Here's exactly how bad Covid-19 was in November

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

In November ▪︎ about a third of the nation's total coronavirus cases were reported ▪︎ hospitalizations in the US more than doubled ▪︎ the US saw more deaths than the pandemic's combined death toll in Australia, Canada, China, Japan and Germany

Hospitalizations more than doubled since the beginning of November, and the United States saw more Covid-19 deaths last month than the pandemic's combined death toll in Australia, Canada, China, Japan and Germany, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The grim numbers have unleashed devastation across the country: Trailers are turned into morgues and facilities are being converted to emergency hospitals to help respond to the surging number of patients.

For 28 days in a row, the United States has continuously reported more than 100,000 new cases daily. During the summer surge, daily cases peaked at a little more than 77,100 on July 16. The sharp increases meant it only took several days each time for the nation to add another million to its case count. The United States hit 9 million Covid-19 cases on October 30. It took nine days to reach 10 million. It took another week to climb by another million. Six days later, 12 million infections.


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How can CNN know that 1/3 of total cases were reported if the fact that they are not reported means they can't know there are more cases?

Expected, reasonable

Just FYI, I have never gotten a test for a virus if I didn't have any symptoms.

More dishonest reporting, 'omg look at the virus and how many died' God is watching you, and knows everything you are doing. Remember that. It's all being recorded and you are on his list. Water purification tablets (chlorine dioxide) completely kills viruses. You are criminals.

انا مفيش حدبيعملي لايكات اعملي لايك

China has underreported their stats & the US is considerably larger than those countries & done more testing.

Follow me

Those countries put together don't have the US population. Canada only has 30 million people.

Coming from a State in Australia that is coming out of our 2nd wave,0 cases for 33 days I know the C19 experience. We had a curfew, masks, restrictions on hospitality and retail, these actions work,no miracles, low cost, major benefits.I get the issues, I implore you do similar.

CNNTapes 911, what is your emergency? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ JamesOKeefeIII -/CORRECTION: PR has just informed Project_Veritas that the executive on this tape is in fact their GENERAL COUNSEL David Vigilante, not marcusmabry.

Brianna Keilar: I find it funny that you don't like it when someone calls you names. Irony is when you ignore what you did in ignoring the Russia garbage. You are not reporters, you are partisan hacks, nothing more. We know it, you know it now lets stop lying about it.

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