Gabbard: 'Assad is not the enemy of the United States'

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Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad 'is not the enemy of the United States because Syria does not pose a direct threat to the United States'


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With that mind set the US wouldn't have fought the Nazis as they did not attack the US but their ally Japan did. RUSSIA AND CHINA are threats to this nation as is their associates Assad included. The police dont say ok top drug dealer is aproblem let's not go after guys on street

Okay CNN we get it! She is not your party's chosen one.

I agree

Israel is the enemy of the USA. When is this cover up going to stop and be exposed ?

And thank you for exposing your complete ignorance of world issues.

CNN intentionally leaves out because its audience is composed of Liberal Fanatics: Every friend of Syria hates the United States. Direct Threat: Russia & Iran. CNN All the News it can Hide....

Yes and she is absolute correct

45 and his Mafia family is more of a threat to our country!

And she is correct. But good job trying to take her statements out of context.

Thank you Rep. Tulsi Gabbard it’s about time someone tells the truth to fellow Americans about the lies and propaganda of cooperate media and our Government for creating never ending wars.

Makes sense to me

She really needs to switch parties.

No, but maybe her hidden mind set does. Hopefully, not.

I'll take Tulsi2020 over everyone else who has announced thus far. Keep shilling for war you evil jerks.

I don’t Tras CNN news is fake

Did she follow the news? He gassed his own people.

I'd hate for ONE presidential candidate to be anti-war. What a horrorshow.

Assad is a ruthless dictator who has used chemical weapons and slaughtered thousands of his own people. He must be very popular with Trump.

So it’s ok with you that he kills his own people?

Her election should be recalled before she helps in the downfall of the American way

Tyrants are the enemy of all men.

Now ? Why drama sufferings created by Obama time action plan Trump is right POTUS who really cares the world peace.

A great story of the mutually exclusive beauty and the brains

Tulsi.... Your one smart lady. Keep telling it like it is. You are my Democrat

She’s gonnacrash

Disappointing. Thought a veteran would know better.

I think those that gas their own citizens are our enemies

I would never guess that some sensical talk about our perpetual wars and world policing would provoke such strong reactions. The coordinated media attacks against this woman are a tough wake up call that —to quote the great George Carlin—“we are a war loving people”

Tulsi better get ready to deal with the wrath of the war loving crowd!

She wont last long!

How many countries are a “direct threat” to the US? Not counting countries making threats like dogs bark.


What is wrong with you CNN and Tulsi!!!? Chemical weapons used to kill people, including civilians. Massive displacement and an incubation area for terrorism you have all lost you minds and are putting the USA’s safety at risk. Politics have clouded your vision.

She’s clueless

How much she get paid by him to say that ? Or how much does she know about Syria ?! Both ways she’s ignorant

I now understand why so many wannabe politicians join the Democrat party; it's like peewee baseball, where everyone can play regardless of skills, intelligence or talent.


Maybe that’s why we don’t attack them

And with that, the door closed firmly on her presidential hopes.


Lets face reality. We the average working people, the graduates who can or payed their loans will need to pay for other peoples’ loans too. You can’t get punished anymore, you try, it you fail the one who succeeded will pay for you. So why even try?

Any leader who murders his own people (including using weapons of mass destruction) is an enemy of the world. We can't depend on the UN to protect his people.

She's not schooled in US diplomatic policies. How did she get into congress?

She won't last long.

The only candidate woves to end wars gets smeared with hatred by Neocon MSM !

It’s the Democrats themselves that are the biggest enemy of the United States

I don’t think this candidacy is going to go too far 🤔

The Syria government is a victims of conspiracy war orchestrated by the Arab spring moments

Vietnam didn't pose a direct threat to the US either. But because we didn't finish the job correctly, millions were murdered at the hands of Pol Pot. I'd ask Ms Gabbard (if I was a 'real' Journalist that worked at ) if she wanted to revisit the Killing Fields of Cambodia.

Her opinion on international relations tells so much she does'nt know about whats happening outside America. Don't see her making much headway in the P. nomination.

She can drop out now

Thank you very much Hawaii 🖕🏼

Syrian army is in Syria. .. no one meet Syrian army in USA


Isolationist BS!

Just lost my vote. That didn’t take long.

She is right, more or less.

He is a bad man but not our enemy! Concentrate on Putin and leaders of China and N. Korea! oh! And Iran and Saudi Arabia where the 19 hijackers came from & they kill journalists and torture women!

Showing her stupidity I see, that did not take long!!!

Wow. So wrong !

I’m a Democrat giving her the side eye. She’s very smug in interviews, holier than thou attitude, and now this BS? No thank you!

I mean assad is fighting terrorists and isis who are allies of America and israel so yeah she is wrong about that in reality .... but officially Americans never said they are fighting against Syria because its illegal according to international laws.... So is technically correct

What a foolish lady ....send her to Syria

What are you smoking

This one is actually true. Syria is no enemy. ISIS is the enemy.

She is an enemy, as well as fake news...

CNN is poop news


She is right!!

Oh yeah & that goes for Tulsi too.

CNN & MSM is the enemy of the United States.

😂Assad allowed terrorists to transit his country to target US troops including TulsiGabbard who were participating n OIF.

Ok. Go away now.

That’s A Text Book Example of of Why we Can’t let These IDIOTS!! Have ANY Power!!! It’s Ok to kill ya Own people just as long as you don’t kill ours Then we all Good BRO! 😉👊🏼

Go n help India

Have they legalized Lucy in her state.....I think she is still on a trip

Anyone who exterminates his people is an enemy of American and human ideals.


She’s right you know.

Gabbard and AOC must be sisters. Only separated because of pure stupidity.

While technically true, Assad is a enemy of humanity. That includes many Americans.

I like TulsiGabbard. She’s a compete clown, but I like her.

Why give the Starbucks fool or this ahole any coverage?

lol If he is not why did American legislators arm three street gangs to kill his people and try to overthrow his government?

I think someone Pearl Harbored her brain. robertflay69

Neither did Other Arab Nations during the Arab spring but that didn’t stop the past administration from getting us involved. We should pull out and never look back. The president should have added “don’t make us come back” during SOTU.

🤪crazy lady

Tulsi sure has alot to learn, she needs to get out of the prez race is her guard is so far down

Omg......TulsiGabbard is dumb. Bashar al-Assad is a tyrant and backed by Russia. A portion of his own army revolted to form the Free Syrian Army to overthrow him. From this state of civil war ISIS flourished like the Wild West. I WAS THERE. Any questions?



Here is another USELESS individual that is trying to use the race or femenist card. Unfortunately, that is the ONLY things she has in favor. What a waste!!!

Here we go

The defense contractors put a lot of money into advertising TulsiGabbard . They need constant wars.

And she is okay with the happenings in that country?

Quite an assumption

Misinformed politician has no clue who the butcher Assad regime is. Too bad, TulsiGabbard

She is right. The Arab Spring was wrongheaded policy of Mr. Obama and the wicked witch.

What is wrong with her She has serious problems with cognition and interpretation and concluding....weird arrogant person!!!! Dangerous😡🤬👿

Wow. Just wow.

Goodbye Tulsi’s Presidential hopes

at TulsiPress not only does not understand anything about Syria and Assad’s role in past terror activity, how about chemical weapon use multiple times against his own people of Syria? Anything other than calling him a monster is unacceptable.

As a Dem this was a WEAK STANCE to take after everything we went through with 9/11 & several years of war in the Middle East of people like him that were hoarding those against the United States. Trump's & Oligarchs in U.S. would have you believe Saudi Arabia is friend THEBIGLIE

She’s not serious. I don’t think her family will vote for her.

Bring them home! AmericaFirst

Here’s another Socialist seeking to be a President 🤣🤣🤣

Think about it if Democrats have Congress , senate and president for 30 years.


That’s interesting foreign policy from the dark side of the moon.

Another Democrat's that's talking about the side of her neck.

She's wrong & he is ! There is no bigger no bigger threat to humanity than Assad , he should be tried for war crimes , crimes against humanity .

Remember now all Democrats see are shit rainbows and but licking fairies.

She is technically correct. That doesn't mean we don't need to be there. There is more to foreign policy and intervention than being directly threatened. If we are part of an alliance a lot of times that is why we are there. There is also Israel and they want us there.

Contrary to what CNN told you it is not against the law to look at wikileaks. If you want to know the real reason Hillary's state department wanted Assad gone you can find it there.

She can stay with her new friend in the peaceful country of Syria and leave us at peace from her idiocy. Shheesshh

not quite how that works

Gabbard is very disappointing. Assad is a murderer.

She must be drinking the same juice as the prick at the White House 🤦‍♀️

She's a Kremlin shill.

This is a thorny issue to step into like this. The Syrian situation is VERY complex, so good luck giving a quick sound bite on who is and isn’t a threat to the USA in that conflict without whatever you say being turned against you.

Look like we have somebody sleeping with the enemy.

Who votes for these imbeciles ?

Foreign policy explained in one gaffe!

🖕communist get out now and safe some dignity

Your kidding me, right?

I confess that most stupidity found among women 🥴

He is a so close friend 😀


Tulsi Gabbard vs Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez _________ fight!!!

Are these democrats learning to make a fool of themselves like realDonaldTrump ? What a foolish statement!

Not all representatives understand foreign policy.

Interesting thought for sure

TulsiGabbard is the Manchurian candidate! She’s been co-opted by Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria. We demand the translator transcripts and all documents drafted during their private meeting. The house intelligence committee and AdamSchiff need to subpoena her.

Delusional and not surprising.

Another whacko running for the Dems !

🙄 well that shows she is the wrong person for America

She didn't give me confidence in her

Yet the Democrats gave Trump shit for wanting to pull the troops out.

He is cuz he kills his own people

Is this a joke? What a about genocide, the alliance with Russia...she is just as stupid and ignorant as AOC

Did she say that before or after...

For a group that is generally anti gun, democrats sure shoot them selves in the foot a lot.

He is the enemy of all that is decent and humane.

How would she know!

I think we know he’s no threat to America.. he’s a big threat to his own people though

99% of all human civilizations have eventually perished, they either starve or get taken over by someone more advanced. Having internet access, makes us aware of it all, but not responsible for it all.

So an admirer of Assad would like to succeed an admirer of Putin? When did Americans become so enamored of totalitarian thugs?

Gabbard is one of the few politicians in Washington who doesn’t owe her soul to the company store

Tyrants always pose a threat to freedom. What did she miss?

She’s absolutely correct. You can think a dictator is abominable without declaring him an enemy to the United States. MSNBC does not care about Syria or diplomacy—they only want their cool sound bite.

Oh no.... TulsiGabbard must be Syria agent SyriaCollusion. Hurry Robert Mueller investigate her.

Your race is already lost. Save the he money!!!

As a Democrat I am appalled at this level of ignorance. He supports terror groups that would love nothing better than to kill us.

Says the Terrorist

This woman is clearly out of touch.

I see she will be adopting the Obama-Clinton “ there is a line in the sand until you cross it” foreign policy. Basically we will hide and cower again!!!

I heard her say that. Scary.

Stick a fork in her....she's done!

What has Syria done to us? She is right! Why are we sending our troops to die in Syria? Why are we spending millions of dollars on war in countries that pose no threat to us? tulsi2020 teamtulsi peace

Wait what

people in America go to the private sector instead of the civil service and leave the job to dotards

Wrong answer TulsiGabbard

She’s right.

She’s as nuts as Obama who allowed Syrian murderous tyrannical dictator to cross the Red Line & gas/murder his own ppl. Assad would do same to Americans if...

100% factually correct...

Reckon she didn't want the presidency afterall.

Pull your head out of the sand! There Is no threat from Mexico border and there is no threat from Syria. Actually there is nobody interested in hurting Americans. Actually never has been! The only threat is the democrats themselves!

What the Hell she talking about? Is she crazy?

Alternative headline :Tulsi says a fact, Angers war criminals

I will be nice she is IGNORANT

She is a quack.

Another Russian asset sponsored by Syria🤔🧐

Assad is an ally of Russia. That would make them a US adversary.

She already lost so who cares what she says anymore

Regrettably Assad is the enemy of his own Syrian people and a verified war criminal. So there’s that. Your point?

She is thoughtful and sane.. Why did you call her a Democrat.. That's defamation right there

Putin is said to be pleased at his handiwork. Tulsi ain’t getting near the White House ...

You are very correct

I agree with her, anyone that doesn’t is a mug

Then bring are boys home there there for nothing


All the parties in America play on the two cords Bashar al-Assad is not an enemy who violated the freedom of his people killed more than a million people and displaced more than 13 million persons this contradiction in speech Then why is the Venezuelan president an enemy - USA

Well, she just lost any hope of a legitimate run

Got to love Assad's friends: Iran, Russia and Hezbollah to love Assad.

People could have argued the same about that German guy in the 1930s

She’s not wrong...

Get her head out of the sand

We haven't had a great appeaser in a while about time we got one. Now if only we had someone who could play the part of hitler.

Assad literally released, harboured and financed ISIS terrorists so they could commit attacks on the US, our people and our allies. How in the actually fuck did people vote for her?

ISIS grow up from Syria especially city of Raqqa&Manbij. Assad&Iran make them safe way for to go to Iraq for fight with US soldiers! It's happened 15-20 years ago. Turkey also was support that politics. For that Pentagon working with Kurdish ;) Trump populust and lie president!

Drop out now!

What a joke

TulsiGabbard Bye bye. You’re defending Assad whose murdered thousands of women and children. So find another job

There was a time when all you had to do to be an enemy was bomb your own people with chemical weapons, but we've reset a few standards in the last couple years. Prince al-Salman doesn't pose an immediate threat to non-dissenters, so that Kashoggi thing's water under the bridge.

OK, so she’s making a distinction about threats to other things & direct threats to our sovereignty. That’s fair.

I suppose I'm horrible for thinking she'd be better off campaigning in a hula skirt, huh? It would probably lead to more votes than her policies which seem out of touch with the country.

Anyone who uses poison gas on his own people and practices genocide on them is an enemy of the United States.

All these democrats are on a roll! Starting to show their true colors.

Can we just not post anything about TulsiGabbard and maybe she will slowly just disappear back to Hawaii?

Perhaps we should let them all in the U.S. by the hundreds of thousands. They're such peaceful and caring people. We'll house, feed,healthcare and transport them,oh free cell phones too.

So she supports our pullout. Good for her.

Thanks bitch

Those who commit crimes against humanity are among the enemies of the free world. A disgraceful comment.

carp40404 Delusion is contagious!

She has less chance of winning the presidency than my dog.

She needs to stop eating so much sunscreen

Yeah, she’s done.

I’m confused how she has missed the history of that country. To be honest what the Kurds and Turks did to the Christian people in Syria in the past, has come full circle on them. I say wash our hands of Syria now and let all the other Countries deal with them.

After he killed one million innocent Syrian& 6 million refugees all over the world I would called him the ENEMY of humanity. Stop giving him green light to keep doing what he do best he’s a KILLER. Congress has all images of Syrian who dies under torture over 50k reviews it .

The Democratic Party is an absolute joke! They are in shambles!!! A bunch of hateful evil scoundrels & hypocrites!!! NEVER EVER VOTE DEMOCRAT!!! Good grief!

They literally chant “death to America”. That’s not friendly.

No more than Bin Salman Al Saud of Saudi Arabia who, despite his actions on Khasoggi, and SA's indiscriminate bombing in Yemen and support of Russian bombing in Syria, is a great friend and ally. And the difference is...? Are we to fight every leader we don't like in the world?


Isn’t that special!?

It may be time she withdraws. Not a strong start to say the least.

She’s right. He’s not. He’s not developing and harbouring terrorists


Assad killed about 500,000 innocents Syrians and destroyed 3/4 of the country and sent 10,000,000 in refugee and still Rep. Tulsi consider Asaad not the enemy of the USA. Tell Rep. The enemy of the humanity is considered an enemy of USA and the whole world. Shame!

That's because Democrats are the direct threat to the United states!!

Spoken like a true Syrian spokeswomen. Who voted for this socialist nutcase?

Be careful lady, we're keeping an eye on you.

Campaign over👍

She is absolutely right. Putin is the enemy.

This is how you lose elections. Goodbye.

CNN fake news🤣

Do not vote for her

Dog whistle from CNN: “Tulsi Gabbard calls for non-intervention against bad men who aren’t sanctioned bad men of the US. She is therefore the enemy.”


Bye, bye!

Ok so chemical attacks on his own people are cool? Hey Donald get ready to rid the US of the Democrats


Of good Lord. She should drop,out before she starts. Her past comments and beliefs are worse than anything Elizabeth Warren has said and if Warren is in trouble, so is Gabbard.

Uhh.. great talking points by another Manchurian candidate.

He is a threat to humanity in general, a despicable president for the Syrian people and a poor excuse for a human being!!!!!!!!!

The more TulsiGabbard talks, the more she sounds like a 'russian asset'

I agree but that does not give them the right to kill anybody like dogs if he is guilty.Trump started this when he gave them a free ride when he said we could not afford to Jose because of oil,that is wrong and we all know It!

carp40404 Goodbye Tulsi.

She is wrong he is a friend of Russian and has use and Made Chemical weapons on his people so he is a emery of the state



And she just started to campaign?

Wow, lots of war and death fans in the comments here. Are all CNN viewers this bloodthirsty? Gabbards correct and we need to stop our indiscriminate killing in the middle east.


People said the same thing about Osama bin Laden. MAGA

Yeah she’s said some dumb things

Dictatorship isn’t, and we know that money can buy friendship

Yeah and? How does syria pose a threat to the US?

This might be the craziest thing you hear from a potential Dem Presidential candidate. I can see a Rep saying this. Assad is a threat to humanity in general. The US, and every other country, has a moral obligation to stop Assad from murdering his own people. He is a monster.

So it’s ok that they are slaughtering their own citizens? Men, women and children!

Another compelling reason why I'm NPA.

Presidential campaign

I think it’s an interesting question. Are leaders of countries you disagree with your enemy ? Where’s the limit ?

Well...maybe. Welcome to the mainland, Tita!

Tulsa’s pet name for Assad is Jumpin’ Jack Flash.


Al-Assad is a puppet of Russia and Iran and if Gabbard is too naive to figure that out she shouldn't be running for president and should consider leaving Congress as well.

Tulsi, you sound like Trump.

White folk trying to hide who they really are. Smh!!

Lack of context puts this headline in the ‘unprofessional reporting’ box. Should read ‘Assad and Syria not deemed threat against US by Presidential hopeful TulsiGabbard

I think this woman should go out and smoke some more Maui Wowie on the beaches of Hawaii and shut the hell up she's starting to sound as stupid as Alexandria occasional cortex

That will not help her

Ignorance is bliss dude. TulsiGabbard TulsiPress

She’s HOT and dangerous (not the good kind )

America defends the weak!

Shes not a real Democrat. We getting rid of her.


Cute enough for me.

True but he is a murderous enemy of his own people.

Assad is an enemy of the world and she is a supporter. AlohaYourWayOutOfTheRace

Democrats lmao!

Who are you representing ..... the Sirian dictator ...... what is happening

Well Hitler posed no threat to the United States either if were using that logic.

Just drop out...

Only a warmonger would argue otherwise. Bought by the MIC.

Not well informed and not to be taken seriously.

And the red scare tactics from pro war sheep who conveniently overlook the fact that she is an officer of the National Guard who served overseas begin in 3... 2...

And she can go away now. Byeeeee

Wrong. He is a barbaric, mass killer of his own people. That makes him an immortal enemy of the World.

Why are the hot ones always sooooooo stupid? Lol

And I agree with her

Why waste time on this fake combat veteran? She has absolutely NO combat experience.

And she’s correct

TulsiGabbard Are the American service members in Syria part of the US? When they get shot or disabled by an IED do they feel they were attacked by a non-threat? When they come home with PTSD or only part of their bodies will they feel threatened by lack of good health care?

Watch the While interview and Stop with Fake News

Why is common logic all of the sudden a news story?

Tulsi..I believe Russia is trying to fund your election in 2020...not voting for you..strike one

She is compromised by Russia

Really? He gases his own people! He’s evil! Wow!

It's not often that I agree with a deathCultDemocrat but on this issue... she's correct. POTUS realDonaldTrump should pull troops out of Syria with the express understanding if anyone messes with Kurds, they can expect to see a MoaB up close.

Who the hell is this person The female Trump? Bye Felicia

Democrats are a clear threat to America

And she’s RIGHT

No one remembers the fashionable Brad Pitt and Angelina interview with the Assads?

She needs someone to mansplain it to her.

She’s an embarrassment to our party.

And this is what the Democratic Party stands for .....

At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if she loses her primary next year.

That is absolutely correct.

She is right

How about that he is an enemy of his own people? Chemical weapons attacks? Slaughtering 1000s of civilians? While socialist democrat gov's in NY & VA want to kill millions of children, we should still help the helpless in the middle east, and anywhere on the planet!

Here we go

Well, know one person I won’t vote for. Anyone cozy with a leader who uses nerve gas on his people needs a mental health checkup. TulsiGabbard

Another one ful of crap!

What does the Saudi Government have on America that we failed to do anything after finding out 15 of the 9-11 Hijackers were Saudi nationals? That is not the only conspiracy coming out of that region. This whole worlds alien Religion comes right out of that region. Surprised?

Yup Presidential

TulsiGabbard TulsiPress AP Maybe Ms Gabbard what makes Dictator Al-Assad, not President, enemy of the people is because of his extermination of men, women & children, I believe that's called Genocide, your thinking is not online with morally thinking people or Democratic party

Some where lines where changed i believe and the tables turned in politics. The democrates are just like the play station video game. Grand theft auto. Nothing mote than common street thug's. MaAm/^*.

No! We need to do another regime change and cause even more problems in the Middle East!!!!!!

This chick is crazy! Sure she’s not a GOP plant?

Yea and Irans not a threat. 2 years Trump made iran no longer a threat. All he had to do was say they were. MAGA2020

Yea but he also gassed children so....

Eh, gotta disagree with your assessment, Rep TulsiGabbard. More than once he has called for the destruction of the US and that combined with his record on human rights violations make him a threat to the rest of the world.

Whats That Now ...? He IS A TYRANT WHO HAS GASED HIS OWN PPL?! Yes He IS An ENEMY 2 the World & ALL ITS PPL'S!

An enemy of individual, human, & civil rights is an enemy of these United States of America...!!!!

People elected this thing....

Should pick someone less pro-ISIS. just a thought.

Rep. Gabbard has a lot to learn.

The Corp media that is the military industrial complex propagandists, Assad will attack Alabama so we must kill Syrians.

Nope , he only gasses his own people .. the hell is wrong with these Democrats

For now

BREAKING: Two Presidential contenders bite the dust in one week... Warren & Gabbard! Who’s next ...Kamala?

It’s hard to believe Gabbard represents the same state that also has the awesome Senators Hirono and Schatz

I find her entire interview this morning suspicious especially with the report that her candidacy has caught the eye of the Kremlin... How hard is it to denounce a dictator who uses chemical weapons on his own citizens? I guess if he’s linked with Russia, it’s very hard...

For once a politician speaking the truth.

Not too early for her to drop out

The ZIonist establishment will take her down :(

She must have forgotten their use of Chemical weapons on civilians...

She’s right! Explain how he’s a direct threat to the USA if u disagree with her. Facts not feeling please

Rookie Mistake? Ignorant? Just doesn’t have a clue? Or does she actually believe this?

I agree with her. For the record, Saddam didn't pose a direct thread to us either. And look how going after him turned out. It's probably not wise to repeat our old mistakes.

Campaign over.

Is she wrong?

de primeira achei que era a manuela

She is as useless as any orthodox Indian could get.

cnn don’t waste your time with Gabbard, we don’t need another Kremlin puppet.

She's not exactly playing 4D chess, is she?

What a foolish statement by a rookie. She don’t know much about too many things it’s becoming ever so clear to most people. Another big ego

You beltway media bullshitn doppelgängers take one thing Gabbatd said and can’t even give it proper fucking context!

Bye Felicia TulsiGabbard

Her campaign right now.

Go away...perhaps she is under cover agent for gop...

Well... thanks for playing. Next 2020

Another Democrat out of tough

Right out of the Putin playbook! Go get ‘em TulsiGabbard

Obama botched Syria... now the Democrats are calling for prolonged war there. Sickening.

Done, SO DONE! Like can't get elected dog catcher done!

Does not make Assad a good guy. Tulsi should just step down. She is wasting her time.

Uneducated response. What do you expect of a liberal Democrat though.

Trump is our only enemy, he's the traitor.

She should not be running!

TulsiGabbard should drop out already and stop wasting our time.

Is she wrong...

she won't last long


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Opinion | China’s threat to the United States goes way beyond tariffs and tradeOpinion | David A. Andelman: 'Whether the Trump White House will listen to the U.S. intelligence community's warnings remains unclear, however.' - NBCNewsTHINK THINK Trump’s behavior is a much bigger threat to our security than the illegal immigrants coming across the border. It is getting worse by the day. THINK We are headed for TROUBLE & it’s going to happen soon IF Trump & his damned Administration do NOT listen to INTELLIGENCE ASAP‼️‼️‼️‼️ THINK China had been the world leader for hundreds years, and they went through rather bumpy ride in 20th century. Now they are seeking to reclaim the throne in some very old political fashions.
Source: NBCNews - 🏆 10. / 86 Read more »

Australia is sweltering through record-breaking heat. And the worst is yet to comeAs the United States suffers from a record freeze, Australia is sweltering through an extreme heatwave Yeah, it has been unbearable this summer. Temperatures past 40 degrees Celsius for my region. But other parts have gotten temperatures up to 49 degrees C, apparently. Two weeks of average 40c and full humidity! top to bottom extreme
Source: CNN - 🏆 4. / 95 Read more »

Major European nations recognize Guaido as Venezuela presidentEight European nations joined the United States in recognizing opposition leader... Absurdo! Quer fazer da Venezuela um Brasil de merda! Because Yay! White people countries!!! Of course Major European Nations recognize Juan Guaido, there is a nice prize waiting in the wings, economic and business concessions all for the taking with the former government out of the way, the real losers are the common people of Venezuela.
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

Russia: U.S. exit from nuclear pact would not mean new Cold War - RIAThe United States' full withdrawal from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forc... Racist to multiply the atmosphere then the new racist word can be used if it can be perfect it can still be calculate ant present problem reinforced the foolish racist word to follow the show to be cover a grow We can see Russia further disintegrated Naw..
Source: Reuters - 🏆 2. / 97 Read more »

Trump doesn't understand even the basics of national intelligenceTrump doesn't understand even the basics of national intelligence (via latimesopinion) opinion opinion You could cross out “national” and this headline would still be 100% accurate opinion
Source: latimes - 🏆 11. / 82 Read more »