GOP Rep. Steve King credits humanity's existence to rape, incest

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Rep. Steve King questions whether human populations would exist if not for rapes and incest that happened in families throughout history.


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This guy represents the GOP? Nice ...

Rape and incest, are these the only way to increase a(white) population

How did he get elected in the first place? How do people elect the dumbest of the dumb? Surround yourself with people smarter than yourself.

Since he probably believes that the entire human race descended from Adam & Eve and then from Noah & his immediate family, what other conclusion would he reach?

Way to encourage rapists and perverts. Give them the green light. Ridiculous paridy if a human being. Republicanpervertsonparade

That's the best headline you can come up with?!!. Why not just throw him a parade.

The masks came off.

Steve King is setting up his 'Defense of Civilization' court defense for when all the Iowan women including his female relatives come forward and accuse him of terrible acts.

That’s because he believes in the Bible, and that horrific book normalizes incest and rape. It normalizes it for every “Christian”.

135 people liked this nonsense from him! This is the racism and bigotry in this country!

Evidence of a reprobate mind.

If you were the last man, yeah I could see that. No way I would!

SOOOO...… is he telling rapest to go out and populate the world?!!!

I shudder in disgust every time Steve King opens his mouth.

Prime example why inbreeding is against the law!

What the Fu !

That is his view of life? So extremely sad! OMG

Voters - stand with Trump, the Republicans, the White Supremacists with guns, & the Incest and Rape Predators......OR vote with the Democrats in 2020 and clean this house! gop dnc cnn ap FoxNews foxandfriends npr CBSNews NBCNews wsj nytimes washingtonpost abc msnbc

The fact that we have someone like King in congress is an indictment on the electorate.

Wow Iowa. This is who u voted in


why are these Godless maggots in office ?

Many people says he's been practicing what he's now preaching... many people.

WHO talks like this, besides you know ! 2020 is the year to clear out all the DEAD WOOD, the incompetence, and the corruption in the politics the government, once and for all & it requires a PURGING, a goood old fashion DEFRAGGING, so to speak & an informed electorate, YOU !

WTH? People DO procreate through other than rape/incest. Certainly in a much less traumatic fashion.

Yea that's a pretty odd statement to make.

Steve king is not right in his mind!

Why would he say that?

ive been saying this for years... millennia even

Incest would explain Steve King

People need to remember THIS is what religion and conservatives teach you. We came from Adam and Eve and all their children had children. INCEST

👀 who the hell says something like that and keep their job as a political figure. The us has sunk lower then it's ever been!

Unbelievable !! This man needs removed from any public office.

He is a wizard sent to sabotage!

Let's wait for the tutorial video of what he 'really ' meant, like trump Charlottesville.


He must resign! An inquiry should be opened!Umbelievable,he uses a theory about peoplekind’s history for backing,supporting a shameful crime,a crime aganist humanity!If he can support this shit without any shame he can be a criminal,too!

Stevie-boy, the nicest thing I can say is ... sit down and zip your lip.

Too much interbreeding going on in the US making these wackos


Maybe like a million years ago my dude but your a radical

Insane!! 😡

This is what the Republicans in Congress should do to you and get you the hell out of there!

I’m trying with every breath I have to stay calm. Not working!

Well I know this much all animals for carcinogenic first which means if we kill you males all off will get smarter and better

So many sick people parading as leaders! WHO raised him?

Welcome to the new Republican Party



I have no doubt that King was the by-product of incest.

These guys should retire before they get this crazy.

The GOP has got to be the most corrupt and disgusting bunch of privileged white men.

How did this guy get elected? He is a disgrace. Gives men a bad rap.

Oh yeah, we sanction racism and radicalism. Why not sanction rape and incest? What could go wrong?

SICK! SICK! SICK! Replace this man now.

Only in Iowa, perhaps.

Adam n Eves had grandchildren how?

Speaking of the mentally ill...

On behalf of many people, I would like to push Steve King down a flight of stairs.

Is he defending his own existence? There, I said it.

You know, MSNBC, I actually like reading. I can't always open up a video and watch it, and it would be awesome if you guys would write an article to go along with the videos every once in awhile.

Wtf ?!?

Steve King needs evaluated for stupidity. We know it's there - we just don't know the levels.

What a classy fella. Maybe we should go back to living in caves and catching our food with sticks and rocks.

Ummmmmmmm im sorry come again...

Pillars of the Republican Party

Maybe in his family !!!!!

Nope. Nothing to see here folks.

Ten bucks says a Steve King rape victim is going to come forward.

Actually Ancient Egyptian royals married their siblings and cousins, and then there is Omar in Congress who married her brother

Doesn’t say much good about the State of Iowa !!

such a misguided vile human. king needs to go

Good possibility he had sex with his brother or his father cording to him

Poor guy can't even imagine the possibility of a woman actually wanting to have sex with him, figures it must have been like that for all men since the beginning of time.🙄

Rep. King is a mentally disturbed man...!

What an absolutely piece of garbage this guy is! His constituents should be ashamed of themselves.

And we're concerned about polls in Iowa when they vote this pos in office. Give me a fucking break.

I hope this was taken out of context!

This is the face of the Republican Party! Along with Trump & Moscow Mitch!

What a sick a$$

So gross

May be this is what he witnessed in his family ,that is all he knows.

He must have some experience. From the voice of Trump's party used to be known as the Grand Old Party.

This guy is an idiot. Love how the story leads with republican 🤣 We see what you're doing there.

How stupid is that

Why are we airing anything this bigot says ? Don’t cover him & he will dry up & go away / like the slug that he is !!!!

Msnbc is in-breeding.

One speaks for all therefore this is all u need to know about the new an improved Republican Party.

When someone talks like he does, He’s hiding something! Donald Trump does it everyday!

What kind of people elected him and WHY

The depressing thing is, he'll get more campaign contributions for this remark.

Sounds like someone’s got the hots for his sister

Adderall needed just like King Donnie

I wonder if he came up with that argument in the spur of the moment, or, did he discuss this speech with his advisors and they all told him “what a brilliant argument sir, people will see the light and change their minds about not letting women abort on rape/incests cases”

Whatttt? 😜

Steve King you are disgusting 🤮

I question the state and the people that placed him in that position, they have to be filth. No doubt.

So SteveKingResign just got his DNA test results back?

What a Looney tune.🤯

What nonsense! How can any one listen to this!

Resign now. Senators, if you know this man, counsel him to do the right thing. Step down. TONIGHT.

Actually there is a greater than 40% risk of serious birth defects as a result of incest. So actually humans may not have advanced as great as we have if, like Steve, we indulged in rape and incest.

Not the brightest 💡

Time for him to resign


Nut case

I am without words

Sounds like he's spent too much time around the WH.....

God, heavenly Father, do something. This world is getting worse! How come that these barbaric, cold-blooded, heartless lawmakers are found ONLY in the GOP? All of them claim they are the 'Christian Party' and for 'Family Values', that they are all 'evangelical Christian'! Jesus

That's stupid ♪Calle 13 - Fiesta De Locos (Audio)♪ apagetxe fentave

So....does that mean we should continue the tradition? 🤔

Should he really be talking about his ancestors that way?

His 23&me must have revealed something his mom is his sister and his uncle is his dad...

This racist shouldn't be a member of congress...he is a disgrace


Can someone please put him In a state funded mental asylum...please.

Is Iowa the new Utah


I guess kreepyking just blew apart hypocrite45 argument about rapists, huh? How do Republicans put up with these people? kick45out and send kallousking with him

This just tells you one thing, Steve King represents a district that is not only 95% whites that are racists, they are also rapists and pedophiles. When dares to say this. That's cause his district will not go against him.

After reading such moronic statements I am reminded of a quote by Aristophanes. “Youth ages, immaturity outgrown, ignorance can be educated, drunkenness sobered, but stupid last forever”.

We sure love to elect the best people

Good job Iowa! Your Representative,

He OD’d on Game of Thrones? Makes you wonder what his family talked about at the dinner table when he was young.

This guy means nothing. Idiots like this are seeking attention. Maybe Iowans will see him replaced then he can fade away.

Old Boy sure loves violent sex don't he?

Must have been his family!

Why do we give voice to morons like this?

Who voted for these type people

Republicans say the darnedess things!

Rationalizing men’s poor behavior of rape or incest why abortion shouldn’t be appropriate. Just STOP IT! Not your body, stop trying to control women’s bodies😠

he must be talking about his own family...

Cuckoo crackpot, indeed.


I don’t recognize my world anymore.

Well there's the gop 'family'values

The GOP has lost all moral & intellectual integrity.


Who are his voters why would anyone vote for him? Seriously sick

The King family tree must really be interesting! But it does explain a lot about old Steve it would seem!

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