Hobby Lobby closes its stores after defying coronavirus stay-at-home orders

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Hobby Lobby finally closed all of its stores in the U.S. after the craft supplies company received backlash for staying open in at least one state amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.

3 min readAnother 500 people have died in New York City in the last 48 hours due to the coronavirus while hospitals are at their max.

Arts and crafts store 'Hobby Lobby' in North Dallas sits closed after officials posted for them to stop opening to public in Dallas, April 3, 2020. Dallas City officials does not recognize Hobby Lobby as an essential business during the coronavirus pandemic. In the company's statement announcing it would close, it appeared to defend its previous decision to remain open.


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They closed this past week in Iowa.

They should stay open. Fuck the government.

The Far Left Agents known as the Fake News Press still attacking Hobby Lobby for not embracing Abortion.....You must love blood to be part of the Fake News Press.....

When Vaping was a thing Exhaled Vape Cloud Visual WuFlu Exhale Six Foot Social Distance Nonsense CA Release Prisoners Imprison Homeless In Box RESEARCH WHY? Cruise Ship most elderly NOT Floating Morgue Just WuFlu Be Cautious Not Panic Sheep realDonaldTrump GOP carldemaio

It's about time. Paper products spread the virus rapidly.

maybe they can sell some ancient artifacts for money

I think it’s for the best! Big Box retail stores help minimize large groups!

Why doesn’t Hobby Lobby donate ask those essential supplies instead of selling them to consumers and risking everyone’s health in their stores?

What is the COVID19 infection rate among HobbyLobby employees?

Need puzzles to pass away time

I’ll never, ever shop there.

No big loss.

Liquor deemed essential but Art is not?!? Pet stores & pot shops essential but arts and crafts stores are virus vectors...what a fucking joke.

I will never spend a single $ there again

Might have been nice if they could have been allowed to open for only essential items. Anyone hoping to get badly needed fabric and elastics to make face masks will now have to wait days, weeks for mail or package deliveries... dc

When u put people at risk for a dollar, u need to be boycotted forever.

Hobby Lobby was allowed to stay open because they provide school supplies.

what the hell is a Hobby Lobby amd how come ive never even heard of that name in public or social media 😂

Sad news - they supply materials for Americans making masks

Good. They are overly religious and anti-gay.

Or you know, they wanted to stay open so that people could continue to buy fabric in bulk to help with the mask shortage.

Hypocritical bible belt bastards. I wouldn't step foot in one not that anyone gives a rat's ass!!

Before covid19, I drove across town to Michael’s even though a Hobby Lobby is just a few min away. Worth it. Vote with your wallet

Hopefully they stay closed, like, forever?

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They have supplies to make masks, they have supplies for home schooling, they have supplies to help parents cope. But I can stop at 7-11 for coffee, then go get my oil changed, then stop at Walmart to grab a few things, then pick up a pizza on the way home.

The left goes into backlash mode when they hear 'Hobby Lobby.'

So, our Politicians are talking about working on the 4th CORONAVIRUS Relief package!! I have to ask: what ever happened to the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd?

Hobby Lobby could suck it before the rona and they can suck it even more now.

Dear God: Please save us from the stupid wing of your Party.

I needed you open today! Can't find what I needed online. 😩 After my hairdresser I'll be by for a visit after the quarantine is lifted. Promise❣️🤗

I wonder if they offer things people could transform into masks?

Why are they always *THE WORST*

Where will I get my trash can lid sized wall clocks now?

They should stay open.

Amazon loves that.. so does Amazon's number one advertising agency... the media

This is dumb. Temporarily closing things like restaurants/bars where lots of people are in close contact for extended periods makes sense (they should be compensated). Closing EVERYTHING is overboard.

Olalala ! A big problem




Pull their business license.

BUT WHERE AM I GINNA GET ME JESUS GLITTER fuckthem nevershopped neverwill goawayforever!!!

Greedy crony capitalists willing to kill many. Shame.

I’ll never step another foot in that place


Why is Michaels still open?

Sometimes you have to KICK idiots to toe the line!

You forgot they got a cease and desist in one state

It's kind of funny really, people how support religion keep shopping there like brainwashed zombies and they know it's all a EMOTIONAL EXTORTION SCAM. 'YOU FOOLISH PAWN'S' -GREED

What about Joannes?

Everyone's worried about their bottom line including those always watching their stocks right now. Butts so tight you can open a Corona. As well, never shop Snobby Lobby they are Holiday Bias.

Hopefully they’ll go out of business. May an ethical business be started in its place.

Here’s a simple solution. Arrest the GM of the offending store and hold them WITHOUT bail until compliance (given that they think that Covid is a joke, surely they won’t mind sharing a holding cell for a few days). Possibly after first giving a 24 hour warning.

They help finance ISIS and spread disease just as Jesus would do.

Hobby Lobby, willing to put your life at risk for our profits. Michaels and Joanns have everything I need, I don’t need hobby lobby. I’m doing my part, they could have done theirs.

I hope the Green family of con artists goes bankrupt. They wouldn’t know Jesus or his teachings if he stood 6 inches in front of them.

Always the favorite target of the left...next up Chic-Fil-A!


Yeah, hobby stores are not essential and it's counter-productive to have folks out and about on non-essential business so... close 'em all. It's really that simple. Can't believe there are *still* folks not getting this.

It's unfortunate that this happened even though it's only temporary! People have to be able to make a living as long as they keep the stores disinfected and follow social distancing.

The essential business is deeply flawed and favors some companies heavily Notably big box stores Smaller stores selling similar products shuttered and wont reopen, meaning less competition and a shrunken free market Monoplism is nearly as bad as socialism

But but but - Jesus told the owner’s wife to keep it open. Who you gonna listen to? Some dumb scientists, or the all knowing savior?

Don’t they have all the things you need to make a mask?

Not all states are on stay at home.

When Karen f*cks Karen

WHO is going to Hobby loby, Michaels or places that are not grocery, pharmacy? WHO? Everything is closed

How about their equivalent Joanns and Michaels?

Bullshit! They're a viable supplier of material that people around the country are buying materials to make masks.

Hobby Lobby is not an essential business.

I don't shop at the fascist craft store.

Well, since now we have to make our own masks, they actual may be considered essential. Walmarts can't keep anything stocked and that is the material, elastic and etc. Most JoAnn fabrics are in malls and closed. Can't buy from Amazon anything essential either.

That was really dump. People are buying material to make masks and other PPE. Why would they close?


But Home Depot and Lowes can stay open. I see the fairness 👀 🤔

The things they offer help with people having to be quarantine

Will not shop here ever again. you put people at risk

But the 80+ year old billionaire's wife had a vision from God that said it would all be ok if they kept going to work? How can this be? Were their prayer shields not strong enough to fight off this virus? Crazy people are crazy. And if you support these people, it's on you.

Good. It isn’t super essential need in pandemics.

The holy rollers were forced to close.


They sure have nice stores. I hope something doesn't happen to them.

Don’t shop here they are criminals posing as Christians

Finally this hate filled company finally met their karma

He should be imprisoned. And all assets seized.

I keep pictures of all of them and light a candle in my dunny for them Sir


Karen will NOT be happy

BassProShops should probably be next. The store is Little Rock has been packed.

Not my hobby, not the lobby! 😭

Rt for condolences

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