Governors on East and West coasts form pacts to decide when to reopen economies

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

States on the country's East and West coasts are forming their own regional pacts to work together on how to reopen from the stay-at-home orders each has issued to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.

The first such group to be announced came Monday on the East Coast. Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said his state, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Rhode Island and Massachusetts each plan to name a public health and economic official to a regional working group. The chief of staff of the governor of each state also will be a part of the group, which will begin work immediately to design a reopening plan.

Any states who want to join are welcome to join, Cuomo said, adding that he is in touch with Massachusetts.The goal of the group is to create a plan to re-open each state in a way that limits new outbreaks of coronavirus. Among the plans are contact tracing, treatment and social distancing measures. Cuomo noted that health officials in his state believe they have reached a plateau in cases, which he hailed as relatively good news.

Krugman: 'Crazy' to re-open economy in a few weeks 14:32The New York governor said it would be important to share information, resources and intelligence."No one has done this before," he said."No other state has done it before. So, it's one step forward after research, and consultation with experts. I'm not a public health expert, but this has to be informed by experts and by data. You take one step forward. You see how it works.

Tapper: Mr. President, these questions need answers 03:51Newsom said the discussions with the Oregon and Washington governors about metrics for re-opening the economy began at the beginning of last week.


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With any luck CNN will get them to break away from the Country..

Screw the governors. Nobody can force you to stay home. This isn't China

Everyone except the GOP senators are taking this seriously knowing the federal government is not going to help

Good for you, I am so proud of all the Governors who have the spine needed to stop the spread. Too bad we didn't vote one in the WH.

I have a different idea. How about--we don't reopen until Trump releases his tax returns?

What coincidence the states that vote Dem, the party that is begging for a recession.

Hum, I thought they were forming a new country to address the situation facing our 'country'. With a lack of leadership in the existing 'administration', they have no other choice. Sort of a weird revolution...

China must not get away with murder China rulers decisions made the world sad, made the world poor, made the world seek and made the people dying

They/CNN won’t be happy until they start a Civil War.

Invite Dr Fauci to join your task force “regional pacts” NYGovCuomo

Wait for the illegals that sneak back from Mexico with the Virus. Come to a sanctuary city near you

This seems bad for a republic.

Wish Nevada and Arizona were included with Washington, Oregon, and California WesternStatesPact

Prez can sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of their Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors....that's it!...according 2 constitution!

Trump is the greatest president since Washington!

Smart move. They know far better how to migrate towards opening for business that the orange blow hard.

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