'Game of Thrones' stars and HBO slam Trump for tweet promoting Iran sanctions

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The president has landed himself in hot water with 'Game of Thrones' fans after sharing a 'GOT' inspired meme advocating for Iran sanctions.


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Game of Thrones stars and HBO don't have a clue! PLEASE!

Where are the tough sanctions on Saudi Arabia?Osama bin Laden was a Saudi,Many of the terrorists that flew planes on 911 were Saudis,They behead women for adultery,Their human rights are the worst in the world,Oh yes they sell us oil and buy our weapons,Sorry I forgot.

Does anyone care what the Thrones actors say or do or HBO for that matter. So, they are still around, eh? Never watched it, never viewed HBO. Never will!

Get the hell off the politics. You are in the ENTERTAINMENT industry! If you can’t do that then I have no use for you.

why do the reds want to start a war with iran? asking for a friend...

When will these people get it? Never watched the show, don't know who they are, don't care. No one asked you to weigh in, so please stick to make believe, and keep the opinions to yourself.

I like a lot of movies but the actors only do what they are told. I don't take my voting advice from socialist or communist or bone heads.

Oh good more script readers pretending to be political.

Who cares what they think?

I think Phoneywood needs to take a step back like football you can be replaced


Who cares.

That’s right... your usual “gang up” on him!!! Violence, hatred is your answer!!

Game of Thrones created by a Tolkien wanna be, with stars upset about Iran sanctions a country who murders Christians and Gays.

I believe that the USA likes POTUS Trump one hell of a lot more than a Game Of Throne's?!!!!

He just cursed the program

Havent watch HBO in years

Omg I know how worried realDonaldTrump must be that he has hurt some more fragile feelings of the Hollywood elite. I bet he didn't sleep a wink last night.

realDonaldTrump SecPompeo Thank you for the sanctions on Iran! They must never have Nukes! Iran is an extremist rogue nation! They keep the masses poor and use any monies gained for Nuke building and for terrorists around the world!

Why? Is Iran giving money to produce it

pretty sure the President does not care what a tv show thinks of him

Who's intolerant now, bigots in HBO are exposed now... WhiteHouse


Who gives a shit. It’s a fantasy show.

Apparently these people missed the 'DEATH TO AMERICA' protests in Iran!


Mostly British cast, taking advantage of American markets to make a fortune and not having freedom of speech in their own country choose to utilize American freedoms to criticize American values. Hypocrites.

What is Game of Thrones' stars and HBO? No one cares what you think! NoMoreHBO

A Hollywood idiot would slam those sanctions. The Democratic plan was to spend tax dollars to support terror. Spin it any way you want that is the truth, Iranian government hates America.

Who cares, Hollywood elites, disgusting liberals

Well that matters... Not!

For better or worse popular things get used by everyone, get over it HBO and fell lucky people watch!

Damn now I have to get rid of HBO don’t watch that show so I’m safe there

Who cares

Fox is a talk show, not actual news!

I wish Hollywood would understand that we don't care how they collectively think about politics. Do they not realize they live and work in a made up world as other people?

Yea, so what.


Gee just what i wanted Hollywood telling us what should be done. Keep to acting and maybe you can succeed

GOT fans aren't voting for him anyway.

So the two ugly chicks from game of thrones and a senile old man didn’t like what Trump tweeted. So what? GOT Winteriscoming

Who cares what HBO thinks doesn’t matter to, We The People

I don’t care


Stick to dragons and make believe .

Don’t care. They are just entertainers

Who cares...who cares?🙄

They made children die and starve to death in Yemen.

Don't sanction them, sanction Saudi Arabia.

Five for Bergdahl now back to being terrorists. Next it will be the bunch of terrorists BarackObama also let off the hook with the Iran pallets of money deal with Iran. Sweet talker has nothing on stones of steel with terrorists realDonaldTrump.

'Game of Thrones stars and HBO' Who


F them!

People need to lighten up. I thought it was funny. Wasn’t aware that phrase or font were trademarked. What infringements?

Never heard of game of thrones, much less the cast and writers. Sounds more like a game for PlayStation?


Bless their hearts and fictional lives. They actually think they're relevant. I don't watch the junk anyway, and certainly won't ever now! Mentally ill bunch of clowns!

HBO must realise that “........is coming” is not a patented phrase & cannot be made a legally binding phrase to “Game Of Thrones” It’s a phrase used by ordinary folks regularly and daily That GoT used it doesn’t make it theirs to keep

Good for Trump sanctions on Iran are a good thing

They should keep to their show and acting

These actors and 'artists' in general should shut their mouths and stop talking about politics. They’re a bunch of immature, spoiled and self-centered millionaires, living in a bubble out of reality and floating in a sea of ​​hypocrisy.

How do they not get it? We don’t value their opinion. IF they entertain us we’ll let them make money from it. Otherwise we don’t GaF.

I'm only interested in what a thespian says after the director says action and ends when the director says cut.

They should go and live in Iran then.

They must be supporters of terrorism, intermingling reality and the fantasy they play.

Who cares what entertainers think about politics?

GOPVoteBlue BeAVoter

HBO is upset because Obama didn’t think of it.

LOL, liberal Democrats and most politicians don’t know how to play hardball and negotiate with foreign countries! That is why we got stuck with trade and other agreements that three us under the bus! Trump changing this and no one likes it! Tough shit!

Who gives a 💩about “stars and hbo”. They’re irrelevant.

What a bunch of 'puffer heads'( suffering from illusions of their importance) only in their heads!

Who cares what they think!!! They don’t even live in this country!

It's about time you people get it. Trump is the PRESIDENT of the USA. And will be in 2020

Doesn’t that tell you something about the stars?

Hollywood etc needs to stay out of this, especially if they are not Americans! Who cares what Brits think. You have Brexit to concern yourself with.

I can’t wait for him to say how overrated the show and network are. Classic poutus amirite!?

Fox News Alert: Nobody Cares!

Too bad

Which one of you bootlicking clowns in the thread wants to step to Iran first on behalf of the dying American empire?

Of course they did. Still your president.

Do you people not get that if you stop watching every station that does not agree with you and the orange man you might as well just watch FOX ALL THE TIME. Oh wait. that's all you watch now ''

never did like Game of Thrones so too bad

How could any American be against sanctions on Iran? We should never support terrorists in any way. They chant death to America!

Only democrats are persuaded by what actors say TheDemocrats sad


Game of thrones should be careful there are plenty of trump supporters and conservatives who agree with the sanctions. I love the show but I have no problem cutting them off and not watching another minute. Just act and make foot television, that’s all damn.


Never watch HBO or game of thrones and never will

Thank you President Trump!! And who cares what Hollywood says!!!!

Of course they do...🙄🙄🙄

HBO stop whining, and get to filming new shows

Oooh, I bet Trump is sorry now, not.


Just Hollywood & Game of thrones foreigners that Americans could not care less about . Get this straight real Americans who vote Red don't care what what you degenerates think about politics .

Then they are traitors ! Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran !

Hollywood is so real 😂 Kinda like Mr. Baldwin. 😂

I wonder how if there is a Muslim working high up in them places they seem to be getting into places where they can influence things for there agenda

I thought game of thrones was a reality show that took place in a bathroom.

Bcuz they’re lefty snowflakes, therefore clueless.

Fox News Pundits. We have to come together. Then they keep posting crap that is meant to divide. Fish or cut bait Fox you can't have it both ways.

Who cares what they think

Then keep up the good work Mr. President if Hollywood is pissed your doing something right

Have them move to Iran

As long as Bill Maher is there, no HBO in my house. A bunch of ppl living in the la la land.

Boo Hoo😂

He's not promoting. He's going all on

Never seen it. Dont care to.

Take a look at what the criminal Mullahs have done on Brave Iranian women acid attack, thousands of them nobody know the real numbers, we cry for that 38 years IStandWithMaryamRajavi Iran IranRegimeChange FreeIran2018 MEK

They can go to hell... realDonaldTrump is the Boss.

We appreciate Trump for full and complete sanction against the Mullahs IStandWithMaryamRajavi Iran IranRegimeChange FreeIran2018 MEK

Never watched an episode, good thing I never did, but hbo getting in on it? Just another idiot company like Ben and Jerry's taking sides, looks like another ratings hit for liberal programming. Let's hope mass show cancellations in the future show them just how wrong they are.

Welcome to full sanction against the criminal Mullahs they destroy out nation and our homeland, with this we have nothing to loose, already the Mullahs have plundered all of our wealth IStandWithMaryamRajavi Iran IranRegimeChange FreeIran2018 MEK

We as the 95% of Iranians say Hello to Trump sanction against the Mullahs, we believe this is not against the people this is against the criminal Mullahs that plunder our wealth or spend it in proxies war in the region IStandWithMaryamRajavi Iran MEK

Let them carry on molesting each other in scandalwood, and let the President do his job.

Trump voters don’t give a shit about Game of Thrones fantasy actors. Trump is reality.

Couldn’t the Trump campaign find decent staff? Keep being told to stop using copyright music and images, is no one capable of checking?

At least people want to watch Trump

Well I loved it.

Like I said, there are a lot of Trump haters out there. Especially in Hollywood & movie industry. I get the impression they are Globalist's. President Trump is for America first and so am I. Would you take the same position if President Obama did the same thing? Probably not. SAD

RafiRah93401477 🤦‍♂️

Too funny. Who cares.

Like we care what they say

Stick to your show!! Cmon man!!

Who cares what that bunch of hypocrites say⁉️😡 They’re not running this Country; although they think they own it👎

Now trumpees will say boycott HBO which joins the long line of companies such as Nike, Harley Davidson, NFL, Hollywood, Amazon, TWPost, Apple, BBC, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Disney & many more. Not so fun being a trump supporter is it? 😂

Fake person throw stone at President.

Game of thrones is network porn. boycottHBO


Triggered snowflakes ❄️

Awesome. Thank you

Who cares...

In order for those celebrity opinions to pass more smoothly 👇🏻

Where do I start with this one? All the satanic symbolism, incest, witchcraft, and cannibalism? 🙄 Subliminal brainwashing of all the things the evil globalists believe! These actors need to STFU and stick to acting. If you had any morals you would have picked another script!

What they have rights to fonts now? Get outa here

Why do y’all even own television sets anymore?

Sure, Use him to sell your TV shows and make millions but when he plays the same game the other way round, play victim.

Oh wow...everyone shivers...


So what?

Don’t lose thousands of fans by joining the idiot liberals in attacking the people’s president.we have shown what we can do with our voices,our wallets.lets not stop the last season before it even starts..

OMG...I Would Say Just STOP Already But I'm Going To Ask You To Please Keep It Up Because WE ORDINARY AMERICANS Are LOVING It. VoteRed2018 KAG KAS AmericanCitizensFirst 45Winning VoteTrumpPence2020

Screw you HBO💪

Clic bait... who cares what this UK child thinks about US politics

Some people get their panties all knotted up over the silliest stuff.

They'll go broke again and end up in the dreggs, but those actors already made their millions so they don't care. Probably don't invest there....

Does anyone really watch this. Isnt it on some type of cable.

Oh those celebrities and their false ideas of grandeur- if only they were as important as they think they’re entitled to be.

HBO and showtime are getting canned in this house

Hollywood “stars” live in a fantasy world- nobody cares what they think; not a news item

Funny how HBO speaks out about not wanting Trump to use the trademark for political purposes, but nothing about Martin using it for the very same in response. Unless I misread the article.

Hollywierd elite keep thinking we care what they say! NOT!

When are these entertainers going to realize there is a reason our president was elected? Why do they choose to continually disregard the Americans that voted for him. Simple answer is, they don’t care. So, let’s make them care. Quit paying attention to them.

sad to see the lack of sense of humor.

So they want Iran to be able to make Nuclear weapons?

Our movie stars are evil! How else can you explain it. They can't be that stupid.

Ponga un fim a esto ... por el bien de todos . Trump presidente

Take HBO OFF of cable.

Who cares and how is this even remotely newsworthy?

Aren't HBO Stars really just Gay Porn Stars?

But they had no problem with Obama sanctions? Shows you how stupid and ignorant actors are. ActorsGuildGB GameOfThrones HBO

Who cares!!!! 😂😂😂

POTUS is a master troller 😂, Hollywood lacks sense of humor ? Not surprised 😱

I love GOT but can they chill the F out over “using their FONT”? My god!

WHO CARES!?! They mean nothing! They just need to get in front of a camera and entertain me MONKEY!

Glad I don’t watch it

Why do actors insist on doing this? Of course they have the right to free speech, and if they want to use their platform and fame to reach more people, fine. But even if I agree with actors political views (which is rare) I still don’t like when they speak out.

HBO better shut up and stay out of politics or next thing you know people will be canceling their subscription

HBO sucks Trump should put sanctions on them.

———— He is so desperate, despicable and disgusting. 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 ——

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