Google will prevent climate change deniers from making money from ads

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Google is cracking down on the ability of climate change deniers to make money off its platforms and to spread climate misinformation through advertisements.

The company said Thursday it will no longer allow advertising to appear alongside"content that contradicts well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change." Google will also prohibit advertisements that deny the reality of climate change.

"Advertisers simply don't want their ads to appear next to this content. And publishers and creators don't want ads promoting these claims to appear on their pages or videos."Big tech companies have faced increasing pressure in recent years to contribute more to the fight against climate change, including action against climate-related misinformation on their platforms.


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Climate change is a hoax!

A cnn parece aquelas emissoras de ditaduras nazi-fascistas ou comunistas...apoia a censura e bate palma. É o jornalismo que nega o jornalismo e a ciência.

It's comical how Google made it's fortune allowing people to easily find information on the internet and now their doing it by hiding info and only letting you see what they want you to see. Wake Up America!

So Democrats can't post there any more?

I believe it, even though cnn is reporting it. Google and cnn are corrupt and nothing but evil corporations that are trying to help take away our freedoms! 🖕🏼cnn. 🖕🏼google

Google is a hub for false information

So now they employ a bevy of full time climate scientists along with Covid Doctors?


Evolution deniers should be on this list too.

Lol. That’s funny ! Social media being responsible. Lmao

Another reason I switched to Duck Duck Go.

Why science need force to be heard? Something is wrong....

been spreading climate misinformation for 50 years... Wtf? Dirty rats.

This is why I don’t let my 1st graders use Google. I teach about the flat earth and that we never landed on the moon. Kids that argue get immediately censored and must be subject to fellow student ridicule until they see our way of thinking. Harsh times require harsh measures

So big oil is baned

I can't believe so many people aren't seeing this as a problem. Lord be with us🤦🏾‍♀️

They had better hit the IPCC the hardest; it spread the most deceitful data.

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