Gabbard ends long-shot 2020 bid, throws support to Biden

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United States Headlines News

BREAKING: Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard suspends her Democratic presidential bid, offers full support to Joe Biden.

Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, holds a town hall at Keene State College, in Keene, N.H., on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2020.

In an email and video posted to Twitter on Thursday, Gabbard offered her full support to former Vice President Joe Biden, saying “it’s clear that Democratic primary voters have chosen” him to take on President Donald Trump in November. “Although I may not agree with the vice president on every issue, I know that he has a good heart, and he’s motivated by his love for our country and the American people,” Gabbard said. “I’m confident that he will lead our country, guided by the spirit of aloha respect and compassion, and thus help heal the divisiveness that has been tearing our country apart.


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Why do smart people support a man who is clearly senile? You know who ever the Vice President is will be in charge.

She will end with a cabinet post...


wow really TulsiGabbard ?

Didn't even know she was in the running

One supporter hahahahahhahaha her mom.

On the upside, with judgement like that, best that she stay away from the executive branch of government.

Gabbard accepts reality most of us have known the whole time

twiDAQ Did she run?

I see this as a back-stab to the progressive movement

Say what? Is this a joke?


This means Biden is gonna have crazy news false or true dropped b4 voting

I'm glad she chose to support Biden over Trump

Best rack ever to run for President


Well, I didn’t see that coming. 🤣

So fake

I think they call it politics.

Oh, so she lied about all her supposed policy positions huh

Et tu TulsiGabbard ?

Glad she finally dropped out, can't stand Biden.

Ain’t nobody taking about y’all 🤡 now.. it’s CORONAVIRUS time girl BYE..

Wow how pathetic TulsiGabbard just gave up and is supporting a sexist, abuser of women. She’s seen plenty of the videos and pictures of JoeBiden inappropriately touching females.

Oh no say it isn’t so 😩😩😩😩 all my reality stars are failing first the turd now Tulsi

Was she still running? I'm sure he appreciates those 10 votes he'll now get.

Another one

Bernie must be gutted

TulsiGabbard Seriously? What diffetence does it make what you do? You are no dem of mine. Just slide away. Don't care about anything you say or do.

Lol sellout to a dementia infected crooked man that treats us the people like crap gj tulsi

The shade though


Here come 'Bernie bros' resentment. lol. I support her heartly.


lrwatl Good riddance

She’ll be on fox in no time with her own show and continue to claim she’s democrat but use all republican talking points

Damn. She’s pretty!

She’s the ONLY smart person in the Democratic Party.

Support Trump.he is cognitive and doing a good job!

My goodness! You all forget about the undecided voters. If Biden get the nomination, the undecided voters gonna vote for Trump. Trump also gonna get some help from GretaThunberg to win undecided voters!

Fuck you tulsi


Didn't Hillary's DNC and their MSM and SNL claim Tulsi was a Russian Agent? If you vote for Biden now you're doing Putin's bidding. I guess Putin watched Biden's debate performance against Bernie and realized how painfully easy he is for Trump to beat.

“I’m not like other girls.” Ladies and gentleman, this is your gentle Hawaiian girl with veterans values. She’s a sellout and an arm of the establishment

In 2016 I voted for Donald Trump. He made a lot of promises and about the only ones he managed to keep was the ones he made to Israel. For 2020 I supported Tulsi as she wanted to get us out of never ending foreign wars and did mention securing our borders, which....


Now there is only one Democrat running for the Democrat nomination.

I mean who else is she going to support? Can’t be trusted at all!!

Hip imperialist endorses old imperialist & the world sighs


She’s a disgrace. She should never be allowed to serve in public office for this betrayal.

I’m shocked. And in a good way!

who is this person again?


Well, that removes the last major hurdle for Biden2020 to clinch the nomination! 😂

TulsiGabbard reveals her true self many times over. Biden is scum of the earth, establishment to the core, corrupt beyond belief and everyone knows it. She should know better. What does this say about her?

Great, the only two options left now are

She’s maybe hoping to be VP?

Wonder why? Dont trust this slimy russian asset

No one can be trusted anymore. There's zero reason to vote, it doesn't matter at all! Your vote doesn't count at all. They're all liars.

Vice President Gabbard?

NeverBiden NeverBiden


That is a surprise

BREAKING: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is letting us know what the rest of America already knew 3 debates ago. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Tulsi, throwing in with regime change Joe? None of these people are honest about who they represent themselves to be. You gotta be shitting me. Is Warren next to throw in with Biden, a person she got in to politics to fight against? Holding on to power is more important than Us.

No one cares but are very glad to hear this.

That took forever 😐

She should endorse Bernie he needs the votes for the next primaries which he will lose.

All the dems are falling in line as directed by their party sleepy joe will run against our incumbent president mr Trump......

Oh f'real?

Rep = republican.

Finally a bit of GOOD news during this tumultuous time

She hadnt even qualified for a debate since Jan so why was she still hanging on? Sanders needs to follow suit and get behind Biden.

Wait... she hadn’t dropped out yet?

What a hack.


More time for surfing, if she can find a beach that's open. And we all know that surfers are great at SocialDistancing.

Why does this even deserve an announcement? Who really cares?

That oil war with the Saudis. Must be severely crimping the Kremlin budget


Tulsi needs to hit the waves Bra! Yo, duuuude! Rad barrels out there! smh

Where has this woman or her campaign been relevant?


Damn. I guess it’s time to see what other options are out there.

I dunno, man. Tulsi is like a Droplet to me. Does anyone really want to be around her?




Thank you....

Whoa that’s crazy, she had so many votes!

Russian agent should be jailed for life

Her supporters are about to go crazy

We deserve that “lol”, nick hahah

She's pigshit.


SleepyJoe ? Tulsi clearly doesn't want to offend the Washington/DNC establishment 😜

Wow she’s the last woman in the 2020 presidential race to end her campaign 😯.....


All five or her supporters will be devastated.

Now why can't BernieSanders do this? Because he is as bad as Trump.


terrible. progressives should not support Biden. Bernie2020 NeverBiden

Ha! that sound you hear is Berners heads exploding! 😆


Was she running for something?

What took her so long?

So now AP decides to publish news about Gabbard's campaign. AP is deplorable.

Tulsi lost All future votes from me!

Fuck Tulsi!


lmmfao, nobody cares about the rule of law anymore

Gee, WHEN did you tell your donators who realized all you were doing was a Publicity Stunt!

I can't wait to hear jimmy_dore take on this endorsement.


Bahahaha the democrats are pathetic

Wait, she was still running!?

Democracy is dead.


TulsiGabbard What took you so long?

We all know it's between Biden and Sanders.

Welp..Bernie acted like he didn't know her the whole time, not a shocker.

Her white pantsuit's going to stay in, isn't it?

Waiting for Biden to apologize for everything that the media has accused Tulsi of being. “Assad apologist,” “Putin’s puppet”/“Russian asset”

mtracey on suicide watch

I almost voted fot her. I'm glad that I didn't now.

Wow shouldnt be a sellout

What a hack

Her tens of voters in American Samoa are going to be so disappointed!

Fs in the chat for Michael Tracey

What a shame, i thought she had more scruples than to endorse warmonger joe biden


Dead to me

Wait what...she was still in the race?

LasVegasSun Gross , how can you be all against the military industrial complex but will support Biden . Politicians looking at there bottom line there own interest .

I don't have any say in American politics but I liked Tulsi😞

About time! And now we know for sure just how 'progressive' she is, don't we?


A Iraq war veteran who is against 'endless wars' endorses a lying pro war stoker... The logic eludes me here.

Who is she?

She was the only one who knew she was still in it.

ronflatter Present.


Missed it by that much.


She was still ruining?

Despite the DNCRigging2020 which kept the last Woman, Veteran, and POC from being on the debate stage, TulsiGabbard ran a honest and principled campaign. She stayed true to her word and put her support behind the nominee, even if he sucks. She deserved better.

Trash is going to the landfill

uifreebies She was one of the good ones!

I will never vote for Biden. Shame on you Tulsi.

Nice to hear, but she can give her 0.5% support to Bernie, another kook, as far as I'm concerned.

Gabbard is a Republican plant and a Russian asset.



😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 It can’t be possible


Lmao what a phony

AdamSerwer I did not expect this, but it's great.

The sexist, racists DNC pushed her right out - and didn't even give her a chance against those old, white, establishment candidates. That poor woman, shepersisted

4 🤥🤥🤥🤥Pinocchio’s for Tulsi when she said she wasn’t like the others. She’s exactly the same.

She had some respect left then she supported Biden. Gone now.


uifreebies Gonna be a lot of Berniensupporter walk back statements as to their opinion that Tulsi was not establishment. Or maybe they figure out that it was never about being 'establishment' all along.

Disruptive to whom? Her family? Surely it was barely a blip nationally.

Suspends her non existent presidential campaign


AdamSerwer I also will probably at this point suspend my campaign. Stay tuned, and thank you for your continued support.


TedNesi Who?

Thank You, Tulsi❣️ Please help Joe🥰🇺🇸🇺🇸

w h a t .

Quick , jump on the gravy train!

The dems finally met her price

Berners asses about to be really pissed!!!!

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