Has the nation made progress since George Floyd's death? Activists say more must be done

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Three months after George Floyd’s death, Black Americans still face inequalities in housing, education, healthcare, food security and jobs, activists say.

. Lawmakers in New York and several other states and cities passed legislation to ban police chokeholds.“A whole lot more needs to be done in terms of investing in the community," said Newsome, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Greater New York., which sparked nationwide Black Lives Matter social justice protests that put pressure on city, state and federal officials to consider police reform and renew calls for racial equality.

Demonstrators are now calling for reforms that would outlaw voter suppression, create jobs and close the wealth gap. They also want government officials to invest money into poor communities of color toward quality education systems, access to affordable housing and healthcare. “The problem is that what we are seeing is a patchwork response," Fisher said."And when you have a patchwork response, where you see varied responses from different municipalities, it’s very hard for that to do anything more than be a band-aid.”Some lawmakers said the protests motivated them to move fast on police reform, but they are running into red tape., which would end certain police practices, such as the use of no-knock warrants and chokeholds.

Rashad Robinson, president of Color of Change, a New York-based civil rights advocacy group, said divesting and downsizing police and increasing funding for poor communities is key to ending systemic racism within law enforcement. “We had to act with urgency,” Mosqueda said. “For decades we’ve been seeing Black men and women, people of color, dying on camera. We’ve been seeing month after month here in the city of Seattle and across the nation, excessive force used .”Some cities are empowering or reinstalling civilian review boards.


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It needs, must, change.

Not really. Things usually happen very slow.

They’ve all been out marching up and down the streets rioting and looting. You know who else is experiencing forced inequality in housing, healthcare, food security and jobs? The innocent looted business owners.

George Gloyd died of a drug overdose. Watch the 34 minute police cam video on YouTube. I did

Of course not, BLM has been taken over by radicals and people reject it. Rioting, looting and destroying property is not something we listen to...

This feels a little like gas lighting. So what’s the solution? Changes from ALL stakeholders takes time and effort.

No because it was highjack by the protesters who looted and burned

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Shit they're all caught up in drugs guns and violence for the most part. Some of them are good. But from my experience living in Jersey City- which is all black/spanish community. Alcholics, drugs, violence on a daily basis. They do it to themselves....

BLM is too busy tearing places down to worry about making progress

Activist have opinions just like everyone else. Let’s focus on policy, data and career accomplishments. Remove emotion and focus on logic. Be a free thinker.

Because rioting isn’t a progressive move forward. But the Left doesn’t know that.

Did you really think it would?

It's not gonna change over night. It's not even gonna change in a year. These changes are gonna take time. Mean while, WE'VE GOT TO KEEP FIGHTING

Yes, towards more division.

stop deadnaming DeLaGeorge Floyd

only inequalities blacks face is getting more then anyone else and doing far less and complaining the absolute most . They are parasites

Obama didn't address your complaints during his 8 years in office but he's supper rich now. And now yoy think his lacky vp will fix it all. Mabey it won't change because you can't fix stupid. But we can hope.

With systemic inequalities going on for decades, changes will take more than 3 months to be figured out and corrected. Good old liberal media once again stirring the pot.

So dems haven’t come through on their promise, again. Vote out incumbents for real change.

A multiple time convicted violent felon is the best icon/role model they could come up with? VERY sad commentary.

Wait so the black box Instagram posturing didn’t cure racism?

So now activists are the experts. Save the whales.

Defunding police doesnt show progress!!! ITs a step back to the wild west

They still don't wanna work but siting on the chair waiting everything will seed to them.

black owned businesses should help black peoples.

Nothings going to change nothings going to change. Stop voting for Democrats all they do is spread fear and do nothing for the black community

Now talk about the discrepancies between Asian and White Americans in income. That must be ray-cism huh?

when you act like animals you will be treated like animals George Floyd death means one less shit for brains crackhead no loss at all



Yeah well they keep walking around big cities show how violent they can be and how destructive. Ain't nobody want that to live next to them, to work for them. Maybe grow up and people will quit turning away. Respect is earned not demanded.

Who thought this was instant change? Protests are a catalyst. Real change is difficult and boring. It will take endurance and no matter what we want to happen it will be incremental - we're talking about systemic changes here.

I think this story should be an opinion only story,but the media loves pandering

Change is slow. Let’s hope we’re moving in the right direction. BLM

Did the nation made progress with JoeBiden? He has been in GOV for 40+ years and did NOTHING

extravagant equality is another word for theft.

Couldn’t fix all that in 3 months? Failure.

Progress in three months on issues dating back 400? Stop being and writing in an ignorant manner.

Activists felt all of their grievances would be solved within 3 months?

'Three months'

Guess what, nothing will change until it changes at the bottom, so another wasted opportunity

Time black American cleans up black Americans.. then watch how fast you have social justice.. Time blacks people take a accountability for their actions

Did you really think destruction of black business, burning police depts or hating Trump would change anything?

Hmm. Wonder why voting for the same thing over and over leads to the same thing over and over?

you mean ALL that money that corporations gave to BlackLivesMatter , didn’t make it back to the communities they supposedly represent? shocker

Joe and Kamala abre bringing hope to USA! Vote! Due to the late slow disastrous approach to pandemia by Trump, USA is a huge graveyard with more than 176000 coronavirus patient’s deaths. Trump destroyed the economy and cannot respond to racial crisis properly! Vote ! Blue

Because instead of helping they would rather loot.

What an idiotic thing to say! Anti-Black racism has existed and been practiced in the US over the past 400 years. Do you think it will go away in 3 months?

Three whole months and nothing has changed? If only there was Joe Biden in charge, maybe with an African American at his side. They could fix it in a snap. Oh wait, they had 8 years...

You thought we’d solve centuries of racism in 3 months?

Just give Joe some time to put our country back together. God only knows what wheeling and dealing under the table crap trump has done to us. We'll get there.

That’s a damn lie!!

It’s 3 fucking months my gosh. Perhaps not burning down your own cities could be a great start.

No. Until we start speaking with our wallets they will not listen.

I meant the media has made progress name One thing the Democratic Party has done to make your life Better last year Think about it !!!!!

In 3 months, Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Mrs. Butterworth & the Confederacy has been “erased”. That all helped with equality, right?😊

Racism is built into the DNA of America it will NEVER change until the HEART changes😢

Everything takes time,even having a baby takes 9 months, everything is a process

Race baiting pro's. Y'all are helping SO MUCH.

Activists say. Too bad those activists are all about action (like looting, burning, killing) instead of getting the facts. They should be FACTivists then they would help people. Too bad the media is no more interested in facts than the activists.

Three months after Criminal’s death, Innocent white Americans and businesses Still being targeted by DomesticTerrorist groups BLM & Antifa.

Obama gave a great speech to the NAACP when he was president. He said, 'It's time for the African American community to pick it up. Don't dream of becoming the next Lebron James, or Little Kim. Dream of becoming a scientist.' It's going to take a change in culture.

That pos again!

Of course. Even under the best circumstances, these things take time, and with Trump and the GOP Senate around, NOTHING will happen. VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

Great book on what is happening and why. The Media is fully engaged in pushing a false narrative.

What a vapid article.

You thought it would be solved in months? Black peoples have had the knee of state, local and Federal governments on their necks for centuries - not to mention the terrorism of the klan. Even an elephant leans the length of it’s cable tow.

HELL NO! the nation has not made progress!! We may never recover from the horrendous destruction and murders done by terrorists organizations BLM and Antifa. Change doesn’t come this way. America is NOT on their side!!!

If only more meth addicts would over dose on Fentanal the world be equal and rainbows would drop gold coins.

1. Fuck George Floyd. 2. No it hasn't done a thing, but make it way worse. 3. The BLM riots set us back a hundred years. People are starting to hear Nene Simone singing. It's about to get way worse.

How was a fentanyl juicing criminal supposed to change that?

3 months thinks major societal shifts are possible in 3 months C’mon, this article originated in The Onion right?

Good lord it took many a life time to get this far! What did you expect. All the housing, dental etc to just appear. Get a grip

Burning and looting is not the answer

What a stupid headline. How could equality be achieved in a few months?

The police tried to save Floyd's life using a technique that was taught to them and part of the Minneapolis PD's Book of Procedures. The idea they killed him has been debunked by the official Medical Examiner's autopsy report.


The 'movement' has extorted billions of dollars. If they've achieved nothing it's not a surprise..extortion is corruption to garner power.

All people have these problem. Stop race baiting. Anyone in America can better themselves. Always going to be rich and poor. The way it works. Socialism does not work.

Keep the division going USA Today. It’s the MSM and the Democrats that are racist so it makes sense that you keep driving a wedge.

First step .... stop burning down black businesses and begin caring about ALL lives especially black on black killings

Get a load of these idiots at . Well guess What? It's been decades since you've been a operating as a newspaper (not months like the Floyd case), and you still can't figure out how to an objective news outlet.

MundoHispanico HispanicFed votevets RockTheVote If white supremacists march through town with torches burning, Joe will not say 'there are good people on both sides' & David Duke will never endorse Joe Biden. Text VOTE to 30330 to Save Democracy-vote-vote-vote WhenWeAllVote

It starts at home... if you have a fatherless society with cradle to grave welfare dependency that expects everyone to help them this is the behavior you get ...it stopped being about Floyd a long time ago

USA TODAY is a propaganda rag.. Every four years, Democrats stir racism to get voters to the polls.. And then ignore them until the next election..People are waking up to this scam and are Walking Away from the party of Slavery.. Nice try...

Just say “...Black Americans still face inequalities in everything.”

Hard facts for everyone in life...your choices define you

Black people continue to kill black people

Well burning down cities is sure a shifty way to convince others to help them out 😂

And they still face BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE!!! REDRUM!!!!! REDRUM!!! REDRUM!!!!!

We have not made progress in MD. Evictions continue.I’m still homeless as a result of filing a discrimination complaint against Bozzuto.White state employees refuse to enforce laws to protect Blacks in legal disputes that involve white people.Our lives still don’t matter.

And for 50 years you’ve been voting Democrats in to help solve these issues and what has it gotten you absolutely nothing

Almost a year they spy me.

Headline from 2050: “Three DECADES after George Floyd’s death, Black Americans still face inequalities in housing, education, healthcare, food security and jobs” Why? B/c these protests/riots are not about progress & improvement. It’s all about anger. And it’s political.

The goal of white power is to stay in power and eliminate other ethnicities. So, how would equal education,healthcare,housing,food,and jobs for blacks help the nationalist cause? It doesn't benefit white power agenda,so people have to fight for change. It's not going to be easy.



BLM and company: Still violently protesting, holding siege of cities, rioting, looting, burning, stopping emergency vehicles on National Highways, and murdering. Difference? Criminal violence is approved by the democrat party and the MSM as 'justice'

Rubber Floyd

RT amyklobuchar SenSchumer MrAndyNgo blame Amy and chuck Schumer Minneapolis in ruins, Portland in ruin, Denver burns, riots Beverly Hills. Cuomo looting public treasury


Look to Joe Biden. He was in government over 40 yrs. Suddenly the system is unbearable?

We got rid of that pesky Aunt Jemima 🤦‍♂️

Trump Regime Must Go! Everyone Must VOTE This Inept, Corrupt, Lawless WH GONE!

Has BLM used any of their millions they received in donations to further any of these causes? What communities have they helped? What neighborhoods have they improved? What schools have they bought new equipment for? Time for them to put their money where there mouth is.

'More must be done!.....er, though we don't know exactly what'

wait, you mean after 3 whole months society hasn't changed completely? weird. maybe they need to riot and loot more to get something else, it seems to be their answer for everuthing now.

Reparations would be a start.

Once again trying to make a saintout of a f**cking violent criminal. Pick on someone worthy of being a matyre.

As do white people and basically anyone growing up poor.


Trump is still president so don't expect any changes. As a matter of fact, he wants to keep it that way.

You are never go to even begin to solve these problems until you strengthen the family unit

And they will 20 yrs from now because they going about it the wrong way.

Black Americans face the same 'inequities' that other poor American face, and middle class and wealthy Americans do not face. It's not a matter of race but a matter of income.

3 months

This headline... What in the world did people think was going to happen because a suspect was killed by the police? Does USA Today really think that this will be the catalyst that would solve all black people’s problems in the world?

What has B L M done to uplift the communities. What have they built, sponsored or improved?

Did you see the leaked Body cam footage of the Floyd murder?


Stop stiring the shit. Which party has focused on blocking school choice? Trump has fought for it so they fought him.

This is such a millennial tweet

Why are they burning down the buildings responsible for giving them housing , education, healthcare, food security and jobs? That may help their cause .

What did you expect in 90 days? It's not like the black community hasn't had a leg up, US taxpayers have paid out over $26,000,000,000,0000 in welfare and aid programs to the poor over the last 50 years. At some point enough is enough.

Seem to be logical when your representation os an individual who was a criminal found to have died from a fentanyl overdose in the course of an aggravated arrest circumstance. No one buys the bs narratives anymore.

A whole three months? After rioting, burning the cities, and looting Louis Vuitton shoes, Gucci, and Coach items? How could that be?

With this current administration it comes as no surprise.

IAmSophiaNelson ...And Breonna Taylor’s killers are still free JusticeforBreonnaTalyor

JewSA TODAY so insightful!

George floyds death had nothing to do with any if those issues.

OMG-OmniabsoluteGRAVITATIONAL-CONSTANT: Thus any US/Americans that say that s/he was discriminated against is INEPTED? Albeit, only the USA's🇺🇸{Second Coming of Jesus Christ's ultimate & complete Consummation}. Is the essence to being COMPETITIVE with his/her Co-Earthlings. GRIN

They think it should be given to them for free.

We also can't go Police Gunless, kneeless, armless....robots and cameras? A ha!

What's even stupider is the question. 3 months? Really? People can't divorce in three months. You're making stories to make news up. They haven't changed the stimulus 🤷🤦

we've learned the power of the media to deceive and manipulate.

Like Biden. ALL BLACK people are disadvantaged morons. 🤯 2020, got it, go home, the 'SJWs) shouldn't and DONT have to be beaten like a drum. No one protesting African Dictators or current slavery. BLM is hypocritical by action and Hypothetical by mission statement reparations

No they don't

Because all the resources needed are being diverted to clean up and rebuild the mess rioters and looters made.

We are ALL VICTIMS? archer rephrasing

He died of 'fentanyl' overdose?

Three month's after BLM has set back race relations 50 years

What did they expect? There are millions of white people in the same boat.

Inequities Have you talked to Latinos, NativeAmericans, single moms, women in general, kids who've aged out of FosterCare, non corporate farmers, Muslims, Jewish, small town Usa, Inner City, new immigrants, -'seems like anyone other than elite Democrats or hard-working Gop

Shocking. A bunch of BLM protests didn't solve all the issues in three months?! You're kidding, right?

Some of These replies are ignorant & for uninformed idiots with rose colored glasses on.


Damn someone should tell Denzel Washington Sam Jackson Oprah Shaq Michael Vick Gucci mane Tech n9ne Candace Owens Condoleezza Rice Beyoncé Idris Elba Lil Wayne Obama Stevie wonder Whoopi Goldberg Nicki Minaj Chris Rock 50 cent Booker T ....

But the syrup is fixed so...

Says USA Today! Fake News!

Progress only that many people’s eyes are now open to the injustices but a lot of work that has to be done is just in the beginning stages. We have far to go

There are plenty of jobs, always been welfare (food, healthcare, housing). You can’t make people get off their asses and work for stuff when the Liberals are always giving them free shit!

Wait I thought the libs abolished aunt Jemima and tore down a bunch of statues; that didn't cure racial inequality?

3 months...hahaha, you cannot be serious. Does the Communist Today's Marxist editors truly believe that real change will occur by riots? No, the riots serve a purpose to further the failed ideology of Democrats who above all else, crave power and wealth.

It's especially difficult in cities run by Democrats, who allow terrorists to run wild & riot, loot, and burn down businesses.

'Activists say.'

Maybe swallowing fentanyl doesn't do much for anyone, no matter the colour.

What happened when Obama was president? Oh, he did nothing.

That's because Democrats are still in charge of the systems and cities where black Americans mostly reside. From the school teachers, school boards, police, city council and mayors, usually the governor. All liberal Democrats.

Agreed. And testing for COVID19, for which they are more at risk. EndRacismNow BlackLivesMatter

Hello, please check out my gig if you need any kind of graphic design.

WPXI WTAE WVNS59News kare11 WBOY12News wsbtv Who's Antwon Rose, Rayshard Brooks,George Floyd, Breonna Taylor Amari Wise & Elijah McClain? Where's Video,Autopsy? False Narratives create Racial Hate. REAL Issue is DRUG POLICY that Trafficks & Murders WV kids for NC/TX Cocaine

Who’s Jeff Flynn?

What do you want ? Floyd is not hero. He doesn’t deserve to die but he is not the hero people should follow

NOT burning some of those black owned businesses down might have helped their cause, even if only a bit.

All kinds of assistance available. Jobs may be tough for anyone right now. All the rest is available for low income individuals.

who cares about the crack out George Floyd

REmember... don't lose your family assets to Medcaid's and ExpandedMedicaid's EstateRecovery programs.

Under democrat control....

Almost hard to believe burning down black neighborhoods and painting platitudes on streets didn't 100% end racism.

To be clear, there will never be a time they won't think like that because it benefits them financially. BLM is making rich black men richer. If they took over the whole country they would still be whining about inequities.

and health insurance too!

“Activists say” — reality says all Americans are offered these things with responsible behavior

Wait till trump is kicked out of office

Actually, that’s all lie. An absolute lie.

realDonaldTrump failed in race relations

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