Harris rallies for Georgia Democrats, tells voters to overcome suppression efforts

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

'Why are so many powerful people trying to make it so difficult for us to vote?' VP-elect Harris says. 'We have to ask the question why, but we know the answer, because they know our power. They know when we vote, things change.'

posing a challenge to Democrats who hope to turn out voters of color and young people, groups that typically are hit hardest by restrictive voting laws., saying it was creating long lines and discouraging voters from casting their ballots during the state's three weeks of early voting."We knew like Stacey Abrams has been telling us and organizing against it, we knew there would be powerful people trying to prevent us from voting," she said.

"We knew the kind of games they would play to make it difficult, to suppress our vote, to make it confusing, to discourage us," Harris told the crowd to a crowd that cheered and honked their horns."So we again ask as it relates to January 5th, the same question we asked in November: Why are so many powerful people trying to make it so difficult for us to vote?" she said."We have to ask the question why, but we know the answer, because they know our power.

Harris was joined on stage briefly by the two Senate Democratic hopefuls, before departing. She will return to Washington, D.C., to vote on a Covid relief package working its way through Congress on Monday.


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Harris is a traitor, she know what I said. Fraud, coup,treason,all is what they made.


The power of Dominion probably.

I still say there is something about her I don’t like, don’t know exactly what it is yet; but she’s not what she appears to be.

Why have Democrats worked so hard to deny a valid count of the vote? Removing people who would verify damaged ballots were properly filled in, counted only one time and out of State votes weren't mixed in? We can't trust you.

Corporations might get kicked to the back of the line.

Things change but the question is it for the better or for the worst..,In the case of Democrats like Kamala Harris it definitely is for the worst...the socialist left platform she has run on will simply destroy democracy and send this beautiful country down the drain!!! 👍🏻🇺🇸👍🏻

Correct. Anything but republican. Vote!

Translation: how dare anyone try to audit votes and voting systems.

AND VOTE FOR THE NEW HUNTER BIDEN AKA OSSOFF. And Warnock who ATTACK THE MILITARY, SUMMER CAMP PLAUGE WITH CHILD ABUSE and new video showing him and his wife in a Domestic Dispute. And WHY should we vote for creeps like this?

The question is Kamala, how much are you getting out of this Hefty Stimulus package ?

No body is trying to make ir hard to vote, just do it legally. The real question is why are only Democrats trying to make it easy to illegally vote. Answer is that it helps to cover up their corruption

The Wicked Witch has Spoken..

FTFY “Why are so many powerful people trying to make it so people who are ineligible can vote?” VP-elect Harris says. “We ask the question, but we know the answer, because we want power and will do anything to get it.'

Its so easy to vote in the US, ANYONE can vote in our elections regardless of citizenship. No other country on earth allows this, because its national suicide

You have EVERY right to vote y’all did a DAMN good job dontcha think, IF Biden got 85 MILLION votes... 😉😂

Right. Your votes are mostly fake, and your outcomes are what you want them to be.

Shameless Chinese community part’s prostitute

How is it difficult to have an ID? I don't know and never met anyone who didn't have some kind of form of ID.

Because she can only get elected if the system is totally open to fraud.

She didn't rally that much for herself... Guess she knew they had it taken care of... “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” - Joe Biden

she is a demo=rat ,a commy of sort

1. Register 2. Show Up. Wow that's too hard...Shut up, you just want to cheat.

What a joke, not gonna be as hard on them as u were with trump nbc?

Know what would cure it all, HeelsUpHarris? Voting in person with a photo ID. Your party continuously fights the latter. Wonder why....🤔

I owe you an apology to ever doubt your sincerity and professionalism. It’s was just like a dream to me when I received my first payment. After my second payment it became a reality now after several payments it has become a way of life. sharon_trader11

When you steal elections fair and square I guess things do change

I don't know anyone who has trouble voting.

Rank and file republicans, do you ever step back and think 'if we have to suppress the vote to win maybe we're the bad guys'? No? Because you were never told to have that thought? K.

She’s clearly delusional

What a Joke.

Sharia laws and legalizing pedophilea is what Harris and Biden are all about. Harris and pedophile Biden are bought by the Chinese communist party.

Why are so many powerful people making it so hard for us to check to see if votes were legal?

Hysterical and hypocritical but typical.



Yoooo Amiga you a clown 😂❤️

Why is this woman getting so much media attention? VP doesn't do jack all, never has. She's in a position that is useless.

I can only pray my brain is capable of four years of Kamala Harris genius.

It has never been easier to register and vote than it is now in the USA. Harris' narrative is a lie, nothing else.

Kamala believes minorities cannot figure out how to vote. Don’t own cars. No internet. Can’t research and no independent thoughts. Typical Democrat looking down on people.

So why does the DNC cheat?

It's obviously not difficult to vote.... illegally.

I’m for voter verification. We should all want confidence in our election system. 2020 was an unusual year with unusual circumstances. But I don’t want to deal with loose mail in voting they way it was done this year ever again. ✌🏻🤷🏻‍♂️🇺🇸

It’s always about changing the constitution. They hate America.

Voter ID is not making voting more difficult, its safeguarding the vote.

They’re trying to make it harder for the dems to cheat, there was tons of election fraud and you guys are glossing aver it

Like McConnell & Linney G. they're Confederates...... dis is their MO

Shittiest country ever 😣🇺🇲

This is the first time I agree with her. Voting is power, but cheaters never win the war, maybe a battle but not the war.

We aren’t accepting CCP corrupt representative joe to be installed in our white house! We want realDonaldTrump to fight for the US just like Abraham Lincoln did! USA USA USA!

When someone is able to open their coffin, dig through 6 feet of dirt, they ought to be able to show their id when voting.

$2000 direct to all! monthly!

Yes an id is horrible You need one for alcohol and cigarettes Hell some places cold medicine But voting. Anything goes kamalasucks

If they have to cheat to win you know they suck. Free Georgia from the racist. Bring back tourist dollars.

So people doesn’t need an ID with photo to vote? If you don’t need and ID to vote, why I should have an ID with photo then?

It isn't difficult to vote. You show up, you vote (while observed by poll watchers) , you leave.

She is more evil than Hillary, and that’s hard to do.

The GOP doesn't want people to vote because the GOP has lost the popular vote in every presidential election in the last 30 years except 2004. When people vote, the GOP loses and they know it.

If the Dems win this country will change in ways you never even thought about.

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