Heading to Minnesota, Donald Trump attacks freshman Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar

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Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats said Trump's frequent attacks on Omar are anti-Muslim, and also spiking death threats against the freshman congresswoman.

Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/04/15/president-donald-trump-again-attacks-rep-ilhan-omar-minnesota/3471434002/.

Check out this story on USATODAY.com: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/04/15/president-donald-trump-again-attacks-rep-ilhan-omar-minnesota/3471434002/


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Perhaps the threats are a result of her own words, not Trumps. She clearly hates America and the freedoms we stand for.

While here comments are anti-American!!!!!

right because u can only disagree with your twin, otherwise get labeled anti whatever the hell the other person is unless the other guys white, then its still on him no matter how woke he pretends to be.. lovely way to live, no matter what i’m right & u are evil to disagree 🙄

ENOUGH already with blaming trump for everything. ALL ABOUT KARMA !

Last time I check she is in the public & should be used to people hating on her. Grow the fuck up already! Omar is anti-Western civilization, anti-Jewish, and anti-American.

Trump will not be re-elected. And he will soon be broke and in hail

They are NOT anti-Muslim.

I'm fairly certain this is self-inflicted.

Criticizing or disagreeing with the words of a politician, or any person for that matter, is not an “attack”. Why does she get to spew anti-Semitic, anti-American rhetoric and then characterize criticism of that as “anti-Muslim”? Bullshit!


It is not Trump’s fault that Omar is antiAmerican , anti Semitic and makes statements that are inflammatory . The problem lies in her , no one else.

Sorry, even CAIR, a know terrorist group, condemned Omar's comments. You can blame Trump for being offended by Omar's words. Most of the world is offended by her words.

What's on your mind


We the people agree with realDonaldTrump

Absolutely correct

If Omar had death threats there would be a investigation. When, where, how? I think Omar is lying to divert attention away from her anti America opinions.

Where is the elected peoples “ethics and integrity” handbook?

Just some people saying something ‘

She inspires her own hatred and resentment.


Veil them ruby red lips

Meanwhile 'The Good Fight' (CBS show) makes tweets with subliminal messages to assassinate Trump with virtually no news coverage.

Well...Muslim attacks on America are anti-American 🤷🏻‍♂️

The thought police at rush to the defense of their favorite left-wing fruitcake. When Maxine Waters tells left-wing freaks to attack conservatives in public, the paper loves it. But when someone dares criticize its favorite Muslim extremist, the paper can't handle it.

How do you stop some people from doing something.....

TheDemocrats Prayers ascend for Omar’s safety. Stay the course & fulfill your assignment as the junior congresswoman from Minnesota. There will always be fear & hate, don’t let it deter your purpose. IJN🇱🇷

“Attacks” Come on, snowflakes. Get real 👎


Excuse me her mouth making radical comments ! Don’t blame trump

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She deserves what he is saying. So sorry that she finds herself experiencing exactly what she herself is guilty of. Wish I could face to face express my thoughts directly to her.

Lets see so her attacks are ok

She’s making her own bed.

Frequent? Omar is typical of her ideology. Never let an opportunity pass to cry victim.

That statement Nan is nothing more than trying to start a fight. We all know what she said and continues to say. Trump is right on this and she should be called out.

Highly disagree. HER words are getting her in trouble. She said it, not him.

It's called radical Islam not somebody or something

They just want to turn around Omar’s anti semitism and blame Trump so she doesn’t look so bad. The congresswoman was already getting death threats before Trumps tweet, just ridiculous of her to try to blame Trump for what she did to herself.

Shes the one talking how she feels about things. No one putting words in her mouth!

How is this Trumps fault she the one that disrespected the memory of 9-11

Her picture makes me sick.

Omar’s comments are anti-America.

She is anti American, anti Semitic, anti Christian, anti western civilization values.

Again it is Omar’s doing and not the Trumpster’s

She might want to reevaluate some of the things she says.. and take some responsibility herself


Not anti-Muslim...anti-terrorism. I hope liberals understand the difference.


She’s a horrible person

colourbars SpeakerPelosi HouseDemocrats SenSchumer Why isn't someone holding him accountable? He'll continue to misbehave until someone sets him straight!

Oh it's ok for them to mock everyone else but the minute something is said about them it's Anti Muslim, they are ANTI AMERICAN AND SHOULD NOT HOLD OFFICE.

You mean, it’s NOT Her mindless ignorance and femin$TAZI apostasy drawing those things like a magnet? Are you SURE about that?

Bullshit...saying “some people did something’s “ on one of the darkest days in American history put her where she is .. it’s the Democrat “ justification tour”... it’s tired yawn

NO they are not! Omar owns these threats just as surely a her hateful own Anti-American, anti-Semitic, muslim Brotherhood spewing trash we have all seen and heard come out of her mouth!


More that that, Trump attacks against Omar are based on lies and deception. Point he’s trying to make is not point Ilhan made. He’s trying to change her point, knowing his supporters won’t read or listen to her speech.

What would Rep Pelosi say if someone would have described the Christchurch shooting as 'some guy did something'?

Does main stream media still not realize the lies they are spewing seriously are going to backfire on them lyet again come Election Day? Like when are they finally gonna get it? Smh 🤦‍♂️

Maybe hes just trying to protect against her constant attacks on America. That Woman is a straight up demon

Well she shouldn’t be so anti American after all she is a member of Congress she needs to be impeached but my cat has more balls than Nancy to impeach her or get the process started to remove all three of the wicked witches of Congress

Trump..Wants Something Bad To Happen !

SHE is the threat to this country.......not Trump! She is a nightmare. It has absolutely nothing to do with her being a Muslim.

What about all the negative press about the president!

If there were actual death threats, and that is unacceptable, be transparent and post them. Otherwise, I’ll have to assume it’s normal angry Americans exercising their right to free speech.

And her comments against Israel American Political groups have nothing to do with those threats after she mistakenly connected the group she was speaking with was not founded post 9/11. It was actually founded June 1994 in response to the movie True Lies to promote islam

Omar is unfamiliar with being rebuked. There’s a major difference between attacking Omar and holding her accountable for their systemic pattern of anti-American comments.

Trump is a horrible man and rude man sure pray we get a better President soon as he is ruthless and despicable man I don’t know what his wife sees in him as I am sure he mistreats her as well and she deserves to be with a better classy man.

glad to hear it.. she's an utter embarrassment to us all!

This man is crazy!!! Don’t know how else to describe him and be nice about it!

Then she Ilhan should watch her words if she doesn’t like the repercussions

She’s doing it to herself with all her stupid comments.

Praying for protection for all with good intentions!

Attacks on Omar? He posted a video of her speaking. She said the words that make people mad at her. Not trumps fault.

She needs to resign as she doesn’t support the USA

The thing about this whole fucking mess is that she didn't say anything wrong some folks did did attack they came from Saudi Arabia and they're not all Muslims are just thales came from Saudi Arabia same ones that killed American resident

Don’t wait ‘til the person is hurt to act like there is an issue to be addressed. No more matyrs.

And she’s not anti semiotic!! They always twist stop already take care of the one with the wild mouth!!

Nonsense. They are not anti-Muslim. Calling out inappropriate speech is not bigotry.

If you get into the rodeo and throw the lace you better be ready to get bullied.

We aren’t against Omar because we are Anti-Muslim. We are against her because she is Anti-American.

Fact she knew exactly what she was saying, why she saying it. She preaches hate, racism and anti-semitism and when it happens to her 'poor me poor me' ignorance isn't an excuse especially as a congresswoman. She knew what she was saying. Karma is a bitch. And she a class A Bitch!

That's ridiculous! The people making the death threats are the people who are responsible! This just sounds so racist. Just another political stab.

How are they?

just a way to get sympathy n popular. she should go back to school.

LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM THE HELL UP !!! Anybody else does that, he would be arrested, charged, prosecuted, then locked up !! Inciting Undue Violence, Racial Hatred, Terroristic Threats !! smh

Total BS if she would stop trying to put a Muslim spin on 9/11 she wouldn't be in the trouble she is in. We all know Islamic terrorist committed those terrible acts. We aren't going to let her forget it either.

She alone is responsible for her problems after her derogatory remarks about 9/11. She has proven to be Anti-Semitic and unpatriotic. she should be removed from Congress.

Then she should at least have the common courtesy of apologizing for trivializing the 9/11 massacre by butchering murdering Islamic terrorists by calling it “some people doing something”.

bs! SpeakerPelosi

Maybe she should stop being anti American, anti jew, and pro terrorism

With nobody listening to each other, I put my money on nobody achieving anything to support the American people.

Listen cookie, you’ve overplayed the race card, it’s not working. She’s anti American & you’ve done nothing about it

No kidding she hits trump hate trifecta she’s a Woman She’s Black and She’s Muslim. All of trumps hateful rhetoric in one Democratic

Her remarks caused this backlash, not President Trump’s tweet! Maybe if she wasn’t anti American & pro terrorist, she wouldn’t be receiving threats in the first place! Don’t blame our President for her loose tongue! She should have been removed from Congress weeks ago!

Omar was incredibly insensitive with her “some people did something on 9/11” remark. Everyone knows this. That was and is the problem. Omar should take ownership of the mistake.

Funny how tax payers will ultimately be charged to prevent someone from doing something to somebody

So Pelosi & DEMOCRATS--now--'admit'--they 'are'--ANTI-Semitic--they're -Upset--that Trump is 'Exposint Omar as the ANTI-Semitice--she 'is' & NOE of em incl Pres Candidates have Demanded an 'Apology' for ANT-Semitic Remarks Hmm...

Safeguard her, don’t be wasting the taxpayers money because everything MR. Trump tweeted is spot on with this hateful woman.

This ignorant woman brings on her own criticism with her anti Semitic Mouth 👄

Trump should shut up. He is a horrible person.

so maybe trump can rid dems of omar...thank you

It has nothing to do with Trumps tweet or New York Post, they just pointed out what she said. She’s up shits creek with all the radical comments she’s receiving because of what SHE SAID. Hold some damn responsibility for your fellow bleeding heart liberal, damn.

Has Omar not in very pointed fact threatened the lives of white Christians? She ain't clever, and she ain't smart - she HATES the country she was inexplicably elected and sworn to defend, against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

He’s a scumbag, and if the tables were turned, he, his ilk, and deplorable followers would be having a shit-fit......he’s the absolute worst.

It would help if she wasn’t a hate propagandist herself.

Pick a card, any card ...

No !!! IlhanMN is a SOULLESS WITCH. She's a MONSTER who thinks the 9/11 murders are funny. This BEAST is antiAmerican, antiChristian, antiJew, and SHE is the one who is antiMuslim. IlhanMN needs to go to PRISON for treason, terrorism, and antimilitary conspiracy.

She is paranoid and the rest Democrats now the Russian collisions are over they wind something to put down our President Democrats will never satisfied realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse FoxNews MSNBC CNN ABC CBSNews Trump2020

“Anti Muslim” 🙄 Once again the Left takes a criticism, and labels it as an attack on religion. (Or sex, or sexually, or race, or blah blah blah) Sorry, you can’t call 60 million Americans racists and Nazis for two years then cry foul when one of yours is merely quoted.

Stop exaggerating for sympathy. We all see through it.

SpeakerPelosi , First and foremost, the blame lies on every American that forgot about 911 and what happened. After that it lies on the doorstep of IlhanMN with her own words. Then if there were any other blame it would have to be directed toward the nypost

They're anti-American.

Too bad

Bullies are cowards and cowards are bullies, and Trump is both. What no one has pointed out is Rep. Omar, due to her culture from Ethiopia, structures sentences differently. What was she going to say, 17 muslims flew into WTC? She should have said 17 Saudis flew planes into WTC.

It's about time people realised pointing out an extremist doesn't make the person anti muslim, it makes them anti extremism and there is nothing wrong about that.


She has asked for it

Ok prove it show proof more FakeNews realDonaldTrump

Trump should be banned from Twitter.

So condemning someone making anti American statements is anti Muslim now? I’m always in awe of how quickly Dems rush to bash Muslim criticism, but at the same time bash Christians on topics Muslims themselves hold a similar view. The mental gymnastics are so bizarre.

Pelosi called Trump un-American

She’s a terrorist sympathizer soooo

Democrat leadership no longer believes in free speech. Democrat leaders want to: 1) Tax you into oblivion 2) Take your guns 3) Convince you that criticising them is violence. **Democrat leaders hate America** Democrats DemocratsHateAmerica DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica

No one cares. Remember when Maxine Waters told her supporters to harass republicans?

You cannot speak out against a socialist democrat without being labeled as a racist, sexist, bigot, or homophobe. No, you cannot take a principled stand against libs; we must be haters if we oppose them.

And here , I thought it was due to her nonstop blatant anti Semite and anti US rhetoric. All well documented in numerous videos , not just one.

Under Sharia law, she would not have a head by now!

I salute you Ms.OMAR,& I admire your bravery!C'MON,head up HIGH!You are higher than a loony fraud DTrump!

It’s just someone saying something

She did it to herself for making anti American remarks.

IIhan Omar needs to STOP her hate speech

Criticizing someone e for the things they say isn’t hate speech. Any attempt to equate the two is simply trying to silence the people criticizing you.

She needs to apologize for all the hateful comments and speeches she makes towards the Jewish people. Thank you to President Trump for shining a light on this anti Semite in our own government.

It was just a few people who said some things, really not a big deal. Ilhan should stop playing victim

No death threats. Just some people saying some things.

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