Giuliani says State Dept. aided his effort to press Ukraine on Trump opponents

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The US president's personal attorney says that the US State Dept. assisted his efforts to press the Ukrainian government to investigate two prominent Democratic opponents of the president. - akarl_smith

President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani confirmed Thursday that the State Department assisted his efforts to press the Ukrainian government to probe two prominent Democratic opponents of the president: former Vice President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

Giuliani has spoken with Ukrainian official Andriy Yermak, a lawyer and close ally of recently elected President Volodymyr Zelensky, on the phone and in an in-person meeting in Madrid over the last few weeks to encourage him to ramp up probes into the matters,Trump's attorney confirmed to NBC News that the State Department helped put him in touch with Yermak.

The State Department put Yermak"in contact with me," Giuliani said."Not other way around, and I told him they should not be cowered [out of] fully investigating serious possible crimes like bribery, extortion, fraud, money laundering and illegal interference in 2016 election."Giuliani declined to say whether he spoke with Trump about any recent developments in his Ukrainian venture.


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maddow akarl_smith Rachel, SERIOUS QUESTION....Why isn't anyone demanding the ACTUAL transcript of the July 25th call? (from the super secured server) It seems we have forgotten. There is NO WAY that what the WH has *given* us hasn't left out key, incriminating words or evidence.

maddow akarl_smith The Rosenbergs at least tried to cover up rather than so FOOLISHLY FLAUNT their TREASONIST actions-but there was NO escape from law or option for a lesser sentence-AND despite having 2 very young sons-Julius & Ethel were SHOT by firing squad - ‘NOOSE him up’ ‘NOOSE him up’

maddow akarl_smith Just another example of this administrations abuse of power🤔

akarl_smith Ex-mayor Giuliani is a true dick!

akarl_smith What! Treason or illegal to obtain info for an git president. Sell out to a foreign government to meddle in USA elections is treason!!


akarl_smith Giuliani really! He’s, and this is hard to say; more Bat Shit Crazy than Trump is.

akarl_smith What are they looking for?

akarl_smith NBCNews Praying for her!

akarl_smith Who in their right mind can take him seriously?

maddow akarl_smith Deja vu!?

VivaLaMaquis akarl_smith That is illegal! Lock him up!!!!!

maddow akarl_smith laws, rules, norms, the Constitution, it's all just trash to trump and giuliani

maddow akarl_smith One word, TRAITOR.

akarl_smith Wow! In what world would we ever imagine the United States and it’s leadership would engage foreign adversaries to win elections? We are so screwed with Trump.

akarl_smith Is this a good thing or is it just wrong to use the state department then brag about the wrong doing?

akarl_smith Well if they did something wrong why not investigate- they investigate Trump for everything!

maddow akarl_smith So we should not investigate what Biden did? The hypocrisy of the left and media is overwhelming.

akarl_smith Biden and son in bed with Ukraine oligarchs..they are on the board of the Ukraine gas &oil companies & making millions of dollars 💵..check out there bank accounts..Russia Russia Russia 🇷🇺

CheriJacobus akarl_smith But the Mueller investigation was a witch hunt and huge (yuge) waste of money.

akarl_smith , a direct violation of the law.”

akarl_smith This man is the poster boy for realDonaldTrump and his insanity

akarl_smith This is insane for Trump is at it again & we the people of America should impeach this bastard immediately! Let us the people have a special hearing where we the people can vote for impeachment of Trump & AG Barr since the republicans will do nothing!

akarl_smith Lead defense attorney for Opioid Pharma giant. HouseDemocrats SenateGOP MarshaBlackburn SenateGOP

akarl_smith Easy money on fake news

catwoman_880 akarl_smith Giuliani is admitting collusion with a foreign government and Trump and his GOP cronies still cry out 'No collusion!' Then they cry out that this is a 'witch hunt' by the Democrats. Absolutely outrageous.

akarl_smith Collusion!


maddow akarl_smith Fool

akarl_smith Stop trying to cover up Dem's corruption ..😉 the truth is coming out

akarl_smith Sounds like somebody should be charged and going to jail

akarl_smith Rudy sold his soul! Nut case!

akarl_smith Now do Hillary

malinablue akarl_smith OoooohRudy is back!!!!!!!🥴 I’ve been waiting , waiting for Rudy to be exposed for things he has supported Trump in dirty deeds. I feel it in my bones. Rudy’s has new assignment from Trump now..get your self in there Rudy☺️😁😬

akarl_smith Very cool, very legal.

akarl_smith He should be stopped

akarl_smith How does the State department do something like this. To go to another country to topple an democratic candidate. Where afevthe Republicans


akarl_smith Just one more chapter in the sad saga of the demise of a once great man at the hands of Donald Trump!!! He is now a mere shell of that man, a total lush and sycophant bent on spreading lies and misinformation for him and his reelection just like with the Mueller investigation!!

maddow akarl_smith By personal attorney, do you mean Bill Barr?

akarl_smith Please start saying, 'The next gun massacre is on Moscow Mitch McConnell and Donald Trumps sholders... Since they refuse to do anything on gun control - the next massacre is on them'

akarl_smith We know who it was....Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden...they gave billions to the Clinton Foundation and gave Joe Biden and his son millions of dollars. But fakenews only interested in BS lies against Trump. FAKENEWS at its best....lie, lie, lie, lie.

NorthElstew akarl_smith Heads should roll for this. Any government official getting involved in a political fight should be fired.

maddow akarl_smith So. Pompeo heads that department so he must resign. Senate should utterly take no less than his immediate resignation. That is over the top!

maddow akarl_smith Another ground for impeachment

Stonekettle akarl_smith If true, heads must roll. So, Rudy, prove it. Name names.

maddow akarl_smith RudyGiuliani has proven he has surrendered his last ounce of integrity. He should be investigated and disbarred.

maddow akarl_smith Repulsive

akarl_smith Thought older folks are more reserve&responsible by giveback & live w/loves&compassions, but trump’s old supporters are old farts stink to high heaven. They’re actually ahole greedy evils. maddow Lawrence cnnbrk RepCohen RudyGiuliani nytimes washingtonpost MSignorile AOC

akarl_smith Mr. G is LYING, so obvious, getting in so deep. Why did he take this job in the first place? ;)🇺🇸💝

maddow akarl_smith Why the hell is Giuliani involved in matters of state. He is not an elected nor an appointed official and has no business being involved in anything. He and his buddy Trump have both gone off the rails.

RRN3 akarl_smith Ok now shoot yourself in the other foot Rudy.

akarl_smith Well, isn't the administration looking into the genesis of the steele dossier?

maddow akarl_smith He went on TV and said he was going to. No one should be surprised he actually did it.

akarl_smith Collusion gonna collusion.

NadelParis akarl_smith Why the hell hasn't he been disbarred?

maddow akarl_smith So now Trump has weaponized The State Dept.

akarl_smith Giuliani told NBC News that his efforts were not to 'take [Biden] out' of contention for the presidency. 'I'm actually — he won't appreciate it — but I'm doing him a favor by trying to get it investigated now, because it wasn't going to live through November of next year.'

akarl_smith Abuse of power ...

maddow akarl_smith Rudy does NOT represent the US government. He represents helping tRUmp become a king which threatens National Security. Why does he still have a passport when he continues to collude to overthrow the US Democracy. Yank his passport already and question him. ImpeachBarrAndtRump

maddow akarl_smith Just not right....

akarl_smith Biden said it on tape.. he threatened to withhold US aid If the prosecutor looking into his son's business dealings didn't get fired.. it's on tape.. Biden said it, Biden was bragging about it.

maddow akarl_smith Giuliani, as you see exhibited in his facial expression & body language, was actually abducted by a UFO. He has a deep anal probe implanted. Thus, his anal probe broadcasts to his head KellyannePolls alternative facts continually. Which then Giuliani repeats out of his ass.

maddow akarl_smith There is always something else that blows me away. Trump paid attention when he read 'Mein Kampf'

maddow akarl_smith Did he have his dressy brass knuckles on or was he sporting a more casual look?

maddow akarl_smith msnbc cnn cnnbrk _Breaking MalcolmNance Isikoff IgnatiusPost Morning_Joe jheil mikebarnicle MLB RepAdamSchiff RepJerryNadler SenateDems thr Caption: 'ABUSE of POWER' Another IMPEACHABLE offense. 'Put it on the board'-Ken Harrelson, former White Sox announcer.

akarl_smith So, not acting as a 'private citizen' then. Cool, thanks Rudy.

maddow akarl_smith Is that his cousin-wife next to him?

maddow akarl_smith This should be , the presidents attorney barr ordered his other attorney to conspire against 2 United States congressmen , which sounds like conspiracy against the United States .

maddow akarl_smith This is getting outrageous. I’m so mad. This is putting world order in jeopardy. Really really trying not to swear. Why aren’t you all protesting peacefully. Look at Hong Kong! YOU can do this. Please, we’re counting on you. The WORLD is counting on you.

maddow akarl_smith State Frpt as directed by Trump?

maddow akarl_smith Is this even legal

akarl_smith Throw Giuliani in Jail, everyday he admits to violating the Law, conspiring against the U.S. with Foreign Sources/ Governments, violating of Federal Campaign Laws, and possible U.S. Intell., should be disbarred, and thrown in Jail for Twenty Years.

maddow akarl_smith He married his first cousin. What more is there to say?

maddow akarl_smith That’s ok cause he had the onion on his belt..

maddow akarl_smith Obama wanted to prosecute the oil company that this was all about. It’s a nothingburger just Rudy off his meds like usual. Just trying to throw anything up there and see if it sticks. Might want to get the deposition of the 13 year old out that testified that trump raped her

akarl_smith He's PETRIFIED of JoeBiden !

maddow akarl_smith Collusion with a foreign government... again

akarl_smith Of course. It was Hillary and Bill Clinton they were after in 2015-16. Now it’s the Bidens. Why do you think that is? Do the math. Giuliani is a has been who is treading to stay above water.

akarl_smith 2nd creepiest man in America!

akarl_smith How is this not a violation of the Constitution? But not surprised that RudyGiuliani would show what a low life he is. Who else but a nut job could come up with 'the truth isn't the truth'. Where are the men in white jackets to haul these senile whack jobs off?

akarl_smith President’s personal attorney? You used the wrong photo.

akarl_smith ..... he should speak for himself first !

akarl_smith Can anyone tell me what the expiration date is for Guiliani? I want something to look forward to.

akarl_smith Ilegal

akarl_smith Giuliani is the best.

akarl_smith RUSSIANRUDY


akarl_smith The Russian thieves live near you I advertize thieves' life buy and intimidate your politicians and businessmen the Russian thieves work with K.G.B worse than terrorists

akarl_smith Oh like Obama admin used foreign Intel to spy on trump campaign

akarl_smith LOCK HIM UP.

akarl_smith I see he came out of his crypt. Haven't seen him for awhile

akarl_smith Gotta check out how them demorats. Are paying their bribes

akarl_smith How is this possibly legal?


akarl_smith That's appropriate. And, they found nothing. Nice. They failed to share the good part with the rest of us.

akarl_smith Let me guess... Son of Biden, Brother of Biden, Cousin of Biden?

akarl_smith Is this legal?


akarl_smith SpeakerPelosi Are you ready for impeachment now? RepJimmyPanetta How about you? Are you ready to seriously prod Pelosi?

akarl_smith Is he on investigation or again seeking aide from Billionaire Bank Owner who was expelled before by former President Poroshenko of Ukraine? The new President allowed him to back and control his seized Bank? Because again 2020 coming & need Funds?

akarl_smith “screw the Constitution as long as we are in charge” - GOP

akarl_smith What a team...

akarl_smith Ukrainian Collusion

akarl_smith Oh, hell. This is nuts!! Makes me want to stay in bed.

akarl_smith And thanks to investigative news the details were revealed. This is where we need MSM to concentrate its resources.

akarl_smith Giuliani and Ukraine: so was confession this part of some subtle long-range scheme, or just something that Guiliani blurted out in his inimitable way?


akarl_smith The corruption and criminals linger in the WH and in the GOP, bringing us in to this very dark time in our history. Where r the good men to stand up and shout out the atrocities, against these thieves, stealing our country?

akarl_smith They shouldn't need to be 'pressed'. Criminals should be prosecuted 100% of the time.

akarl_smith Biden is a crook and got bribes from Ukraine and China

akarl_smith Does NBC want America back in recession? Why are all the host urging a recession?

akarl_smith If that ain’t an authoritarian move I don’t know what is.

akarl_smith Why is this not treason ? Or is it , I believe it is. 🤨

akarl_smith the corruption will get worse. Republicans are power hungry so they have let the racist off the chain

akarl_smith Cool, Rudy. Now do the one where Russian oligarchs are investing in Kentucky.

akarl_smith Doubt the Ukrainians would help Trump much given his love of Putin ..😏🇬🇧🇺🇸🇺🇦.

akarl_smith Giuliani. Mayor’s Mayor....morphed onto Darth Vader a long time ago....he can count on the Democrats getting their upon him when they win the election in 2020.

akarl_smith The definition of TREASON!

akarl_smith Is this true TheJusticeDept? Is this fucking true? Because if it is you've lost all credibility.

akarl_smith So, that's illegal, right? We can begin the impeachment proceedings now? Oh, nothing matters? trump and his crime syndicate can just get away with anything they want? Got it.

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