Harleys everywhere, masks nowhere: Sturgis draws thousands

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Thousands of bikers are pouring into the small South Dakota city of Sturgis as the 80th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally rumbles to life. The rally could become one of the largest public gatherings since the coronavirus pandemic began.

Daily virus cases have been trending upward in South Dakota, but the 7-day average is still only around 84, with fewer than two deaths per day.

“I fell in love with the rally. I love the sound of the bikes,” said Bill Sudkamp, who was making his 20th consecutive rally appearance. “It looked like South Dakota was plateauing mostly,” Sudkamp said. “It will be interesting to see what it looks like in two weeks.”


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Well I'm ready for those dip dongs. They did it to themselves. I have no pity except for their families. I ride a Harley too but not this year. And I have no desire to hang out with a bunch of Cult Trumpettes. But I would love to take them for their last ride.


This is the same bike rally when my non-white, SD police officer son-in-law who wanted to pick up extra money while serving as security, was told by SD law enforcement ' no, bc we can't guarantee your safety.' Yeah great group of people

You guys are absolute idiots!

Your shame ship has sailed

Glad to see it! Curious, though, if so one cuts a finger and someone gets tetanus, Will it be diagnosed as COVID? Sturgis2020 isupportsturgis sturgis sturgisstrong


Awesome ..... it is great to see people living again ......:)

I suppose I'm less concerned about these covidiots on Harleys getting sick in Sturgis than I am about the thousands they'll infect as they roar back into their hometowns. Real tough guys make sacrifices for the sake of others.

Bunch of white trash... let 'em get sick. The smart people aren't having visitors and congregating. I can't help you if you can't think for yourself.

Sturgis, SD & Mayor Mark Carstensen needs to have a class action lawsuit against them. His claim that the rally of covidiots will be spread out over hundreds of acres is bogus. They all converge on that little town. Covidiots on phallic symbols will be carrying it back to YOU!

The media is extremely upset people are having fun and getting back to normal.



Darwin will be very busy.


Yeow, well, we’ll see who the crybabies are in about 7 to 10 days. Tell them to eat some “potato” soup to feel better.

a_fly_guy COVID Fest North

Covid Donny will be there.

Watch the numbers go up in the next to weeks!


Ironically this so called hardcore bikers are famous for their skull and flame inspired face masks. SMH

Remember this beauty?

I dare ANTIFA to pay a visit!

crystal_NoTrump As protesters, we poured into the streets...so now they do too...God Help America. That's all I can say.

Good for them. Now do the violent riots in some of our cities.

No comment on DC rioters, Portland Riots, CHOP, NY thousands... just 'white people' in a state that has NEVER been shut down... gsys

Sturgis is Wonkaland. The bikers are all Veruca Salt. The hospitality workers of South Dakota are the Oompa Loompas. COVID 19 is Charlie Bucket. 🤦🏽‍♂️

“I wish them well”

Good for them!

And the Darwin Award Goes To......

All of them are Trump supporters. Let them all get it.

Naw the biggest would be the communist gathering nightly for riots and blm destruction of Minnesota

Its a peaceful protest.

mmwlawtaos1 Even the Isle of Man cancelled its TT this year. Result is... the Isle on Man is covid clear. 😷

I’ll bet there will be a flood of bikes for sale next month.

Bigger than the protests/riots we've seen the last several months when COVID wasn't mentioned during their gatherings? Or is COVID only a threat to crowds of conservative type folks? Just curious? Trump2020 WalkAwayFromDemocrats WalkAwayFromLiberalMedia 'Sturgis' SturgisRally

Ohh come on man! Like our badass President Trump said, ' it's a peaceful protest'. Problem solved.


Sturgis-19 ? BLM-19? Covid-19?

Lets hope they wheel out quickly.

.....and more experiment. This is good for science🧐. It’s a novel virus with so much unknown about it. As long as they no the risk, I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Mostly stupid Trump supporters no doubt. We’ll be in semi-lockdown for two more years. After that, Trump’s Warp-Speed designed vaccine will turn those of us who survive into mindless, drooling, knuckle-dragging, zombies. In other words, it’ll turn us into Trump supporters.

I see dead people ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️☠️🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🔥🤡TRUMP2020☠️

I see dead people ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️☠️🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🤡TRUMP2020🤡

443777 More bikers showed up because they were hoping Antifa would show up.

I tweeted this 2 was ago. Still true today! Welcome to Florida, South Dakota. Bikers & realDonaldTrump won’t care when your loved ones are sick/dying. Businesses will make money & won’t care when you get sick or die for old hippies! Look for a new boss. Sturgis COVID19

macjeep1941 Fucking right! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

ColoradoGirl2A Wow, so many replies from people just full of fear. People put down your phones or keyboards and mind your own damn business! maskholes

The market will be flooded with cheap used Harley's in a couple of weeks.

shall we take a lottery on how many new covid cases?

Antifa gonna show up? Lmao.

The trash keeps taking itself out.

Let the bodies hit the floor

ai6yrham Holy Hell! These 250,000 idiots will have traveled to and from Sturgis spreading Covid killing Americans across the entire US! Why in the HELL wasn’t Sturgis SHUT DOWN?

What’s the average age of a Harley rider? If they want to go- cool! But.... ya’ll need to stay there for 4 weeks.

And the most devastating

south dakota lol..land of intellectuals y’all have real fun now alot of you won’t get another opportunity so live it up.. also, all you stupid mfers need to stay there for the remainder of your lives.

That “scaaaaarrreed” was supposed to sound like a sheep. All the kens and Karens on the mask patrol know what I mean.

It could be worse. They could all be locked up in their homes terrified of a virus with less than 1% mortality rate. Only the sheep are scared. Scaaaaarrreed. Lol

we’re never getting out of quarantine.

And one of the biggest gathering of dummies since Congress went out of session.

I pity all the people in that city. 60% voted to not having the rally but businesses owners pressured city officials so they let it happen.


Ventilators and catheters are in their future or maybe they'll just kill their parents or a neighbor's teen, but, hey, 'Merica. Be stupid.

All the protests were much larger.

Bye Trumpers


Well, no one said they were geniuses. This virus will last decades b/c of people's inability to do the right thing for 6 effing weeks. I'm so sick of this 💩.

Trading lives for alcohol, drugs, state income/economy. How much is economy worth? Alcohol= no masks, no distancing, COVID. HOW MANY DEATHS FOR ECONOMY $$? TWO WEEKS WILL BE THE JUDGE. RIP

So they end up infecting millions and how many will die from it?

So all of these bikers are from various states and each one could potentially either spread virus there if they have it or take virus home and infect family, neighbors, and friends. Then each of them continue to infect others.

teigland_cindy I'mma buy me a HEAVILY discounted bike out of the thousands that'll be available from some Covid dead schmuck's estate sale in a few months, vrrroom vrrroom! 🤦‍♂️ Sturgis2020 SturgisRally MaskItOrCasket ⚰️

russelltim151 A lote of bikes without bikers in the next months in the USA. The universe will get them.

F*ck the corona virus and all the people saying there's a pandemic. Everyone counting 'cases' which are people who test positive with or without symptoms. Lots of test are wrong. The only number that matter is ACTUAL deaths from covid not WITH covid. Scam


What about the tens of thousands of people marching in the streets in almost every major city in the country for the last 10 straight weeks? Bigger than those?

I think all the rioting protesting Millennial GenX PsOS need to go to Sturgis and do their fireworks, frozen water bottles, brick throwing acts on these dudes? js

tRump should be there.

Good chance to spread the viris to the stupid trumpies


I wish they had held the rally in Portland this year - go kick some serious ass, biker men! sickofblm sickofAntifaTerrorist

Good for them!

RIP Bikers

And the rest of the world laughs at the stupidity of Americans and its pathetic lack of leadership

Sturgis2020 While they're already conveniently assembled, are the folks who insist on 'freedom' to not wear mask during pandemic that has killed more than 160,000 Americans mounting a fierce protest against HELMET tyranny? If not, WHY not? CityofSturgis harleydavidson GOP

Stupid. These are stupid stupid selfish people.

If you Defy wearing masks you should be Denied medical attention

What could possibly go wrong?

At least wear a mask. No one cares if you die from your carelessness, but you don't have the right to take others with you. Sturgis2020 Sturgis

Does it matter as this is what they want. To be free to do this, have fun, get infected, get sick, spread the virus to friends and family, and for some to die. Let them be free. ap FoxNews abc cnn MSNBC gop dnc CBSNews NBCNews washingtonpost wsj nytimes Reuters npr

Let them kill each other off, I guess. Problem is......they’ll bring the virus home with them, and THAT SUCKS!!!

OMG! We’ll never be able to get rid of this virus! What they are doing is DELAYING even more the reopening and killing more people!! This is insanity! What a lack of patriotism!

The protests were angry and spontaneous after the 9 minute torture and execution of Floyd went viral. Yet they still wore masks! Your motorcyclists know better. They are the vulnerable population: smokers, fat, old. Why do they risk their lives? IMHO, Answer: peer pressure.

Superspreader event was what you meant to say...I'm sure.


That small town is fucking doomed

Not smart people! 😱😷😷

BLM and Antifa would disagree with that 2 months ago when 10’s of thousands amassed in large cities to loot and destroy. Stop race baiting AP. We see what is really going on today and that is why Trump and Maga will win again in 2020!!!

Let’s keep that border closed Canada.

fox12oregon KATUNews KGWNews KOINNews

Watch, 1-2 weeks after this, many rural areas will be overwhelmed with COVID. 😷😠

-whispers- I see dead people COVID19 Sturgis


Just report it as a riot protest and nobody will get covid

This is why the country can’t heal COVID19 COVID__19 coronavirus SturgisRally MoronsOnBikes

Entitled hells angles wanna be half wits ! What’s else is new ! Let them die off

Fools. Now they will bring the virus back to cities all over the country

BLM riot/protest anyone ?

Banning apps is more crucial at this point, who cares about pandemic and shiet?

Damn the leftist media is lying again!

There's no stopping desperately irrelevant white men.

Darwin is happy.

Looks like Trump might lose a few voters before Election Day. Womp womp

Less trump voters come November.

Wonder if BLM will be there to terrorize ?

Good Luck

Good luck, Sturgis.

Well...nope...too easy

And people had a problem with a house party in LA.

Annnnnnnd let me guess.. BREAKING FAKE NEWS: 10k bikers will spread the virus and kill the world 😱but 100k protest/rioters burning buildings no increase in cases nothing to see here move along 🙄

Lemmings! Unite!

It's a protest so it's OK guys

What could go wrong?

If they were protesters they wouldn't say shit!

Spike strips hahaha


Did you miss Portland every night for the last 3 months?

These gathering spread the viruses and the public will pay the price for it. So irresponsible and mean.

Don’t forget, STD’s like syphilis is on the rise. I’d say please wear a condom but I don’t want to infringe on your freedoms or liberty to catch a STD. Or perhaps get someone pregnant, but it’s her body her choice...so she can do as she pleases. maskup

Most of the protesters/ rioters you'll see now, wear masks to protect their identity. But they never wear them any other time. So shut it with the bikers and no masks.

*other than the socialist riots, of course.

Total IQ of everyone there....4

God help those idiotic people.

no justice, no peace, no masks

If rioting is fine...


In 6 weeks, there will be a glut of used Harleys for sale. SAD!

They are protesting

I am surprised that nobody told them Covid is spread through loud exhaust pipe.

Sounds like some great used Harley deals in the next few months.

Hell yes

No justice no peace no masks

No justice no peace no masks.

It’s hard to manage a pandemic when a third of the nation and its leaders are mad and has its own media to reinforce it.

No justice no peace, no masks

They allow it because the money they will make in their community, but what good is money if you’re dead?

Wasn’t that supposed to happen on 4th of July at Mt Rushmore?

A random test? We will get valuable data in few weeks. I hope they stay away from elderly and sick individuals. Oops they look like they meet the criteria above.

no justice no peace, no masks.

Just call it a riot and everything is good.

In a couple months you should be able to buy a Harley cheap

I'm genuinely interested in how this turns out. Not sure how well tracing is working in the US to guess at whether they'd be able to track a significant enough number of cases back to Sturgis if this does happen to lead to further outbreaks.

The Mayor and Governor should be held responsible if the COVID-19 increase after bike weekend. These are HUMAN BEINGS, not just NUMBERS!!!! Lives 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 OVER Money💰

So what percentage of these assholes are maGa? I’m guessing 98% 🤦🏻‍♂️

It’s hard to manage a pandemic when a third of the nation is mad and has its own media to reinforce it.

Be a shame if these idiots got sick. Sorry my empathy for these people is all used up.

The Sturgis bike rally is a super spreader event. It has all the conditions for producing the highest Covid related deaths thus far. It’s the “perfect storm” where participants are in multiple High Risk categories. Over 40, Overweight and Undereducated.

This isn’t a story, it’s a deep caption.

Natural selection! 😝

Oh good, stupidity on a large scale.

A death fest

BLM protesters face life sentences for 'mischief charges' in Utah while 250k mask-less bikers from across the US R converging on Sturgis SD this wknd 4 the 80th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in what could be the biggest 'super spreader' of 'em all. How many people will die needlessly?

Hey CoronaV84229339 have you rolled into town yet?

Should be able to get some deals on Harleys here in about 2 or 3 weeks.

Note to self....

The end of the hog generation.

Well at least pollution will go down with less motorcycles around after this...

You mean since the BLM protests, right?

What, irresponsible bikers?!?


I feel bad for everyone who might get sick because the governor didn't put a stop to this, this year 😣

The rally will likely become one of the largest super spreader events since the coronavirus pandemic began.

It’s just another BLM protest so all good right?

Fat, out of shape bikers. But they usually wear leather jackets so they'll be safe from the virus

In near desperate need for a pick me up.... Please please please let the Antifa crowd show up so they can get their a*s handed to them 😁

Do your thing, Darwin


Glad I went last year

TrumpVirusDeathToll150K TrumpVirusCatastrophe DyingForTrump DonsNextCon TrumpVirus ItIsWhatItIs trumptards ASSHOLE TRUMP MAGA --

Trump can just have the Republican convention here....... seems fitting

BREAKING: (fast forward 2 months) there’s been a massive spike in used motorcycle sales.

hell yea let the good times roll


By 'pouring into' they mean not by motorcycle, of course, but by trailer as they transport their motorcycle to this super spreader event. Because that's how most of these 'freedom of the open road' roll.

Oh well; used Harleys for sale cometh soon, at a very discounted price.

God Bless them everyone

cough cough...corona anyone?

How about they all stay there for 30 days and let’s see the outcome.


Wear a mask.

How about Antifa? Some said they would be there.

As they should 👏👏!

More media hype... hotels here are practically empty and traffic is light. People are encouraged to wear masks and PLENTY are complying...

As long as they burn the town down, they should be OK virus wise.

Any BLM protestors lol?

Crazy times😱

This is the time for the biker community to continue to show leadership. Don’t rally but have a two day drive by to support the rally as hackle plays in the street as you pass by.

What a pile of ass.

Good for them

I heard that if you change the name to the Sturgis Protest Rally then all attendees will remain COVID-free.

Something tells me this group doesn't wear masks either... yikes.

I bet not one biker gets the wuhan flu

Insane, more virus breakout ahead, and the bikers are diverse, will take the virus everywhere.

seal the south dakota borders

First off the 4th of July celebration was largely outside with far fewer people. There will be lots of drinking among other things that will impair people’s judgement along with close quarters indoors. This is likely to be a huge spreader for many states once people return home.

I appreciated the Jalopnik take on this.

billlaurelmd Makes me really glad when I say RidinWithBiden2020, I'm doing so metaphorically. Wonder if SenJoniErnst will be joining these yokels.


The are protesting masks, so it is ok

Quick, can we fence them in?

LisaCRadio Fantastic news! In other news I still can’t visit my dad in his nursing home.

Somehow, I don’t think any karens are going to nag and berate them about wearing masks.

CoVid-19 is going Full Throttle.

Weren’t the BLM protests bigger, they attracted 29 million people during the coronavirus pandemic.

See you in 10-12 days . . .

Fuuck em all

Now that's REAL freedumb.

Horribles scenes,bikers defiying the rules of the real danger (covid 19).its madness and decadent, people are playing with a virus ,like children with fire. What a misery 🐯🐺🦁🐱🦝🦊🐮🐷🐨🐻

This country is filled with selfish idiots!!!!

White privilege run amok. This is what happens when you’re told none of the rules apply to you for your entire life.

I wonder if they invited Trump to speak there in the middle of all of the crowd?.

PatrickFong I think you mean one of the largest hotspots in the world and worlds largest super spreader event

These crowds were totally okay though

covid19 =a global live exercise=not real pandemic, real catastrophes events can't be predicted only manufactured ones and this covid19 it's a manufactured one, read WHO documents, listen to nervous mike Pompeo Freudian slip, We're in a live exercise

So unnecessary.

Darwin at work


Anyway we can get trump to make a physical appearance directly from marine one in the middle of the event? Anyway?

Just call it a 'protest' and everything will be just fine with democrats 🤣

ZonePatroller And nothing of value was lost.

Notice how they didn't say 'since the coronavirus pandemic ended.'

And people genuinely wonder why the USA is Covid Central of the world.

He said he was gonna get the bikers.

Idiots...selfish idiots 😡🇺🇸


I envision lots of biker funerals in the near future.

Super spreader Goobers.

Harleys everywhere? So not REAL bikes then

What about the protests? You seemed to of ignored them, but now that it’s some big bad trump supporters you’re all in on condemning them?

Hope BLM and antifa show up

If we call them BLM protestors will you give them a pass?

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