Here are the most common reasons Republicans use to defend Trump against impeachment

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Over the past few weeks, many Republicans have gone to bat for President Trump. Here's a look at the most common GOP defenses for why the President shouldn't face an impeachment inquiry, and the facts around those arguments.

Here's a look at the most common GOP defenses for why the President shouldn't face an impeachment inquiry, and the facts around those arguments.No quid pro quoOne line that Republicans have continually repeated is that there was no quid pro quo involved in Trump's call with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The whistleblower only had secondhand knowledge'use strict';CNN.Videx=CNN.Videx || {};{};CNN.INJECTOR.executeFeature.then {CNN.VideoPlayer.handleUnmutePlayer=function handleUnmutePlayer {'use strict';var playerInstance,playerPropertyObj,rememberTime,unmuteCTA,unmuteIdSelector='unmute_' + containerId,isPlayerMute;dataObj=dataObj || {};if ==='fave') {playerInstance=FAVE.player.getInstance || null;} else {playerInstance=containerId && window.

Jordan blames blocked testimony on 'partisan process' 02:05Republicans have also repeatedly argued that the whistleblower's complaint is not credible because he only had secondhand knowledge of the phone call between Trump and Zelensky.Rep. Kevin McCarthy tweeted on September 29 that one of the most important facts was that"the whistleblower wasn't on the call."Sen.


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Where’s CNN on Joe Biden? No one investigated him because he bragged about threatening the Ukraine government!! You are FAKE news!!! China doesn’t give someone 1.5 billion unless their buying the White House!!!

Why is it ok for Trump to decide what parts of the Constitution he wants to follow?

Another bunch of losers. Their choice of words are so ineffective. These guys have past history that ant pretty. Why would anyone believe anything they say.

These are NOT reasons, they are all EXCUSES meant to obfuscate, confuse, and avoid the wrath of DonaldTrump. These Republicans are demonstrating shameful Profiles in Cowardice where they place party & president before country!

President Trump: • Released the Ukraine Call Transcript. • Released Whistleblower Complaint. RepAdamSchiff: • Made up lines from the Transcript. • Lied about contact with the Whistleblower. • Will not release the Volker Transcript. Who is the one trying to hide something?

More CNN lies. Can't trust these guys.

CNN is garbage news

Trump has nothing to worry about he has done nothing to get impeached. no crimes, no misdemeanors. Just a bunch of scare Democrats trying to hide their corruption behind this treasonous Coup!!

They all look so enthusiastic and optimistic

Nope! If YOU were on trial for a crime, you wouldn’t tell the judge “you can’t try me without showing me all your evidence”.. you’d be laughed out of the court room

Here's the defense: this whole witchhunt is a: NOTHING BURGER Just an unlawful attempted coup by the democrats, socialist/communist and CNN Fake, manufactured news

I can not believe people can lie with a straight face when the WORLD knows they are lying impeach45

All crooks, criminals, cronies, liars, staffers, aides, and some Repubs supporting this unfit, unpatriotic, unpopular, scandalous, treasonous, corrupted, and lying 45 in the W.H. This man is above the laws of the constitution and being supported by Russia.

None of your arguments hold water cnn. Facts show they are correct.

impeachment inquiry lmao

Listening to this group is a reason why I seriously think of impeachment. They are like a frat pack. Unbelievable group.

Once in there

Take roll call & have a vote, Nancy! What're'ya afraid of?!?!

If it’s from CNN, it’s distorted, exaggerated or just a plain lie

This is an iquiry! For those who don't understand; inquiry: an act of asking for information Don't get your tighty whitey's in a bunch. Maybe switch to boxers. Your getting all twisted over an INQUIRY!! Save your venom for the indictment!

Lock those guys up with trump

The idiots wont listen to this. They are way too partisan and way too fat removed from reality.

How about reporting on TheDemocrats hourly lies? Oh wait, that you guys

Facts? Since when did FakeNewsCNN start reporting facts. NEVER! Don’t be fooled by the MSM who wouldn’t know a fact if it dropped ito their laps and started wiggling.

If only we could impeach CNN🤔

There will not be a single Republican left in Congress or the Senate when this is over. Having a criminal as their representative in the White House has turned out to be a little less of a party than they imagined it would be. Get ready to see the GOP headed home after this term

HC_Richardson Jim Jordan looks like shit. Maybe he really can't sleep at night.

This dude looks like a junkie

He looks like the town drunk

We know your faces and We Know Who You Are be careful who and what you do to defend Cheeto we will remember remember your honesty and integrity remember the United States of America constitution for the people by the people

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