Herschel Walker denies report he reimbursed girlfriend's abortion

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U.S. Senate hopeful Herschel Walker has denied a report that an ex-girlfriend claimed he paid the cost of her abortion more than 10 years ago.

Heisman Trophy winner and Republican candidate for US Senate Herschel Walker speaks at a rally on May 23, 2022 in Athens, Georgia.Herschel Walker, a Georgia football icon and U.S. Senate hopeful, has denied a report in the Daily Beast that an ex-girlfriend claimed he paid the cost of her abortion more than 10 years ago, a claim that would seem to contradict his anti-abortion posture on the campaign trail.

"I can tell you right now, I never asked anyone to get an abortion," Walker told Sean Hannity. "I never paid for an abortion -- it's a lie." Walker has carved out a staunch anti-abortion position as a candidate for U.S. Senate, aligning himself with a bill proposed by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., that would institute a national ban on abortions after 15 weeks.

"Every family member of Herschel Walker asked him not to run for office, because we all knew his past. Every single one," Christian Walker wrote Monday. "He decided to give us the middle finger and air out all of his dirty laundry in public, while simultaneously lying about it. I'm done."The younger Walker also leveled additional allegations against his father, who has attracted scrutiny in recent months for allegations of violence in his past.


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I really appreciate ABC for reporting this. This is one of the sure fire ways for me to know the truth. If ABC (or CNN, NBC, et al) says it, I never believe it. Thus, I'm never wrong. I know.

He may have paid for an abortion, Not that he agreed with the abortion, that would have been the girlfriend's decision. I don't know what the circumstances were and I don't care. The Democrats support abortion, shouldn't that make him a better candidate in their eyes.

The lady said he did, there is a receipt for the service, he deposited cash to her account, and was nice enough to send her a 'get well' card? Yet he does not recall all that! He did not violate any laws, just can't bring himself to tell the truth.

ABC news denies reports that they are no longer a news network and have converted to full tabloid mode.

Is there a paper trail or proof or is this fake news misinformation I think latter

Anybody that laments Trumps wrongdoings, but remains silent on Biden’s wrongdoings is not American. They are Americas adversaries and should be treated as such.

3) And ChristianWalk1r something very odd in what you r doing. R u being paid to destroy your father politically? U NEVER seemed to post about your mother until now & appeared with ur father in a favorable way not long ago.

2) Great abc bring it on!

1) I don’t understand what kind of “receipt” a woman would have that would indicate Hershel Walker paid for her abortion other than if he wrote a check or used his own credit card directly to an abortion-provider. 10 yrs later, the woman or abortion provider has such a receipt?

Fake news!!

I'm sure she's telling the truth but since he's a retardlican trumpanzee kool-aid cult member they'll over look it or says she's lying and they'll find something she did in her past to deflect just like they do/did with all the other's like the 🍊 🤡 🤴 of 💩 CorruptGOP

He is a liar

WALKERS GIRLFRIEND: 'Honey, can I have a couple hundred bucks for the salon?' WALKER: 'Sure sweetie' WALKERS GIRLFRIEND:

ABC trying soooo hard. So noble. Unfortunately no one cares and will still vote for walker.

Truth sandwich is more factually yummy. democracy

He is republican, just say you changed and all is forgiven. VOTE BLUE

Is there a problem with that

Of course he did it, but no one paid for more abortions that trump himself. and nothing wrong with that unless you want to strip abortions rights from American women.

Of course he did

What about Ashely’s diary?

Why is this Even news? I mean why on this platform? I guess this is a “filler”.

What is truth?

He's done

Walker’s son expose the truth that his father did help his ex girlfriend get an abortion.

Word is she has the receipt, kinda like the spot on Monica's dress.

Dude his son is tearing him to shreds. Really wish Christian would stop giving attention to this crap in the media For the sake of our country. We need his Dad to win. He needs to suck it up and Shut up. Talk about it at home little boy

Who cares? This is irrelevant to this election. Y’all vote for Herschel in Georgia.

Clueless hypocrite liar. Definitely has politician qualities.

The GOP motto has always been, 'do as I say, not as I do.' Duh!

It’s not “a report” that “claimed” — it’s literal receipts.

Walker's son says he's lying.

He must be catching up to Ol'Warnock if the DNC BS Machine is trying to destroy him with personal attacks!! Keep up the good work HerschelWalker and bring that Senate seat out of THE DARK SIDE!!

You know damn well he did pay for the abortion but it doesn’t matter Republicans don’t care about that , they only care about sticking it to the Dems Repubs would vote for Satan if it meant taking back the senate

Maybe lead with the fact that the reporter has hard evidence?

On brand for Republicans

I like Hershey candies I don't know about Johnny Walker so zip it you are not qualified

Wow now he will get dem votes

We all know he’s lying. Even his own son doesn’t believe him. He called his Dad out on twitter tonight.

That's it? That's the lede? That's the important part? 'Kay. Nothing to see here. No mention of receipt or card? Or is that buried somewhere? Be better

No chance this is real.

They have the receipts, dude

Left can dig up much more on this clown than some unknown girlfriendof 10 years ago.

Lol, she has receipts from 10 years ago. Yeah, okay. 🙄

Bring the receipts

What did you expect

and for-skins, no limits;

She has evidence

Of course he denies…but what about those receipts🧐

The TRUTH is not in him.

Breaking News: Walker's girlfriend has the receipts.....literally.

Let that shit go

Proving yet again that nobody hits the hole harder or faster than Herschel Walker.

Oh please.....

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