relief. Thanks Trump

Take it to court again.

Somebody tell them it's hurricane season. I'm bad, they can nuke 'canes

So American's when your in a disaster and your family is homeless thank your so called president realDonaldTrump for that instead of trying to find an excuse to blame BarackObama .

When you can stop a hurricane with nukes, who needs FEMA?

The administration has zero say in where money goes. FFS THATS CONGRESS'S JOB

This is so disgusting.


Illegal immigration is also a national disaster so I don’t really see a issue here.

Idk if that’s such a good idea. We may need those funds for upcoming hurricanes


In the height of hurricane season? Is there any one with a brain in realDonaldTrump 's administration? WTF

This won’t end well!

SocialMedia411 Sounds awesome. Way to go.

Sounds smart with a hurricane bearing down on the US. HurricaneDorian StableGenius

Building a wall perhaps 🤔

Maybe if Nancy and Chuck would pull their heads out of their asses and work with Trump on the immigration problems that they strongly deny & allocate the money Trump asks for this wouldn’t happen


What? Just as hurricane season begins. God save us from the stupidest man who ever lived. I pray Mar A Lago is landfall for Hurricane Dumbo.

He my want to get some more paper towels for PR

The fact that you keep calling them migrants is the premonition that makes people outrage at these biased headlines. They illegally just walked into the country, they didn’t assimilateor follow the law so lawfully they are not “migrants”, they’re undocumented immigrants.

CNN normalises Trump administration!

Illegals are a national disaster. MAGA Trump2020

Such a comfort as hurricane season is upon us. NotMyPresident disasterinchief

Great idea !

Just as hurricane season starts. But then again, who needs FEMA when Nukes can stop those storms in their tracks.

I love ❤️ my President 😢 😔!


Good job President Trump, keep it up!

Of course RacistInChief

They going after Puerto Rico that fast?

Fema money is for emergency management. Dems screaming about saving detailed children as an emergency. Trump uses emergency management money towards that emergency. Wtf did I miss that he did wrong this time? yallpathetic

Add another zero to the end of that amount.

Will Mexico or the G-7 pay for disaster relief when a hurricane hits Florida or Texas?

Hurricanes are starting

This is such bs....keep taking from other agencies for your bs

Mindless men and women! What about Americans devastated by floods, huricanes, tornados, and other tragic events? Trumps obsession with immigrants will kill Americans!

Running the country like a coke fiend manages finances. Hurricane season is upon us. Maybe not the best time to decrease FEMA funding.

That is also disaster relief

Its amazing how a president has a one track mind and doesnt realize that what he does has effects onn something else. Were going into bloody hurricane season... get it together man

And at the start of hurricane season. Pure Trump.


All the while


He must have forgotten, disasters do not hit Puerto Rico only. It hit all Americans.

this has to be stopped. This is outrageous. When Congress reconvenes, the first thing on the agenda HAS to be to get rid of Trump

Those poor American's whoever they are who are struck in the next disaster can thank realDonaldTrump for the lack of life saving support. Yep sure is great in trump America

Saves millions. Great move

Who will suffer most from this transfer? Texans? Floridians? People from Louisiana? None of them. People from places like Puerto Rico will suffer the most.Places where virtually all residents are people of color. Racism at its worst. Fascism at its worst. CrimesAgainstHumanity

Sad ... but predictable

And by a 5-4 decision, SCOTUS will say okey-dokey.

Trump does more bad things? No MFing way.

Well if that’s the case, the big orange doosh better reduce my FEMA flood insurance policy that I HAVE to pay every year that costs me $2600!!!! What an asshole this guy is.

Just in time for most active weeks of hurricane season. Oops forgot Trump will be nuking those.

FEMA money gets mismanaged by local liberal governments anyway ie PR and NO


Right in time for hurricane season

Good luck with the hurricanes, South Floridians!

What, wait this cannot have anything to do with wall right? Because we know that Mexico is going to pay for the wall! That’s what don the con said repeatedly

Kind of appropriate his immigration policy IS a disaster

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