Georgia Cops Beat, Smother Black Lyft Passenger Who Wouldn't Show ID

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A black man pleaded for his life Friday as cops put a knee to his neck, punched him in the face, and the circumstances preceding the altercation are shocking.

The man, his cousin and a third person were passengers in a Lyft that was pulled over in Clayton County, Georgia ... they say it was pulled over because a tail light was out. They say Sheriff's deputies asked for his license but he didn't have one. That's when they say a deputy asked to see the passengers' licenses. They asked the officers why they had to show ID since they had done nothing wrong.

You hear a woman -- apparently the man's cousin -- screaming at the cops to stop punching, and the deputy responds,"He's biting my hand." As the deputy continues to press the man's head on the pavement he screams,"I'm gonna die!" and"I can't breathe." The young child watches as the man on the ground appears to have been rendered unconscious.


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Closet Racist Harvey & Confused Racist Charles dont know shit about anything, its the law in every state in this country that you have to carry a valid ID & show it to the police if they ask to see it & if you dont have a ID or refuse to show it, you go to jail, thats the law!!!

This video is utterly disturbing. He clearly wasn’t resisting yet the officers were beating him to a pulp. These officers will continue to use excessive force because there are no consequences for their actions. Enough is enough and this is why we continue to fight for justice.

Sure there’s more info nobody wants to hear it though

TMZ instigating again... Maybe we should go after the media, not cops.. Hope I never run into Harvey at Starbucks, etc... Catching hands on site.

What about the 2 officers shot in LA. What about protesters blocking the hospital entrance hoping they die. All lives matter. Stop this madness

Who is hunting who BLM is a LIE!!!!!

Why does it have to be a race thing?

Why the fuck they question the passenger

you know what couldve avoided all this shit? his ID

There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down brothers on the instant replay


tmz STILL with the cop hate. Unbelievable.

Do what you're told ffs. If he had shown his ID when he was asked, this wouldn't have happened.

Let's keep fuxking with peoples heads and spreading this shit but not the two cops shot in the head in Compton. Gtfo

The sheriffs did not pull over the passenger they pulled over at the driver why are they beating the passenger up he doesn’t have to show them ID for doing nothing. I hope these goons are arrested and died it and sent to prison.

Will they never learn? Is it punishable by death just because he wouldn't produce his id? What is this world coming too?

This is why those officers in LA were shot. People are tired of the unwarranted mistreatment by police. Perhaps those particular officers didn’t deserve what happened to them but there are definitely some that should feel the wrath of tired people

He deserved it....why didnt he show his id... hes doing something he shouldn't be doing and he was affraid to get caught. There is more to this story and glorifying this shit isnt going to unite this country.

Cops ambushed Lyft passenger.

Its easier when you don't resist, just ask bubba

Oh my God!!! This has gone too far. Pig's are too Serve and Protect,Not too Serve and Neglect. Everything that's been happening, since that Bastard Trump has been voted in. Not this time Trump..Your out. People getting away with a lot,N Trump won't Stop them, Just more Votes4T.

Why do people just accept this brutality? Without uniform that cop is just a little mouse ...

TMZ is committed to telling one side of a story! If someone shot and killed 8 cops they would skip to the part where they were violently thrown to the ground; making a lowlife criminal look innocent. What kind of journalism is this?

Rather see this then protestors block entrance to hospital and ambush and shoot 2 innocent cops doing nothing.

Show ID next time tuff to figure out

And here they come:


Just another day at the office

Good police officers,makes less arrest and earn the respect of many black people

Why do so many people think they have the right to resist arrest or lawful commands? Small things become big things Don’t support an overuse of force

They put this officer back on the streets,he will have a world a troubles

When black people know you're a good officer,they don't even want to commit a crime on your shift

This officer could have easily find out who this man his and he could have issue him a fine for refusing to give him an ID,he may not have one.

The rulers of the earth,they understand when blood is required for the evil they do

That is the oath and the price that must be paid in blood for his life

I have a grandson and his life his worth the lives of 100 million lives,if anyone should take his life,then 100 million lives must be given for his life

Reduce these officers to desk duty and remove there rights to make an arrest

It's always best to fire or denote these officers who are intentionally doing certain actions to start a civil unrest

This nation is on the verge of a civil unrest and those who want lawlessness are using these videos to get there,

I am most careful these days how I comment on videos with these kind of actions

Some of us make excuses for evil actions like why didn't he give him his ID,you can't give what you don't have,this officer seems to think black people have no rights

Awesome 👏

Hey TMZ - where is your story of the two LA cops ambushed by a black shooter

Show the WHOLE video! This is SO edited it’s obvious you’re trying to start ANOTHER riot! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Is he resisting arrest ? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Dallas needs to happen again!!!!

Hmm what happened before this? Nice how these scumbags show just enough info to start a riot with no context.


4mmjf Why would a Lyft passenger need to show ID? Why is the police response to a Black person, beating? There's no reason to question a passenger. Definitely, no reason to beat him. White people refuse to comply with police all of the time. Why the bias?

clarencehilljr Show your ID and move on. Jesus these people make me shake my head. Why do you wanna sit there and argue wirh police? I used to be the same way and learned quickly it got me nowhere. Say yes sir no sir, do what they want and move on with your day.

God help us. For real. Who hires these men to help “protect” us?

morgfair Was he resisting? A black guy? No way! That's amazin'! FBLM

morgfair Fire these POS cops!

This is criminal


Maybe people should start following the law.

You guys are full of 💩. Try reporting on the real story!

Uuggg again TMZ

They gotta show you that they have power. That GOD complex is real. Smh

Wow that’s outrageous..... no need for this....


I’m curious about why black people cant listen to cops and always resist. Coz they know they r criminal.

Until they r held accountable, they with not see blacks as human being.. Jesus Wept

Easy don’t put yourself in that situation ..problem solved

Is Black Lyft different than Lyft?


This treatment don’t happen to white people. Smh!!! Their getting away with it. This is why it’s happening!!!

So theyjust beat him up.. Umm ok..why

Cop says he was bitten. If true, I have no problem with the the punches. If he wasn't bitten, I have a BIG problem with it.

So in other words. Another black man resist arrest, thinks he's above the law and he got taken down. And its the cops fault. LawAndOrder Trump2020 BlueLivesMatter AllLivesMatter

Apparently, he didnt have his ID. So since he didnt have his freeman papers, they whooped his ass and dragged him off to a detention facility.


The story is he didn’t follow the orders of the police. Why is this such a difficult thing to do? I always follow orders given to me by the police. No matter if I agree or not.

Sick of this shyt

That entitled man really didnt wanna go to jail . Whats so hard about hands behind the back? Mental evaluations for the two holding phones recording please.

This will never stop ! Keep putting these cop savages in prison where they belong. No excuse for the brutality !

It kind of feels like we’re only being told just enough of the story to react to… But the police r completely aware of the nationwide… So they wouldn’t just come out of the blue and do this would they? Are we just so stupid that we believe things that we c and react on cue

I need to know what can citizens do to stop this shit as it is hapoening!

They just will not and can not stop!!!!!

Fire and Prosecute

The guy fought police the whole time!! TMZ instigator of civil unrest. Trying to stay relevant but coming up short!!

That is so disgusting to watch! There is no reason for that! The size of those 2 Sheriff's & they couldn't cuff him without the knee in the back of his neck & repeatedly punching him WTH is wrong with these cops thinking this is okay!

Once again, very disturbing.

Herschel Walker will defend the police actions...can’t you see he is resisting arrest!

is the reason like many other news media that we have these riots and police shootings. Stop fueling the fire!!!


Better training? ANIMALS who act like this should be stripped of authority and jailed. They all look the same, 45s boys.

Every time you watch the news this keeps happening. Meanwhile, dylan roof who kills 9 people gets escorted safely to the jailhouse. This is tiresome.

The comments!!! Shows a lot of RACISM!!! Just sad!!

Maybe he should have showed his ID without acting like a numbnutz

They deliberately was choking him and pressing his face into the pavement. His legs were shaking because he couldn’t breathe. These cops are animals.

Who teaches these cops how to arrest people that may not show full compliance? These cops are dumb af! There ya to be something wrong with the training 100% these cops don’t know anything it seems

I’m sure that’s the WHOLE story.

After the many countless senseless killings of black man you would think...Nevermind😑

To be clear, to cops grabbed the man out of a Lyft and beat him for no reason?

Pulled over a Lyft driver's car because tail light was out, and asked the passengers for ID wtf. Sure those aren't aryan brotherhood tattoo's on the cop's arm?

a passenger riding in the backseat without a license doesn't deserve to be pinned down and punched. defunding the police isn't really getting rid of money, but better training.

How many police is TMZ trying to get killed?

Where’s there rest of the story ? Of course click bait

Go away TMZ


Here we go again. Officer on top.

Are we supposed to be shocked now? 🤨

Maybe should be covering this right now 👇👇

Smother is putting it lightly. That one cop should have been arrested immediately

Two officers were just ambushed in LA. Have you no shame?

It will never stop!

Why don’t they show the whole video? He still resisted after being cuffed...


Why? What’s the whole story?


You know what’s crazy is that people say don’t resist just comply. Unless you have zero fight in you, you ain’t staying still as you getting your ass beat by 2 men who are dog piled on you. That shit is illogical. Also stop condoning this shit with that weak ass reply

To every police department in America...if one of your officers tries this with me...I WILL KNOCK ONE OF YOU TF OUT...I ain't scared of jail

Show your id, comply


Maybe if he complied it would have ended better :)

Pretty standard in the US now a days right? When is shit like this going to stop I wonder smh

Just obey, you will be fine latisha record this

*wouldnt show ID. Why not just comply?

Why he didnt show ID ?

WOW!! Can you believe it Another ass resisting arrest and not following commands of a police officer. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

It won’t stop.

WTF is THIS Apartheid South Africa Show his ID? GTFOH 😡🤬 DefundPolice

Pays to listen

Nice fucking deceptive photos. First one shows them clearly tackling him and fighting with him on the ground and the second one one officer sitting on his butt and making it look like the other guys kneeling on his back which he isn’t.

That's what happens when you're belligerent to the police officer. They caused it. This is a perfect example how the police are being falsely accused by citizens that created and caused the trouble to start with. Reality bites

So show ID Oh for fuck’s sake follow the rules and less shit happens.

When will the brutality stop?! 🤬

Amazing watching people who justified the actions of the Kenosha shooter now demonize the man being brutalized by the police.

..... that WOULDNT comply


Cops being cops, checking the black dude to see if he has warrants.


Not a LYFT ride confirmed by LYFT and no vehicle stickers marking it for any rideshare vehicle company.

Lol so just show your id. Imagine what would happen if he just listened to instructions

He tried lying saying he was bitten,, it's all on tape tho

Law suit coming soon

so there is no video of what happened..but the guy on the ground was biting the cops..that’s assault..why would you not show your ID? What are you hiding? It’s very suspicious for 4 people any race to be in a car driven by someone without ID

People nowdays just wanna be famous..all he had to do was show his ID 🤦🏻‍♂️

What is it about the black people that white people hate? It has to be something biblical, because why would someone privilege take up so much on the people they think are worthless. Children ask, why do white people hate black people, I can’t answer, because I don’t know.

This is hard to watch, we are humans. Nobody likes to see an unarmed man beaten. And it is especially emotional now to see a black man beaten by white police officers. Who said this failure to show ID is what actually happened? Also what transpired before the violence?

well done PD.... PD BLM! flatulent_p

Tell the full story

When you physically engage a cop there’s a gun in the equation. It’s not that the cop is shooting you or choking you because you punched him in the face, or fought back. The cop is shooting you so you don’t take his gun, kill them and shoot 4 other people in the process.


How do you fools calling this “Trumps America” square that with the idea this is systemic racism? These cops were cops and arresting black folks while Onama was POTUS. Idiots being propagandized by media. Wake up

OK one more time, but its the last time. 'Cops struggle with man wanted by the police as he fights, kicks and bites officers. Suspect was not Tased, Maced, Or shot'

Resisting arrest isn’t good for your health.

Another disgusting display of violence

McClain_on_NFL Show the ID and it won't happen. Wtf


TMZ you’re part of the problem scumbags

Police ain’t sh*t. 🖕🏽them.

You would think people would learn to just comply. How hard is it to hand over your ID, why make a big deal out of it.

Does it say in the training book “comply or die”? Is that what they’re going off of?

Please wait till all evidence is submitted before you start to cause drama on a very sensitive subject.

The passengers had no obligation to show ID to the police.. Civil suit coming. This is the shit of the police that needs to stop !! Over excessive for someone who had nothing to do with the issue at hand !!

Why don’t you show this true fact ?

Why don’t all the attorneys on here just wait for the details. You would think YOU would learn by now.

so tired of these white supremacists

the fact they showed us this shit in school and shit like this happens is fucked up

McClain_on_NFL Guess he shoulda just shown his ID 🤷‍♂️

Disrespectful of Police

Would the cops done the same if the passenger was white?

soledadobrien rosierifka

You did this story 2 times today!

Do these police not learn,

What the Fuck is wrong with the Cops? Are they that stupid. Deleting my Lyft App.

if the lyft driver was pulled over for a tail light being out why did the passengers need to show ID? the passengers didn’t commit a crime or anything to have to show ID they didn’t have to show ID and not complying doesn’t give the cops the right beat him up

Do what the cops ask you to do...follow it really that hard?!?!

so on top of failure to comply hes clearly resisting Race hustin taken over the country

You don’t know if he was injured? After being made aware that the video was posted on social media, that’s when the investigation began? Huh

Trumps America

You guys are panicking. Not much faith in Biden? Lol

This has got to stop!

How about 'cops beat passenger ' why do you mention race? Are you trying to fuel the fire? I have seen plenty of other races being roughed up by police, yet race is never mentioned 🤔

Skin to win for TMZ

Thats a Bit Much....but AGAIN ..doing what he wants. Just give up your I.D mate, your not going anywhere until you do. And if you got warrants or whatever, why Act a Fool if you know they there ? But this is whats Promoted now, always a Victim.

knee to the neck!! isn't that illegal NOW all over the United States?

Why was there a cow in shorts is my only question.

Cool video that shows cops ALREADY IN THE MIDDLE of the incident. Give me a break...

Failure to comply.

Shouldn’t resist.

Happy weekend famz enjoy your weekend with ya boi new jam love y’all 🔥❤️💃

Sounds justified to me.


It’s not color dependent. It’s not following orders. What the fuck n

why were they arresting him like this?

Basically he didnt comply

I have the full video!!! 🤡🤡🤡 Still on the matter YouTube

Better question... why didn’t he show I.D ?

And your point?

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