Hayes: Amid coronavirus surge, U.S. stuck with ‘same horrible choice’ as in start of pandemic

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.Chrislhayes on surge in U.S. coronavirus cases: “We could have found our way to some form of normal life. But our leaders did not do what was necessary to get there. So, we are stuck — back with the same horrible choice we had fourteen weeks ago.”


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chrislhayes Speaks volumes about the people in charge leading this country.

chrislhayes This is indeed the tragedy of your situation. We feel for you (well, we feel for the good people in the US, the idiots can burn in hell)

chrislhayes Bullshit.

chrislhayes Damn barber shops.

chrislhayes C Hayes. Nuff said

MauraLeeLang chrislhayes Exactly! We have failed this test twice. Our economy and stability as a country cannot handle this repeatedly.

chrislhayes Typical socialist drivel from fake news msnbc

chrislhayes Thank the protesters and rioters.

chrislhayes I call bull💩 FakeNews LameStreamMedia MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople TRUMP2020 FourMoreYears

chrislhayes Somehow the orange one is convinced he has more of a chance of winning the election if he just gets enough people pissed off.

chrislhayes tRump sucks hard!

chrislhayes Just like any other virus or disease there will be cases & death every year! He’s an effing idiot! Doesn’t matter how many times we shut down or what the Gov. does, it’s here to stay! A surge in cases means nothing! Let’s just keep control of death rate!

chrislhayes As Americans, we should all be so very tired of EVERYONE not doing a thing and pointing to all the 'leaders' as failures, all the while, not doing one thing to help anyone. Whining, complaining, what do you think you are teaching our children. Ur own children?

chrislhayes 💥We were all told that there would be spikes as we open up our country the leftist propaganda ministries are politicizing the pandemic for political gain the truth is the death rate is extremely low and most people don't even have symptoms These states will make adjustments!!💥

chrislhayes The surge is the direct result of those under 35 not following the CDC guidelines. Play by the rules or experience the consequences.

chrislhayes Because u promoted protests. It's not from the beach.

chrislhayes And it has nothing to do with the rioting?

chrislhayes When are you going to start looking into ObamaGateIsReal? Are you into becoming part of the Treason coverups?

chrislhayes Crying Chris coronavirus criticism created concern calling cuomo corrupt

chrislhayes The “C” in Chris obviously stands for Constipated ! Just look at that face !! Hahahaha He’s FOS


chrislhayes Irritable Bowel Syndrome is painful, huh Chris

chrislhayes DNCRiots kill

chrislhayes MSDNC news,,I can't even listen to you,this comment is for US national news. You seem to follow the same line of bullshit that these other moronic zombies follow. But don't you worry, I blocked you and you won't hear from me again!

chrislhayes Americans are about to become “Persona Non Grata”, In most countries. Trump is turning the US into a “Shithole” Country. Full of disease. The world IS Watching.

chrislhayes I see a lot of protesters not wearing mask and not social distancing so please add the blame to them as well

chrislhayes FoxNews EpochTimes Democrat As New York resident flee the State due to riots, pandemic, looting, and attacks on police, they take coronavirus to Florida and Texas raising the infection rates.

chrislhayes Exactly. We could have taken the only real choice months ago to prevent this spread. Close America in Feb and we could have contained, it is truly a TrumpVirus of incompetence.

chrislhayes EU about to restrict Americans from travelling to Europe. How low the mighty has fallen! Hey Americans, doesn’t this give you great pride on the eve of July 4?

chrislhayes Your stuck spreading fake news to anyone who will listen....

chrislhayes Yes absolutely. The governor's and mayor's promoting thousands of protestors and letting them gather is pathetic. How many people will die from protestors spreading the virus

chrislhayes It's fine. Building herd immunity. NoLivesMatter

chrislhayes Any healthcare worker who watched the protests could have told you this would happen. The timing of the surge matches the incubation period and the age demographics match the age of the protesters. It’s wasn’t the bars and restaurants, but shouting sick ppl infecting others.


chrislhayes Shut it back down and keep it that way until we reach a bell curve. No matter how many angry rednecks play army guy cosplay at reopen protests. StayAtHome

chrislhayes Comrade Hayes is a scumbag. The people made their own choices. There is a reason why contact tracers are forbidden to ask infected people if they were in a protest.

chrislhayes You sure the uptick has nothing to do with the gatherings of 70,000 that happened 2-3 weeks ago, rather than the reopenings that occurred 2 months ago to which liberal journalists responded with 'wait two weeks!'

chrislhayes I want to see the evidence of the surge. I don’t know anyone with corona virus. I know nobody who has died from the illness.


chrislhayes Who are you again? Rachel Maddow’s little sister?


chrislhayes And the propaganda continues. MS-DNC.

chrislhayes THANKS RIOTERS

chrislhayes Ya this has nothing to do with doctors telling people that racism is worse then Corona n it was ok to go out and riot in the streets cause the timeline match’s up with how long it takes Covid to show from when these protest took place but it’s trumps fault! Fuck you guys!!

chrislhayes There is no surge in the fake virus, just more Fake News!


chrislhayes Look at the real s. read EVERYTHING. Don't B manipulated by those who 'hate Trump'. How? It's in the details. The hospitalizations include Any1 w/flu, pneumonia, not just Covid. US is testing over 500,000 ppl a day. Many 20-30 y.o. test pos. Didn't even know they had Covid👀👀

check out to see how your area is doing and also see Scientists progress

chrislhayes No we are not. You want everyone unemployed and on the government dole. Isn’t our country already 30 trillion in debt? You do know a huge chunk of that money is from China.

chrislhayes Our Lives Matter 3 Strikes Accountability Act (perspective bill) - Sign the Petition! via Change Be impactful make a difference Defeat Hate with Unity fb pg under Garner Woodson.

chrislhayes chrislhayes actually looks pissed in the photo. How do I know, it’s in the details of his face lines. I’m pissed too Chris!

chrislhayes I can't help but wonder if the whole country would have been shut down at the same time for a couple of months if that might have gotten us through this more effectively.

chrislhayes Discipline n compliance with the laid procedures are important in overcoming this dreaded killer disease.

chrislhayes Government leaders can no longer afford to be soft on mask wearing and crowd sizes.

chrislhayes Yes, same horrible choice...seeing posts from you. Yeeesshhhh. Quite awful indeed.

chrislhayes He gave you all choices to govern you states and you all failed..

chrislhayes Clearly Trump's agenda if of self interest even if it causes the destruction of The USA. Trump would even allow the defeat of US military so he can have a Trump Moscow.

chrislhayes From Australia. Stay home and save lives. Keeping Apart keeps us together. Really simple, easier said than done, but worked for us. Only 104 deaths nationally. Good wishes to my Americans friends. Take care.


chrislhayes The face of TDS


chrislhayes It’s as if people have been rioting and looting in close proximity for the past month, someone should have warned them it would lead to an increase in coronavirus cases.

chrislhayes Serious Chris? Way back to normal as rioters and looters have been at it running around lawless in masses for a month? You’re joking right?

chrislhayes Cuomo kills 6000 though Stupidity and Chris ' Joseph Goebbels ' Hayes wants to Attack President Trump.

chrislhayes Chris you can't blame the right, a couple weeks ago you were urging people to get out and protest.

jnagle4995 chrislhayes

chrislhayes It all traces back to the horrible choice made 44 months ago.

chrislhayes We need more protests to forget about corona for a few weeks and then say wow it’s spiking


chrislhayes Ya so let's do it the democrat way protest ,loot,riot.burn cities down .ya. That makes sence

chrislhayes Spot on, Chris. He has to go - and he can take his feckless Administration and GOP Senate supporters with him. We don't want any of them. They have ALL failed to protect Americans.

chrislhayes Biden Claims His Plan Would Put 720 Million Women To Work – In A Country Of 330 Million People (VIDEO)

chrislhayes Here’s what the Bible says about trump and it’s not good

chrislhayes Speak on it Chris. Facts!! The US is running in circles.

chrislhayes Dr. Riley should have told you that we have lots of contact tracers in California, and what they’re finding is that most of the new cases are directly related to people having gatherings in their private homes, a much bigger source than reopened businesses !

chrislhayes When the host gives you the choice of switching doors, you should always switch. It doubles the odds in your favor. America is about to make a better deal, and Trump is the goat.


chrislhayes - Good Thing America has WIDE OPEN Borders -

chrislhayes Yeah and it doesn’t look like they used the time to come up with better strategies to work better this time. Denial has not helped.

chrislhayes Thank the Democrats for “peaceful “ protests that turned into looting, rioting, and vandalism

chrislhayes If anyone believes anything the 4hrew studies ABC. CBS. NBC. Or MS any thing CNN or alike you were being deceived. In all sense of the word! Please people start thinking for your selfs. Do your own research and figuere thing out for your selfs. At least that?!

chrislhayes Nuts

chrislhayes Oh flip you. It’s a VIRUS.

chrislhayes MSM and Democrats continue to attack, America.. We are in the process of preparing .. Enough is Enough..

chrislhayes Did ilhan Omar Marry her brother

chrislhayes Chris was on 🔥 tonight. I like angry Chris.


chrislhayes absolutefailure


chrislhayes I cant imagine what might have happened to cause a spike in cases largely among younger people Thats a toughie 🤔🤔

chrislhayes Yeah, right. John Q Public didn’t do what’s right. Blame everything on the government. cultureclash

chrislhayes Glad they ruled out the two + weeks of protesting as having any impact on increasing numbers 🙄

chrislhayes Well, God Damn! We should have put Chrislhayes in charge! Bastard might've gotten the Nobel Prize in Medicine! If he wants to make things better, he needs to share what he knows about fighting the Chinese Virus!

chrislhayes Abbot, Desantis, Lt. Patrick are the greatest losers of all time. AbbottResign DeSantisResign PatrickResign

chrislhayes I'm beginning to think where we are now is what failure looks like. We blew it.

chrislhayes Lies

chrislhayes The mob will eventually come after MSNBC & CNN

chrislhayes I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when they told Trump that he needs to wear safety goggles.

chrislhayes Everything is pretty normal here in WV, except for some people wearing masks out in public 🤷🏻‍♂️.

chrislhayes Trump is not only a failure, he ignored the fact that Putin is paying cash bounty for dead Americans soldier's in Afghanistan in 2019. Trump is a traitor

chrislhayes Guess we need to get Democrat governors to make some more decisions.

chrislhayes GregAbbott_TX JohnCornyn this is you!!!

chrislhayes We should all go protest this atrocity.

chrislhayes I just took a walk after getting a trim after 4 months and saw too many people sitting on the Street. They may not get COVID-19 but an automobile accident is waiting to happen. No cops to be found anywhere, unless they were in plain clothes.

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