German minister prepares law to ban plastic bags

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Germany plans a law to ban the use of plastic bags because voluntary agreements ...

A carnival reveller carries part of his costume in a plastic bag after the"Rosenmontag" parade, the highlight of the annual carnival season, was called-off in Mainz, Germany, February 8, 2016. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach

FRANKFURT - Germany plans a law to ban the use of plastic bags because voluntary agreements with retailers to curb usage have not yielded good enough results, Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said on Sunday. “My ministry will get a plastic bag ban on its way,” she said, not giving a timetable for the plan, adding her aim was “that we get out of the throw-away society and that overall, we use less plastic.”The European Union will outlaw certain single-use plastic products such as straws, forks and knives from 2021, but has allowed transition times for others.


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Can't believe it. I would have thought that this happened already Kenya was on it a while back

Omg LarsHFF

I understand doing it in underdeveloped countries, but countries with a developed trash collection, regulations that are respected doesn't need it. Plastic bags are useful to put trash I'm and when they are burned they emit almost no pollution.

My county has banned them and I love it! Was tired of seeing them wasp down the street like tumble weeds

Germany´s most important issue!!!! Ich bin so froh...🤡🇩🇪

There are many alternatives for the plastic items instead of utilize it as in daily-life objectives.

In Uganda we already put a ban on them but they've rather increased in the markets .🏃

In my travels to San Fran...the people told me this was the start of the homeless defecating on the sidewalks. I guess we can't ask people to dispose of bags properly? Who is the failure here.

oh my god why

Awesome don’t live there but pretty much most of the plastic are harmful to nature.

Hopefully more countries look at this and follow their example. If giving up a little convenience is what it takes to save the planet, then by all means we must do it.

That musketeer doesn’t need a plastic bag. On that we can all agree.

Thank you, German minister! banplastic

these are the examples we should follow in Venezuela.

Where were they when Kenya was burning: we need global collective responsibility.

Three points Solution ------- 1- Teach its consequences 2- Don't glorify it as freedom 3- Create social pressure Our Leaders & Celebrities have to QUIT these BAD habits to show their MERCY for our Kids, Youth and Women.

Kenya banned them in 2017

What about Smoking, Alcohol, Drug, PORN, Premarital Sex & Extramarital Affairs ? BAN is not possible......BAN is not a Solution.

Prussian Navy killing and dismembering Big Bird in broad daylight and no one does a damn thing. This is what has become of Western Civilization.

That assignment was due yesterday for all countries.... I’m going to start issuing fines for non compliance

After all shops already did by theirselves , just plain sad to even write about it and call this TOP News

Thank you for having the courage to rid Germany of the toxic blight plastic has put on our fragile earth. Our POTUS is too ignorant about environmental impact to see we are killing our planet. Cudos to you for doing the right thing! I just hope other countries follow your lead!!

Wish we could do same here in Ghana 🇬🇭

Siz de 25 kuruş yapın fiyatını, yasaklamaya gerek yok

Hemp plastics are the only alternative, environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Why has the use of hemp as an alternative to petrochemical products been suppressed for decades? Ask the oil companies.

I didn't buy a garbage bag for 10 years until I moved to LA. Suddenly, I was out of free plastic bags to use as liners. Dumb. Instead of banning plastic bags, enforce your litter laws so they aren't flying all over the place. Also, stop littering, euro-trash.

glad Germany is setting such a good example. Backwards UK could learn a lot from them.

Why ? What will plastic bags be replace with? Skin bags?

But what is that man wearing

Very good.

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